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StarsTell September 14, 2022 Leave a Comment


Association of the Sun, exulted Mercury and combust Venus, in your sixth house
of competitions, is creating a rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, to bless you with
constructive developments and help you to carry on. On 16th of this month, your
sign lord Mars will enter into Gemini sign, in your third house of courage and
efforts, which is indicating enhancement in your confidence level.

The Sun will change His sign on the very next day and enter into your seventh
house of social reputation, to become debilitated, means, powerless, to warn you
to take care of your repute, as far as matters of upliftment in your social
image is concerned.

You should remain careful as twelfth house lord Jupiter will be retrograde in
your twelfth house itself that might create pressure of expenditures, for your

Combustion of exulted Mercury, on 20th of October, is asking you to take care of
your health, to reduce unwanted risks and stay safe.

Direct motion of Saturn in Capricorn sign will create an auspicious vibe at your
work front, after 23rd October, to provide you free hand there.

Mars is going to assume retrograde motion on 30th of October, to help you to
tackle the adversities of life tactfully.


Your sign lord Venus is slipping into combustion from the very first day of this
month, to stay in weak condition till 25th of next month. This transit is
suggesting you to take precautions about health related matters.

Presence of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Virgo sign, from the beginning of
October itself, will be very much helpful for you, as it is going to create an
auspicious ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, to bless you with required flow of funds.

Aspects of the Sun, combust Venus and Mercury on eleventh house of gains will be
pretty auspicious for you, till 17th of this month.

Direct motion of your career house lord Saturn, from 23rd of October, is asking
you to give your best to make it absolutely result oriented.

The Sun will enter into His debilitation sign Libra, on 17th of October to
associated with Ketu, removing obstacles from your way to success.

Venus will also join the Sun on 18th October, to cancel debilitation of the Sun,
and create ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ to let you shine in your professional sphere
during rest of this month.

Mars will enter into Gemini sign, on 16th of October, to give a boost to your
speech and bless you to win over your competitors, easily.

Transit of retrograde Jupiter via Pisces sign, during this entire month, is
predicting about a bit uncomfortable time for you, to face obstacles in money
matters. Avoid negligence about your health related matters, as Ketu in your
sixth house might invite problem for your discomfort.

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers


Direct motion of your sign lord Mercury, in Virgo sign, from 2nd of this month,
may make the situation comfortable for you to let you move ahead unstoppably.
Association of your sign lord Mercury with the Sun and Venus is creating
auspicious ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ for your benefit.

Direct motion of Saturn, from 23rd of this month, is going to increase
auspiciousness in your life. Formation of ‘BudhAditya Yog’, in a ‘Kendra’ house,
is another assertive point for you to let you stay ahead of others.

Combustion of your sign lord Mercury on 20th of October, is asking you to stay
alert, to avoid silly mistakes in your tasks.

Venus, another auspicious planet for your sign, will come out of Her
debilitation sign Virgo on 18th of October, to join the Sun and cancel the
debilitation of the Sun, to create ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’, unfolding new avenues
in front of you, to make further progress in your pursuits of life.

Entry of Mars into your sign on 16th of this month expected to increase the flow
of funds, to make you feel relieved. Mars will assume retrograde motion in your
sign only, on 30th of this month, to ask you to avoid casual attitude in
financial matters.


Your career house lord Mars is entering into Gemini sign, on 16th of this month,
to fetch you benefits from foreign contacts, offering you appropriate
opportunities to alter the equation of finances. Venus is your income house lord
and will aspect your career house, from 18th of October, to bless you with
increased flow of work.

You may feel a sharp increase in your artistic bent of mind to go feel happy
with it. Saturn will assume direct motion in your seventh house, on 23rd of
October, to create auspicious vibrations in your social circle, helping you to
give a complete makeover to your social standing.

The Sun will enter into His debilitation sign Libra, on 17th of this month, to
join Ketu, for the enhancement of your career.

His association with Venus, from 18th October, is going to create auspicious
‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’, to spread your areas of network and show you to the
possibilities for growth and prosperity.

Your most auspicious planet, Mars, will assume retrograde motion in your twelfth
house, on 30th of this month, to ask you to avoid over confidence in money

Combust state of Venus is also suggesting you the same thing, to avoid
uncomfortable scenario, in and around.

