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July 30, 2018 by K.Z.


Heyyy… It’s been a long, long time since I actually shared a new post. But I’ve
been checking my notifications and I’m so glad and grateful that you guys (and a
few more new followers) are still here! Thank you. I do have a legit excuse for
my absence. My husband and I have been super busy building our new home. Yep,
this is The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic on full “Adulting Mode”. Lol Good news
is I’ve been traveling lately. So hmmm… I suppose I’m not that sorry. After all,
more travels mean more stuff to write about. I sooo cannot wait to share with
you some of my recent travel experiences!

Just this month, hubby and I went on a Macau Michelin Star Restaurant adventure.
We dined in some of Macau’s most popular fine dining spots, sampled their
signature dishes, and compared each restaurant with the other. And of course,
what better place is there to share my photos and thoughts than here on my blog?

It’s not my first time to visit Macau. In fact, I consider Macau as my “happy
place”. It was, however, my husband’s first time there so I was extremely eager
to make him understand why I feel the way I feel about Macau. If you’re one of
my first blog friends, then you probably know that I’m more of a night person.
My energy level peaks at night and so sometimes, it gets pretty lonely when the
world around me is asleep. The great Poppy Z. Brite couldn’t have said it
better: “The night is the hardest time to be alive.” And yes, 4 am is no
stranger to my secrets either.

But you see, Macau at night is warm and beautiful and vibrant and eager to wrap
me in its neon arms. To me, it’s a place where the bright lights and golden
painted ceilings will never, ever feel tacky. As a tourist, you won’t even have
to fuss over an itinerary. Just hop on a shuttle bus for a free ride and see
where it takes you. Indeed, Macau never falls short of ways in which to
entertain its nocturnal callers. Casinos, grand theatrical shows, upscale bars…
and the food, lord, don’t get me started on the food! I didn’t even know this
before planning this trip but apparently, there’s no shortage of Michelin star
restaurants in Macau! In fact, the place is a treasure-trove of Michelin star
Chinese restaurants as well as Michelin star/Michelin recommended restaurants
featuring international cuisine.

Macau is a great place to eat authentic Cantonese cuisine. Also, it was once
colonized by Portugal so there’s no shortage of Portuguese cuisine/ Portuguese
influenced dishes in Macau either. An investigation was conducted on behalf of
my father’s side of the family to determine our ancestry. Much to our surprise,
our lineage was traced back to a Portuguese ancestor. Well, perhaps that’s the
reason why I feel such a strong connection with Macau. What do you think? Haha
Luckily, I was able to sample some rare Portuguese treats during my stay at St.
Regis Cotai Central. But right now, we’re going to talk about my first Macau
Michelin Star Restaurant meal.

It was my birthday and my husband and I decided to have lunch at Lai Heen, a
Michelin Star Chinese restaurant located within Ritz Carlton Macau. Our flight
from the PH to Macau was in the morning. I was a bit worried that we would have
to cancel our reservation in case the flight should be delayed. Thankfully, the
flight was right on time (ahead of schedule, even). My husband and I had more
than enough time for an early check in at the nearby Galaxy Hotel before
attempting to find Lai Heen. Lai Heen is located at the 51st floor of the Ritz
Carlton Macau. Thanks to the friendly and helpful hotel staff, we located the
elevator exclusively servicing the 51st level without any difficulty.

We were welcomed by the smiling restaurant staff who confirmed our reservation
and escorted us to a table by the window. As we studied the menu, we decided to
order ala carte rather than to go with a full course meal. That said, the dishes
were still served to us according to proper sequence, with the staff unfailingly
providing us with fresh plates for each course.

We were provided with a complimentary appetizer. I believe this is fermented

I’m a sucker for dim sum so we definitely ordered some steamed dumplings along
with steamed barbecued pork bun with preserved garlic in oyster sauce. My
husband and I have a tendency to over-order. It’s a great thing, therefore, that
the restaurant staff assisted us in customizing our meal. As a result, we were
able to sample a greater variety of their dishes in portions that we can
actually handle.




