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Submitted URL: https://www.thehacker.recipes/a-d/movement/kerberos
Effective URL: https://www.thehacker.recipes/ad/movement/kerberos
Submission: On June 13 via manual from FI — Scanned from ES

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 * Introduction
 * Active Directory
   * Reconnaissance
      * DHCP
      * DNS
      * NBT-NS
      * Responder ⚙️
      * Port scanning
      * LDAP
      * BloodHound ⚙️
      * MS-RPC
      * enum4linux ⚙️
      * Password policy
   * Movement
      * Credentials
         * Dumping
            * SAM & LSA secrets
            * DPAPI secrets
            * NTDS secrets
            * LSASS secrets
            * DCSync
            * Group Policy Preferences
            * Network shares
            * Network protocols
            * Web browsers
            * In-memory secrets
            * Kerberos key list
            * 🛠️Cached Kerberos tickets
            * 🛠️Windows Credential Manager
            * 🛠️Local files
            * 🛠️Password managers
         * Cracking
         * Bruteforcing
            * Guessing
            * Spraying
            * Stuffing
         * Shuffling
         * Impersonation
      * MITM and coerced auths
         * ARP poisoning
         * DNS spoofing
         * DHCP poisoning
         * DHCPv6 spoofing
         * WSUS spoofing
         * LLMNR, NBT-NS, mDNS spoofing
         * ADIDNS poisoning
         * WPAD spoofing
         * MS-EFSR abuse (PetitPotam)
         * MS-RPRN abuse (PrinterBug)
         * MS-FSRVP abuse (ShadowCoerce)
         * MS-DFSNM abuse (DFSCoerce)
         * PushSubscription abuse
         * WebClient abuse (WebDAV)
         * 🛠️NBT Name Overwrite
         * 🛠️ICMP Redirect
         * 🛠️Living off the land
      * NTLM
         * Capture
         * Relay
         * Pass the hash
      * Kerberos
         * Pre-auth bruteforce
         * Pass the key
         * Overpass the hash
         * Pass the ticket
         * Pass the cache
         * Forged tickets
            * Silver tickets
            * Golden tickets
            * Diamond tickets
            * Sapphire tickets
            * RODC Golden tickets
            * MS14-068
         * ASREQroast
         * ASREProast
         * Kerberoast
         * Delegations
            * (KUD) Unconstrained
            * (KCD) Constrained
            * (RBCD) Resource-based constrained
            * S4U2self abuse
            * Bronze Bit
         * Shadow Credentials
         * UnPAC the hash
         * Pass the Certificate
         * sAMAccountName spoofing
         * SPN-jacking
      * DACL abuse
         * AddMember
         * ForceChangePassword
         * Targeted Kerberoasting
         * ReadLAPSPassword
         * ReadGMSAPassword
         * Grant ownership
         * Grant rights
         * Logon script
         * Rights on RODC object
      * Group policies
      * Trusts
      * Netlogon
         * ZeroLogon
      * Certificate Services (AD-CS)
         * Certificate templates
         * Certificate authority
         * Access controls
         * Unsigned endpoints
         * Certifried
      * SCCM / MECM
         * Privilege escalation
         * Post-exploitation
      * Exchange services
         * 🛠️PrivExchange
         * 🛠️ProxyLogon
         * 🛠️ProxyShell
      * Print Spooler Service
         * PrinterBug
         * PrintNightmare
      * Schannel
         * Pass the Certificate
      * Built-ins & settings
         * Security groups
         * MachineAccountQuota
         * Pre-Windows 2000 computers
         * RODC
   * Persistence
      * DC Shadow
      * SID History
      * Skeleton key
      * GoldenGMSA
      * AdminSDHolder
      * Kerberos
         * Forged tickets
         * Delegation to KRBTGT
      * Certificate Services (AD-CS)
         * Certificate authority
         * Access controls
         * Golden certificate
      * 🛠️DACL abuse
      * Shadow Principals (PAM)
 * Web services
   * Reconnaissance
      * HTTP response headers
      * Comments and metadata
      * Error messages
      * Site crawling
      * Directory fuzzing
      * Subdomains enumeration
      * Subdomain & vhost fuzzing
      * Web Application Firewall (WAF)
      * Content Management System (CMS)
      * Other technologies
      * Known vulnerabilities
   * Configuration
      * Default credentials
      * HTTP methods
      * HTTP security headers
         * Clickjacking
         * MIME type sniffing
         * 🛠️CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
         * 🛠️CSP (Content Security Policy)
      * HTTP request smuggling
      * HTTP response splitting
      * Insecure Cookies
      * Denial of Service (DoS)
      * Identity and Access Management
         * 🛠️OAuth 2.0
   * Accounts and sessions
      * Security policies
      * Password change
      * 🛠️Password reset
      * Account creation
      * 🛠️Account deletion
      * 🛠️Logging in
   * User inputs
      * File inclusion
         * LFI to RCE
            * logs poisoning
            * phpinfo
            * file upload
            * PHP wrappers and streams
            * PHP session
            * /proc
         * RFI to RCE
      * Unrestricted file upload
      * SQL injection
      * XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)
      * CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
      * SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery)
      * IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference)
      * ORED Open redirect
      * Content-Type juggling
      * XXE injection
      * Insecure JSON Web Tokens
      * 🛠️HTTP parameter pollution
      * 🛠️SSTI (Server-Side Template Injection)
      * 🛠️Insecure deserialization
      * 🛠️CRLF injection
      * 🛠️Arbitrary file download
      * 🛠️Directory traversal
      * 🛠️Null-byte injection
 * Systems & services
   * Reconnaissance
      * 🛠️Hosts discovery
      * Port scanning
   * Initial access (protocols)
      * 🛠️FTP
      * 🛠️SSH
      * 🛠️Telnet
      * 🛠️DNS
      * 🛠️HTTP
      * 🛠️Kerberos
      * 🛠️LDAP
      * 🛠️SMB
      * 🛠️RTSP
      * 🛠️MSSQL
      * 🛠️NFS
      * 🛠️MySQL
      * 🛠️RDP
      * 🛠️WinRM
   * Initial access (phishing)
   * Privilege escalation
      * Windows
         * 🛠️Credential dumping
         * 🛠️Unquoted path
         * 🛠️Scheduled tasks
         * 🛠️Weak service permissions
         * 🛠️Vulnerable drivers
         * 🛠️Account privileges
         * 🛠️Kernel exploitation
         * 🛠️Windows Subsystem for Linux
         * 🛠️Runas saved creds
         * Unattend files
         * 🛠️Network secrets
         * 🛠️Living off the land
      * UNIX-like
         * SUDO
         * SUID/SGID binaries
         * 🛠️Capabilities
         * 🛠️Network secrets
         * 🛠️Living off the land
   * Pivoting
      * 🛠️Port forwarding
      * 🛠️SOCKS proxy
 * Evasion
   * (AV) Anti-Virus
      * 🛠️Loader
      * 🛠️Dropper
      * 🛠️Obfuscation
      * 🛠️Process injection
      * 🛠️Stealth with C2
   * 🛠️(EDR) Endpoint Detection and Response
 * 🛠️Physical
   * Locks
   * Networking
      * Network Access Control
   * Machines
      * HID injection
      * Keylogging
      * BIOS security
      * Encryption
      * Airstrike attack
   * Super secret zones
      * 🍌Banana & chocolate cake
      * 🍳Omelette du fromage
      * 🍔Burger du seigneur
      * 🥞The Pancakes of Heaven
 * 🛠️Intelligence gathering
      * Emails
      * Web infrastructure
   * OSINT
 * 🛠️RADIO
   * RFID
      * Mifare Classic
         * Default keys
         * Darkside
         * Nested
   * Bluetooth
   * Wi-Fi
      * 🛠️WEP
      * 🛠️WPA2
      * 🛠️WPS
   * Wireless keyboard/mouse
 * 🛠️mobile apps
   * Android
      * Android Debug Bridge ⚙️
      * APK transform
      * Magisk
   * iOS
      * Certificate pinning

