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Submitted URL: http://neonattack.com/
Effective URL: https://www.neonattack.com/
Submission: On May 19 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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Experience world-class craftsmanship with LED neon signs that brighten up your
space and match your aesthetic.

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Customize FloRo


Business Logo


Two year warranty

Free + Fast shipping

Premium quality


World-class craftsmanship

Easy customizations

100% customer satisfaction rate

2 Min Installation

Multi-Color Neon Signs with Flow Modes

Customise Your Own Neon Light


Be it your name, a cheesy quote or yet another line from F.R.I.E.N.D.S; the
options are unlimited when you become the creator of your own neon sign.

Simply type your text, select the font, colour and size to create your own sign.

Customise your Sign

Easy shopping.
Much wow.

your Sign.

Check it out


Introducing dynamic neon signs with over 200+ flow modes and countless
colour-changing options.

FloRo neon signs are truly a revolution in neon. Switch up the style of your
sign; any second, any minute, any time with a simple swipe on your smartphone.

Customize FloRo Floro Collection


Check out Neon Attack's current bestsellers:

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This Is Our Happy Place Neon Sign

This Is Our Happy Place Neon Sign
15 reviews
Regular price from ₹ 7,199
Sale price ₹ 7,199
Regular price ₹ 10,000
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Price ₹ 10,000

₹ 7,199 (31% off)

Good Vibes Only Neon Sign FloRo

Good Vibes Only Neon Sign FloRo
18 reviews
Regular price ₹ 10,399
Sale price ₹ 10,399
Regular price ₹ 16,000
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Price ₹ 16,000

₹ 10,399 (35% off)

Colourful Wings Neon Sign

Colourful Wings Neon Sign
8 reviews
Regular price from ₹ 15,999
Sale price ₹ 15,999
Regular price ₹ 19,500
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Price ₹ 19,500

₹ 15,999 (18% off)

Ghar Bar Neon Light Sign

Ghar Bar Neon Light Sign
16 reviews
Regular price from ₹ 4,500
Sale price ₹ 4,500
Regular price ₹ 5,500
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Price ₹ 5,500

₹ 4,500 (18% off)

Fly Me To The Moon Neon Sign

Fly Me To The Moon Neon Sign
25 reviews
Regular price from ₹ 6,199
Sale price ₹ 6,199
Regular price ₹ 8,000
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Price ₹ 8,000

₹ 6,199 (27% off)

Krishna Neon Sign

Krishna Neon Sign
6 reviews
Regular price from ₹ 7,999
Sale price ₹ 7,999
Regular price ₹ 12,000
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

Price ₹ 12,000

₹ 7,999 (33% off)

Customise Neon

Customise Neon
319 reviews
Regular price ₹ 0
Sale price ₹ 0
Regular price ₹ 0
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

₹ 0

Customise FloRo

Customise FloRo
119 reviews
Regular price ₹ 0
Sale price ₹ 0
Regular price ₹ 0
Unit price /per 
Sale Sold out

₹ 0


Represent your business with a funky and stylish neon sign!

Send us your requirements and get custom-made neon logo's or quotes for your
storefront and turn it into a desirable backdrop for all your work-time selfies.

Get in Touch

Trusted by :


See, we wanted to be neutral and share the bad reviews too, but we simply
couldnt find any.

I found Neon Attack just searching through google. They went above and beyond,
getting my huge order created and delivered so fast! They were absolutely
amazing! They Changed the whole vibe of my room!!

Sushmita Adhikari

Banglore, IN

I've always wanted a framed poster of my favourite book title for the wall in my
home office. Instead I went one step further and got a Neon sign of the same -
'Ego is the Enemy'. Neon Attack did a fantastic job with the same. Right from
the self-serve design tool on their website to quick delivery in solid
packaging. The final product is just 🤩 and has received rave reviews from my
friends on Twitter and Instagram. I'd highly recommend Neon Attack for your next
neon sign purchase.

