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Managing Toxic & Other Employees Who Have Attitude Issues

By: Pete Tosh
More Webinars By Expert
Schedule: 08 July, 2022 (Friday)
Time: 10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID : 1339

   Countdown for your webinar:

 * 3days
 * 04Hrs
 * 20Mns
 * 34Secs

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($199) - Live Session for 1 Participant


1 Participants$199 2 Participants$299 3 Participants$399 4 Participants$449 5
Participants$499 6 Participants$549 7 Participants$599
($269) - Live + Recorded Session ($249) - Live + Transcript ($450) - Live +
Training CD


($179) - Transcript (PDF Transcript of Training) ($239) - Downloadable Recorded
Session ($350) - Training CD


($799) - Group Session Participants + Recorded

Group Session (10 Participants).
To add extra participants, please contact our Customer Support Team

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Toxic employees cause significant overt, covert, people-related & financial
damage with their visible behavior just being the tip of the iceberg. For
example, in one organization the day a former employee left the organization is
considered one of their annual holidays.

Clever toxic employees :

 * Utilize their technical expertise to intimidate & manipulate
 * Know who to flatter & who they can abuse
 * Turn their toxicity on & off depending on the impression they want to make

Unfortunately, organizations can work against themselves & even promote toxicity

 * Restructuring his/her job to accommodate a toxic employee
 * Tolerating toxic employees who have valued expertise
 * Not assertively seeking employee feedback as to whether there is toxic
   behavior in the workplace
 * Not communicating to all employees the specific interpersonal behaviors that
   will not be tolerated – with the associated consequences

Managers sometimes attempt to fix this type of problem by addressing a toxic
employee's attitude. And while a toxic employee's attitude certainly affects
his/her behavior, managers usually find that controlling an employee's attitude
is next to impossible.

Managers can be much more effective by:

 * Discussing the specific behaviors that are negatively impacting other
   employees and/or the
 * organization
 * Using positive & negative consequences to influence that behavior


Most organizations have employees who on occasion:

 * Complain & gossip excessively
 * Use inappropriate language
 * Are mildly insubordinate

But Toxic Employees have interpersonal styles that demonstrate a pattern of
counter-productive work behaviors. While Emotionally Intelligent employees are
aware of their feelings & those of others exhibit a pattern of appropriate
The toxic employee problem is surprisingly prevalent with research showing :

 * 95% of employees have & 64% are currently working with a toxic employee
 * 50% of employees have thought of quitting & 12% did because of a toxic
 * 25% of employees have reduced their work effort due to a toxic employee
 * 20% of employees feel they are a target weekly & 10% of employees see toxic
   behavior daily


I. Human & Financial Costs Resulting from Toxic Employees
  Toxic Employees Create:

 * Chaos & unnecessary complexity
 * Overt damage
 * Covert damage
 * Strife, stress & emotional damage
 * Productivity, quality & financial losses

II. The A, B, and C’s Related to Toxic Employees

 * Employee attitudes
 * Employee behaviors
 * Consequences that managers can exert

III. The Psyche of a Toxic Employee

 * Frequently seen toxic behaviors
 * Utilize ‘star status’ & technical expertise to intimidate & manipulate
 * A chameleon who knows who to flatter & who he/she can abuse
 * Turn their toxicity on & off depending on the impression they want to make
 * Three common forms of toxic behavior

IV. Common Reactions to Toxic Employees That Frequently Don’t Work

 * Restructuring his/her job to accommodate the toxic employee
 * Tolerating toxic employees who bring rare expertise or experience
 * Not assertively seeking feedback from employees as to whether there is toxic
   behavior in the workplace
 * Not communicating to all employees the specific behaviors that will not be
   tolerated – with associated consequences

V. Effective Approaches for Addressing & Preventing Toxicity
Organization-wide strategies:

 * Making positive interpersonal behavior an organizational value
 * Evaluating interpersonal behavior as a part of the performance appraisal
 * Training leaders in how to address toxic behavior
 * Using behavioral-based interview questions to screen toxic applicants
 * Exit interviewing to identify any toxic behavior in the workplace

Departmental & team strategies:

 * Defining appropriate interpersonal interactions with behavior-specific
   descriptions & standards
 * Using team discussions & role-plays to clarify the application of the
   behavioral descriptions & standards
 * Utilizing a 360-degree feedback process to assess the work environment

One-on-one strategies:

 * Stating explicitly that the behavior is not acceptable & why
 * Describing both unacceptable & acceptable behavior
 * Asking the employee to commit to & describe how he/she will change his/her
 * Frequent, targeted counseling feedback
 * Executive coaches
 * Progressive discipline
 * Termination

But even terminations are not a cure-all because of the:

 * Toxic-enabling people & organizational culture tendencies may remain
 * Employees may still be resentful of the way they were treated by the employee
   & the time it took the organization to react
 * Expertise & experience of the toxic employee are lost


Anyone with managerial or leadership responsibility

Most organizations have employees who on occasion:

 * Complain & gossip excessively
 * Use inappropriate language
 * Are mildly insubordinate

But Toxic Employees have interpersonal styles that demonstrate a pattern of
counter-productive work behaviors. While Emotionally Intelligent employees are
aware of their feelings & those of others exhibit a pattern of appropriate
The toxic employee problem is surprisingly prevalent with research showing :

 * 95% of employees have & 64% are currently working with a toxic employee
 * 50% of employees have thought of quitting & 12% did because of a toxic
 * 25% of employees have reduced their work effort due to a toxic employee
 * 20% of employees feel they are a target weekly & 10% of employees see toxic
   behavior daily

I. Human & Financial Costs Resulting from Toxic Employees
  Toxic Employees Create:

 * Chaos & unnecessary complexity
 * Overt damage
 * Covert damage
 * Strife, stress & emotional damage
 * Productivity, quality & financial losses

II. The A, B, and C’s Related to Toxic Employees

 * Employee attitudes
 * Employee behaviors
 * Consequences that managers can exert

III. The Psyche of a Toxic Employee

 * Frequently seen toxic behaviors
 * Utilize ‘star status’ & technical expertise to intimidate & manipulate
 * A chameleon who knows who to flatter & who he/she can abuse
 * Turn their toxicity on & off depending on the impression they want to make
 * Three common forms of toxic behavior

IV. Common Reactions to Toxic Employees That Frequently Don’t Work

 * Restructuring his/her job to accommodate the toxic employee
 * Tolerating toxic employees who bring rare expertise or experience
 * Not assertively seeking feedback from employees as to whether there is toxic
   behavior in the workplace
 * Not communicating to all employees the specific behaviors that will not be
   tolerated – with associated consequences

V. Effective Approaches for Addressing & Preventing Toxicity
Organization-wide strategies:

 * Making positive interpersonal behavior an organizational value
 * Evaluating interpersonal behavior as a part of the performance appraisal
 * Training leaders in how to address toxic behavior
 * Using behavioral-based interview questions to screen toxic applicants
 * Exit interviewing to identify any toxic behavior in the workplace

Departmental & team strategies:

 * Defining appropriate interpersonal interactions with behavior-specific
   descriptions & standards
 * Using team discussions & role-plays to clarify the application of the
   behavioral descriptions & standards
 * Utilizing a 360-degree feedback process to assess the work environment

One-on-one strategies:

 * Stating explicitly that the behavior is not acceptable & why
 * Describing both unacceptable & acceptable behavior
 * Asking the employee to commit to & describe how he/she will change his/her
 * Frequent, targeted counseling feedback
 * Executive coaches
 * Progressive discipline
 * Termination

But even terminations are not a cure-all because of the:

 * Toxic-enabling people & organizational culture tendencies may remain
 * Employees may still be resentful of the way they were treated by the employee
   & the time it took the organization to react
 * Expertise & experience of the toxic employee are lost

Anyone with managerial or leadership responsibility


Pete Tosh is Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training
firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four
core disciplines:

 * Implementing Strategic HR Initiatives: Executive Search, Conducting HR
   Department Audits, Enhancing Recruiting, Interviewing & Selection Processes,
   Installing Performance Management Programs, Conducting Training Needs
   Assessments, Installing HR Metrics, etc
 * Maximizing Leadership Effectiveness: Facilitating Team Building Initiatives,
   Designing and Facilitating 360 Performance Assessments, Executive Coaching,
   Measuring and Enhancing Employee Engagement and Performance, etc
 * Strategic Planning: Facilitating Strategic Planning Events, Establishing
   Succession Plans, Installing Business Performance Metrics, etc
 * Enhancing Customer Loyalty: Conducting Customer Satisfaction Surveys,
   Facilitating Customer Advisory Councils, Developing Standards of Performance
   and Scripts for Key Customer TouchPoints, etc.

The Focus Group has provided these consulting and training services to
manufacturing and service organizations across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the
Middle East. Pete has worked closely with the leadership teams of organizations
such as Exxon, Brinks, EMC, State Farm, Marriott, N.C.I. YKK and Freddie Mac to:

 * Align corporate organizational structures with their strategic initiatives —
   while ensuring value creation for their customer bases
 * Ascertain customers’ primary needs and perceptions of organizations’
   performance relative to that of their competitors
 * Develop and implement customer loyalty enhancement processes — based on
   specific customer feedback — that delivered sustainable advantages in the
 * Implement performance management programs, executive coaching, compensation
   systems, and other HR processes to strategically direct and reward desired
   employee behavior

Prior to founding his own firm 25 years ago, Pete had 15 years of experience —
at the plant, divisional and corporate levels — in Human Resource and Quality
functions. Pete held leadership positions — to include the V.P. of Human
Resources and Quality — with Allied Signal, Imperial Chemical Industries,
Reynolds Metals, Charter Medical, and Access Integrated Networks.

