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<form data-module="ValidationForm" autocomplete="off" action="/tucan_en/;componentID=1612210980905" method="post">
  <input value="RedirectorController" name="iwPreActions" type="hidden"><input value="1612210980905" name="ComponentID" type="hidden"><input value="orderStep2_form" name="DestinationPage" type="hidden"><input name="requestToken" type="hidden"
    value="WWpMdbOUSMe244BYrWnGQDjSp2IHUQwBB7g2rWuKAT2pyzYDS170fmZ1vTmoilImbzKSB9uzMd9ofRbHAIZRtDtZxqqjFee1ZYmBgHheuu0="><input name="tl.transform-version" type="hidden" value=""><input name="Action" type="hidden" value="CAPTURE_ABANDON_ORDER_DATA">
  <div class="content" id="maincontent">
    <section id="bodyContentForm" class="section contain">
      <!-- <div class="header"> -->
      <section class="section -message -steps-nav-alt">
        <p><strong>Step 1 of 3:</strong> Tell us about yourself</p>
      <h1 class="background-wrapper" id="sm-title">Your TransUnion Credit Report, score &amp; more - are only moments away.</h1>
      <section class="-hide-medium -hide-large">
        <div class="offerTile ">You have chosen:</div>
        <div class="offer-copy rightrail-tab">TransUnion Credit Monitoring for $24.95/month. Plus tax where applicable.</div>
      <nav class="steps-nav">
        <ul class="nav-list">
          <li class="nav-item is-active"><i class="icon -fw -user"></i><span>Step 1</span> <span class="-sr-only">Current Step</span> <span class="step-nav-title">Tell us about yourself</span></li>
          <li class="nav-item"><i class="icon -fw -identity"></i><span>Step 2</span> <span class="step-nav-title">Create your account</span></li>
          <li class="nav-item"><i class="icon -fw -monitor"></i><span>Step 3</span> <span class="step-nav-title">Verify your identity</span></li>
      <div class="alert-banner -error -invalid-offer-content" style="display:none;">
        <i class="icon -info"></i>
        <h2>We're sorry, the offer you have selected is no longer available.</h2>
        <p>You can still order TransUnion Credit Monitoring, including your TransUnion CreditVision® Report &amp; Score for <span id="price"></span>/month (plus tax where applicable). </p>
      <div class="layout -with-sidebar">
        <div class="layout-content bundle-items">
          <p class="required-field-notice"><strong>All fields are required</strong> (except where noted).</p>
          <div class="form" id="order-form" role="form">
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="firstName">First Name</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-firstname" type="text" name="tl.first-name" id="firstName" class="required" maxlength="25" title="First name">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="middleName">Middle Name <span>(optional)</span></label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-middlename" type="text" name="tl.middle-name" maxlength="25" title="Middle name (optional)">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="lastName">Last Name</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-lastname" type="text" name="tl.last-name" id="lastName" class="required" maxlength="40" title="Last name">
              <input type="hidden" name="" value="">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="currStreet">Address and Unit Number</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-currstreet" type="text" name="tl.curr-street" id="currStreet" class="required" maxlength="130" title="Address and unit number">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="currCity">City</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-currcity" type="text" name="tl.curr-city" id="currCity" class="required" maxlength="40" title="City">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field-group">
              <div class="form-field-row -col2">
                <div class="form-field">
                  <label for="currState">Province/Territory</label>
                  <div class="select-wrapper">
                    <div class="select-input"><span class="select-input-text">--</span></div>
                    <select data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-currstate" name="tl.curr-state" id="currState" class="required" title="Province/Territory" data-module="Select">
                      <option value="" selected="selected">--</option>
                      <option value="AB">AB</option>
                      <option value="BC">BC</option>
                      <option value="MB">MB</option>
                      <option value="NB">NB</option>
                      <option value="NL">NL</option>
                      <option value="NS">NS</option>
                      <option value="NT">NT</option>
                      <option value="NU">NU</option>
                      <option value="ON">ON</option>
                      <option value="PE">PE</option>
                      <option value="QC">QC</option>
                      <option value="SK">SK</option>
                      <option value="YT">YT</option>
                <div class="form-field">
                  <label for="currZip">Postal Code</label>
                  <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-currzipcode" type="text" name="tl.curr-zip-code" id="currZip" class="required" maxlength="7" title="Postal code">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="residencyY">Have you lived here for more than 6 months?</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-residency-y" type="radio" name="residency" id="residencyY" value="yes" title="Yes, I have lived here for more than six months" checked=""> Yes <label for="residencyN" class="hidden">No</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-residency-n" type="radio" name="residency" id="residencyN" value="no" title="No, I have not lived here for more than six months"> No
