www.usepylon.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://usepylon.com/
Effective URL: https://www.usepylon.com/
Submission: On November 14 via manual from UA — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

<form data-node-type="commerce-cart-form" style="display:none" class="w-commerce-commercecartform" data-cb-wrapper="true">
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      </div><a href="/checkout" value="Continue to Checkout" data-node-type="cart-checkout-button" class="w-commerce-commercecartcheckoutbutton checkout-button" data-loading-text="Hang Tight...">Continue to Checkout</a>

Name: wf-form-Cookie-PreferencesGET

<form id="cookie-preferences" name="wf-form-Cookie-Preferences" data-name="Cookie Preferences" method="get" class="fs-cc-prefs_form" data-wf-page-id="649e265e75a9635102adf82e" data-wf-element-id="b111e20d-cc2b-292e-3e38-c2a7c504cfc0"
  aria-label="Cookie Preferences" data-cb-wrapper="true">
  <div fs-cc="close" class="fs-cc-prefs_close">
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_close-icon w-embed"><svg fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 16 24">
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  <div class="fs-cc-prefs_content">
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_space-small">
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_title">Privacy Preference Center</div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_space-small">
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_text">When you visit websites, they may store or retrieve data in your browser. This storage is often necessary for the basic functionality of the website. The storage may be used for marketing, analytics, and
        personalization of the site, such as storing your preferences. Privacy is important to us, so you have the option of disabling certain types of storage that may not be necessary for the basic functioning of the website. Blocking categories
        may impact your experience on the website.</div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_space-medium"><a fs-cc="deny" href="#" class="fs-cc-prefs_button fs-cc-button-alt w-button">Reject all cookies</a><a fs-cc="allow" href="#" class="fs-cc-prefs_button w-button">Allow all cookies</a></div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_space-small">
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_title">Manage Consent Preferences by Category</div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_option">
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_toggle-wrapper">
        <div class="fs-cc-prefs_label">Essential</div>
        <div class="fs-cc-prefs_text"><strong>Always Active</strong></div>
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_text">These items are required to enable basic website functionality.</div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_option">
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_toggle-wrapper">
        <div class="fs-cc-prefs_label">Marketing</div><label class="w-checkbox fs-cc-prefs_checkbox-field"><input type="checkbox" id="marketing-2" name="marketing-2" data-name="Marketing 2" fs-cc-checkbox="marketing"
            class="w-checkbox-input fs-cc-prefs_checkbox"><span for="marketing-2" class="fs-cc-prefs_checkbox-label w-form-label">Essential</span>
          <div class="fs-cc-prefs_toggle"></div>
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_text">These items are used to deliver advertising that is more relevant to you and your interests. They may also be used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and measure the effectiveness of advertising
        campaigns. Advertising networks usually place them with the website operator’s permission.</div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_option">
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_toggle-wrapper">
        <div class="fs-cc-prefs_label">Personalization</div><label class="w-checkbox fs-cc-prefs_checkbox-field"><input type="checkbox" id="personalization-2" name="personalization-2" data-name="Personalization 2" fs-cc-checkbox="personalization"
            class="w-checkbox-input fs-cc-prefs_checkbox"><span for="personalization-2" class="fs-cc-prefs_checkbox-label w-form-label">Essential</span>
          <div class="fs-cc-prefs_toggle"></div>
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_text">These items allow the website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language, or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal features. For example, a website may provide you with
        local weather reports or traffic news by storing data about your current location.</div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_option">
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_toggle-wrapper">
        <div class="fs-cc-prefs_label">Analytics</div><label class="w-checkbox fs-cc-prefs_checkbox-field"><input type="checkbox" id="analytics-2" name="analytics-2" data-name="Analytics 2" fs-cc-checkbox="analytics"
            class="w-checkbox-input fs-cc-prefs_checkbox"><span for="analytics-2" class="fs-cc-prefs_checkbox-label w-form-label">Essential</span>
          <div class="fs-cc-prefs_toggle"></div>
      <div class="fs-cc-prefs_text">These items help the website operator understand how its website performs, how visitors interact with the site, and whether there may be technical issues. This storage type usually doesn’t collect information that
        identifies a visitor.</div>
    <div class="fs-cc-prefs_buttons-wrapper"><a fs-cc="submit" href="#" class="fs-cc-prefs_button w-button">Confirm my preferences and close</a></div><input type="submit" value="Submit" data-wait="Please wait..."
      class="fs-cc-prefs_submit-hide w-button">
    <div class="w-embed">
        /* smooth scrolling on iOS devices */
        .fs-cc-prefs_content {
          -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch

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300+ customer channels

I highly, highly recommend Pylon.  Pylon has quickly become one of the essential
tools in our support toolkit that I would not go without.  It has made Slack
support as easy as email support. 🤯  Something previously reserved for just a
handful of a company’s largest customers due to bandwidth limitations can now
easily scale to more customers.