Abhash Kumar

New Delhi, IN

I Ordered a FloRo Sign Board For My Business From Neon Attack - Worlds Best
Neons Sign Makers, I Must Say That The Work Is Completely Done Amazing And
Perfect As I Expected From Them, My Floro Neon Sign Board Is Truly Looking
Amazing, Superb And Fantastic. 100% Recommended To Everyone! This Is The Only
Place From Where You Get What Exactly What You Want That Is Neon Attack! Thank
you Very Much To Make Me Very Happy From Your Work Keep It Up... Happy Customer
From Kanpur!

Abhishek Yadav

Hyderabad, IN

If you want to give your room a new vibe or your logo a new awesome Neon look,
You just can't go wrong with Neon Attack! They're the best one out there. They
can literally make any designs with Neons. If you can think it, they can make
it! With such an awesome customer support. I've bought 2 signs from them
probably getting more soon.... Both times they gave me such an awesome guide
through the process. Just don't think! You need Neon in your life. Get it from
them. Do It!!!!


Mumbai, IN

Very happy customer! I will definitely order from Neon Attack again! We have
ordered neon sign for Our wedding! The sign was beautiful and exactly what I
ordered. It also came sooner than I requested delivery.I would highly recommend
ordering from them! You can use it in your bedroom or living room after the
wedding, every guest was amazed with the lights and loved the way the font came

Aditya Sharma

Mumbai, IN

Hii! I love love my customised sign. It looks so good. The quality is super and
more than that dealing with you was such a great experience. Everyone who has
seen the neon sign has asked me from where have I got it done and loved it as
well. Thank you so much and now I’m just finding more corners where I can place
more signs. Keep up the great work and the customer service the way u are!!

Sana Parti

Chennai, IN

I'm in love with my neon sign. It's perfect and soo aesthtically pleasing. Thank
you for customising it with utmost detail and perfection.

Rahi Gaga

New Delhi, IN

Such a unique and thoughtful gift! Extremely high quality and well crafted!
Thank you neon attack for the timely delivery too!

Dr Anant


After lot of research, I finally ordered from Neon Attack. It was for my
birthday decor and wanted something unique and trendy. Amazing qiality, fast
delivery and best cutomer support. Definetely recoomend for anyone looking for a
neon sign. They are the best in business!

Kashish Gupta

Kolkata, IN

I found Neon Attack just searching through google. They went above and beyond,
getting my huge order created and delivered so fast! They were absolutely
amazing! They Changed the whole vibe of my room!!

Sushmita Adhikari

Banglore, IN

I've always wanted a framed poster of my favourite book title for the wall in my
home office. Instead I went one step further and got a Neon sign of the same -
'Ego is the Enemy'. Neon Attack did a fantastic job with the same. Right from
the self-serve design tool on their website to quick delivery in solid
packaging. The final product is just 🤩 and has received rave reviews from my
friends on Twitter and Instagram. I'd highly recommend Neon Attack for your next
neon sign purchase.

Abhash Kumar

New Delhi, IN

I Ordered a FloRo Sign Board For My Business From Neon Attack - Worlds Best
Neons Sign Makers, I Must Say That The Work Is Completely Done Amazing And
Perfect As I Expected From Them, My Floro Neon Sign Board Is Truly Looking
Amazing, Superb And Fantastic. 100% Recommended To Everyone! This Is The Only
Place From Where You Get What Exactly What You Want That Is Neon Attack! Thank
you Very Much To Make Me Very Happy From Your Work Keep It Up... Happy Customer
From Kanpur!

Abhishek Yadav

Hyderabad, IN

If you want to give your room a new vibe or your logo a new awesome Neon look,
You just can't go wrong with Neon Attack! They're the best one out there. They
can literally make any designs with Neons. If you can think it, they can make
it! With such an awesome customer support. I've bought 2 signs from them
probably getting more soon.... Both times they gave me such an awesome guide
through the process. Just don't think! You need Neon in your life. Get it from
them. Do It!!!!