The presentation of dim sum was pretty. It was my first time to eat steamed
dumplings topped with edible gold.

The next course was the barbecued Iberico pork in honey sauce.

Next came the chef’s special braised pork belly. It was served with the
stir-fried greens recommended to us by one of the servers. I failed to take
photos of the greens and I forgot what it’s called Worst food blogger ever. haha
I asked the staff if it’s similar to bok choy but he said it’s entirely
different. Anyway, it tasted good with the sweet soy sauce. The leaves and stems
weren’t bitter at all. Plus, it complemented the pork dish really well.

And then there was the simmered vermicelli with roasted duck, sliced pork, and
preserved vegetables.  By this time, we were too full to actually finish our
order. We allowed the staff to serve the noodles to us in two small bowls and
declined the refills.



Speaking of, I love how they never failed to refill our cups of lapsang souchong
tea throughout the meal. I’m a tea lover and now, my husband is one too! I chose
lapsang because I like my tea strong but not bitter and it’s perfect for
cleansing the palate and transitioning in between courses.



And finally, we arrive to my favorite part: dessert! Hubby and I were super
stuffed because the chef kept throwing free stuff our way! Loved it! I ordered
sweetened almond cream with egg white and some custard-filled baked glutinous
rice dumplings. Because it’s my birthday, we also got complimentary
festive-looking cookies and some steamed dumplings stuffed with egg custard.



All in all, I would rate the food 5/5.

All of the dishes were amazing, with my favorite being the steamed shrimp
dumplings with bamboo shoots and asparagus. I also particularly enjoyed the
steamed mushroom dumplings with bamboo pith, yellow fungus, and carrot. My least
favorite dish was the vermicelli. For me, it’s good but not great. I’m so used
to vermicelli cooked in strong shrimp broth with loads of pork and veggies. My
husband, however, was able to appreciate the unique smoky aroma of Lai Heen’s

The service is certainly 5/5. The staff was attentive, showed great initiative,
and made sure to explain each dish to us.

IMHO, Price is 4/5. Lunch for two cost us HKD 1,192. Was it worth it? I believe
it was. Lai Heen’s prices are still lower compared to another Macau Michelin
Star Chinese restaurant that we visited on the same day. Moreover, I noticed
something when I was reviewing our receipt. Since we were only able to eat two
small bowls of vermicelli, they did not charge us the full price for the dish.
We also got a 10% discount for being SPG members.

What I loved most about Lai Heen is that even though it’s one of the most
popular Michelin star restaurants in Macau, it’s totally non-pretentious. And,
yes, you are allowed to take photos of your food. The staff even volunteered to
take photos of me and my husband.

Given the chance, I would definitely eat at Lai Heen again. I recommend that you
give it a try in case you find yourself in Macau.

Tips for dining at this restaurant:

 * Reservations required (we made ours online)
 * Attire is elegant casual
 * We paid in HKD because that’s the currency we were carrying at the time.
   However, if you plan to settle the bill in cash, I recommend that you do so
   in MOP. The Hong Kong dollar is more expensive than Macanese pataca but
   HKD:MOP is 1:1 in Macau establishments.

Okay, this post is a lot longer than my usual posts but what can I say… I get a
little crazy when I talk about food. Lol!

I’m now thinking about which Macau Michelin Star restaurant I’m going to review
next. The Eight, perhaps? We’ll see.

Talk to you soon.



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Posted in food, restaurants, Uncategorized. Tagged Chinese cuisine, foodie, Lai
Heen Macau, Lai Heen Macau Review, macau, Macau Michelin Star Restaurant,
Michelin Star Chinese Restaurant, Michelin Star Dim Sum, Michelin Star
Restaurant, Review of Lai Heen Restaurant, Ritz Carlton Macau, Travel


December 25, 2017 by K.Z.


