www.mapquest.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.mapquest.com/search/result?slug=%2Fus%2Fcalifornia%2Fpacific-exterminators-371659030&query=Pacific%20Extermin...
Submission: On August 25 via manual from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

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      <!-- ngIf: location.hasOwnProperty('disambiguationResults') -->
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              analytics-category="search.result" analytics-event="category-clicked" analytics-label="Shopping" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope"><button class="chicklet-button" ng-click="$ctrl.fireClick()" type="button">
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              analytics-category="search.result" analytics-event="category-clicked" analytics-label="Coffee Shops" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope"><button class="chicklet-button" ng-click="$ctrl.fireClick()" type="button">
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              analytics-category="search.result" analytics-event="category-clicked" analytics-label="Gas" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope"><button class="chicklet-button" ng-click="$ctrl.fireClick()" type="button">
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            <div class="bizloc-view-link">Click here to view results</div>
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      <!-- Using ng-show here instead of ng-if because we want the images to preload -->
      <div class="content-view-all flex-container ng-hide" ng-show="$ctrl.shouldShowAll()">
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            class="ng-isolate-scope"><button class="chicklet-button" ng-click="$ctrl.fireClick()" type="button">
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          <!-- These pixels do not exist in the DOM unless the user is viewing all Bizlocs -->
          <!-- ngIf: bizloc.imageSmallCategoryTracking && $ctrl.shouldShowAll() -->
        </span><!-- end ngRepeat: bizloc in $ctrl.bizlocs -->
        <!-- ngRepeat: x in [].constructor($ctrl.numSpacers()) track by $index --><span ng-repeat="x in [].constructor($ctrl.numSpacers()) track by $index" class="chicklet-button spacer ng-scope">
        </span><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor($ctrl.numSpacers()) track by $index --><span ng-repeat="x in [].constructor($ctrl.numSpacers()) track by $index" class="chicklet-button spacer ng-scope">
        </span><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor($ctrl.numSpacers()) track by $index --><span ng-repeat="x in [].constructor($ctrl.numSpacers()) track by $index" class="chicklet-button spacer ng-scope">
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1000 Business Center Cir, Ste. 105, Newbury Park, CA 91320

(800) 611-0127

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22 Reviews
(800) 611-0127




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Newbury Park Restaurants



 * Mon: 12am-12am
 * Tue: 12am-12am
 * Wed: 12am-12am
 * Thu: 12am-12am
 * Fri: 12am-12am
 * Sat: 12am-12am
 * Sun: 12am-12am


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Pest Control Pest Control
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Reviews from


Christian T.

I'm a property manager for Moss & Company and I've used Pacific Exterminators at
my properties for a while now - and can I just say - you guys freakin rock! If
exterminators could be ROCKSTARS -...

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Chris P.

Excellent server service and fair prices!! This is the first time I've used this
company. I got several other quotes and I chose them. I'm very happy with the
work they did and I would use them again.

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Annie H.

This company's reply should tell you enough about how they do business. Jokes on
them because I didn't even need their help for bedbugs, I got rid of them
myself. For others: You need to do...

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Jim T.

Great service. Timely and professional. We met under adverse circumstances and
they made an emergency trip to remediate the issue. I signed up for future
services and they have been great to deal...

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Wendy G.

In these challenging times, I feel it is more important than ever to call out
extra special service. It just so happens, that the day before Robert from
Pacific Exterminator came to my home, I'd...

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Our commitment to your success starts with working with you and understanding
your needs and/or business. You can feel confident Pacific Exterminator has the
knowledge and experience to deliver the results that you or your business
expects. Pacific Exterminators is locally owned and operated! We're proud to
live locally and be able to serve or local community. See what others are saying
about their experience with Pacific Exterminators At Pacific Exterminators we
like to think that we are more than your pest control specialist and more like
your partner that handles your day to day pest control needs. We are available 7
days a week and 24 hours a day to take on your pest control needs.

Partial Data by Infogroup (c) 2021. All rights reserved.


Pacific Exterminators


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