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URL: https://www.amazon.com/Men-Only-Revised-Updated-Straightforward-ebook/dp/B001E2NXBG
Submission: On January 21 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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          Claimed Applicable Promotions

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“Shaunti and Jeff have unearthed a treasure chest of insights—eye-opening and
—Andy Stanley, senior pastor, North Point Community Church

Finally, you can understand her!

If you’re like most men, you’ve burned up lots of energy trying to figure out
what a woman wants, what makes her tick, how to make her happy. 

The good news: success is simpler than you ever thought.  In their
groundbreaking classic, For Men Only, Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn reveal the
eye-opening truths and simple acts that will radically improve your relationship
with the woman you love. For example:
·   Why she can’t “just not think about” something that’s bothering her 
·   How to get her real answers without games
·   How your provider instinct can actually cause her heartache – and what to do
about it
·   Why “not tonight, honey” may not mean what you think
·   Why listening to her feelings is so hard for a guy, and a fix-it plan that
·   Why her “I do” at the altar will always mean, “do you?” and the answer that
rocks her world
Now updated with the latest scientific research to explain the fabulous female
brain plus an all-new chapter that shows how to decode her most baffling
behavior, For Men Only is your roadmap to making her happy.

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Seite 1 von 8 Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 8
Previous page
 1. For Women Only, Revised and Updated Edition: What You Need to Know about the
    Inner Lives of Men
    Shaunti Feldhahn
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 3.242
    Kindle Ausgabe
 2. If Only He Knew: A Valuable Guide to Knowing, Understanding, and Loving Your
    Gary Smalley
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 651
    Kindle Ausgabe
 3. For Women Only, For Men Only, and For Couples Only Participant's Guide:
    Three-in-One Relationship Study Resource
    Shaunti Feldhahn
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 82
    Kindle Ausgabe
 4. Be Who You Want: Unlocking the Science of Personality Change
    Christian Jarrett
    3,9 von 5 Sternen 41
    Kindle Ausgabe
 5. Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice: A Guide to Success for Black Americans
    Dennis Kimbro
    4,8 von 5 Sternen 1.597
    Kindle Ausgabe
 6. Through a Man's Eyes: Helping Women Understand the Visual Nature of Men
    Shaunti Feldhahn
    4,4 von 5 Sternen 177
    Kindle Ausgabe
 7. Open Her: Activate 7 Masculine Powers to Arouse Your Woman's Love & Desire
    Karen Brody
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 673
    Kindle Ausgabe

Next page



“Shaunti and Jeff have unearthed a treasure chest of insights — eye opening and
life changing.”
— Andy Stanley, senior pastor, North Point Community Church
-- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: mp3_cd.


Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn are popular speakers and best-selling authors whose
research findings are regularly featured in national media as diverse as Focus
on the Family, FamilyLife Today, the New York Times, and the Today Show.
-- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: mp3_cd.


Rethinking Random

Why you need a new map of the female universe

Like some guys I know, you might be tempted to skip this introduction and jump
right to the sex chapter. And if you’re chuckling right now, it probably means
you already did it. Or were about to. It’s not a bad choice, actually. Just a
little selfdefeating. If you’ve been in a committed relationship with a woman
for more than, say, a day, you know that going just for what you want isn’t
actually going to get you what you want for very long.

A week, maybe?

But let’s be honest—one of the main reasons you’re looking at this book is
because you are trying to get something you want. Not sex (well, not just sex),
but a more fulfilling, harmonious relationship with your wife, one that isn’t
quite so hard or confusing. And the back cover gave you the wild idea that
understanding her might actually be possible.

Either that or for some reason the woman in question just handed you this book.


Well, either way, take a look at the revelations we’ve uncovered. We think
you’ll be convinced. Each chapter explains things about the woman you love that
may have often left you feeling helpless, confused, or just plain angry. Each
chapter points out simple, doable solutions. The only genius required is that
you make a decision up-front that you’re willing to think differently. This is a
short book, but if you read it cover to cover, you’ll walk away with your eyes
opened to things you may have never before understood about your wife or

Each chapter points out simple, doable solutions.

That’s what happened with me—Jeff. And I’m just your average, semi-confused guy.
(Actually, sometimes totally confused is more accurate.) And since we average,
semi-confused guys have to stick together, that’s why, even though Shaunti and I
are both authoring this book, I’ll be the one doing the talking.

First, Some Background

In 2004 Shaunti published For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner
Lives of Men, which quickly became a bestseller. Based on nationally
representative surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, and other research
with thousands of men, it opened women’s eyes to things that most of us guys had
always wished our wife or girlfriend knew. Things like most of us need to feel
respected even more than loved. Or that men, besides just getting enough sex,
also have a huge need to feel sexually desired by their wives.