May you have a genuinely merry Christmas. I hope it’s all good food and good
company for you. I hope you get to forget your troubles even for a while. This
is a great time to be grateful and appreciative of everything we have. And of
course, a very good time to be optimistic. Sure, it’s also a time where strange
people get all up in your biz. My grandma’s cousin came up to me and was like
“Why aren’t you pregnant yet? Are you using birth control?” Then goes to my
husband and basically tells him to “man up”. LOL Ahhh but this only happens once
a year, right? Haha happy holidays everyone :*


Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged christmas 2017, cute af, dogs, fur babies, happy
holidays, merry christmas, pekingese, pet lovers, pets


December 21, 2017 by K.Z.


2017 has certainly been a memorable year for me. This year,I married the love of
my life. I took this photo of my wedding gown with my phone the night before the
wedding.  Not my best photo but this shot means so much to me. Each time I look
at it, I remember the excitement that I felt the night before our wedding. I was
so exhausted from all the wedding preps and from entertaining out of town guests
and yet I couldn’t sleep that night! I was totally freaking out but in a good

Recently,I also shared some of our wedding photos here

Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged best of 2017, bride, DPchallenge, happily ever
after, love, rustic weddings, wedding, wedding gown, weddings, weekly photo


December 7, 2017 by K.Z.


Cheeky little fellow… I swear, he can get away with anything!

Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged cheeky, cute, cute af, DPchallenge, pekingese,
pet lovers, pets, postaday, weekly photo challenge


November 16, 2017 by K.Z.



Yeah, I’m still alive. LOL I know, I know… it’s been a while. And I’m always
saying this but I really do miss blogging and writing fiction. That said, I miss
reading more. I miss looking at everyone’s photos, those gorgeous images taken
from all over the world, taken by different people with different personalities
and perspectives. I’ve never seen the northern lights. But I’ve seen it through
your photos. Always through different lenses, always through different
perspectives. And I will forever remain in awe at how beautiful that sight is
when seen through your eyes, and his eyes, and her eyes… It just never looks the
same way. Someday, I’ll get to see, no… experience… it for myself. But right
now, thank you for letting me see what you see… For letting me in on the
experience that is so uniquely yours. Thanks for sharing a little piece of
yourself with me.

I never said this but your photos here at the weekly challenges have gotten me
through some pretty tough times. Somehow, they’ve provided me with  sweet, sweet
escape from the mundane. Your images to me are like multiple windows and doors
to different worlds and dimensions that I can just peer into, step into, and get
lost in. More than that, your photos have given me inspiration. They’ve made me
more ambitious, more eager to see the world. Knowing you has pushed me to travel
more, to see more of the world, to taste more of life. So for all that, I’m
grateful. I”m glad we connected via WordPress, that we became friends through

Now, I get to return the favor big time. As you may already know, I tied the
knot a few months back. I promised some blog followers photos and photos you
shall get. Here are personal pieces that only I can share with you. As much as I
value my privacy, I’d just like to share with you a little idea of what the most
important day of my life was like.

The rustic theme is super trending so my fiance, now husband, and I really went
for it. More importantly, we realized that it suited our personality as a
couple. We wanted something simple but elegant, down to earth but generous… We
toiled for months and months DIYing everything from the invitations to the
souvenirs. Ariel designed the crates to be used as rustic decor and spray
painted the wine bottles. I spent afternoons wrapping jute strings on more wine
bottles and late nights sewing lace on burlap for our wedding invites. Together,
we stamped wax seals on the envelopes. Together, we dressed up the little jars
of homemade pineapple jam in burlap and jute. I plotted the seating arrangement
like it was a battle plan. And I’ll never forget the sight of him steam ironing
my dress the night before the wedding… Just remembering all that craziness
paints a smile on my face. Neither of us have done anything like this before. It
was his first time to make wooden pallets. It was my first time painting varnish
on wood slices and wooden boxes. Our wedding organizer, who was fabulous btw,
was really amazed at how much energy we put into the wedding planning. I can
tell that he was super blown away by how OC I was about everything. LOL I gave
the wedding suppliers printed handouts as thick as a baby thesis. hahaha I got
backups of backups. I printed labels for everything…