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A Kerberos realm is a logical group of networked computers that share a common
authentication database. The authentication database is used to store the
Kerberos tickets that are issued to users and services when they authenticate to
the network.

In a Kerberos environment, each networked computer is a member of a realm. The
realm is responsible for authenticating users and services and for issuing and
managing Kerberos tickets.

A Kerberos realm can be implemented on any type of network, including networks
that are not running Windows. In fact, the Kerberos protocol was developed as an
open standard and is used by many different types of operating systems and

On a Windows network, a Kerberos realm is typically equivalent to a domain. Each
domain in a Windows network is a member of a realm, and the domain controller is
responsible for authenticating users and services and for issuing and managing
Kerberos tickets.

However, on a non-Windows network, a Kerberos realm can be implemented
independently of any domain structure. In this case, the Kerberos server is
responsible for authenticating users and services and for issuing and managing
Kerberos tickets.

The Hacker Recipes mainly covers Kerberos attacks in a Windows context, but some
attacks can also be conducted in non-Windows networks.


Kerberos is an authentication protocol based on tickets. It basically works like
this (simplified process):


 1. Client asks the KDC (Key Distribution Center, usually is a domain
    controller) for a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket). One of the requesting user's
    keys is used for pre-authentication. The TGT is provided by the
    Authentication Service (AS). The client request is called AS-REQ, the answer
    is called AS-REP.


