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Cornered vs TeamLions - Ultimate Pro Tournament - Playoffs




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Finish top 5 in a cup


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Kill 40 players


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5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

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2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

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2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

Prize Pool:

2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

Prize Pool:

2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

Prize Pool:

2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

Prize Pool:

2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

Prize Pool:

2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

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2500 10000
5v5 Dire Battle Pass Cup

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2500 10000

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JParticipation agreement and terms of service:
Last updated: Jun, 14th, 2019

Modified: 06/13/2019 Thank you for reviewing these Terms and Conditions of Use
(the “Terms” or “Agreement”). RankedM Technologies, Inc. (“RankedM” “We” “Us” or
“Our”) operates the website, its desktop and mobile application, and other
services (collectively referred to herein as the “Services”) available for your
(“User” “You” “Your” or “Yourself”) use subject to this Agreement. Any
references to this Agreement include these Terms, the Official Rules,
Regulations and Scoring of the applicable Contest or Promotion (“Contest Rules”)
which will be available for each Contest or Promotion, and the Privacy Policy.
To the extent that there is any inconsistency between these Terms, the Contest
Rules, the Privacy Policy, and the End User License Agreement these Terms shall
prevail. Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing the Services.
ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS By creating a RankedM User account (“Account”), or
participating in any Services, including, without limitation, participating in
esports contests or tournaments (each a “Contest”), Users: (i) acknowledge that
they have read and agree to be bound to and abide by these Terms; (ii) accept
and agree to all obligations, rules and scoring systems for each Contest in
which they participate; and (iii) represent and warrant that they are authorized
and able to accept these Terms. If a User does not wish to be bound by the
Terms, the User must not access the Site or participate in the Services. By
declining to accept these Terms, the User will be unable to create an Account or
participate in the Services. RankedM reserves the right to change these Terms at
any time without prior notice to You, and any amended Terms are effective upon
posting. If We make what We determine to be material changes to these Terms, We
will update the “Date Last Modified” and will notify You via the Site. Your
continued use of the Services following such material changes constitutes Your
consent to the changes. If You do not agree to the changes, Your sole remedy is
to cease using the Services. It is Your responsibility to periodically check and
review these Terms for changes. In addition to these Terms, additional terms and
conditions may govern various promotional offers, offered to You from time to
time. Such promotional offers are governed by their corresponding Promotional
Terms and Conditions. SOCIAL NETWORKING DISCLAIMER Video content may be streamed
through, and the Services may be accessible through or provide links to third
party social networking sites and applications, including, without limitation,
Discord, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. As a
condition of participating in the Services, Users acknowledge and agree that
such third parties do not sponsor, endorse, administer, and are in no way
associated with, the Services. All questions regarding the Services must be
directed to RankedM. Users further acknowledge and agree that as a condition of
participating in the Services, Users shall release Discord Inc., Facebook, Inc.,
Twitch Interactive, Inc., Twitter Inc., YouTube, Inc., and any other third party
social networking sites accessible through the Services from any and all
liability arising out of Users’ participation in such Services. The integration
of third party social networking sites and applications is provided solely as a
convenience to Users and Users access and use them entirely at their own risk
and subject to such third parties’ terms and conditions. RankedM employees and
Immediate Family Members living in the same household as such employees are
prohibited from competing in any esports contests offered by any esports contest
operator in which the operator offers a anycash prize. RankedM gameplay
consultants or promoters of the Services may play in the Contests without such
limitation, but only if: (i) their arrangement with RankedM does not permit them
to have any access to non-public Services data or any other data not made
available to all Users on the Services that may impact Contest outcome; and (ii)
they do not receive any other unfair advantages in their play in the Contests.
By accessing or using the Services, You represent and warrant that You have the
right, authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement, to abide by all of
these Terms, and that You are not prohibited from accessing and using the
Services. RankedM makes no representations or warranties, implicit or explicit,
as to Your legal right to participate in the Services nor shall any person
affiliated, or claiming affiliation, with RankedM have authority to make any
such representations or warranties. We do not intend for the Services or any
offerings made available thereon to be used by persons present in Jurisdictions
in which participation may be prohibited or restricted. You agree that the
availability of the Services does not constitute an offer, solicitation or
invitation by Us for the use of the Services in any Jurisdiction in which such
activities are prohibited or restricted. If You do not meet the eligibility
requirements of this section, then You are not authorized to use the Services.
RankedM reserves the right to verify Your age, identity, location and
