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Amazon.com: Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents
(Hörbuch-Download): Rod Dreher, Adam Verner, Penguin Audio: Bücher
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The New York Times best-selling author of The Benedict Option draws on the
wisdom of Christian survivors of Soviet persecution to warn American Christians
of approaching dangers.

For years, émigrés from the former Soviet bloc have been telling Rod Dreher they
see telltale signs of "soft" totalitarianism cropping up in America - something
more Brave New World than Nineteen Eighty-Four. Identity politics are beginning
to encroach on every aspect of life. Civil liberties are increasingly seen as a
threat to "safety". Progressives marginalize conservative, traditional
Christians and other dissenters. Technology and consumerism hasten the
possibility of a corporate surveillance state. And the pandemic, having put
millions out of work, leaves our country especially vulnerable to demagogic

In Live Not by Lies, Dreher amplifies the alarm sounded by the brave men and
women who fought totalitarianism. He explains how the totalitarianism facing us
today is based less on overt violence and more on psychological manipulation. He
tells the stories of modern-day dissidents - clergy, laity, martyrs, and
confessors from the Soviet Union and the captive nations of Europe - who offer
practical advice for how to identify and resist totalitarianism in our time.
Following the model offered by a prophetic World War II-era pastor who prepared
believers in his Eastern European to endure the coming of communism, Live Not by
Lies teaches American Christians a method for resistance:

 * See: Acknowledge the reality of the situation.
 * Judge: Assess reality in the light of what we as Christians know to be true.
 * Act: Take action to protect truth.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn famously said that one of the biggest mistakes people
make is assuming totalitarianism can't happen in their country. Many American
Christians are making that mistake today, sleepwalking through the erosion of
our freedoms. Live Not by Lies will wake them and equip them for the long

Mehr lesen
©2020 Rod Dreher (P)2020 Penguin Audio


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 1.  Spieldauer
     6 Stunden und 9 Minuten
 2.  Geschrieben von
     Rod Dreher
 3.  Gesprochen von
     Adam Verner
 4.  Erscheinungsdatum
     29. September 2020
 5.  Sprache
 6.  Verlag
     Penguin Audio
 7.  ASIN
 8.  Version
     Ungekürzte Ausgabe
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Spieldauer 6 Stunden und 9 Minuten Geschrieben von Rod Dreher Gesprochen von
Adam Verner Whispersync for Voice Verfügbar Audible.de Erscheinungsdatum
September 29, 2020 Verlag Penguin Audio Format Hörbuch Version Ungekürzte
Ausgabe Sprache Englisch ASIN B0892SPHYG Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 4,924 in
Hörbücher & Originale (Siehe Top 100 in Hörbücher & Originale)
Nr. 5 in Faschismus (Hörbücher & Originale)
Nr. 7 in Politische Freiheit (Bücher)
Nr. 7 in Demokratie (Hörbücher & Originale)



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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen You must read this book
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 2. Februar 2021
This is a great book and you should absolutely pick it up. He does an excellent
job comparing the current culture we live in with those of eastern europe from
50 to 100 years ago. The points he raises are certainly worth considering.He
does an excellent job bring back to life the history of the church from the
soviet occupation. This is a history that deserves more attention, and has acute
answers for current Christians.Our current culture is not aware of oppression of
communist dictators. I have spoken to many who do not know what a gulag is. This
is to our detriment. He does a great job expounding upon the oppression related
to christians.Dreher also does a great job showing the soft oppression in
communist culture too. Explaining that oppression is not just gulagas and
Piteshti. It was often denial of jobs, education and opportunity. Something that
I am sure the communist would say is just holding people accountable.
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3,0 von 5 Sternen Unclear What the Soft Totalitarianism Would be Like; Examples
are from Hard Totalitarianisms
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 24. Oktober 2022
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The general idea for this book is a good one: compare present day American
versus periods leading up to Bolshevist* takeovers to see if there are
similarities. (*In this review I will use the term "Bolshevist" as opposed to
the term "communist" which is often used colloquially as a synonym for it since
I do not think that much of what happened in Russia and Eastern Europe had
anything to do with communism as envisioned by Marx.) Despite the good idea for
the book, the execution suffers from many flaws. There are definitely good
insights in this book, but the problems mean that the book ends only being in
the "okay" range.