Our organizer always be like: “Where did you buy this?” and we be like: “Oh, we
made it ourselves.” Okay, it’s probably not wise to be experimental on your
wedding day. For us, there was always this option to hire a stylist and then
there’s always the risk of suffering DIY disasters. I mean, you only get married
(for the first time) once… Ideally. If you screw up that photo wall, it’s
screwed. But that’s the whole point. We only get to do this once. We only get to
enjoy this once. So we figured, hey, if we make mistakes, we’ll make them
together. And then we’ll just laugh at them together. It was kind of the same
with this decision that I made to rock a face veil. I had a traditional church
wedding and everyone urged me to wear a long veil. They said it looks better in
photos and that it’s more appropriate for a Cathedral wedding. I was like: Screw
appropriate. I’ve always envisioned myself walking down the aisle with my face
bare and me smiling at everyone.

In the end, the wedding was everything we wanted it to be and more… An intimate
affair with us surrounded by our closest friends and family. It wasn’t perfect.
It never is. But the feeling was.


It was my husband’s idea that we should have tokaji (tokay) Hungarian wine for
our wedding toast. Coz champagne is overrated, he said (though the ladies and I
drank champagne at the bridal suite while getting dolled up). I said yeah,
brilliant idea. My fiance didn’t know this but fans of horror will recognize it
as the wine that the Count Dracula served to his guest, Jonathan Harker. It’s

Planning the entire wedding may have been experimental for us but our love is
something that has been tried and tested over the years.







Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged armani, badgley mischka, DIY wedding,
experimental, helzberg diamonds, hugo boss, inspiration, Life, marc jacobs,
marriage, naked wedding cake, Personal, rustic wedding, rustic wedding
Philippines, tokaji, wedding, weekly photo challenge


May 18, 2017 by K.Z.



“Even if words are lost, tradition should be handed down.”

-Makoto Shinkai, Your Name

Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged Bangkok, daily post, gods, heritage, postaday,
temple, Thailand, weekly photo challenge


May 11, 2017 by K.Z.


“Some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savoring of

-Poppy Z. Brite

Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged daily post, DPchallenge, lights, night,
postaday, reflecting, singapore, weekly photo challenge


May 4, 2017 by K.Z.


Hey! Been a while since I shared any news about my writing.Unfortunately, there
hasn’t been much of that going on since I’m still on full wedding planning mode.
(I’m getting married in a couple of months. Yikes. I mean, Yay! )

Today though, I’m thrilled to announce that Issue #8 of Body Parts Magazine is
now live. It includes a reprint of my story, “They Died Laughing”. It’s an
erotic extreme horror piece and this issue’s theme is all about Killer Clowns
and Freak Shows. If you’re interested in hardcore horror with a touch of
bizarro, you can read my story online for free via this link:—kz-morano.html

If you want to add some seriously good stuff to your reading list, subscribe to
Body Parts Magazine here:

I personally love this magazine. It’s got balls. Massive ones. The editors are
fearless and the magazine’s content is surprisingly refreshing. The stories in
this issue are amazing as always.

I’ll now leave you with a nice little preview of my story.


Posted in horror, Uncategorized. Tagged body parts magazine, clown horror,
erotic horror, erotica, extreme horror, freaks, free horror, hardcore horror,
horror, horror fiction, horror magazine, killer clowns, scary stories online


May 4, 2017 by K.Z.



“And I say also this. I do not think the forest would be so bright, nor the
water so warm, nor love so sweet, if there were no danger in the lakes.”

-C. S. Lewis, Out of the Silent Planet

Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged danger, danger beach, DPchallenge, postaday,
signs, Vietnam, warning, weekly photo challenge


March 23, 2017 by K.Z.



“Browns seek knowledge, Blues meddle in causes, and Whites consider the
questions of truth with implacable logic. We all do some of it all, of course.
But to be a Green means to stand ready.”

-The Dragon Reborn, Robert Jordan

Posted in Uncategorized. Tagged daily post, DPchallenge, dragons, garden, green,
Nature, singapore, weekly photo challenge


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