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Effective URL: https://www.valuewalk.com/this-still-isnt-a-buyable-bottom-for-stocks/?ck_subscriber_id=1745678006&utm_source=convertkit&u...
Submission: On June 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

GET https://www.valuewalk.com/

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GET https://www.valuewalk.com/

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Name: mc-embedded-subscribe-formPOST https://valuewalk.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=c3eb7a1d092fc854772c834e0&id=f6f5bdb8b5

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Home Business This Still Isn’t A Buyable Bottom For Stocks
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Jun 21, 2022, 4:33 pm
Table of Contents show
 * 1. There’s Hope In The Market But The Technical Outlook Is Gloomy
 * 2. The S&P 500 Broke Out Of A Downward Sloping Channel
 * 3. The Analysts And The Gurus Aren’t Sanguine About The Market


Equities began the week with a strong bounce and the S&P 500 (NYMARKET:SPY)
gained more than 2.6% by midday. As strong as the bounce looks, however, we
still don’t think this is the buyable bottom. While there is some indication
that a bottom may form during the Q2 reporting season that season is still a few
weeks away and there is great risk in the outlook. The consensus estimates for
Q2, Q3, and Q4 earnings have ticked higher over the last two weeks the updraft
is tepid and almost 100% due to the energy sector.


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After 110% YTD Returns, Crispin Odey Reshuffles His Senior Team [Exclusive]

After a challenging decade, 2022 is shaping up to be one of the best years ever
for Crispin Odey and the rest of the team at Odey Asset Management. In the month
of May, the firm's flagship hedge fund, Odey European, returned 14%, boosting
its returns for the year to 110%. Following a 54% gain Read More

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said a dozen times that higher oil prices in the
face of rising demand are driving windfall profits in the energy sector that
should be sustained into calendar 2023 at least. The fundamental picture in the
energy sector is dwindling capacity and supply and that can only lead to higher
prices. The takeaway is the energy sector should do well this year and the
better they do the worse it is for every other sector.




We’ve been tracking several technical conditions in the S&P 500 that suggest a
downward bias in price action if not a continuation of the downtrend that began
earlier this year. The major pattern that is dominating the price action is a
Head & Shoulders Reversal that should take the S&P 500 down to the 3480 level
and it is still well above there. The most recent pattern we’ve been tracking is
a downward sloping channel that demarcates the downtrend that began at the end
of 2021/beginning of 2022. That channel should take the price down to our 3,480
price target on its own but the price action broke out of this channel to the
downside. In this scenario, we see the S&P 500 decline accelerating, not
reversing, and moving quickly down to the 3,480 level if not surpassing it.


The risk for the market lies in the Q2 earnings and there is a large amount of
risk. There is a chance the season will come in better than expected (which is
the most likely scenario based on historical evidence) and that should put a
bottom in the market. The question that will need to be answered then is what
kind of bottom is it? If the outlook for the second half of the year brightens,
even a little, it may be a permanent bottom that leads to higher prices for the
S&P 500. If, however, inflation remains a problem, the FOMC stays
uber-aggressive, and the outlook for earnings ex-energy sector darkens the
downtrend will continue.



A look at the Marketbeat.com daily analysts' coverage is telling. While some
companies, particularly in the consumer staples sectors, not to mention the
energy companies, are getting upgrades and price target increases the bulk of
analyst activity is negative. The takeaway is the analysts still see an upward
bias for the market but their sentiment is slipping and that is a weak
foundation for the market.

There are other influential names giving gloomy forecasts as well. So far, we’ve
seen Wharton professor Jeremy Seigel, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, bond-guru
Mohamed El-Erian, and even Jim Cramer give dire forecasts for stocks and the
economy. The takeaway here is that fear of a major recession is growing and it’s
time to be frugal with cash. As for the minor recession? It’s already here.


Article by Thomas Hughes, MarketBeat

Updated on Jun 21, 2022, 4:33 pm

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