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers


Your sign lord the Sun associated with exulted Mercury and debilitated Venus, in
your second house of family and finances, to let you shine more, in your family
front, till 18th of this month. Your finance house lord, Mercury, will assume
direct motion, on 2nd of October, to bring clear picture in financial matters,
to your delight.

Your career house lord, Venus, is going to enter your third house of efforts, to
join the Sun and Ketu, blessing you good fortune and offer you a few vital
developments in the area of work.

You may think about going for a pleasure trip with your near and dear ones, to
strike a change in the routine life. Direct motion of Saturn, from 23rd of
October is asking you to alter your diet chart to reduce risks there.

Jupiter is retrograde there in His own sign Pisces, to reconfirm this.
‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ of the Sun, formed by Venus, from 18th of October, is
about to bring wave of developments, at the right point of time, to allow you to
remain occupied.

Motion change of Mars in Gemini sign, on 30th of this month, is about to break
the monotonous pattern and write your success story in golden letters.


Direct motion of Mercury in your sign, on 2nd of October, will create a pious
atmosphere around, to spell prosperity in your ventures. Association of the Sun,
exulted Mercury and debilitated Venus is creating auspicious ‘TeenGrahee Yog’,
to let you play in a bigger level.

Your fifth house lord, Saturn, is going to assume direct motion, on 23rd of this
month, in your fifth house of talent, to help you to perform better, in your
career front, without fail.

On 17th of October, the Sun will change sign to become debilitated, in your
second house of finances, to advise you to handle financial matter with caution,
as the Sun rules your twelfth house of expenditures.

On 18th of October, Venus will also join the Sun, to make the Sun more powerful,
to your relief. On the other hand, no matter how strong your opponents be, they
will not be able to stop your journey towards success.

‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ of the Sun, by Venus, will be an added advantage for you
to rise and shine, after 18th of this month.

Mars is going to assume retrograde motion in Gemini sign, on 30th of October, to
increase your efforts visibly, to grab success without fail. Stay vigilant in
complicated deals at work, to bypass unwanted situations later.

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers


Your sign lord Venus is presently in Virgo sign being debilitated means
powerless, to stay like this till 18th of this month and change your financial
equation visibly. Combustion of exulted Mercury, in Virgo sign, is suggesting
you to take special care about your expenditures because the Sun and combust
Venus are also there in your twelfth house.

Your most auspicious planet, Saturn, will change His motion, on 23rd of October,
in your fourth house of comforts, to add a new dimension of luxury in your life.

However, on 17th of October, transit of the Sun into your sign would remain
helpful to increase the flow of funds to play the role of game changer for you.

Venus will join the Sun, on 18th of this month, to create ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’
and bring you free hand, to manage the situation easily.

Mars will also change motion, on 30th of October, to create ‘Kendra-Trikona Raaj
Yog’ in your luck house and bless you with encouraging developments in your
career front, to add more value to your role there.

Mercury is going to enter into your sign, on 26th October, to fetch projects
from foreign contacts, to your delight.


Your sign lord Mars is presently there in your seventh house of social repute,
to create auspicious vibes to offer you financial prosperity, beyond your
expectations. Retrograde Jupiter is there in your fifth house of talents, to
invite prosperous scenario, in and around, to let you feel the need to put more
efforts to change the scenario.

However, change of motion by Saturn, on 23rd of October, will show you silver
linings to bring your confidence back. Go with an assertive bent of mind, if it
appears to be an unclear situation at your work front.

The Sun will change His sign to enter into your twelfth house, on 17th of this
month, to bring pressure of expenditures that can disturb the balance of your

Still, you will remain successful to create a constructive atmosphere around, to
counter every odds of life. On 18th of this month, entrance of combust Venus
into your twelfth house of foreign links, will try to increase pressure on your
nerves because of an issue at home.

Try to avoid arrogance in your behaviour to sort out the complicated equations,
life is bringing in front of you, to balance both the sides of your balance
sheet, with ease.

Indirect motion of Mars, on 30th of this month is again an auspicious transit
for you to create better situation for your benefits.

