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Goalie Interference
by Avon Gale Piper Vaughn 
Miniseries:  Hat Trick #2
Format: eBook
Brand:  Carina Press
Category:  Gay, Sports Romance, Contemporary Romance, LGBTQ+, Multicultural &
Interracial Romance
On Sale Date: April 29, 2024
Release Month: May 2024
ISBN:  9780369751256
It’s goalie vs. goalie in this enemies-to-lovers hockey romance. Ryu Mori has
had a stellar season as goalie for the Atlanta Venom. So when he’s...
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Hat Trick Complete Collection
by Avon Gale Piper Vaughn 
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On Sale Date: April 29, 2024
Release Month: May 2024
ISBN:  9780369751270
In the world of professional hockey, these players know how to score. But will
the love they find off the ice be any match for their love for the game? Or is
someone bound to...
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Off the Ice
by Avon Gale Piper Vaughn 
Miniseries:  Hat Trick #1
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Category:  Gay, Contemporary Romance, Sports Romance, LGBTQ+
On Sale Date: April 29, 2024
Release Month: May 2024
ISBN:  9780369751263
An NHL star is hot for his teacher in this age-gap, opposites-attract hockey
romance.Tristan Holt may be at the top of his game, but he’s already thinking
one play...
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Trade Deadline
by Avon Gale Piper Vaughn 
Miniseries:  Hat Trick #3
Format: eBook
Brand:  Carina Press
Category:  Gay, Contemporary Romance, Sports Romance, LGBTQ+
On Sale Date: April 29, 2024
Release Month: May 2024
ISBN:  9780369751249
Childhood crushes reunite in this friends-to-lovers hockey romance.Daniel
“Bellzie” Bellamy should be on top of the world—a Stanley Cup is the...
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Dirty Tactics
by Emma Salah 
Miniseries:  Becoming a Thomas #1
Format: Paperback
Brand:  Carina Press
Category:  Multicultural & Interracial Romance, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary
On Sale Date: April 23, 2024
Release Month: May 2024
ISBN:  9781335484246
His best friend’s little sister never looked so good… Two weeks. A trial period
in which hockey superstar Zac Quinn will prove to Reagan Thomas—his...
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In Rhythm
by JN Welsh 
Miniseries:  Back on Top #2
Format: Paperback
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Category:  Carina Press Romance Promise, Contemporary Romance, African American
& Black Women's Fiction, Multicultural & Interracial Romance
On Sale Date: March 26, 2024
Release Month: Apr 2024
ISBN:  9781335895899
Superstar or Supernova? Asha “Velvet” Kendall is this close to achieving her
dream of headlining the legendary Temptation Festival as half...
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In Tune
by JN Welsh 
Miniseries:  Back on Top #1
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Category:  Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy, Multicultural & Interracial
On Sale Date: March 26, 2024
Release Month: Apr 2024
ISBN:  9781335895905
A tour manager determined to revitalize her career.The client she can't stop
thinking about.Workplace romance hits...
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Killer Secrets
by Kathleen Donnelly 
Miniseries:  National Forest K-9 #3
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On Sale Date: March 26, 2024
Release Month: Apr 2024
ISBN:  9780369736062
A small town’s deadly past is exposed in the newest installment of the
suspenseful National Forest K-9 series by Kathleen Donnelly. Until an avalanche
ripped down a...
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Killer Secrets
by Kathleen Donnelly 
Miniseries:  National Forest K-9 #3
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Category:  Animal Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Military Romance, Romantic
On Sale Date: March 26, 2024
Release Month: Apr 2024
ISBN:  9781335475923
A small town’s deadly past is exposed in the newest installment of the
suspenseful National Forest K-9 series by Kathleen Donnelly. Until an avalanche
ripped down a...
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Love Around the Corner
by Amanda Weaver 
Miniseries:  The Romano Sisters #3
Format: Paperback
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On Sale Date: March 26, 2024
Release Month: Apr 2024
ISBN:  9781335146885
The last thing Gemma Romano needs right now is her first love coming back home.
She’s trying to keep her family's bar from being bought up and developed into
some glass eyesore, just like...
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Game Changers Volume 2
by Rachel Reid 
Miniseries:  Game Changers
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Category:  Gay, Romance Collections & Anthologies, Sports Romance
On Sale Date: March 25, 2024
Release Month: Apr 2024
ISBN:  9780369751157
Common GoalVeteran goaltender Eric Bennett has faced down some of the toughest
shooters on the ice, but nothing prepared him for his latest challenge—life
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Really Cute People
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On Sale Date: March 12, 2024
Release Month: Apr 2024
ISBN:  9780369735218
A little domestic bliss never hurt anyone…right? Charlie Dee is headed for
burnout. They’ve been burned before, both by their bio family and the
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