Mumbai, IN

Very happy customer! I will definitely order from Neon Attack again! We have
ordered neon sign for Our wedding! The sign was beautiful and exactly what I
ordered. It also came sooner than I requested delivery.I would highly recommend
ordering from them! You can use it in your bedroom or living room after the
wedding, every guest was amazed with the lights and loved the way the font came

Aditya Sharma

Mumbai, IN

Hii! I love love my customised sign. It looks so good. The quality is super and
more than that dealing with you was such a great experience. Everyone who has
seen the neon sign has asked me from where have I got it done and loved it as
well. Thank you so much and now I’m just finding more corners where I can place
more signs. Keep up the great work and the customer service the way u are!!

Sana Parti

Chennai, IN

I'm in love with my neon sign. It's perfect and soo aesthtically pleasing. Thank
you for customising it with utmost detail and perfection.

Rahi Gaga

New Delhi, IN

Such a unique and thoughtful gift! Extremely high quality and well crafted!
Thank you neon attack for the timely delivery too!

Dr Anant


After lot of research, I finally ordered from Neon Attack. It was for my
birthday decor and wanted something unique and trendy. Amazing qiality, fast
delivery and best cutomer support. Definetely recoomend for anyone looking for a
neon sign. They are the best in business!

Kashish Gupta

Kolkata, IN

I found Neon Attack just searching through google. They went above and beyond,
getting my huge order created and delivered so fast! They were absolutely
amazing! They Changed the whole vibe of my room!!

Sushmita Adhikari

Banglore, IN

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How do I hang / wall mount my neon light?
 * Installing your new neon light sign is surprisingly simple.Neon Lights
   typically weigh between 6-11 lb and come with pre-drilled holes on the
   acrylic backboard for easy mounting. Neon Lights are safe to transport and
   straightforward to install.
 * For wall mounting, it's essential to have one of our Wall Mounting kits,
   which needs to be purchased when ordering your sign, as they require a
   specific hole size. To hang the Neon light, you can use one of our Sign
   Hanging kits, or if you prefer a DIY approach, you can gather the following
   hardware store items:
 * Fishing wire (we recommend heavy-duty wire and a fisherman knot)
 * Rope (securely knotted)
 * Heavy-duty removable hooks (we suggest using multiple hooks to support

Can I use my neon light sign outdoors?

If you intend to use your newly acquired Neon light sign in outdoor environments
or places susceptible to moisture exposure, we recommend choosing a waterproof
option. Our neon light signs collection comes with an IP67 waterproof rating,
demonstrating compliance with specific standards for water and dust resistance.
Products with an IP67 rating are protected against harmful dust contact and can
endure immersion in water up to a depth of 3.3 feet (1 metre) for 30 minutes.
It's important to emphasise that these products are not designed for underwater

As for our standard neon light signs, they are designed for indoor use but can
be used at outdoor events and parties for short durations in favourable weather
conditions, provided they remain dry. Please be aware that our standard signs
are not watertight and should not be exposed to wet weather, extreme
temperatures, or placed in locations where they may come into contact with

What colours can I choose for my Neon sign?

We have a total of 10 LED neon colours to choose from. All the ten colours come
with a coloured tube, so the sign shows its colour even when it's turned off.

We also offer FloRo colour-changing neon signs.

How are Neon Attack’s Neon lights made?

Our neon lights are meticulously crafted to match your approved design,
employing LED flex on an acrylic backing. The materials utilised includeacrylic,
ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. In contrast, our outdoor neon lights
lineup features premium neon lights encased in fully sealedacrylic, boasting an
IP67 Waterproof rating for enhanced protection. Both ourindoor and outdoor neon
lights areconstructed without fragile glass, neon gas, or mercury, prioritising
safetyand longevity.

What are the shipping times for neon lights purchased online?

Complimentary standard shipping is offered for all orders. Orders are generally
processed within 5-6 business days (Monday-Friday, 9 am-6 pm IST). Keep in mind
that delivery times can vary depending on your location and the size of your
neon lights.

Occasional dispatch delays may arise due to the customised and handcrafted
nature of our neon lights. We acknowledge that such delays are infrequent, and
we appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to deliver your items
to you as swiftly as possible.

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