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This shortURL is Disabled for involvement in a Phishing attack...

The Short URL: was generated on our website by a scammer
to forward to the URL: <— Do not visit this URL (it is
not to be trusted). We post it here only as a reference for anyone tracking this
fraudster. is a URL shortening service allowing users to make a "Short URL"
which forwards to another, often longer, URL. People shorten URLs so they can
have a shorter URL to share, track the number of hits it receives, among other
uses. In this case, someone abused our service and created a short URL that was
forwarding to a website that was "phishing", which means it was impersonating a
company such as Paypal, Apple, Google, Comcast, your bank, etc, in attempt to
gather sensitive member data including usernames, passwords, and/or credit card
information. You may have received an email which appeared to be from one of
these providers, notifying you of something such as a problem with your account
or an order you made (which you did not make), but the message was sent to you
by a scammer hoping you would follow a link in the email and then enter
sensitive user information. If you instead are seeing this page on Short URL,
that means we have shut down the short URL and you did not get forwarded to the
scammer's website. We have been operating for 18 years and pride ourselves on
being extremely intolerant to spam and abuse, having pioneered a number of
anti-abuse tacktics.

If you have used this URL previously and provided logins/passwords or other
data-- immediately change your password and other password related data such as
password reminder questions with the company that was being impersonated and
report to them that your account was compromised. Make sure that your other
account info with them is still accurate, such as the email address. Only visit
their by typing their domain name (eg., etc.) in the
browser address bar rather than following any links. Even if you for example
just bought something from ebay, you could coincidentally get a fake email that
same hour from a scammer saying that you have a purchase issue and to follow a
link to rectify it. Always treat any email you receive as a potential
impersonator (phishing) email. You can hover your mouse over a link to ensure it
goes to the correct domain, but be careful because scammers will created
addresses that at first appear to be using an authentic domain, such as or

Who's responsible for the email/message you received?
Most likely the person(s) responsible used a mass mailing program and list to
send out thousands of emails (just like spammers do), and you were one of many
recipients of the fake email. They know a certain percentage of people will be a
user of the service that they are impostering.

How did you end up at our site?
Among other things, ShortURL is a URL shortening service allowing people to
create a shortURL for sharing links by generating a ShortURL that forwards to
another, often longer URL. They then pasted the shortURL
in spam they sent, the message they posted etc. This shortURL may have also been
one of many in a string of URLs, the original URL you clicked on may have been
another URL shortening service that they set to forward to a shortURL in hope to
make it more difficult to track. We've shut down the shortURL they made and thus
you are seeing this message.

We can't remove you from any lists, we're not the jerks who spammed you...
Most likely the spammer, who's already doing something illegal, had no plans to
honor your removal request anyway -- and requesting removal may have only
verified that your address was active and led to increased future spammings.

If they slip through our filters when creating a short URL, we often shut down
spammers within seconds or minutes of their spam campaign using our own
proprietary anti-spam tools as well as using live feeds from various spam
reporting sources. We also receive spam reports from individual recipients at an
email which we monitor 24/7. We report spammers to anti-spam data hubs so often
their short use of our service leads to their target URLs being banned. If
appropriate, we report their spamming to their webhost, ISP, affiliate program,
or any other parties in the chain of their spam. We extensively blacklist
spammers and do our best to prevent them from abusing our service again.

If you received spam on your cell/mobile phone...
What probably happened was the spammer sent out spam to random phone numbers @
your provider's text message address. For example, if you have ATT, you can send
an email to: which will show up on your phone
as a text. Similarly with other providers, such as: for Verizon Wireless, (Sprint), (T-Mobile). Or they used an actual SMS
message to text a long list of mobile numbers. Additionally there's another way
that spam can end up on your phone, and that is if you've have ever created an
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) account, and entered your phone number in the
settings for it. If spammers spam your AIM and you are not logged into AIM, then
AOL will deliver the message to your phone. The marker for this is that the text
will come from the phone number 265-080. Here's how to disable that.

If you google search something like: cell phone spam , or, mobile text spam, and
the name of your provider e.g ATT, you will come across some helpful articles on
how to stop spam to your phone. Such as:

Please contact the ShortURL Abuse Department if you have any feedback regarding
this page or the spam your received. There's no need to forward us a copy of the
spam or report it as we have already discovered the spammer and shut down the

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