I’m not sure exactly why, but women everywhere were shocked. And by the flood of
letters from around the country—
from both women and their grateful husbands—Shaunti and I have seen how much
good can come when the opposite sex finally has their eyes opened to things they
simply didn’t understand about us guys before.

In this book, the shock is on the other foot. Now it’s their turn to exclaim to
us, “I can’t believe you didn’t already know that!”

When Shaunti’s publisher first approached us about doing a companion book to For
Women Only to help men understand women, I had two major concerns. First, I
didn’t think guys would read a “relationship” book. For most of us, the last
relationship book we read was in premarital counseling—and only because we were
forced to. But more to the point, I doubted that women could ever be understood.
Compared to other complex matters—like the tides, say, or how to figure a
baseball pitcher’s ERA—women seemed unknowable. Random even.

I’m not sure exactly why, but women everywhere were shocked by how men thought.

I explained my skepticism to one early focus group of women:

Jeff: Guys tend to think that women are random. We think, I pulled this lever
last week and got a certain reaction. But when I pulled that same lever this
week, I got a totally different reaction. That’s random!

Woman in group: But we aren’t random! If you pull the lever and get a different
reaction, either you’re pulling a different lever or you’re pulling it in a
different way.

Shaunti: What men need is a sort of map to their wives or girlfriends. Because
we can be mapped. We can be known and understood—firm ground.

Jeff: Uh, no. See, guys think of a woman as a swamp. You can’t see where you’re
stepping, and sooner or later you
just know you’re going to get stuck in quicksand. And the more you struggle to
get free, the deeper you get sucked in. So every guy on the planet knows that
the best thing to do is just shut down and not struggle and hope somebody comes
along to rescue you.

When I came to, Shaunti and the other women in the focus group assured me—and I
have since seen for myself—that guys don’t have to live in a swamp. That
realization led us to the eventual subtitle of this book: A Straightforward
Guide to the Inner Lives of Women.

We have been astounded and humbled at the reaction to these simple, eyeopening
truths. In fact, the book you are holding is actually the second edition of this
book—which is needed because there was clearly a desire for this ongoing

Both For Women Only and For Men Only sparked a huge wave of encouragement and
hope among ordinary men and
women just like me and Shaunti, selling more than 1.5 million copies in
twenty-two languages. We were flooded with e-mails and comments from men and
women at our marriage conferences, saying things like “This saved my marriage”
and “After ten years together, I finally know how to make my wife happy” and
even “Jeff, I owe you one, buddy.”

But since we’ve continued to learn new things, we also wanted to keep the book
current. For this new edition, we have
included some fascinating new findings, including the brain science behind why
women sometimes think as they do. Plus we’ve added a new chapter—“She’s Not
Making Sense”—that decodes those unpredictable reactions that she thinks of as,
uh, normal. After seeing the impact of this research, I realize that we really
did uncover life-changing insights. Surprising truths that average guys like me
need to hear from an average guy and be encouraged that if someone like me can
learn it and do it, they can too. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere
Ausgabe: hardcover.


The authors use their Christian beliefs and the results of a survey to explain
that women need security, approval, and consistent emotional connection--all of
which are often frustrated by men's obsessions with logic and competition, as
well as their need for regular periods of isolation. The production is a handy
guide for understanding women, rather than a theological lesson or a resource
for troubled marriages. Bible quotes and mental health prescriptions are
minimized in favor of practical insights and advice. Nathan Larkin somehow tones
down the already low-key writing, thus flattening the material even more but not
threatening its accessibility. The generalizations about what men expect are
uninspiring, in spite of the narrator's attempt to speak buddy to buddy with his
male listeners. T.W. © AudioFile 2007, Portland, Maine-- Copyright © AudioFile,
Portland, Maine -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine vergriffene oder nicht
verfügbare Ausgabe dieses Titels.
Mehr lesen



 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001E2NXBG
 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Multnomah; Revised, Updated ed. Edition (19. August 2008)
 * Erscheinungstermin ‏ : ‎ 19. August 2008
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 4651 KB
 * Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
 * Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 211 Seiten
 * Ausleihe ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 73,273 in Kindle Store (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle
    * Nr. 22 in eBooks Männerthemen im Christentum
    * Nr. 34 in eBooks Christliche Liebe & Ehe
    * Nr. 80 in eBooks Christliches Familienleben

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,8 von 5 Sternen 2.234 Sternebewertungen