eligibility at any time. This includes requesting that You fill out an affidavit
of eligibility. Any failure to cooperate with RankedM in this respect may result
in the suspension and/or termination of Your Account. To the extent RankedM
requests that You fill out such an affidavit, or similar request, and You fail
to do so within seven (7) days, or RankedM otherwise determines that You do not
meet the eligibility requirements of this section, in addition to any rights
that RankedM may have in law or equity, RankedM reserves the right to terminate
Your Account and withhold or revoke the awarding of any prizes associated with
such Account. In such a situation, RankedM will pay any withheld or revoked
prizes to the other entrants in the relevant Contests in a manner consistent
with an applicable Prize Table List of the Contest, to be precisely determined
by RankedM in its sole discretion. USER ACCOUNTS 4.1. Registration Information
To create an Account, go to the Site, click on the ‘Sign Up’ button, and
complete the registration process. To create an Account, You will be required to
(a) submit Your email address and other details as requested including, but not
limited to, Your country and state, and date of birth, and (b) select a unique
display name for Users. Alternatively, You may also register with Your Discord,
Facebook, or Google account.The display name must not be offensive, be selected
to deceive or misinform other Users, and may not offend common decency or
infringe upon the rights of third parties. If RankedM receives information that
a display name is illegal or in breach of these Terms, the display name can be
amended by RankedM without prior notice. For security reasons, passwords must
differ from display names and may be changed whenever You deem necessary. A
secure password must contain a combination of at least eight (8) numbers,
letters and special characters. For security reasons Users should consider
changing their password periodically. RankedM will not ask You to reveal Your
password, or initiate contact with You asking for answers to Your password
security questions. You agree to (a) provide true, accurate, current and
complete information about Yourself (the “Registration Data”) as prompted by the
registration form and (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to
keep it true, accurate, current and complete by sending an email to the Customer
Support Team, with the subject heading “Update Registration Data,” requested
change(s) to the existing Registration Data, and reason(s) for the requested
change(s). Any information collected by RankedM will be held subject to
RankedM’s Privacy Policy and “just-in-time” notices, if any, provided at the
point of information collection or use. If You provide any information that is
untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or RankedM has reasonable grounds
to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or
incomplete, RankedM reserves the right to suspend or terminate Your Account
immediately and refuse any and all current or future use of the Services (or any
portion thereof). RankedM shall not be held liable for untrue, inaccurate, not
current or incomplete information provided by You, including, but not limited
to, data input error. RankedM also reserves the right to request proof of age
documentation from any User at any time. RankedM reserves the right, in Our sole
discretion, to refuse to register Your Account, or suspend and/or terminate Your
Account at any time and/or refuse Your entry into any Contest, in respect of or
in connection with Your use of the Services. RankedM shall not be obligated to
provide You with reasons for such actions and shall not be liable to You in any
way for any loss or damages that may result from such actions. Subject to the
fulfillment of any outstanding commitments under these Terms, RankedM reserves
the right to terminate Your use of the Services at any time. 4.2. Identity
Verification Upon registration to the Services, You agree that we may disclose
your Personal Information, including, but not limited to, your full legal name,
residential address, and date of birth, to a third party verification service to
verify your identity. This verification process may include checking Your
Personal Information against third party databases. If Your Account is not
successfully verified by third party verification providers, you agree to
provide us, upon our request, documentation that confirms your identity. You
agree that we may use your Personal Information to conduct anti-fraud checks,
and that your Personal Information may be disclosed by us to a credit agency or
fraud prevention agency which may keep record of such information. You further
agree that in addition to the aforementioned verification processes, We may
confirm Your identity by using public information databases. 4.3. Secrecy
Obligation You agree to keep Your password secure and confidential. You are
solely responsible for all usage or activity on Your Account including, but not
limited to, use of the Account by any person who uses Your login information,
with or without authorization, or who has access to any computer or device on
which Your Account is accessible. In the event that You are concerned that Your
password is no longer secure and confidential, You should immediately change
Your password within the Services and notify RankedM by sending an email to the
Customer Support Team via, with the subject heading “Password Security.” Without
limiting the foregoing, any transactions made and accepted within the Services
where Your login information has been used will be treated as valid. For
security reasons, We may perform random security checks on Your Account to
confirm Your eligibility. In the event of a security check, We may require
additional documentation and You agree to fully cooperate with Us in respect of
such requirements. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate Your
registration and/or Account and/or withhold payment to You if We do not receive
the requested documentation. 4.4. One Account Only one (1) Account is allowed
per person. In the event that RankedM determines that You have registered more
than one (1) Account, then You acknowledge and agree that, in addition to any
other rights that RankedM may have, RankedM has the right to suspend or
terminate Your Account(s), refuse any and all current or future use of the