First off the good:

Many of the stories the author recounts do, indeed, show similarities between
the happenings leading up to Bolshevist takeovers and what is happening today in
America. One area the author is particularly successful with is stories
discussing the risk of ubiquitous data collection and surveillance, how Big Tech
already has or could easily be subverted to exploiting this toward totalitarian
ends and how the level of concern is just not where it should be. Stories which
convey the sense of always worrying about what you say because it might be
politically incorrect and cost you your job and never being sure who you can
trust also seem to ring true in the current woke age. There is also a warning
that social isolation and loneliness were common in pre-Bolshevist societies (as
well as in the Weimar Republic), leaving people vulnerable to totalitarian
ideologies to fill the void. Dreher mentions studies showing that these things
are again on the rise in America today.

The book is also successful in sounding a general alarm to prepare for things to
get worse and discusses some of the things that the preparation should involve.
The author emphasizes that the most important areas of resistance if things do
go totalitarian will be the family and small communities. He explicit refers to
these as "resistance cells" and discusses how they formed the backbone of
resistance to Bolshevism in Eastern Europe.

Another strength of the book is emphasizing that in life there will be
suffering. It is unavoidable and especially if you want to stand on the side of
the truth. Ray Dalio, a hedge fund manger, once said that if you live primarily
to avoid pain you will end up having a very miserable life. I also thought
Dreher offered good advice in encouraging Christians to be prepared to suffer
but to neither actively seek it out nor to avoid it once it becomes necessary to
endure. There is a theme of picking the right battles but not rationalizing away
the need to fight at some point.

Finally, on the plus side, Dreher encourages Christians to co-operate with folks
of other religious faiths and with atheists. He says not look to just look at
the latter merely as conversion targets but as people, and people that
Christians can genuinely learn from having, in some areas, better insights into
certain aspect of society.

The Problems:

The biggest problem with the book is that it is not clear exactly where Dreher
sees things going. He insists that America is more likely to turn into a "soft"
versus "hard" totalitarianism due to its prior history and traditions. Despite
this, the vast majority of examples involving people enduring things he thinks
are unlikely to happen under America's coming soft totalitarianism. For example
many of the stories involve people being imprisoned for long periods of time,
tortured or having their children taken from them and placed in orphanages.
There are also stories of mass executions. Since Dreher does not think these
things are likely to happen in America it makes the discussions seem too
abstract and, frankly, despite how horrific the abuses described are, it becomes
boring at times. Why not, instead, discuss things he thinks are likely to
actually happen under the "soft totalitarianism" he forsees? The stories are
presumably so dramatic to capture your attention, but by being abstract compared
to what is likely to happen, just ended up failing for me.

Another problem I had with Dreher's notion of a soft totalitarianism is that
there is not much discussion of why he thinks it will stop at “soft”. Dreher
correctly thinks the woke have fervor and moral certitude which can only be
described as of being at a religious level. In history such people rarely stop
at anything to crush all dissent once they have power in society and enemies in
mind. It is my sense, and I am sure that I am not alone, that there is a certain
bloodthirsty, retributive element to wokeism that should alert us to the danger
of it turning into “hard totalitarianism". Dreher cites America's history and
traditions as preventing this, but only spends a sentence stating this without
elaborating on his reasoning. If he is thinking of our constitutional
safeguards, well constitutional safeguard have been worked around in the past.
All that is needed is the sense of an "existential threat" maybe from "fascists"
or "literal Nazis" to secure a "temporary suspension" as occurred during the
French Revolution. There its leaders, apparently, fully intended for it to be
temporary. If the book had argued that a hard totalitarianism was likely, then
the examples of Bolshevist abuses would have seemed far more relevant.

One big area that Dreher barely scratches the surface of is that wokeism appears
to prefer to "capture" churches as opposed to proceeding into immediate battle
with them. This is happening with the Southern Baptist Convention, for instance,
as well as with the Mormon Church. It is likely that what will happen is that as
much of existing churches will be captured as possible and the remnants will
then present a particularly appealing targets since they will be taken to
represent institutional or systemic problems with society. Again Dreher hints at
this, but it deserves more than a sentence or two discussion.

Finally, I found that some of the claims in the book were not well presented or
ran counter to what is really happening in society. For example, Dreher claims
that "everyone" he talked to from Eastern Europe who had lived under Bolshevism
saw parallels to what is happening in present day America. That would certainly
be an extraordinary fact and something that should alarm us if true. The problem
is that it needs to presented from at least a somewhat rigorous survey. Was it
really every single person? How big was the sample size? How were the
participants chosen? What exactly were the questions asked?

