www.tekdefense.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: http://www.tekdefense.com/tekcollect/
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On April 11 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

POST https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top">
  <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
  <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="NDNPXGT2GJGYG">
  <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
  <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">

GET /display/Search

<form method="get" action="/display/Search">
  <input type="hidden" name="moduleId" value="18374698">
  <table class="search-form-pt-wrapper search-form-table" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
      <tr class="search-form-pt search-form-row">
        <td class="queryFieldCell search-form-cell">
          <span class="queryFieldWrapper">
            <input type="text" class="text queryField" name="searchQuery" value="">
        <td class="queryButtonCell search-form-cell">
          <span class="queryButtonWrapper">
            <input type="submit" class="button queryButton" value="→">

Text Content

 * News
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 * Automater
 * tekCollect
 * hashMonitor


 * News
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 * Automater
 * tekCollect
 * hashMonitor

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Security Videos

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Mobisec. The MobiSec Live Environment Mobile Testing Framework project is a live
environment for testing mobile environments, including devices, applications,
and supporting infrastructure. The purpose is to provide attackers and defenders
the ability to test their mobile environments to identify design weaknesses and
vulnerabilities. The MobiSec Live Environment provides a single environment for
testers to leverage the best of all available open source mobile testing tools,
as well as the ability to install additional tools and platforms, that will aid
the penetration tester through the testing process as the environment is
structured and organized based on an industry­‐proven testing framework. Using a
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python tektip Automater Malware analysis Kippo Malware analysis honeypot
1aN0rmus backtrack OSINT password ssh tekdefense Honeydrive Threat Down DFIR
hash URL Github IP ipvoid MASTIFF Memory Network Network Security News Pipal
regex Static 1aNormus Bruteforce lab crack Dionaea dns dump hashCollect
information gathering Maltrieve network analsyis Notepad++ passive Ppcap
Programming Scripting SET Snort Tekdefese Volatility Adobe android APT basic
blacklist brute force


Description: tekCollect started off as a tool to scrape md5 hashes from
specified files and URLs. As further development occurred I realized that the
program would serve more functional if it could pull out other data types
besides MD5s, such as IP Addresses, URLs, SSNs, and more. With that in mind I
modified the code to have some default searches such as the ones mentioned
above. Additionally I added the abaility to search based on the users own custom

There is much more planned for this tool. Expect to see database integration,
more data types, and maybe even integration with other tools.

Current Versions is .4


As this is a python script you will need to ensure you have the correct version
of python, which for this script is python 2.7. I used mostly standard
libraries, but just incase you don't have them, here are the libraries that are
required: httplib2, re, sys, argparse

With the python and the libraries out of the way, you can simply use git to
clone the tekdefense code to your local machine.

> git clone https://github.com/1aN0rmus/TekDefense.git

If you don't have git installed you can simply download the script from

On linux, if you would like to run this as an executable (./) be sure to:

> chmod +x tekCollect.py 


Like always let's start off with the help command:

> root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# ./hashCollect.py -h
> usage: hashCollect.py [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-r REGEX] [-t TYPE]
>                       [-s]
> tekCollect is a tool that will scrape a file or website for specified data
> optional arguments:
>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>   -u URL, --url URL     This option is used to search for hashes on a website
>   -f FILE, --file FILE  This option is used to import a file that contains
>                         hashes
>   -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
>                         This option will output the results to a file.
>   -r REGEX, --regex REGEX
>                         This option allows the user to set a custom regex
>                         value. Must incase in single or double quotes.
>   -t TYPE, --type TYPE  This option allows a user to choose the type of data
>                         they want to pull out. Currently MD5, SHA1, SHA 256,
>                         Domain, URL, IP4, IP6, CCN, SSN, EMAIL
>   -s, --Summary         This options will show a summary of the data types in
>                         a file

From the help command you will notice we have a few options when running this
program. The only required options are that you must have a file (-f) or a URL
(-u). If no data type (-t) is given, the program assumes that you want to find
MD5 Hasshes.

To show you typical usage here are a few examples:

Search a file for MD5 Hashes

> root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# ./tekCollect.py -f mixfile -t MD5
> 7df966c6c0af44219b30b45716cfec56
> 64978daa09e3a6bfeceef409a41dbe24
> fa8781a5a53a0d7076349d68a6a441f8
> 601f5d4627ed4594e667ecde2b884d2e
> c1469d2375f7f4d78c2fad38ff5d7c45
> a0fa0df2499cd4bb0e82d3ac891b7fb4
> 89f4a6196dd019cd0dbce4d2c95b7dd0
> 277ecaf092c1eff0e8426b0913ab7205
> 7cfaf2f497299a6483ba8cc803d4f176
> f83d0416e4a36e841cbb9b3da2047244
> e4996d186d7882b3d6c1897de7b7df89
> d67f7203b96797f32536e6a941c2477b
> b3cc1bf9cdbf852bb5ed40de40bd88f0
> 2ff9f72e4f138b365863ecfd41d1b96d
> 3457c332baa5bf3cc198875ae4c5407b
> 6e8ed1ff10339c0714fb13679d519595
> 03b0ce80f93c0727fd283f05c143af9b
> a9e081829ef6fad48b90dd2f5317c1f6

Search a URL for IP Addresses

> root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# ./tekCollect.py -u
> http://minotauranalysis.com/malwarelist.aspx -t IP4

Search a URL for Email Addresses and output to a file

> root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# ./tekCollect.py -u http://www.TekDefense.com/
> -t EMAIL -o TekEmails.out
> [+] Printing results to file: TekEmails.out
> root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# cat TekEmails.out 
> 1aN0rmus@TekDefense.com

Show a summary of the different types of data at a URL

> root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# ./tekCollect.py -u http://www.Securabit.com/ -s
> # of MD5 in the target: 0
> # of SHA1 in the target: 0
> # of SHA256 in the target: 0
> # of DOMAIN in the target: 64
> # of URL in the target: 20
> # of IP4 in the target: 0
> # of IP6 in the target: 0
> # of SSN in the target: 0
> # of EMAIL in the target: 0
> # of CCN in the target: 6

Show a summary of the different types of data in a file

root@bt:~/workspace/Automater# ./tekCollect.py -f mixfile -s

> # of MD5 in the target: 63
> # of SHA1 in the target: 0
> # of SHA256 in the target: 0
> # of DOMAIN in the target: 48
> # of URL in the target: 5
> # of IP4 in the target: 2
> # of IP6 in the target: 2
> # of SSN in the target: 3
> # of EMAIL in the target: 36
> # of CCN in the target: 17

If you have any suggestions for the tool please let me know.


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