Services, void any Contest entries, and withhold or revoke the awarding of any
prizes. 4.5. No Transfer Your Account is not transferable. Under no
circumstances shall You allow or permit any other person or third party,
including, without limitation, any person under the legal age to participate in
the Services, and in no event any person under the age of thirteen (13), to use
or re-use Your Account in such a way that may breach the standards or laws in
any Jurisdiction where You are located and/or are a resident, or where such
other person is located and/or is a resident. You accept full responsibility for
all communications made from Your Account, including any communications made
from Your Account as a result of someone else using Your Account, either with or
without Your knowledge, and You shall be bound by such use as if it were Your
own use, and You shall fully indemnify RankedM in respect of any failure by such
third party to fulfill any commitments made by such use. You accept full
responsibility for any unauthorized use of the Services and for any use of Your
credit card, banking details, or other payment instrument by any other person or
third party in connection with Your Account. Any person found to have violated
this section may be reported to the relevant authorities and will forfeit all
funds in their Account. RankedM will not be liable for any loss that You may
incur as a result of someone else using Your Account, either with or without
Your knowledge. You will be liable for losses incurred due to someone else using
Your Account. 4.5. Equipment Obligation You must provide all equipment and
software necessary to connect to the Site, including, but not limited to, a
computer or Mobile Device (defined below) that is suitable to connect with and
use the Site. You are responsible for any fees, including, but not limited to,
Internet connection or data usage fees that You incur when accessing the Site.
RankedM will not be responsible for any damage to any computer, computer
equipment, Mobile Device, software, data or other property, or loss of data from
Mobile Devices on which the data is installed,. 4.6. Steam Account, Software and
Links To participate in Contests, from Your User Account You must connect to
Your registered account with Steam (“Steam Account”). If You do not have a Steam
Account, You may create an account for free by completing the registration
process at Additionally, to participate in
Contests, Your Steam Account Profile must be set to public. You should
familiarize Yourself with the terms and conditions of use and privacy policy
associated with Your Steam Account. RankedM is not affiliated with Steam, which
is operated by Valve Corporation and is not responsible for the terms and
conditions of use, privacy policy, or the collection, use, or disclosure of any
information that it may collect. When using the Services, it also may be
necessary for Us to provide You with Our own software and/or that provided by
third parties (“Software”)., and Valve Corporation. You may be required to enter
into end user terms and conditions of use in respect of such Software in order
to make use of such Software. The terms upon which You may download and use any
such Software will be made available to You at the time of download and must be
accepted by You prior to Your use of such Software. You should familiarize
Yourself with the applicable end user terms and conditions of use. RankedM is
not responsible for the end user terms and conditions of use, privacy policies,
or the collection, use, or disclosure of any information such third parties may
collect through their Software. By using the Services You accept full
responsibility for all Internet connection fees, together with all equipment
servicing or repair costs necessary to allow You access to the Services. STEAM
ACCOUNT 4.7. To play on our site, your account must meet the requirements
specified in the following paragraphs: 4.7.1. The account should not have
restrictions. To remove restrictions, Steam requires to replenish your account
for $5 or make a purchase of game content for the specified amount. 4.7.2. Your
account should not have any bans, including bans in the Steam community, trade
ban, community ban and hidden ban. The exception is VAC BAN, if it is present at
a game that is not present in our service or in tournaments of which you are not
going to take part. 4.7.3. Your account must be active, have hours for the last
two weeks spent in the games that are used on our website, and also have a
minimum playing hours. For more information, contact the support service of our
service or the captain of your team, as these figures may change. 4.7.4. Access
to linking Steam account to your profile on the site may be limited due to
violation of the rules of our service. If you think that the block was issued
incorrectly, contact the support service of our service. 4.7.5. Accounts with
established Family View are not subject to binding. To link such an account, you
need to go into the Steam profile settings and disable the Family View. 4.7.6.
The service has a system to reduce the load on the tournament server. In order
to correctly link your Steam account to the profile on the site, the CS: GO and
DOTA 2 items must not be present in your account inventory. Since Steam has a
system, which blocks the trade for items for a certain period of time, (new
users) our service allows you to send an trade (to a friend, to your other
account or site) without accepting it from the other side. After a successful
binding, it is allowed to cancel the trade, in order to avoid the trade of items
and their subsequent trade ban. After participating in 5 online tournaments, you
will need to, without fail, empty your inventory to participate in further
tournaments or attach a new account. 4.7.8. If your account meets all the above
requirements, but the Steam account is not linked to your profile on the site,
you need to change the password for the Steam account, go to and untie the Steam web API key, after
that go to the Steam profile section "About account", in the Steam Guard
settings and click the "Exit from all devices" button, after completing the
steps specified in the instructions, try trying to link the Steam account to the
account on our service, again. ESPORTS CONTESTS 5.1. esports Contests There are
a number of Contests made available in which you may participate. We or our