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen A Must Read If in a serous relationship
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 14. März 2019
I strongly urge any man seeking a new long lasting relationship or and man
having current relationship problems to read this book period. Defiantly helps
us to understand women in more detail than any one of our friends or fathers may
have explained in our past.
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Billy G. Gruff
5,0 von 5 Sternen They’ve Cracked the Code
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 9. Mai 2020
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Bro: do yourself a favor & get this book. Now. I’ve read a dozen books on this
subject, all the popular titles; Five Love Languages, Men Are from Mars, the
Gottman books... all of which were good & helpful, but, “For Men Only” is a
game-changer. The intel & practical advice contained in this book _cannot_ be
One piece of advice that I’m glad I followed & I’ll pass on to you: read the
“For Women Only” book first. Otherwise, you’ll never believe what you read in
FMO. FWO elegantly articulates the things men instinctively know, but for
whatever reason find difficult to verbalize. Women find this equally true of
Whether you’re in a relationship or not, this is valuable intel on the fairer
My only regret is that I didn’t run across this book earlier in life. It would
have saved me a ton of frustration & heartache.

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Amazon Customer
3,0 von 5 Sternen helpful, but stereotypical
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 7. Juli 2018
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it's helpful if you like a really "man next door" author voice. definitely take
some of his generalizations with a grain of salt, as all women will be
I gave this to my fiance after reading it and writing notes in it to let him
know what did and didn't apply to me, and he really appreciated it.

If you think your husband/SO will benefit from hearing traditional advice for
men like "listen before talking," "she won't enjoy sex without romance," "she
has a lot of complicated thoughts in her brain," and "women really struggle with
body image, so give her lots of compliments," then this is the book for him!

Fairly Biblical, but if you're a Christian, I might recommend more
theology-based approaches like "Intimate Allies".

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31 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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5,0 von 5 Sternen What they didn't teaching school
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 19. Juli 2019
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This book should be required reading in high school for all young men. I am
currently seperated and going through my divorce. I could never fully understand
the pain I inflicted on my wife. I never knew how bad I could make my wife feel
with just my words. This book is and I hope still can be a game changer to maybe
halt my divorce. I can now without any doubt empathize with my wife. The lesson
that needs to learned is that women were designed to be loved no matter what.
God gave them emotions so that they could be protected from not being loved by
there husband's. I am not even a religious person however you have to believe in
something and this book lays it down for you. Praying my marriage can be saved
hopefully it's not to late.

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16 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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5,0 von 5 Sternen Must Read for All Men Who Want to Understand the Women in
Their Lives
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 30. März 2018
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I read the "For Women Only" and decided to read this just out of curiosity. Men,
I can tell you as a woman that I identified with so many things in this book and
felt like "yes! That is me!" If you feel like you don't understand why your
mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, etc is the way she is, I highly recommend this
book! It touches on women's insecurities, what "security" means (hint: it's not
just about the money), how women think and are wired differently than men, what
we mean when we say "I don't want you to fix it; I just want you to listen!",
women's sex drive and what that means (and does not mean) about you, and
ultimately what you can do to show the woman in your life that you love and
cherish her in the way that will make her understand that.

Seriously guys, read it. Some things may not make sense because men and women
ARE different, but this book will help you understand that your lady is not
crazy. There is a rhyme and reason for how she is!

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16 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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4,0 von 5 Sternen You truly walk away with valuable insights
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 24. Mai 2019
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You know how you go to lectures or seminars or presentations, and it soon all
becomes a blur and you don't remember anything? But sometimes you attend a
lecture or session and you walk away with a nugget of advice or information or
two that are really useful and help you in your work or life. That's how I felt
about this book. I read it, enjoying the conversational down-to-earth style, and
walked away with two or three revelations that really did and do help me
understand women, and my wife in particular, better. That is invaluable.

One thing I wasn't crazy about is the reference to religion. It's not as
heavy-handed as in the companion book about the inner life of men, but I very
much believe in separation of church and state when it comes to writing
self-help books.

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8 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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5,0 von 5 Sternen Want to understand women?
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 18. Dezember 2018
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As a woman, I thought this book was very validating. YAY! I may be crazy but all
of us women are-HAHAHA. Just kidding :) I love us women. We are awesome :) There
are some commonalities that we share and it was very validating to understand
that I am not the only one who feels this way. I recommend the corresponding
book too, "For Women Only". Nicely written and easy to understand. It would be
helpful if you are in a relationship to have a conversation with your partner
about each book for additional insight.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen One of the best Relationship Books I've ever Read
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 25. April 2021
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I am a Christian but this is a book that everyone can benefit from regardless of
religious belief, this book did not focus on religion and mainly talked about
what they found doing their psychological studies and what that means in the
real world. I have a psychology degree but never read anything as useful as this
book. This book was more of a Psychological study with real world applications
to help you grow as a couple. I will definitely re-read this book throughout my
life for helpful refreshers. This book gives you insight on the Psychology
behind why your wife, future wife or girlfriend might react or think or act in
certain ways. The book helps us understand each other more instead of judging
our differences, this book helps us understand the beauty behind our differences
and helps us act on that in a positive way that can help couples grow. HIGHLY

