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Submitted URL: http://halfmaps.io/
Effective URL: https://halfmaps.io/
Submission: On March 02 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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A photorealistic map renderer and 3D map model exporter.

 * Home
 * FAQ
 * Documentation
 * Posts
 * Release Notes

Buy now 📦 Download trial (Windows)
Feb 18, 2024 — latest release update phototiler 2.2.0


Phototiler is a lightweight photorealistic map renderer that allows quick
rendering of maps for creative cartography and generate advanced 3D city models.
It is a native application that works on Linux, macOS and Windows.


Phototiler provides a convenient way to create highly realistic map renderings
within a minimal interface. Data can be gathered and filtered from any location
in the world. Get highly accurate renders and export large city models in


 * Complex layer filtering
 * Terrain extrusion with DEM data
 * Polyline extrusion
 * Per-layer styling
 * Region selection


 * Images up to 8096 x 8096 pixels (Pro)
 * Export GLTF 3D models for use in Blender, Unity, Unreal Engine, Sketchfab or
   other CAD and general purpose 3D software (Pro)


 * Path-traced global illumination
 * Physically Based Rendering materials
 * Emissive geometry
 * Built-in AI-based denoiser
 * High Dynamic Range environment


 * Field of view configuration
 * Depth of field with aperture control
 * Exposure control

Buy now 📦 Download trial (Windows)

Your download includes: the latest version of Phototiler for Windows, macOS and


You can subscribe to the newsletter by email and be notified about new releases
and upcoming features:

Feedback is highly appreciated. If you find that some feature is really missing
in phototiler, feel free to reach out to phototiler@gmail.com or go over the FAQ
if you have any other questions.

© halfmaps 2023

Map Data © Nextzen, OpenStreetMap, Who's On First