partnered 3rd Party Tournament Organizers reserve the right to modify or cancel
Contest(s) at any time without notice to You. We reserve the right, in our sole
discretion, to move entrants from the Contests they have entered to
substantially similar Contests. All Contests offered in the Services are
designed as contests of skill. Winning a Contest is determined by Your ability
to use Your skill and knowledge of the game to beat Your opponent. Rules may
differ from Contest to Contest. Each of Our Contests are governed by specific
Rules, as may be modified from time to time, which are presented upon entry into
the Contest, and are incorporated into these Terms by this reference. You may
review Contest information specific to the Contest by clicking on the ‘Contest
Info’ button of the applicable Contest page. Various promotional offers may be
offered to You from time to time and are subject to additional terms and
conditions which are set forth under the Promotional Terms and Conditions and
are incorporated into these Terms by this reference. You have the responsibility
to review the Contest Rules and Promotional Terms and Conditions prior to
participating in any Contest, and to review the Contest Rules and Promotional
Terms and Conditions regularly for any changes. You agree to abide by the
then-current rules for the Contest(s) in which You participate. Your failure to
follow the then-current rules for the Contest(s) in which You participate will
result in Your immediate and automatic forfeiture of the Contest(s), and We
reserve the right to immediately suspend or terminate Your access to the
Services. 5.2. Entry Fees and Payment RankedM and its partnered 3rd Party
Tournament Organizing Companies may offer esports Contests that will require an
Entry Fee, which will be listed in xCredits (a virtual currency sold by RankedM
and its licensed partners, including but not limited to Xsolla Inc., that is
non-transferable, non-withdrawable and non-refundable). All premium tournaments,
in the event of a cash prize pool, are all administered by respective third
party Tournament Organizers. RankedM does NOT offer any cash payouts for any
contests on the platform. The Entry Fee may vary from Contest to Contest. It is
Your responsibility to know and understand the Rules and required Entry Fees for
any given Contest. Upon entering a Contest, the Entry Fee will be deducted from
xCredits balance in Your Account. You may review charges relating to Your
Account by viewing the Statements within Your Account. In the event of a dispute
regarding the identity of the person submitting an entry into a Contest, the
entry will be deemed submitted by the person in whose display name the entry was
submitted, or if possession of the display name itself is contested, the name of
the Authorized Account Holder. “Authorized Account Holder” is defined as the
natural person who is the age of majority in his or her Jurisdiction of
residence and who is assigned to an email address by an Internet access
provider, online service provider, or other organization (e.g., business,
education institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning email addresses
for the domain associated with the submitted email address for registration with
the Services. By inputting a payment method to purchase xCredits and participate
in RankedM Contests, the Authorized Account Holder hereby affirms that the
Authorized Account Holder is the lawful owner of the payment method account used
to make any deposit(s). It shall be a violation of these Terms for any
Authorized Account Holder to submit payment using any payment method that is not
owned by the Authorized Account Holder. You accept full responsibility of any
Contests entered into by Your Account and acknowledge that You have not relied
on any statement, representation or advice from Us in deciding whether to enter
into a Contest. You also acknowledge that by using the Services and entering
into Contests with Entry Fees, You may lose such Entry Fees and this will
preclude You from issuing a chargeback on any non-fraudulent transaction. Any
participation in which Entry Fees will be paid is at Your sole discretion and
risk. By entering into a Contest, You warrant that You do not know the outcome
of the subject matter of the Contest. RankedM and its partnered 3rd party
Tournament Organizers (“We”) reserve the right, in Our sole discretion, to deny
any User the ability to participate in any Contests for any reason whatsoever.
Further, We reserve the right to declare as void a Contest or Your entry into a
Contest and its associated Entry Fees if, in Our sole discretion, We suspect (i)
a User or persons associated with a User unfairly influence the outcome of a
Contest; (ii) a User is in breach of these Terms, including, without limitation
the respective Contest Rules; or (iii) the result of a Contest may be or has
been directly or indirectly affected by abusive or criminal activity. We reserve
the right to cancel or void any Contests, in Our sole discretion which shall be
final and binding, if in Our reasonable opinion, there is a manifest error in
the subject Contests or a technological failure occurred within the subject
Contests. 5.3. Results and Winners Winners are based on the results of the
Contest. The results and winners of each Contest offered on the Services will be
determined and its partnered 3rd party Tournament Organizersat Our sole
discretion and such determinations are final. By registering an Account and/or
participating in any Contest, You agree to be bound by these determinations and
agree to cooperate with Our efforts to reverse prize payouts. 5.4. Contest
Prizes The Users in each Completed Contest who win the Contest (e.g., accumulate
the most points, kills, etc.) and comply with eligibility requirements and
applicable Contest Rules will win the corresponding prizes for that Contest. In
the event that two or more Users tie in a Contest, the prize will be divided
evenly among those Users. RankedM and its partnered Third Party Tournament
Organizers offer a number of different types of Contests. For each Contest, We
announce the Entry Fee and corresponding prize in advance on the Contest page.
All cash prize contests are organized by Third Party Tournament Organizers and
they are responsible for any payments. RankedM does NOT run any cash prize
contests and is NOT responsible for any payments. RankedM makes no