 2. Client uses the TGT to ask the KDC for a ST (Service Ticket). That ticket is
    provided by the Ticket Granting Service (TGS). The client request is called
    TGS-REQ, the answer is called TGS-REP.


 3. Client uses the ST (Service Ticket) to access a service. The client request
    to the service is called AP-REQ, the service answer is called AP-REP.


 4. Both tickets (TGT and ST) usually contain an encrypted PAC (Privilege
    Authentication Certificate), a set of information that the target service
    will read to decide if the authentication user can access the service or not
    (user ID, group memberships and so on).


A Service Ticket (ST) allows access to a specific service.

When requesting a service ticket, the client (cname) specifies the service it
wants to obtain access to by supplying it's sname, which can be one of 9 types
(RPC 4120 section 6.2). Shortly put, the following formats are supported:


 * servicePrincipalName


 * userPrincipalName


 * sAMAccountName


 * sAMAccountName@DomainNetBIOSName


 * sAMAccountName@DomainFQDN


 * DomainNetBIOSName\sAMAccountName


 * DomainFQDN\sAMAccountName


> Note that if you use the SRV01 string as a sAMAccountName, and the SRV01
> account does not exist, and the SRV01$ account exists, this name will be
> treated as a principal name of the SRV01$ account.
> (swarm.ptsecurity.com)

On a good note, if the service name is specified as something else than an SPN
(i.e. SAN, UPN), Kerberos will basically deliver service tickets if the
requested service


 * has a trailing $ in the requested SAN (sAMAccountName)


 * or has at least one SPN (servicePrincipalName)


If the service ticket is requested through a specific U2U (User-to-User)
request, then neither of the conditions above will be required, the target
service user can be specified by its UPN (userPrincipalName).

(sources: Twitter and [MS-KILE] section

The TGT is used to ask for STs. TGTs can be obtained when supplying a valid
secret key. That key can be one of the following (read more).

Key name (a.k.a. etype)Details on key calculation


Key derivated from user's password


Key == NT hash


Key derivated from user's password (with salt)


Key derivated from user's password (with salt)

By default, the salt is always


 * For users: uppercase FQDN + case sensitive username = DOMAIN.LOCALuser


 * For computers: uppercase FQDN + host + lowercase FQDN hostname without the
   trailing $ = DOMAIN.LOCALhostcomputer.domain.local


(Kerberos keys calculation)

Again, Microsoft has poorly implemented the zero-knowledge proof concept in
Kerberos. An attacker knowing a user's NT hash could use it to ask the KDC for a
TGT (if RC4 key is accepted). This is called Overpass-the-hash.

pagePass the key

Users are not the only ones whose NT hashes can be used to abuse Kerberos.


 * A TGT is encrypted with the krbtgt's NT hash. An attacker knowing the
   krbtgt's NT hash can forge TGTs impersonating a domain admin. He can then
   request STs as a domain admin for any service. The attacker would have access
   to everything. This forged TGT is called a Golden ticket.


 * A ST is encrypted with the service account's NT hash. An attacker knowing a
   service account's NT hash can use it to forge a Service ticket and obtain
   access to that service. This forged Service ticket is called a Silver ticket.


pageForged tickets

Overpass-the-hash, silver ticket and golden ticket attacks are used by attackers
to obtain illegitimate tickets that can then be used to access services using
Kerberos without knowing any password. This is called Pass-the-ticket.


If Kerberos preauthentication is disabled for a user, it is possible to request
a TGT for that specific user without knowing any credentials. When the TGT is
requested, the KDC sends it along with a session key in the KRB_AS_REP message
to the requesting client. The session key being encrypted with the requested
user's NT hash, it is possible to crack that session key offline in a an attempt
to find the user's password. This is called ASREProasting.


If an attacker finds himself in a man-in-the-middle position, effectively
capturing Kerberos messages, he could capture KRB_AS_REQ messages and operate a
similar cracking attempt.


When attackers have a foothold in the domain (i.e. valid domain credentials),
they have the (intended) ability to request a service ticket (ST) for any valid
SPN (ServicePrincipalName), or SAN (samAccountName). The ST being encrypted with
the service account's NT hash, when that service account's password is weak, it
is then possible to crack the ST offline in an attempt to find the password.
This is called Kerberoasting. On a side note, obtaining a service ticket for a
service specified by its SAN in an attempt to Kerberoast the account will only
work if the service has at least one SPN.


As it turns out, AS-REQ messages can not only be used to request TGTs but can be
invoked to ask for Service Tickets as well. One of the consequences of this is
that Kerberoast can be conducted without prior foothold to the domain if the
attacker knows the service to target (its SPN or name) as well as an
ASREProastable username: #kerberoast-wo-pre-authentication.


Kerberos delegations allow services to access other services on behalf of domain
users. For instance, this allows services to require access to other services'
data on the authenticated user's behalf in order to pull data that only the said
user is supposed to have access to.

