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2606:4700:4400::6812:2048  Public Scan

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Submission: On April 25 via manual from PH — Scanned from JP

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form auto_id="login-form" method="POST" id="LOGIN.FORM" class="form ng-pristine ng-valid layout-align-center-center ng-valid-maxlength" layout-align="center center" autocomplete="off">
  <div layout="row" class="login-form-group layout-row">
    <label flex="30" class="flex-30">&nbsp;</label>
    <h2 class="mg5 mg20-bottom full text-center inline-block flex-70" flex="70">Login</h2>
  <div layout="row" class="login-form-group layout-row">
    <label flex="30" class="mg5-right flex-30">Username</label>
    <input auto_id="user-name" id="LOGIN.FIELD.USERNAME" class="no-mg ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid flex-70 ng-empty ng-valid-maxlength" ng-keypress="onKeyPress($event)" ng-model="user.username" flex="70" type="text" autofocus="" maxlength="20"
  <div layout="row" class="login-form-group mg15-top layout-row">
    <label flex="30" class="mg5-right flex-30">Password</label>
    <!-- ngIf: vm.isChrome -->
    <!-- ngIf: !vm.isChrome --><input auto_id="password" id="LOGIN.FIELD.PASSWORD" ng-if="!vm.isChrome" maxlength="20" class="no-mg ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-scope ng-empty ng-valid-maxlength flex-70" ng-keypress="onKeyPress($event)"
      ng-model="user.password" flex="70" type="password" aria-invalid="false"><!-- end ngIf: !vm.isChrome -->
  <div layout="row" class="login-form-group mg15-top layout-row">
    <label flex="30" class="mg10-right hide-xs flex-30" hide-xs="">&nbsp;</label>
    <div class="sbol2-button-container ng-isolate-scope" ng-class="{'disabled-pointer-action' : buttonDisabled}" auto_id="login-button" button-disabled="false" id="LOGIN.BUTTON.LOGIN" callback="vm.login()" button-type="button" design-type="primary">
      <!-- ngIf: buttonType === 'button' -->
      <div ng-if="buttonType === 'button'" class="button ng-scope" style="">
        <button ng-class="buttonDisabled &amp;&amp; 'primary-disabled'" id="id" ng-disabled="0" class="sbol2-button primary no-mg inline-block full" ng-click="callback()" type="" ng-transclude="">
          <label class="ng-scope">Login</label>
      </div><!-- end ngIf: buttonType === 'button' -->
      <!-- ngIf: buttonType === 'link' -->
  <div layout="column" class="login-form-group mg15-top text-right layout-column">
      <div class="sbol2-button-container ng-isolate-scope" ng-class="{'disabled-pointer-action' : buttonDisabled}" auto_id="enroll-account" button-disabled="false" id="LOGIN.BUTTON.ENROLL_ACCOUNT" button-type="link" design-type="primary"
        <!-- ngIf: buttonType === 'button' -->
        <!-- ngIf: buttonType === 'link' -->
        <div ng-if="buttonType === 'link'" class="link ng-scope" style="">
          <a ng-class="buttonDisabled &amp;&amp; 'primary-disabled'" id="id" ng-disabled="0" class="sbol2-button-link primary no-mg inline-block full" ng-click="callback()" href="/enroll" ng-transclude="">
                                    <label class="ng-scope">Enroll Account</label>
        </div><!-- end ngIf: buttonType === 'link' -->
      <div class="sbol2-button-container ng-isolate-scope" ng-class="{'disabled-pointer-action' : buttonDisabled}" auto_id="forgot-password" button-disabled="false" id="LOGIN.BUTTON.ENROLL_ACCOUNT" button-type="link" design-type="primary"
        ui-sref="forgot" href="/forgot">
        <!-- ngIf: buttonType === 'button' -->
        <!-- ngIf: buttonType === 'link' -->
        <div ng-if="buttonType === 'link'" class="link ng-scope" style="">
          <a ng-class="buttonDisabled &amp;&amp; 'primary-disabled'" id="id" ng-disabled="0" class="sbol2-button-link primary no-mg inline-block full" ng-click="callback()" href="/forgot" ng-transclude="">
                                    <label class="ng-scope">Forgot Password</label>
        </div><!-- end ngIf: buttonType === 'link' -->
  <div class="sbol-note-box-max sbol-note-outline-box sbol-note-box ng-isolate-scope layout-align-gt-sm-start-center layout-align-space-around-center layout-row ng-hide danger"
    ng-class="{'inline': type === 'inline', 'info': design === 'info','warning' : design === 'warning','danger': !design || design === 'danger','success' : design === 'success', 'password': design === '-1'}" layout="row"
    layout-align="space-around center" layout-align-gt-sm="start center" design="danger" ng-show="vm.hasLoginWarning &amp;&amp; !vm.isThrottlingErr" aria-hidden="true" style="">
    <div class="full pd0 layout-row" layout="row">
      <i class="inline-block fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true"></i>
      <div class="full layout-fill layout-column" layout="column" layout-fill="">
        <div flex="" class="note-title flex">
          <label auto_id="note-box-title" ng-transclude="title"></label>
        <div flex="" class="note-content flex">
          <div auto_id="note-box" class="box-content" ng-transclude="content"><note-content class="ng-binding ng-scope"></note-content></div>
  <div ng-show="vm.isThrottlingErr" class="sbol-note-box-max sbol-note-outline-box sbol-note-box layout-align-gt-sm-start-center layout-align-space-around-center layout-row danger ng-hide" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="full pd0 layout-row" layout="row">
      <i class="inline-block fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true"></i>
      <div class="full layout-fill layout-column" layout="column" layout-fill="">
        <div flex="" class="note-title error-title flex">
          <label auto_id="note-box-title ">Something went wrong</label>
        <div flex="" class="error-desc flex">
          <div auto_id="note-box" class="box-content error-desc"> We're currently experiencing high volume of traffic. </div>
          <div auto_id="note-box" class="box-content error-desc"> Please wait for a few minutes and try again.</div>

Text Content


First-time users, including users of the old app, must enroll to log in. Please
select “Enroll Account” to get started. Tips when enrolling:
 * Enroll at least one account or credit card number.
 * Have your mobile device ready for verification.
 * Use a strong password; passwords are case-sensitive.
 * Optimize your online banking experience with the mobile app. Get it on Google
   Play or the App Store.

If you still need to log in to the old SBOL please  click here.


Enroll Account
Forgot Password

Something went wrong
We're currently experiencing high volume of traffic.
Please wait for a few minutes and try again.

Deposits are insured by PDIC up to PHP 500,000.00 per depositor.

Security Bank Corporation is supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (+632
8708-7087 |

 * How to Enroll
 * Back to SBC Home
 * Branches and ATMs
 * Contact Us
 * Data Privacy

Please select from the options
available for your device:

Click here to download the
application for your mobile device

Click here to download the
application for your mobile device

Enroll your account

Back to Main Page

New Features


We’ve made activating your Security Bank Online account simpler! All you need is
an OTP or activation link. Click on Enroll Account to begin.


Let us know when you plan to go abroad! That way, we know not to call and
interrupt your international shopping.

Banking on the go

Experience BetterBanking, anywhere you go with the Security Bank Mobile App

Copyright © 2023 Security Bank Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Disclosures
 * Enroll Account
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 * Contact Us