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Awesome book! Great for you marriage I recommend to
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 19. Januar 2019
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Love both this book and for women only, my husband and I both read this one, I
recommend you read it first and highlight the areas you want your husband to
really focus on and then have him read it. My husband doesn’t even like to read
but he said he found this book sompletely eye opening and that he felt he could
totally understand me in more ways than before. I recommend for any marriage!!!
Especially a marriage that has some constant misunderstandings or lack of

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Lighthearted but effective
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 2. Januar 2013
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I brought this book as a half-joke for a man who was always wondering why the
different genders took completely different approaches to things and why women
are 'confusing'. It's light hearted, easily accessible and carries some thought
provoking ideas, even just dipping in and out the pages was interesting. It
contains a nice mixture of bullet points, tables, quotes and explanations, as
well as a quick start guide at the back.

The book itself is written by a man, who has had several deep and meaningful
conversations with his wife and has gone down the route of unlocking and then
explaining how women think. Even women who read the book were surprised when
seeing it from a different perspective as the author manages to sum everything
up well. For example, he explains the thought processes of men and women by
describing them as computers and goes on to describe the different aspects of
that, such as men having a screensaver up sometimes, and women having an endless
amount of windows, some of which pop up randomly.

A fantastic read, and succeeds where many books fail. It's clear, accessible,
sensible and once you've read it, everything fits together and what used to be
down-right confusing, becomes common sense, Huzzah!

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5,0 von 5 Sternen BUY THIS! UR not crackin up she just thinks different
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 29. Oktober 2012
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In brief my reasons for getting this are that my fiencee left and had an affair
and I'm left wondering what my role was in that.

This is a great book I love the feel of it size and paper and the layout is very
easy to read like bite size pionts. The font size is great and there are the
occasional survey showing womens answers.

On just having a quick look its touching on issies I definatly need to have
explained. Ill actually be able to show my woman (when I'm ready for the
relationship) that I really love her and make her feel secure and loved. Great.

Also in the back there's a 'qiick start' guide as if she were a DVD player.

I'm currently working on every aspect of my being confidence, communication,
attraction and sex. Of all the books so far this format is by FAR the best and
not too heavy. Its easy to grasp and should be easy to implement.

Made up I got this it will definatly make a massive difference. I'm excited
about getting whome I want making her happy and keeping her. With this book
those aims are highly possible.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen accessible and based on research
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 13. März 2014
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I bought this for my fiancé, who is generally not into reading about
relationships or personality, or being 'put into a box'. A great feature of the
book is a quick access list in the front cover, that immediately caught his
attention, and he has since started reading the book, and quoted it with when we
have tried to unpick reasons behinds disagreements or misunderstandings. He even
recommended that I bought the 'for women only' book for myself and that we go
through them together. I am very relieved to have come across these books before
we get married later this year as I think they can only serve to strengthen our

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Felix Walne
5,0 von 5 Sternen Brilliant book
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 22. Juni 2020
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This book is a must for any men wanting to better understand their spouse :)

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Amazing Book
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 16. April 2012
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This book is great in the sense that it presents a few crucial issue in marriage
relationship so well that
you just have to get it. The issue of affirming emotions with my spouse is very
important and this book helped me understand it and I am reaping the great
rewards already.

have already recommended this book to many.

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Seite 1 von 1 Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 1
Previous page
 1. For Women Only, Revised and Updated Edition: What You Need to Know about the
    Inner Lives of Men
    Shaunti Feldhahn
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 3.242
    Kindle Ausgabe
 2. For Women Only, For Men Only, and For Couples Only Participant's Guide:
    Three-in-One Relationship Study Resource
    Shaunti Feldhahn
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 82
    Kindle Ausgabe
 3. The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages: The Little Things That
    Make a Big Difference
    Shaunti Feldhahn
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 300
    Kindle Ausgabe
 4. Be Who You Want: Unlocking the Science of Personality Change
    Christian Jarrett
    3,9 von 5 Sternen 41
    Kindle Ausgabe
 5. Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice: A Guide to Success for Black Americans
    Dennis Kimbro
    4,8 von 5 Sternen 1.597
    Kindle Ausgabe
 6. For Parents Only: Getting Inside the Head of Your Kid
    Shaunti Feldhahn
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 99
    Kindle Ausgabe

Next page

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