representations on behalf of Third Parties and is not a party to such
agreements; all duties therein are directly between the Third Party offereror
and any participant/claimant. No substitution or transfer of prize is permitted
except at respective tournament organizer’s sole discretion. All prizes are
awarded AS IS and WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, express or implied, (including,
without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose) by Us. If any legal authority challenges the award and/or
Your receipt of a prize for winning a Contest on the Services, We reserve the
right to revoke, cancel, suspend, substitute, or modify the award of such prize.
Except in circumstances where technical failure, Our inability to verify Your
compliance with these Terms, or other reasons prevent timely distribution. Any
prizes that are mistakenly distributed to Your Account remain Our property and
will automatically be transferred from Your Account upon confirmation of the
error. Any prize mistakenly credited to Your Account that have been redeemed or
used by You before confirmation of the error will constitute a debt owed by You
to Us in the value of such wrongfully attributed prize. 5.5. Collusion, Cheating
and Fraud If You suspect that any User or third party may be cheating by
undertaking one of the following reportable actions listed below, You must
report such activity to Our Customer Support Team by sending email, with the
subject heading “Cheating” as soon as reasonably practicable. Reportable actions
include, without limitation: (i) colluding with other third parties; (ii) using
unfair external factors or influences; (iii) entering into Contests through
unauthorized methods; (iv) undertaking fraudulent activities to their advantage
and the disadvantage of other Users; (v) accessing any pre-release, confidential
information or other information that is not available to all other entrants of
a Contest and that provides the entrant an advantage in such a Contest,
including any information from any esport skill-based competition site or
information from a skill-based competition governing body (e.g., pre-release
patch, bug, update, or injury information) (“Pre-Release Data”); or (vi) using
multiple Accounts. Such activities are prohibited and We will take all
reasonable steps to investigate any such complaints and, where possible, prevent
such activities. We shall not be held liable for any form of loss sustained by
You as a result of any of the prohibited activities or any other unlawful
activity of persons using the Services. We reserve the right to terminate Your
Account, withhold the balance of Your Account, and recover from Your Account the
amount of any affected payouts if: 5.6.1. You are found or suspected to have
participated in any form of collusion or fraudulent practice; 5.6.2. We become
aware that You have invalidly requested a chargeback; 5.6.3. You become bankrupt
or have equivalent proceedings occurring anywhere in the world; DEPOSITING
ACCOUNT VIA XCREDITS PURCHASE 6.1. Deposits To participate in certain Contests,
You will be required to purchase virtual currency (“xCredits”) into Your Account
by any of the methods permitted, and You may only participate in Premium
Contests if You have sufficient virtual currencies to cover the full Entry Fee.
Such virtual currencies will be deposited into Your Account upon actual receipt
of the funds by Us and/or Our agents. The sale of such virtual currencies are
final and no refunds will be issued. At any time, if requested, You agree to
assist Us in verifying Your Account. Minimum and maximum limits may be applied
to Your purchase of xCredits into Your Account, depending upon Your history with
the Services, Your profile, capability to pay, the method of purchase, and other
factors as determined solely by Us, and the Customer Support Team may request
additional identification documents from Users as part of this process. All
transactions into Your Account must be from a payment source on which You are
the named account holder. Depending on Your selected method of payment, fees may
be payable by You as a result of depositing funds into Your Account and will be
treated as an independent charge by the relevant payment or network provider,
for which You accept full responsibility. Please note that we do not store Your
Credit or Debit Card number. It is passed straight through to Our PCI-DSS
Compliant Payment Service Provider, where it is securely stored. 6.2. Bonuses
and Promotions From time to time, RankedM may offer bonuses to prospect users
and for other marketing purposes. Any bonuses and/or promotions are subject to
their respective terms and requirements. Additionally, the promotional bonuses
may NOT be applied until certain pre-conditions are met subject to their
respective terms and requirements. THIRD-PARTY PAYMENT PROCESSORS RankedM uses
third-party electronic payment processors and financial institutions (“Payment
Processors”) to process payments. The information that We provide to and receive
from these Payment Processors and the manner in which such information is used
and disclosed is described in further detail in the RankedM Privacy Policy.
Users irrevocably authorize Us, as necessary, to instruct such Payment
Processors to handle payments and Users irrevocably agree that RankedM may give
such instructions on a User’s behalf in accordance with User requests as
submitted through the Services. Users agree to be bound by the terms and
conditions of each applicable Payment Processor, and in the event of a conflict
between these Terms and the Payment Processors’ terms and conditions, then these
Terms shall prevail. Users agree that RankedM is not liable for any loss caused
by any unauthorized use of credit cards or other methods of payment by a third
party in connection with a User’s use of the Services, except as a result of the
gross negligence of RankedM. INTERACTIVE SERVICES AND USER CONTENT 9.1.
Interactive Services The Services may contain message boards, chat rooms,
profiles, forums, bulletin boards, and other interactive features that allow
Users to post, submit, publish, display, or transmit to others content, such as
audio, video, text, or other materials (collectively, “User Content”). Users
understand and acknowledge that by using the Services, Users may be exposed to