            <div class="hiddenAddress">
              <div class="form-field">
                <label for="prevStreet">Previous Address and Unit Number</label>
                <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-prevstreet" type="text" name="tl.prev-street" id="prevStreet" class="" maxlength="130" title="Previous address and unit number">
                <p class="form-message"></p>
              <div class="form-field">
                <label for="prevCity">Previous City</label>
                <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-prevcity" type="text" name="tl.prev-city" id="prevCity" class="" maxlength="40" title="Previous City">
                <p class="form-message"></p>
              <div class="form-field-group">
                <div class="form-field-row -col2">
                  <div class="form-field">
                    <label for="prevState">Previous<br>Province/Territory</label>
                    <div class="select-wrapper">
                      <div class="select-input"><span class="select-input-text">--</span></div>
                      <select data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-prevstate" name="tl.prev-state" id="prevState" class="" title="Previous province/territory" data-module="Select">
                        <option value="" selected="selected">--</option>
                        <option value="AB">AB</option>
                        <option value="BC">BC</option>
                        <option value="MB">MB</option>
                        <option value="NB">NB</option>
                        <option value="NL">NL</option>
                        <option value="NS">NS</option>
                        <option value="NT">NT</option>
                        <option value="NU">NU</option>
                        <option value="ON">ON</option>
                        <option value="PE">PE</option>
                        <option value="QC">QC</option>
                        <option value="SK">SK</option>
                        <option value="YT">YT</option>
                  <div class="form-field">
                    <label for="prevZip">Previous<br>Postal Code</label>
                    <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-prevzipcode" type="text" name="tl.prev-zip-code" id="prevZip" class="" maxlength="7" title="Previous postal code">
                <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field info-block">
              <i class="icon -info"></i>
              <p><strong>It is important that you use your real email address.</strong></p>
              <p>An email will be sent to you in order to verify your identity and complete enrollment.</p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="emailAddress">Email Address (this will be your Username)</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-emailaddress" type="text" name="" id="emailAddress" class="required" maxlength="50" title="Email address">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="phoneNumber">Phone Number</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-phonenumber" type="text" name="" id="phoneNumber" class="required" maxlength="10" title="Phone number">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field-group">
              <label for="dobMonth">Date of Birth <span>(YYYY/MM/DD)</span></label>
              <div class="form-field-row -col3">
                <div class="form-field">
                  <label for="dobYear" class="hidden">Date of birth year</label>
                  <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-dobyear" type="text" name="dobYear" id="dobYear" class="required" placeholder="YYYY" title="Date of birth year">
                  <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-dateofbirth" type="hidden" name="" value="">
                <div class="form-field">
                  <label for="dobMonth" class="hidden">Date of birth month</label>
                  <input type="text" data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-dobmonth" name="dobMonth" id="dobMonth" class="required" placeholder="MM" title="Date of birth month">
                <div class="form-field">
                  <label for="dobDay" class="hidden">Date of birth day</label>
                  <input type="text" data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-dobday" name="dobDay" id="dobDay" class="required" placeholder="DD" title="Date of birth day">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="fullSSN">Social Insurance Number <span>(optional)</span></label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-fullssn" type="text" name="tl.full-ssn" id="fullSSN" value="" maxlength="9" title="Social Insurance Number (SIN)">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <div class="form-field">
              <label for="confirmSSN">Confirm Social Insurance Number</label>
              <input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-sinconfirm" type="text" name="sin-confirm" id="confirmSSN" value="" maxlength="9" title="Confirm Social Insurance Number (SIN)">
              <p class="form-message"></p>
            <p id="termsPolicy">By clicking on the "Submit &amp; Continue to Step 2" button below, I acknowledge that I have read the
              <a href="/tucan_en/;pagetype=ua" target="_blank" data-selenium="link-internal-orderstep1form-termspurchase">Terms of Purchase</a> and
