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Submission: On December 11 via api from SE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form id="search-form" __bizdiag="-906336856" __biza="WJ__">
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BlackBerry ThreatVector Blog
 1. BlackBerry ThreatVector Blog
 2. Ransomware Is an Ever-Present Threat. Automotive Industry Powerhouse Leibold
    & Amann Found a Solution.


BLACKBERRY PROTECT / 10.05.21 / Ulf Baltin
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As if natural disasters, political unrest, and global pandemics weren’t enough,
2020 was also a huge year for ransomware. As the world struggled with COVID-19
and the challenges of remote work, ransomware attacks simultaneously increased
by over 150%. Factor in that criminals are becoming increasingly discerning in
who and what they target, and that their predations are increasingly difficult
to defend against, and you’re faced with a very grim prospect for well-heeled
companies trying to defend against this growing cyber epidemic.

That’s the exact position Leibold & Amann GmbH found itself in during the spring
of 2020. As a leading provider of extremely complex, custom-built components for
automotive and e-bike manufacturers, the Wellendingen, Germany-based firm
presented an attractive target for online criminals.

Both its domestic and international customers rely heavily on components the
firm produces. That means even the slightest amount of downtime could produce a
titanic dip in revenue. On May 15, 2020, that was precisely what happened.

That was the day Leibold & Amann’s operations were attacked by LockBit
ransomware. At the time of the incident, the company’s three-person IT team was
running a proof of concept (POC) test to evaluate BlackBerry® Protect, but had
not yet completed their deployment. This meant that many of the company’s
devices were still running its old security software.

“Our old solution did not work,” says Marco Rohrer, IT manager at Leibold &
Amann. “It failed to detect the attack and failed to deploy countermeasures.”

BlackBerry Protect, on the other hand, immediately identified the ransomware as
a threat and stopped it from executing.

Unfortunately, it couldn’t undo the damage dealt to unprotected parts of the
company’s infrastructure. Leibold & Amann ended up having to shutter its
facility for nearly a week to give its IT department time to reconfigure damaged
and compromised systems. Even after resuming production, it was nearly another
month before everything was fully restored.

While the company didn’t survive the LockBit attack unscathed, Rohrer says
things would have been significantly worse without BlackBerry.

“The financial damage from the attack ended up being in the mid-six-figure
range,” Rohrer recalls. “Without BlackBerry Protect, the damage would have been
significantly higher. At the same time, the attack showed that we were on the
right track with BlackBerry – we needed to take a different approach to

For BlackBerry and its valued customers, such as Leibold & Amann, relying on
state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict and
actually prevent damaging attacks is the right approach to successfully defeat
ransomware, reduce risk, and ensure business continuity and growth.

Learn more about how Leibold & Amann is using BlackBerry® AI-driven


Ulf Baltin is Managing Director | DACH | Central Europe at BlackBerry
Deutschland GmbH.


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