User Content that Users may consider to be objectionable and/or inaccurate and
that their use of the Services constitutes their acceptance of such risk. All
User Content must comply with the Content Standards set out in Section 9.3 of
this Agreement. Any User Content Users post on or through the Services will be
considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By posting any User Content on
or through the Services, Users grant RankedM and its respective licensees,
successors, and assigns the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display,
distribute, sell, exploit, and otherwise disclose to third parties any such
material for any purpose, without restriction, and without compensation to
Users. Users represent and warrant that: (i) Users own or control all rights in
and to their User Content; (ii) Users have the right to grant the license
granted above to RankedM and its respective licensees, successors and assigns;
and (iii) all of their User Content does and will comply with this Agreement.
Users understand and acknowledge that Users are responsible for any User Content
they submit or contribute, and Users, not RankedM, have full responsibility for
such content, including its legality, reliability, accuracy and appropriateness.
If You delete User Content from the Services, Our general license to that User
Content will end after a reasonable period of time required for the deletion to
take full effect. However, the User Content may still exist in Our backup
copies, which are not publicly available. If Your User Content is shared with
third parties, those third parties may have retained copies of Your User
Content. In addition, if We made use of Your User Content before You deleted it,
We will continue to have the right to make, duplicate, redistribute, and
sublicense those pre-existing uses, even after You delete the User Content.
Terminating Your Account on the Services will not automatically delete Your User
Content. User Content becomes public information, can be collected and used by
others, and may result in the receipt of unsolicited messages from third
parties. RankedM discourages Users from posting any personal information that
can be used to identify or locate Users, such as User addresses, email
addresses, or phone numbers. IF A USER CHOOSES TO POST ANY PERSONALLY
Enforcement; Termination RankedM does not undertake a review of material before
it is posted on or through the Services, and cannot ensure prompt removal of
objectionable material after it has been posted. Accordingly, RankedM assumes no
liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications, or
content provided by any User or third party. RankedM has no liability or
responsibility to anyone for performance or nonperformance of the activities
described in this section. RankedM does reserve the right, however, at its sole
discretion, to take any of the following actions: 9.2.1. Remove or refuse to
post any User Content for any or no reason; 9.2.2. Take any action with respect
to any User Content that RankedM deems necessary or appropriate, including,
without limitation, if RankedM believes that any User Content violates this
Agreement, infringes any intellectual property right or other right of any
person or entity, threatens the personal safety of other Users or the public or
could create liability for RankedM; 9.2.3. Disclose User identity or other
information about Users to any third party who claims that material posted by
Users violates their rights, including their intellectual property rights or
their right to privacy; 9.2.4. Take appropriate legal action, including, without
limitation, referral to law enforcement, for any illegal or unauthorized use of
the Services; and 9.2.5. Terminate or suspend access to Your User Account or all
or part of the Services for any or no reason, including, without limitation, any
violation of this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, RankedM reserves
the right to fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order
requesting or directing Us to disclose the identity or other information of
anyone posting any materials on or through the Services. USERS WAIVE AND HOLD
Content must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and
regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, User Content must not: 9.3.1.
Contain any material which is defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive,
harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable; 9.3.2.
Promote sexually explicit or pornographic material, violence, or discrimination
based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or
age; 9.3.3. Infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other
intellectual property or other rights of any other person; 9.3.4. Violate the
legal rights (including the rights of publicity and privacy) of others or
contain any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability
under applicable laws or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with
this Agreement; 9.3.5. Be intended or likely to deceive any person; 9.3.6.
Advocate, promote, or assist any illegal activity; 9.3.7. Be likely to upset,
embarrass, alarm, or annoy any other person; 9.3.8. Impersonate any person, or
misrepresent the User’s identity or affiliation with any person or organization;
9.3.9. Involve commercial activities, sales, or advertising; 9.3.10. Contain any
links without prior written permission from RankedM; or 9.3.11. Give the
impression that it is endorsed by RankedM or any other person or entity, if this
is not the case. CONDUCT Users agree not to use the Services for any unlawful
purpose or for any purpose that is prohibited by this Agreement. Users further
agree not to: 10.1. Engage in any illegal activity, or the planning of any
illegal activity; 10.2. Threaten, harass, abuse, or otherwise intimidate any
User(s); 10.3. Post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any
content that is infringing, libelous, defamatory, abusive, offensive, obscene,
pornographic or otherwise violates the law or the rights of RankedM, its Users,
or any third party; 10.4. Use the Services for any purpose other than that which
is authorized in this Agreement or in a manner that violates any laws including
intellectual property laws; 10.5. Seek to or in any way assist others in
obtaining Account, password, or personal information from any User(s); 10.6.