Pete also frequently develops and facilitates a variety of leadership
development programs including Strategic Planning, Moving from an Operational
Manager to a Strategic Leader, Strategic HR Management, The Fundamentals of
Human Resource Management, Recruiting, Interviewing & Selection, Employment Law
and Utilizing HR Metrics. Employees from over 3,000 organizations have benefited
from Pete’s experience and perspective. Pete is a co-author of Leading Your
Organization to the Next Level: The Core Disciplines of Sustained Profitable

Pete holds a B.A. degree in Psychology from Emory and Henry College and Masters
degrees in both Business Administration and Industrial Psychology from Virginia
Commonwealth University.

More Webinars By Expert


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Using Stay Interviews To Improve Employee Retention & Engagement


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By: Marcia Zidle
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HR 101 - Things You Need To Know


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Onboarding Best Practices for Millennial and All Employees


By: Bob Verchota
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Retaining Employees During the Great Resignation


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2021-2022 FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual: What Compliance Officers Really Need
to Know?


By: Justin Muscolino
July 14, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

FDA Regulation of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning


By: Edwin Waldbusser
July 15, 2022
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Mind the GAAP: What Recent Changes in US GAAP Accounting Mean for Borrowers and


By: Dev Strischek
July 15, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

How to Document Employee Discussions and Why it is Important


By: Michael D Haberman
July 15, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Business Writing For Results


By: Audrey Halpern
July 15, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Enhancing Employee Engagement to Drive Organizational Performance


By: Pete Tosh
July 18, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Marijuana in the Workplace


By: Don Phin
July 18, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Multi-State Tax Issues for Payroll 2022


By: Patrick Haggerty
July 18, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

How To Deal With Toxic People


By: Michael Healey
July 19, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Implementing an Effective Human Error Reduction Program


By: Ginette M. Collazo
July 19, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Your Organizations Culture: If You Dont Get It Right,Nothing Else Matter


By: Marcia Zidle
July 19, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Validation Sampling Plans


By: Alan M Golden
July 20, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Sunshine Act Reporting - Clarification for Clinical Research


By: Danielle DeLucy
July 21, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Wage & Hour Laws: Ensuring Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act in 2022


By: Diane L. Dee
July 21, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Excel - 10 Must-Know Functions to Boost Your Productivity


By: Mike Thomas
July 22, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Putting The Quality In Audit Reports


By: Jonnie Keith
July 26, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Calculating Pay Checks - 2022


By: Merle Capello
July 27, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Supplemental Pay Essentials: Special Withholding Rules For Bonuses, Severance
Pay, Commissions And Fringe Benefits


By: Patrick Haggerty
July 28, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Stressed Out: How to Handle Conflict, Difficult People and Challenging


By: Marcia Zidle
July 5, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Items To Consider When Negotiating Physician Employment Agreements


By: William Mack Copeland
July 6, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Excel: Useful Formulas


By: Andy Lanning
July 6, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

How to Prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)?


By: Afsaneh Motamed Khorasani
July 7, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Dealing with the Disruptive Practitioner in a Legally Compliant Manner


By: William Mack Copeland
July 7, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Data Governance for Computer Systems Regulated by FDA


By: Carolyn Troiano
July 7, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Human Factors Usability Studies Following ISO 62366 and FDA Guidance


By: Edwin Waldbusser
July 7, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Form 1099 Update 2022: Latest Forms, Rules and Reporting Regulations


By: Patrick Haggerty
July 7, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Establishing a Robust Supplier Management Program


By: Kelly Thomas
July 8, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience


By: Don Phin
July 8, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Assessing Audit Evidence


By: Jonnie Keith
July 8, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Managing Toxic & Other Employees Who Have Attitude Issues


By: Pete Tosh
July 8, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Project Management for administrative professionals


By: Rebecca Staton-Reinstein
July 8, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Implementing a Change Control Quality System Successfully


By: Danielle DeLucy
July 11, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Bad Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - Bad Training: Garbage In, Garbage Out


By: Michael Esposito
July 11, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

FORM I-9 2022: ICE Announces New Extension Date and Requirements


By: Margie Faulk
July 11, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Three Key Risk Assessments In Your Erm Program - Erm, It And Internal Controls


By: Fred Vacelet
July 11, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Stay Interviews: A Powerful Engagement and Retention Tool


By: Melveen Stevenson
July 12, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Neutralizing Harassment - How to Promote the Proactive Personal Response


By: Beverly Beuermann-King
July 12, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Successfully Manage Employees Who Work from Home


By: Dr. B. Lynn Ware
July 12, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST

Here We Go Again! The DOL is increasing the Overtime Threshold in 2022. How Will
this Impact Employers and Employees?


By: Margie Faulk
July 12, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

Using Controls and Segregation of Duties to Build a Bullet Proof AP Operation


By: Brian G. Rosenberg
July 13, 2022
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST

How To Conduct An Internal Harassment And Bullying Investigation To Determine
Facts And Minimize Liability


By: Dr. Susan Strauss
July 13, 2022
12:00 PM PST | 03:00 PM EST











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