www.forthepeople.com Open in urlscan Pro
2a04:4e42:200::645  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.forthepeople.com/
Effective URL: https://www.forthepeople.com/
Submission: On June 20 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

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POST /api/forms/post/intake/apollo

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        id="edit-case-type-select" name="case_type_select" required="required" aria-required="true">
        <option value="- Case Type -" selected="selected">- Case Type -</option>
        <option value="Airbag Injury">Airbag Injury</option>
        <option value="Animal Attack">Animal Attack</option>
        <option value="Birth Injury">Birth Injury</option>
        <option value="Business Dispute">Business Dispute</option>
        <option value="Camp Lejeune">Camp Lejeune</option>
        <option value="Car Accident">Car Accident</option>
        <option value="Childhood Sex Abuse">Childhood Sex Abuse</option>
        <option value="Civil Rights">Civil Rights</option>
        <option value="Class Action">Class Action</option>
        <option value="Dangerous Drugs">Dangerous Drugs</option>
        <option value="Data Breach">Data Breach</option>
        <option value="Defective Products">Defective Products</option>
        <option value="Employment Issue">Employment Issue</option>
        <option value="Environmental Issues">Environmental Issues</option>
        <option value="Gardasil">Gardasil</option>
        <option value="Hair Relaxer">Hair Relaxer</option>
        <option value="Hurt at Work">Hurt at Work</option>
        <option value="Insurance Dispute">Insurance Dispute</option>
        <option value="Fire Injury">Maui Wildfire</option>
        <option value="Medical Injury">Medical Injury</option>
        <option value="Mesothelioma">Mesothelioma</option>
        <option value="Nursing Home">Nursing Home</option>
        <option value="Other">Other</option>
        <option value="Other Injury">Other Injury</option>
        <option value="Product Injury">Product Injury</option>
        <option value="Slip &amp; Fall">Slip &amp; Fall</option>
        <option value="Social Media Harm">Social Media Harm</option>
        <option value="Social Security">Social Security</option>
        <option value="Tepezza">Tepezza</option>
        <option value="Trip and Fall">Trip and Fall</option>
        <option value="Unpaid Wages/Earnings">Unpaid Wages/Earnings</option>
        <option value="Veteran Disability">Veteran Disability</option>
        <option value="Weight Loss">Weight Loss Drug</option>
        <option value="Workplace Discrimination">Workplace Discrimination</option>
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POST /api/forms/post/intake/apollo

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        id="edit-case-type-select" name="case_type_select" required="required" aria-required="true">
        <option value="- Case Type -" selected="selected">- Case Type -</option>
        <option value="Airbag Injury">Airbag Injury</option>
        <option value="Animal Attack">Animal Attack</option>
        <option value="Birth Injury">Birth Injury</option>
        <option value="Business Dispute">Business Dispute</option>
        <option value="Camp Lejeune">Camp Lejeune</option>
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        <option value="Environmental Issues">Environmental Issues</option>
        <option value="Gardasil">Gardasil</option>
        <option value="Hair Relaxer">Hair Relaxer</option>
        <option value="Hurt at Work">Hurt at Work</option>
        <option value="Insurance Dispute">Insurance Dispute</option>
        <option value="Fire Injury">Maui Wildfire</option>
        <option value="Medical Injury">Medical Injury</option>
        <option value="Mesothelioma">Mesothelioma</option>
        <option value="Nursing Home">Nursing Home</option>
        <option value="Other">Other</option>
        <option value="Other Injury">Other Injury</option>
        <option value="Product Injury">Product Injury</option>
        <option value="Slip &amp; Fall">Slip &amp; Fall</option>
        <option value="Social Media Harm">Social Media Harm</option>
        <option value="Social Security">Social Security</option>
        <option value="Tepezza">Tepezza</option>
        <option value="Trip and Fall">Trip and Fall</option>
        <option value="Unpaid Wages/Earnings">Unpaid Wages/Earnings</option>
        <option value="Veteran Disability">Veteran Disability</option>
        <option value="Weight Loss">Weight Loss Drug</option>
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Verdicts & Settlements


Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

We don’t just want to do well—we want our clients to get what they’re entitled
to and the defendants to face real accountability.

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The attorneys featured above are licensed in Florida. For a full list of
attorneys in your state please visit our attorney page. Results may vary
depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

 * Jacob T. Rodgers v. City of Gainesville
   Morgan & Morgan received $120M for a 25-yr-old paralyzed by a vehicle. The
   trial focused on driver negligence and city responsibility.
   Learn more
   $120 Million

 * Jessica Long v. The Travelers Home
   Morgan & Morgan received $16.4M for a woman in a rear-end car accident case
   after original firm couldn't help. Our attorneys worked hard for a successful
   outcome, beating pre-trial offer of $7,000.
   Learn more
   $16.4 Million
   Pre-Trial Offer

 * Carol Reed v. Life Care Centers of America
   Morgan & Morgan attorneys Spencer Payne & Keith Mitnick received $12.35M for
   client suffering from nursing home abuse & neglect. No one should suffer
   Learn more
   $12.3 Million
   Pre-Trial Offer

 * James Feaster v. Progressive
   Morgan & Morgan received a $7.8M car accidents verdict for our client, with a
   $100,000 pre-trial payout.
   Learn more
   $7.8 Million
   Pre-Trial Offer

How it works


Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

 * Step 1
   With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan &

 * Step 2
   Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

 * Step 3
   If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.



Customer Story

“I was in a difficult situation when I was injured by a faulty product. I was
hesitant to seek legal help but with the help of Morgan & Morgan, they made the
process easy. They took immediate action and got me the compensation I deserved.
I couldn't have done it without them. I highly recommend their services.” Estate
of Patricia Allen v. RJ Reynolds, et al. | 2014


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   recovered over 35 years

 * 1,000+
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 * Personal Injury
   Injured in an accident? See how we can help.

 * Motorcycle Accidents
   The real danger of motorcycles can be other vehicles. If injured, seek

 * Truck Accidents
   Careless truck drivers can be deadly. Don’t let them get away with it.

 * Wrongful Death
   A loss can be even harder when someone is at fault. Let us help.

 * Slip & Fall
   We hold property owners accountable for negligence.

 * Car Accidents
   Are you a victim of a car accident? Seek justice.

 * Personal Injury
   Injured in an accident? See how we can help.

 * Motorcycle Accidents
   The real danger of motorcycles can be other vehicles. If injured, seek

 * Medical Malpractice
   Don’t settle for a mistake made by a medical professional.

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   Get the help your child needs and deserves.

 * Burn Injury
   Ease the stress of a traumatic injury. Let us help.

 * Brain Injury
   If you suffered a brain injury, we can help fight for compensation.

 * Insurance Claims
   Have a denied claim? We stand up to bad-faith insurance companies.

 * Labor and Employment
   We stand up to even the biggest bosses. See how we can help.

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   Don’t settle for a mistake made by a medical professional.

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   Get the help your child needs and deserves.

 * Labor and Employment
   We stand up to even the biggest bosses. See how we can help.

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As the largest personal injury law firm in America, Morgan & Morgan has
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IssuesGardasilHair RelaxerHurt at WorkInsurance DisputeMaui WildfireMedical
InjuryMesotheliomaNursing HomeOtherOther InjuryProduct InjurySlip & FallSocial
Media HarmSocial SecurityTepezzaTrip and FallUnpaid Wages/EarningsVeteran
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