Create a false identity, impersonate another person, or otherwise attempt to
mislead any person as to the identity or origin of any communication; 10.7. Send
or cause to be generated any unwanted email to any User(s); 10.8. Send or cause
to be generated any unwanted messages in the Services; 10.9. Inflict or cause to
be inflicted in any manner whatsoever software viruses or any other code
designed to interrupt, destroy, limit, or otherwise affect the functionality of
any software or hardware or telecommunications equipment associated directly or
indirectly with the Services; 10.10. Employ any automated means, including,
without limitation, bots, scrapers, or spiders to access or participate in the
Services for any purpose; 10.11. Using any unauthorized programs that interact
with the software in any way for any purpose, including, but not limited to
intercepting, emulating, or redirecting any communication, or collecting
information or reading memory used by RankedM; 10.12. Improperly using support
or complaint features of the Services or making false reports to RankedM; 10.13.
Using any artificial means to alter a User’s position in the Contests; 10.14.
Selling or transferring an Account or any attributes related thereto; 10.15.
Involve commercial activities, sales, or advertising; 10.16. Engaging in any
activity to gain an unfair advantage over RankedM or other Users, or otherwise
acting in an unfair manner by exploiting a fault in RankedM software, by
collusion or by any other unfair or illegal methods; or 10.17. Engaging in any
other activity deemed by RankedM to be in conflict with the spirit or intent of
this Agreement. Any use of the Services in violation of the foregoing
constitutes a breach of this Agreement and may result in, among other things,
Account termination, withholding of the balance of Your Account, recovery of any
affected payouts from Your Account, prohibition from using the Services, and/or
legal action. Users understand that any attempt to deliberately damage the
Services or undermine any Contest may also be a violation of criminal and/or
civil laws and RankedM reserves the right to seek damages and other remedies
from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. If Users wish to
report any abuses, inappropriate online conduct, or a violation of this
Agreement, please forward all evidence of the same to, with
the subject heading “Violations.” Please report responsibly. RankedM SERVICES,
MAINTENANCE AND RIGHT TO TERMINATE RankedM conducts maintenance work on its
systems from time to time primarily for the purpose of ensuring security and
integrity. A portion, or sometimes all, of the features of the Services will not
be available during maintenance periods. If possible, Users will be notified of
maintenance periods in advance, however, Users hereby agree that RankedM may
update the Services with or without notifying Users. RankedM also reserves the
right to modify or discontinue operation of any aspect of the Services at any
time, including, without limitation, the availability of the Services, or any
features or content thereon, including without limitation the offering of the
Contests. RankedM may also impose limits on certain features and offerings or
restrict access to parts or all of the Services with or without notice to Users
and without liability to Users or any third party. You may close Your Account
and terminate Your right to use the Services at any time by clicking on the
‘Delete Account’ button under ‘Profile Settings’ or by sending an email to the
Customer Support Team, with the subject heading “Account Closure.” Upon receipt
of Your email, the Customer Support Team will respond within a reasonable time
to confirm the closure of Your Account, however, You accept full responsibility
for all activity on Your Account until such confirmation has been given to You
by Us. We will use Our reasonable efforts to close Your Account within seven (7)
business days. Any remaining xCredits in Your Account (excluding any rewards,
incentives or promotional funds) at the time of Account closure will be
automatically be deleted from your account recordsIn the event You win in a
Contest after confirmation of Your Account closure, You will be notified by
email sent by the administrator or organizer of respective contests. If You
close Your Account, RankedM reserves the right to collect fees, surcharges, or
costs incurred before closing the Account. RankedM may suspend or terminate
Accounts, confiscate any Account balances in accordance with applicable law,
refuse any and all current or future use of the Services (and access to all
related entitlements)without notice, and for any reason, including, without
limitation, for violation of this Agreement, illegal or improper use of an
Account, or illegal or improper use of the Services. In the event that a User’s
Account is terminated or cancelled, the User will have no further access to
their Account or anything associated with it. If a User’s Account is terminated
by RankedM, We reserve the right to determine whether to declare as void any
transaction(s) placed by such User. RankedM also reserves the right to refuse to
maintain an Account for, and provide the Services to, any individual. All
problems encountered during the use of the Services, including those with regard
to User Accounts, etc., can be reported to RankedM when the problem is
encountered by sending an email to the Customer Support Team, with the subject
heading “Assistance Request.” If Your Account is subject to a suspension or
termination, You must respect the restrictions and limitations imposed on Your
Account as part of the suspension or termination, and You should communicate
with the Customer Support Team regarding restoration of Your Account by sending
an email, with the subject heading “Suspended Account.” THIRD PARTY ADVERTISING
Users understand that the Services may feature advertisements from RankedM as
well as Our third party sponsors. RankedM’s disclosure of information for third
party advertising is addressed in the Privacy Policy. Additionally, any charges
or obligations incurred in dealings with these third parties are the User’s sole
responsibility. RankedM makes no representation or warranty regarding any
content, goods and/or services provided by any third party even if linked to
from the Services, and will not be liable for any claim relating to any third
party content, goods and/or services. RankedM is not responsible for their