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers


Ruling planet of your luck house, the Sun, is occupying Virgo sign, with combust
Venus and exulted Mercury, creating a rare ‘TeenGrahee Yog’, from the beginning
of this month, to offer you an upper hand, in the area of work.

Income house lord Venus is slipping into combustion on 1st of October, to advise
you go with caution while taking vital decisions of life. However, change of
motion by Saturn, on 23rd of October, will bring you opportunities to set you
back in the right track.

After 17th of this month, the Sun will move to your income house, to become
debilitated and powerless for a day, advising you to move with caution in money

Venus will join the Sun, on 18th of October, to cancel the debilitation of the
Sun, and create ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’, to improve the scenario visibly.

Mind your words while interacting with senior people, in office or at home.
Avoiding over confidence is another piece advice for you as direct motion of
your second house lord, Saturn, after 23rd of this month, can push you to cross
the fine line of dignity, to your discomfort later.

On 30th of October, Mars is going to assume indirect motion that can make you
proactive and give you financial bliss and help you to prosper by striking
lucrative deals, with more potential.

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers


Your sign lord Saturn is now retrograde in your sign only, to foresee pretty
comfortable atmosphere around you. Most auspicious planet for your sign Venus is
going to slip into weak state of combustion, on 1st of this month, to suggest
monetary gains, to your relief.

You expect to create an example of discipline and dedication towards work, so
that it could make your steps appropriate ones.

Exulted Mercury is also going to be combust, on 20th of this month, to suggest
to take major decisions with care and caution, to stay safe at your work place.

The Sun will be there in your career house, from 17th of this month, to become
less powerful, to advise you to make your move with precision and diplomacy.

You should not overlook your shortcomings, to safeguard your image at
professional front. Venus will join the Sun, from 18th of this month and create
‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ for debilitated Sun, to streamline your work processes.

Show your leadership quality at an appropriate moment, to emerge as a reliable
person at your work front. Presence of retrograde Jupiter in Pisces sign is sure
to increase your magnetic persona to alter the way of enjoying your life.

Retrograde motion of Mars through your sixth house of competitions, after 30th
of October, is indicating your smooth flow of events, to make you feel more

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers


Combustion of Venus in your eighth house, from 1st day of this month, is
advising you to make your moves with caution, to stay safe at your place of
work. However, assumption of direct motion by Saturn, on 23rd of October, will
help you to grow and bring the smile back on your face.

The Sun will move into Libra sign, after 17th of this month, to become
debilitated, means less powerful, to take precautionary measures about your
social standing.

You should remain careful while considering any offer to switch your job now.
Venus will join the Sun, on 18th October, to create ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’, which
is predicting encouraging news from a distant place to change the equation

Mars will enter into your talent house, in Gemini sign, on 16th of this month,
to create a strong ‘Kendra-Trikona Raaj Yog’, to provide you the required power,
to change the equation visibly.

Presence of Rahu, in your third house of efforts, will help you to make efforts
towards the right direction. Be close to your kith and kin, to feel the bond of
emotions, for sure.

Change of motion of Mars through your fifth house, after 30th of October, is
indicating financial gains, of big amount to rejoice.

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers


Your sign lord Jupiter is now retrograde in your sign only, during this entire
month, to suggest you to set the priorities of your life to be in the right
direction. However, assumption of direct motion by Saturn, on 23rd of October,
in your eleventh house of gains, will help you to experience free hand in
financial matters, to your delight.

Mercury rules the fourth house of comforts in your horoscope and association of
combust Venus, the Sun and exulted Mercury, in your seventh house, is creating
auspicious ‘TeenGrahee Yog’ to bless you with a brighter social image.

Venus will remain in combust state, during entire of October, to suggest you to
play safe everywhere.

On 17th of this month, entrance of the Sun into Libra sign, to become
debilitated, is indicating possibility of gains through people in authority.

‘Vipreet Raaj Yog’ and ‘NeechBhang Raaj Yog’ will formed, to strike a perfect
balance between your family front and professional arena, providing you a big
relief from complications.

Change your less compromising nature, if situation is demanding so, for the sake
of benefits in the long run. Mars will assume retrograde motion on 30th of this
month, to fetch great support from Lady Luck.

Know your personal Monthly Horoscope October from our expert astrologers

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