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 * 7 Forks

 * Documentation home
 * Getting started
   Getting started
    * Codacy quickstart (5 min)
    * Supported languages and tools
    * Which permissions does Codacy need from my account?
    * Adding a Codacy badge

 * Your repositories
   Your repositories
    * Repository Dashboard
    * Commits page
    * Files page
    * Issues page
    * Security Monitor

 * Configuring your repositories
   Configuring your repositories
    * Configuring code patterns
    * Managing branches
    * Integrations
       * GitHub integration
       * GitLab integration
       * Bitbucket integration
       * Slack integration
       * Jira integration
       * Webhook notifications
       * Post-commit hooks
    * Ignoring files
    * Configuring file extensions
    * Adjusting quality settings
    * Using submodules
    * Codacy configuration file
    * Removing your repository

 * Organizations
    * What are synced organizations
    * Organization Overview
    * Managing repositories
    * Copying code patterns between repositories
    * Managing people
    * Changing your plan and billing
    * Roles and permissions for synced organizations
    * Manual organizations (legacy)
      Manual organizations (legacy)
       * Creating and renaming an organization
       * Creating and managing teams
       * Managing team repositories
       * Administrative permissions
       * Share your repository with a non-Codacy user

 * Your account
   Your account
    * Managing your profile
    * Emails

 * Related tools
   Related tools
    * Coverage
       * Adding coverage to your repository
       * Alternative ways of running Coverage Reporter
       * Troubleshooting common issues
    * Local analysis
      Local analysis
       * Running local analysis
       * Client-side tools
       * Running aligncheck
       * Running deadcode
       * Running SpotBugs
    * Codacy plugin tools

 * Codacy API
   Codacy API
    * Using the Codacy API
    * API tokens
    * API v3 reference (recommended)
    * API v2 reference
    * Examples
       * Adding repositories to Codacy programmatically
       * Obtaining code quality metrics for files
       * Obtaining current issues in repositories

 * Managing Codacy Self-hosted
   Managing Codacy Self-hosted
    * Installing Codacy Self-hosted
    * System requirements
    * Setting up Kubernetes
      Setting up Kubernetes
       * Creating an Amazon EKS cluster
       * Creating a MicroK8s cluster
    * Configuring Codacy
      Configuring Codacy
       * Integrations
          * GitHub Cloud
          * GitHub Enterprise
          * Creating a GitHub App
          * GitLab Cloud
          * GitLab Enterprise
          * Bitbucket Cloud
          * Bitbucket Server
          * SMTP server
       * Monitoring
    * Maintenance and operations
      Maintenance and operations
       * Updating your Codacy license
       * Upgrading Codacy
       * Uninstalling Codacy
       * Database migration guide
    * Troubleshooting
       * Troubleshooting Codacy
       * Collecting logs for Support
       * Kubernetes cheatsheet

 * Troubleshooting and FAQs
   Troubleshooting and FAQs
    * General
       * Which version control systems does Codacy support?
       * Which browsers does Codacy support?
       * How does Codacy support GitLab Cloud?
       * How does Codacy support GitLab Enterprise?
       * How does Codacy support Bitbucket Cloud?
       * How does Codacy support Bitbucket Server?
       * How does Codacy keep my data secure?
       * How does Codacy protect my privacy?
       * Why can't I see my organization?
       * How do I change my email address on Codacy?
       * How do I allowlist Codacy Cloud on my Git provider?
       * How can I change or cancel my plan?
    * Repositories
       * What are the different grades and how are they calculated?
       * Why can't I see or add my organization's repositories?
       * How do I set Codacy as a required check to merge pull requests?
       * How do I reanalyze my repository?
       * I renamed my repository on the Git provider
       * I moved my repository on the Git provider
       * How do I migrate a legacy repository to a synced organization?
    * Code analysis
      Code analysis
       * Does Codacy place limits on the code analysis?
       * Does Codacy check for dependencies?
       * How does Codacy measure complexity in my repository?
       * How long does it take for my repository to be analyzed?
       * How to skip an analysis?
       * How to configure PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards?
    * Troubleshooting
       * Why did Codacy stop commenting on pull requests?
       * Why aren't duplication metrics being calculated?
       * Why isn't my public repository being analyzed?
       * Not a member of the organization
       * We no longer have access to this repository, check your SSH keys
       * Why is my file over 150 KB missing?
       * Error caused by incompatible line endings

 * Release notes
   Release notes
    * Codacy release notes
    * Cloud
       * 2021
          * Cloud August 2021
          * Performing scheduled database maintenance July 3, 2021
       * 2020
          * Deprecating HTTP headers for API tokens April 1, 2020
          * Removal of NodeSecurity, GoLint, and SCSSLint March 9, 2020
          * Codacy now supports GitHub Apps February 2020
       * 2019
          * Cloud November 15, 2019
          * Cloud October 30, 2019
          * Cloud September 5, 2019
          * Cloud August 7, 2019
          * Cloud June 18, 2019
          * Cloud May 20, 2019
          * Cloud May 5, 2019
          * Cloud April 8, 2019
          * Cloud March 29, 2019
          * Bitbucket changes February 18, 2019
          * Cloud January 2, 2019
       * 2018
          * Cloud November 16, 2018
          * Cloud November 2, 2018
          * Cloud October 19, 2018
          * Cloud July 23, 2018
    * Self-hosted
       * v4
          * Self-hosted v4.3.0
          * Self-hosted v4.2.0
          * Self-hosted v4.1.0
          * Self-hosted v4.0.1
          * Self-hosted v4.0.0
       * v3
          * Self-hosted v3.5.1
          * Self-hosted v3.5.0
          * Self-hosted v3.4.0
          * Self-hosted v3.3.0
          * Self-hosted v3.2.0
          * Self-hosted v3.1.0
          * Self-hosted v3.0.0
       * v2
          * Self-hosted v2.2.1
          * Self-hosted v2.2.0
          * Self-hosted v2.1.1
          * Self-hosted v2.1.0
          * Self-hosted v2.0.0
       * v1
          * Self-hosted v1.5.0
          * Self-hosted v1.4.0
          * Self-hosted v1.3.0
          * Self-hosted v1.2.0
          * Self-hosted v1.1.0
          * Self-hosted v1.0.1
          * Self-hosted v1.0.0

 * Special thanks


Getting started
Adding your first repository (5 min)
Sign up with your Git provider so that Codacy can have access to your Git
provider organizations and members. You can then add any repository you have
access to with one click.
Supported languages
Codacy supports over 40 programming languages and frameworks out of the box, and
regularly adds support for new languages and tools.
Using Codacy
Creating and managing an organization
Codacy automatically imports your Git provider organizations and members.
Changes reflect on Codacy in real time and you can manage people who joined your
organization on Codacy.
Setting up integrations
Set up integrations to receive Codacy status checks on your current workflow.


Adding coverage reports
Set up your repositories to show code coverage reports directly on Codacy.

Managing people in organizations
Invite your team members to join Codacy to analyze their commits on private

Using the Codacy API
Programmatically retrieve and analyze data from Codacy and perform configuration
Last modified August 18, 2021
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