In some situations, Kerberos delegations can be abused by attackers to operate
lateral movement or privilege escalation.


In some cases, the delegation will not work. Depending on the context, the
bronze bit vulnerability (CVE-2020-17049) can be used to try to bypass

pageBronze Bit

Kerberos delegations can be abused by attackers to obtain access to valuable
assets and sometimes even escalate to domain admin privileges. Regarding
constrained delegations and rbcd, those types of delegation rely on Kerberos
extensions called S4U2Self and S4U2Proxy.


 * Service for User to Self (S4U2self): allows a service to obtain a Service
   Ticket, on behalf of another user (called "principal"), to itself.


S4U2self requirements

There are no particular requirements to this extension. The service does not
necessarily have to have an SPN, as long as the request's sname field is
formatted correctly (see Tickets). This requirement applies when combining
S4U2self with U2U.

The resulting Service Ticket is forwardable (i.e. can be used with S4U2Proxy to
access another service) if, and only if:


 * the service is configured for constrained delegation (KCD) with protocol


 * the principal is not "sensitive for delegation"


 * the principal is not a member of the Protected Users group



 * Service for User to Proxy (S4U2proxy): allows a service to obtain a Service
   Ticket, on behalf of a user to a different service.


S4U2proxy requirements

For this extension to work properly, the service needs to supply a Service
Ticket as "additional-ticket" (i.e. used as an evidence that the service using
S4U2proxy has the authority to do it on behalf of a user).

For an S4U2proxy request to work and have the KDC issue a Service Ticket:


 * the ST used as "additional-ticket" must have the forwardable flag set.


 * alternatively, in the TGS-REQ, in the pre-authentication data, the
   PA-PAC-OPTIONS structure must contain a padata value with the resource-based
   constrained delegation bit set (doc). nota bene 1: this only applies if the
   resource-based constrained delegation (RBCD) is actually possible and
   authorized in the proper AD objects attributes. nota bene 2: Rubeus and
   Impacket's getST always set that bit when doing S4U2proxy.


On a side note, S4U2Proxy always results in a forwardable ST, even when the
ticket used as evidence wasn't forwardable.

More technical notes

S4U2self and S4U2proxy are variations of Service Ticket requests (KRB_TGS_REQ).
Below is what differentiates a S4U2self from a S4U2proxy from a standard


 * S4U2self
    * Request contains a PA-FOR-USER padata type structure containing the name
      and the realm of the user to impersonate (doc).
    * the cname (user name authenticating) and the sname (service name being
      requested) are the same. In order to succeed and not have the KDC throw an
      KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN, the sname should refer to an account that has
      at least one SPN (Service Principal Name) set.


 * S4U2proxy
    * Request contains an additional-tickets field containing a service ticket.
      In order to succeed and not have the KDC throw an KDC_ERR_BADOPTION, the
      ticket should have the forwardable flag set. In a standard constrained
      delegation or rbcd scenario, the ticket added in the additional-tickets
      field is the one obtained through S4U2self.
    * Request contains the CNAME-IN-ADDL-TKT flag in the kdc-options field,
      indicating S4U2proxy is used (doc).



U2U has nothing to do with S4U mechanisms and plays no part in delegation

> [U2U] allows users to host secure application services on their desktop
> machines. [...] In the user-to-user protocol, one user acts as a server, and
> the other user acts as a client. (Frequently Asked Questions about Kerberos).

More technical notes

A U2U request is a variation of a common Service Ticket request (KRB_TGS_REQ).
Below is what differentiates a U2U from a standard KRB_TGS_REQ. It allows a user
to request a service ticket to another user.


 * Request contains an additional-tickets field containing the target user TGT.


 * Request contains the ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY flag in the kdc-options field,
   indicating that the ticket for the end server is to be encrypted in the
   session key from the additional TGT provided (doc).


 * The sname refers to a UPN (User Principal Name) of an account that doesn't
   necessarily have to have an SPN set.


A ticket produced with u2u is encrypted with the session key of the TGT included
as additional-ticket instead of the target service long-term key (i.e. DES, RC4
or AES128/256 key).

S4U2self + U2U

In some specific scenarios, S4U2self and U2U can be combined, in which case the
flags and structures both mechanisms include in their requests are combined.

This allows to


 * operate RBCD attacks from SPN-less accounts


 * operate an unPAC-the-hash attack


 * retrieve and decrypt the PAC (Privileged Attribute Certificate) of any
   account. Could be used to obtain a sapphire ticket.


PreviousPass the hashNextPre-auth bruteforce

Last updated 3 months ago

On this page
 * Tickets
 * Roasting
 * Delegations
 * Service-for-User extensions
 * User-to-User authentication

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