Teresa nesteby
Head of Success Engineering at
3 days to 3 minutes
“ previously took us 3 days to send a message to our 500+ slack channels. now it
takes 3 minutes”
Erika Anderson
Chief Customer Officer at
Comms & support
“We rely on Pylon for nearly 100% of customer comms and support. It’s become the
essential tool for our customer success teams.”
Curtis shelton
Global Head of Customer Support at
Visibility for all
“Shared Slack channels are no longer a black box. Our engineering team now has
visibility into customer issues and can collaborate on them internally with
support. Support gets to see the issues and internal discussion straight from
Intercom. Everybody is happy!”
Lukas Köbis
CTO at
Topline and Bottomline
“Love what you guys are doing. It was impossible to scale our enterprise tier
support beyond a handful of customers before Pylon. It's directly unlocked
revenue while improving customer experience and saving our team time.”
Pritak Patel
Head of Post-Sales at
100s of hours
“I was told what we wanted was infeasible by other vendors and we were asking
for the moon. Pylon came in, they had the right functionality, and it's saved us
100s of hours in operational time and improved reliability doing so.”
Charles Folsom
Head of Customer Success at
Data Unlock
“All that data was locked up in Slack ... there was no way for me to run a
report on it. Right now our visibility is zero. Automatically logging engagement
from Slack to Salesforce is HUGE win. We have a living pulse for what's going on
with customers now.”
Nav singh
Head of Revenue Operations at

Everything you need to meet your customers in slack


Handle requests from your accounts in a single feed -assign them to teammates
and make sure they got answered
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Intelligently bundle chat messages into conversations and automatically update
their status based on responses using AI
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Send out personalized product updates and outage alerts with one click
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Detect and route questions to your support system and let your agent take over
the conversation from your existing support system with bidirectional sync
Learn More


Automatically summarize and capture customer chat conversations in your CRM to
understand rep performance, feed into customer health, and give leadership
Learn More


Track resolution and first response times for customer conversations, measure
performance of CSMs, and identify customers who haven't been engaged recently
Learn More


Manage long-running CSM tasks with your Kanban Board of customer requests and
escalations, all tied back to support and product tickets
Learn More


Automagically open tickets, provision channels, send welcome messages, bookmark
helpful links for your customers and more
Learn More

Increased Retention
Faster deal cycles
Saved / agent / day


Seamlessly connect your systems together. Sync customer issues as tickets to
your support system, conversations as activities to your CRM, product feedback
to your product tools, and more.
Book a Demo



Our data management philosophy places utmost importance on security and
compliance. Pylon is SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA, and ISO 27001 certified and employs a
comprehensive set of features, capabilities, and processes to safeguard customer
PII data.


Schedule a demo or start your free trial and help your team scale customer
operations 🚀
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© All rights reserved by Pylon Labs, Inc.
By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your
device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our
marketing efforts. View our Privacy Policy for more information.

Privacy Preference Center
When you visit websites, they may store or retrieve data in your browser. This
storage is often necessary for the basic functionality of the website. The
storage may be used for marketing, analytics, and personalization of the site,
such as storing your preferences. Privacy is important to us, so you have the
option of disabling certain types of storage that may not be necessary for the
basic functioning of the website. Blocking categories may impact your experience
on the website.
Reject all cookiesAllow all cookies
Manage Consent Preferences by Category
Always Active
These items are required to enable basic website functionality.

These items are used to deliver advertising that is more relevant to you and
your interests. They may also be used to limit the number of times you see an
advertisement and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
Advertising networks usually place them with the website operator’s permission.

These items allow the website to remember choices you make (such as your user
name, language, or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal
features. For example, a website may provide you with local weather reports or
traffic news by storing data about your current location.

These items help the website operator understand how its website performs, how
visitors interact with the site, and whether there may be technical issues. This
storage type usually doesn’t collect information that identifies a visitor.
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