With regard to trends the author cites some which run contrary to what actually
is happening in society. In "file under news you never thought you would hear"
young people today are actually less interested in sex than previous
generations. Also marriage is actually trending toward being more stable now
than when divorce rates peaked during the late 70s and early 80s.

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Giovanni Fiordaliso
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 1. Oktober 2020
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This book is listed as #1 best seller in “Fascism” on Amazon. Is this a mistake
or a misconception? This book mostly focuses on communism, and should thus be
under Communism not fascism.
Live by Lies is a book ironically with a positive message despite the dystopic
warnings it lays down through past parallels and current warning signs. Rod
Dreher's command of Russian Communist history is welcomed in a current world
where no one talks about this subject enough. His title is based off an essay by
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and justifiably so, Solzhenitsyn is an obvious
inspiration for this book in many areas.
As someone who is only 22, I have been studying this time in history for three
years. Not only because of how taboo it seems to be in academic circles, or how
ignorant the people are on this, but my interest lies in how past communism can
show us how to avoid a similar situation.
Dreher covers everything that is important in this contemporary struggle. He
openly talks about the technocracy that has not only come into fruition, but has
invited itself into our homes by our own will. Paraphrasing a great line "Orwell
worried about a future where books were burned, that is not where we are. Huxley
warned of a world where all books and information are open to all, yet no one
cares. This is where we are at." Beautifully illustrated, and can be greatly
appreciated by those who have read 1984 and Brave New World.
Most people who are aware of these tyrannical attempts to destroy the soul will
not be surprised by much of his studies and passages. However Dreher has a raw
talent to put these seemingly complex evolution of totalitarianism into an
easier format for people who have decided not to delve into these subjects. Live
not By Lies can serve as a great book for people fresh, or even people who are
well advised in these harsh realities. For new beginners it can open them to new
sources, new ways of thinking or simply educating them on the truth of
communism. On the latter, for advanced readers, it can serve as a solitary book
to solidify research and to open more avenues of study.
Dreher intelligently laid out first hand accounts of surviving communism. The
contrast of Russian anti-communist, and contemporary Western pro-consumer
culture is best explained in this book. Privacy is a precious commodity for the
Russian anti-communist, the thought that Americans gladly sell their privacy
through "Big Data" horrifies them. Who can blame them?
Americans are voluntarily selling their freedoms as we speak. It happened
through the Patriot Act to fight "Global terrorism" in response to 9/11, it has
happened again during the Pandemic "to keep us all safe" from the "invisible
enemy". Some of the conclusions of the anti-communist came down to believing
most people prefer soft-totalitarianism instead of freedom. Why? Freedom is not
easy. Freedom means responsibility and discipline in one's own conscience.
Leaving our fate in the hands of the state is easy, takes no thought at all.
From my experience living in a foolish blue state, many people believe that
corrupt politicians will pay for all their problems.
Dreher's sources are concrete, he is clearly well versed in many cultural
critics both past and living. This brings in the many questions of why communism
is so attractive to many ignorant people. Without spoiling too much of the book,
it brings back what I read from Theodore Kaczynski's recent publications on
society and technology. Both books hit the mark on social media and it's
devastating effect on society's mental health. This includes one of the topics
being, the atomization of people. Isolation, loneliness, depression at an all
time high.
Why are suicides at a higher rate than ever before seen when Western society has
everything it materialistic desires? This is due to the lack of higher purpose,
which Dreher goes into great detail. Even going as far as saying the Bolshevik's
of the 1917 Revolution, perpetrators of the Red Terror were more spiritual than
the modern day progressive. The Bolsheviks did not believe in God, but they
believed in a higher metaphysical purpose. Today there is no belief in any god
or purpose by the machine of progressive tyrants, they are the gods of their own
egotistical religion.
Why did I begin saying Live by Lies is ironically positive? After the first half
of the book which describes the coming soft-totalitarianism in the West, and the
use of technology illustrated by China to subdue its citizens with the "Social
Credit System". The second half of the book purely focuses on tragic first hand
experiences of gulag survivors and families who kept their honor and faith
through a system of lies. This is an incredible part of Dreher's work, a page
Dreher allows the survivors to show their true faith, and resistance to
communism by their deeds and actions in life. This is very important, this
allows the distinction between being hypocritical and being one of action. Some
may misconceive the religious aspect of Dreher's message is to seek suffering,
and misery to strengthen the soul. This is not the case and is not encouraged.
It is encouraged that if a time of suffering befalls upon you, then take that
time to develop spiritual strength, to not let the system destroy you. Dreher
wonderfully compartmentalizes Solzhenitsyn's experience from his "Gulag
Archipelago''. After all of the torture, suffering and misery and witnessing
barbarity to unimaginable levels, Solzhenitsyn became closer to God then ever
before. Many other stories illustrate this example of suffering and overcoming
A couple of these stories brought out sorrow in me, I teared on a few of the
survivor's accounts and stories. Despite knowing the horrors of communism from
studying the subject for a long time, these personal accounts really hit me in
the gut. Not just the sheer horror man inflicts on man, but the amazing
fortitude of the "victims". The "victims" did not break down spiritually, they
did not become hateful or bitter. They embraced God and Jesus in such an
unimaginably painful way.
Let me emphasize the word victim. One of the people Dreher interviewed was a
documentary filmmaker. The filmmaker searched for stories to honor "victims",
but eventually the amazing spirit of these people made him realize they were not
victims, but "heroes".
"Heroes". That is a word that we hear too much in the west today. A word that
has been diluted, it's meaning construed for current political narrative. Using
the word "hero" for these transcendent survivors does not do justice for me due
to the watering down of that word "hero". The modern progressive would look down
on such men of true heart and courage. The modern progressive labels their
dictators and oppressors of freedom as heroes. No I have a better word for those
brave souls who died in what they believed in. They were "Champions of the
I am not a religious man, I do not speak of Jesus or God that much. But after
reading this, I feel truly ashamed at my doubts in faith. These men died for
their beliefs, like many other great men of our time. The beauty of such courage
and love should be proof enough of God and Jesus. For that brings the question.
If God is a mere illusion, then why do the communist try so hard to eradicate
our connection with the metaphysical? Because they declare themselves God, they
want to be the molders of our reality, they want to erode us into empty vessels
for them to fill and molest to their heart's content. They are filled with
jealousy that man can love something higher than this mortal journey.
This book leaves me hopeful that the spirit of man can endure even the darkest
of realities. Orwell believed in the endurance of the human spirit as well, and
Dreher highlights this in his book. Read this book, whether you agree or not
with some of the author's views or his first hand sources. More people need to
be aware of the past and history or we will have no future.