              <a href="/tucan_en/;pagetype=ua" target="_blank" data-selenium="link-internal-orderstep1form-privacy">Privacy Policy</a>, and that I agree to their terms.</p>
            <p id="offerTermspolicy" style="display: none;">By clicking “Submit &amp; Continue to Step 2” and continuing,<br class="d-mv-none"> you certify that you are the person whose personal credit<br class="d-mv-none"> information is being
              requested and you indicate that you<br class="d-mv-none"> are authorizing Trans Union of Canada, Inc. to retrieve<br class="d-mv-none"> personal information from your personal credit file for the<br class="d-mv-none"> purposes of
              confirming your identity, providing the<br class="d-mv-none"> products and services you request, and as otherwise set<br class="d-mv-none"> out in the Trans Union of Canada, Inc.
              <a href="/tucan_en/" target="_blank" data-selenium="link-internal-orderstep1form-privacy"> Privacy Policy</a>.</p>
            <input type="hidden" name="tl.locale" value="en_CA">
            <input type="hidden" name="tl.blackbox" id="ioBlackBox"
            <input type="hidden" name="tl.offer" value="e78bd8b1-7e38-4d63-9fad-76cf96df6527" id="offer">
            <input type="hidden" name="tl.offer-component" value="1020181" id="offerComponentToken">
            <input name="tl.opt-in-emails" type="hidden" value="true" class="opt-in-emails" data-selenium="form-orderstep1-optin-emails" checked="">
            <input name="tl.opt-in-newsletter" type="hidden" value="true" class="opt-in-newsletter" data-selenium="form-orderstep1-optin-newsletter" checked="">
            <input name="tl.opt-in-personalized-offers" type="hidden" value="true" class="opt-in-personalized-offers" data-selenium="form-orderstep1-optin-qsoffers-yes" checked="">
            <div class="signup-footer offer-legal -hide-medium -hide-large"><span class="-hide-large">Quebec Residents, please see details below.*<br><br></span>Your TransUnion Credit Score &amp; Credit Report are available as part of our
              subscription-based credit monitoring service. You will be billed at the cost of only $24.95 per month. Plus tax where applicable. You may cancel at any time.<br><br>Please note, lenders use many different credit scoring models. The
              score you get from us may not be the one your lender uses.</div>
            <!--<input data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-submit"  type="submit" class="order-btn-blue" value="Submit & Continue to Step 2" title="Submit and continue to step 2" />-->
            <button data-selenium="form-orderstep1form-submit" type="submit" id="formBtn1" class="btn -large -orange" data-module="AjaxButton"><span id="form-btn-text">SUBMIT &amp; CONTINUE TO STEP 2</span> <i class="icon -forward"></i></button>
          <input name="tl.bundle-item-1" type="hidden" value="req">
        <div class="layout-sidebar">
          <span class="center -hide-small -hide-medium">
            <aside class="widget member-login -text-center">
              <p class="-no-wrap"><span>Already a member?</span> <a class="member-login-link" href="/tucan_en/" data-selenium="link-internal-orderstep1form-login">Login Now</a></p>
            <div id="scoreCard">
              <div class="scoretitle">What you'll instantly receive:</div>
              <div class="scoresample"> <span class="sidebar-text">Score:</span> <br> <span class="sidebar-number">832</span></div>
              <div class="scorelegal">Sample score </div>
            <div class="offerImage">
              <div class="offerTile">You have chosen:</div>
              <div class="offerHerobk" id="offerCodeHerobk">
                <div class="offer-copy" id="formSecureText">TransUnion Credit Monitoring for $24.95/month. Plus tax where applicable.</div>
              <div class="offerFeatures ">
                <span class="heroTextSB">You'll soon enjoy:</span>
                <ul class="offerList" id="offerCodeList">
                  <li>UNLIMITED updates to your TransUnion Credit Report &amp; Score</li>
                  <li>Email updates of critical changes to your TransUnion Credit Report</li>
                  <li>Personalized Debt Analysis &amp; Trending</li>
                  <li>ID Restoration Services with up to $1,000,000 expense reimbursement insurance</li>
              <div class="offer-legal" id="offerLegal"><span class="-hide-large">Quebec Residents, please see details below.*<br><br></span>Your TransUnion Credit Score &amp; Credit Report are available as part of our subscription-based credit
                monitoring service. You will be billed at the cost of only $24.95 per month. Plus tax where applicable. You may cancel at any time.<br><br>Please note, lenders use many different credit scoring models. The score you get from us may
                not be the one your lender uses.</div>
          <div class="-hide-small -hide-large">
            <section class="offerTile">You have chosen:</section>
            <section class="offer-copy rightrail-tab">TransUnion Credit Monitoring for $24.95/month. Plus tax where applicable.</section>
            <p class="offer-legal offer-tab"><span class="-hide-large">Quebec Residents, please see details below.*<br><br></span>Your TransUnion Credit Score &amp; Credit Report are available as part of our subscription-based credit monitoring
              service. You will be billed at the cost of only $24.95 per month. Plus tax where applicable. You may cancel at any time.<br><br>Please note, lenders use many different credit scoring models. The score you get from us may not be the one
              your lender uses.</p>
  <!-- TUCAN English v2.0.1 -->