content, business practices, or privacy policies, or for the collection, use, or
disclosure of any information those sites and services may collect. Further, the
inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by RankedM of such sites or
services. CALIFORNIA CONSUMER NOTICE As required by California Code Section
1789.3, this notice is to advise Users that (i) the Services are provided by
RankedM Technologies, Inc., at 31 Milk Street, Suite 717, Boston, MA 02109,
(617) 936-4104, and that (ii) a fee may be charged for certain offerings,
including, without limitation, in connection with Services. RankedM reserves the
right to change the amount of any fee or charge and to institute new fees or
charges, effective on reasonable notice to Users. If Users have a complaint
regarding the Services or desire further information on use of the Services,
please contact the Customer Support Team. Users may also contact the Complaint
Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California
Department of Consumer Affairs in writing at Department of Consumer Affairs,
Consumer Information Division, 1625 North Market Boulevard, Suite N 112,
Sacramento, CA 95834, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.
PRIVACY AND DATA COLLECTION RankedM’s Privacy Policy, is an integral part of
this Agreement and is expressly incorporated by reference. GENERAL QUERIES 16.1.
FAQ For general queries related to RankedM, visit our FAQ page, which lists a
range of answers to common questions. 16.2. Contact Us If the FAQs do not
provide an answer to Your query, the Customer Support Team would love to hear
from You. Please reach out by sending us an email or filling out the ‘Contact
Us’ form on the Q&A page with the following information: Your Name; Your Email;
and The query or issue we can assist You with. The Customer Support Team will
endeavor to: Provide an initial response to Your query or complaint within two
(2) business days, and Investigate and attempt to resolve Your query within ten
(10) business days or such longer period as is necessary and notified to You by
our team member. 16.3. Support within the Services If You have the RankedM Site
/ Royale Application open, You can access both the FAQ and Contact Us functions,
allowing You to get answers to Your queries immediately within the Services.
LAWSUIT IN COURT. Users agree to work with RankedM in good faith to resolve any
dispute, controversy, disagreement or claim (“Dispute”) arising out of or
relating to this Agreement or their use of the Services before escalating to
binding arbitration or litigation, as addressed below. The following steps are
available to Users: 17.1. Initial Dispute Resolution Users must give RankedM an
opportunity to resolve the Dispute by sending an email, with the subject line
“Dispute” or mailing RankedM Technologies, Inc., Attn: Customer Support Team, 31
Milk Street, Suite 717, Boston, MA 02109. The written notification of Dispute
must include: (i) the User’s name and email address; (ii) a written description
of the Dispute; and (iii) a description of the specific relief the User seeks.
The parties agree to use their best efforts to resolve Disputes using this
Initial Dispute Resolution process. GENERAL PROVISIONS 18.1. Relationship of
Parties/No Third Party Beneficiaries Users agree that no joint venture,
partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between Users and RankedM
as a result of this Agreement or their use of the Services. Users agree not to
hold themselves out as representatives, agents, operators, distributors, or
employees of RankedM and RankedM shall not be liable for any of their
representations, acts, or omissions. Users also agree that, except as otherwise
expressly provided in this Agreement, there shall be no third party
beneficiaries to this Agreement. 18.5. Force Majeure RankedM shall not be liable
for any delay or failure to perform resulting from unforeseen circumstances or
causes outside its reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of
God, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities,
fire, floods, accidents, network infrastructure failures, strikes, or shortages
of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials. 18.6. Notices
RankedM may notify Users via postings in the Services, via email and/or any
other method of communication to the contact information Users provide to Us.
All questions, complaints, or claims pertaining to the Services as well as any
notices given by Users or required from Users under these Terms shall be in
writing and directed to: RankedM Technologies, Inc. Address: 31 Milk Street,
Suite 717, Boston, MA 02109 Email: ­­­­­ Any notices Users
provide that do not comply with this Section 18.6 shall have no legal effect.
18.7. Entire Agreemen t These Terms constitute the entire agreement between
Users and RankedM with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and
replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or
oral, regarding such subject matter. Any waiver of any provision of these Terms
will be effective only if in writing and signed by RankedM. 18.8. Reservation of
Rights RankedM reserves the right to enforce its Terms if RankedM, in its sole
discretion, determines that the services provided by a content provider’s
platform (including but not limited to websites, mobile applications, web-based
applications, desktop-based applications, or social media accounts) is
detrimental to the Company brand or brands, including, without limitation, in
any manner that is disparaging or that otherwise portrays RankedM in a negative
light, or has a negative impact on the integrity of RankedM’s product or
business operations. GOVERNMENTAL COMPLIANCE RankedM’s performance of this
Agreement is subject to existing laws and legal process, and nothing contained
in this Agreement is in derogation of RankedM’s right to comply with
governmental, court, and law enforcement requests or requirements relating to
use of the Services or information provided to or gathered by RankedM with
respect to such use. GOVERNING LAW By using these Services, You agree that the
laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will govern these Terms, without
giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. The section titles in the
TERMS are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

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