4.5/5 Page turner, needed more focus in some segments but nevertheless had a
strong message.

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Ken Mac
5,0 von 5 Sternen This book will likely wake you up.
Kundenrezension aus Kanada 🇨🇦 am 28. Oktober 2020
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This is a very important and timely book for all Christians and anyone opposing
communism to read.

I wish there was a paper back or mass production version available to buy. I
would buy several and hand them out.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Great Title; Great Content
Kundenrezension aus Kanada 🇨🇦 am 4. Dezember 2020
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The title "Live Not By Lies" comes from Solzhenitsyn, a man always worth
listening to. I believe they are the last words he spoke to his fellow Russians
before he was exiled. Nowadays, we live in a world full of lies; just being
"Politically Correct" is lying, whether people always see it as such or not. To
call black white and white black; to call evil good and good evil, is to live a
lie; to say "Peace, Peace when there is no peace" is not only falsehood it is
living in La La land. Ostrich territory.
This book reminds us of how important it is to live in truth. To wake up and
smell the coffee.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Modern History
Kundenrezension aus Kanada 🇨🇦 am 17. März 2021
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This book should be read by everyone. The atrocities of very recent history are
being repeated in North America right now. We need to wake up.

I only wish that, "A Manual for Christian Dissidents" wasn't written in the
title so that many non-Christians might be drawn to read it.

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2,0 von 5 Sternen Good Ideas but Hypocritical
Kundenrezension aus Kanada 🇨🇦 am 8. Mai 2021
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I like the book and its content generally, but I find it extremely hypocritical
that the author lambasts 'wokeism' and political correctness while using terms
like 'humankind' and 'she' to refer to an indefinite person. The book makes the
case to 'live not by lies' but completely conforms to the same language-control
of the radicals he writes about. I don't know if maybe his editor slipped this
passed him, but I have a hard time respecting the arguments of a work which in
its own nature contradicts its own sentiments.

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen A tremendously important and timeless read
Kundenrezension aus Kanada 🇨🇦 am 10. Oktober 2021
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I cannot think of a more timely topic. This book is thought-provoking. It’s a
sobering but encouraging look at the trials Christians faced under past
tyrannies, with a strong call to stand firm in the face of a softer, therapeutic
totalitarianism that is quickly rising around us today.

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