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Step 1 of 3: Tell us about yourself


You have chosen:
TransUnion Credit Monitoring for $24.95/month. Plus tax where applicable.
 * Step 1 Current Step Tell us about yourself
 * Step 2 Create your account
 * Step 3 Verify your identity


You can still order TransUnion Credit Monitoring, including your TransUnion
CreditVision® Report & Score for /month (plus tax where applicable).

All fields are required (except where noted).

First Name

Middle Name (optional)

Last Name

Address and Unit Number


Postal Code

Have you lived here for more than 6 months? Yes No No
Previous Address and Unit Number

Previous City

Postal Code

It is important that you use your real email address.

An email will be sent to you in order to verify your identity and complete

Email Address (this will be your Username)

Phone Number

Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD)
Date of birth year
Date of birth month
Date of birth day

Social Insurance Number (optional)

Confirm Social Insurance Number

By clicking on the "Submit & Continue to Step 2" button below, I acknowledge
that I have read the Terms of Purchase and Privacy Policy, and that I agree to
their terms.

By clicking “Submit & Continue to Step 2” and continuing,
you certify that you are the person whose personal credit
information is being requested and you indicate that you
are authorizing Trans Union of Canada, Inc. to retrieve
personal information from your personal credit file for the
purposes of confirming your identity, providing the
products and services you request, and as otherwise set
out in the Trans Union of Canada, Inc. Privacy Policy.

Quebec Residents, please see details below.*

Your TransUnion Credit Score & Credit Report are available as part of our
subscription-based credit monitoring service. You will be billed at the cost of
only $24.95 per month. Plus tax where applicable. You may cancel at any time.

Please note, lenders use many different credit scoring models. The score you get
from us may not be the one your lender uses.

Already a member? Login Now

What you'll instantly receive:
Sample score
You have chosen:
TransUnion Credit Monitoring for $24.95/month. Plus tax where applicable.
You'll soon enjoy:
 * UNLIMITED updates to your TransUnion Credit Report & Score
 * Email updates of critical changes to your TransUnion Credit Report
 * Personalized Debt Analysis & Trending
 * ID Restoration Services with up to $1,000,000 expense reimbursement insurance

Quebec Residents, please see details below.*

Your TransUnion Credit Score & Credit Report are available as part of our
subscription-based credit monitoring service. You will be billed at the cost of
only $24.95 per month. Plus tax where applicable. You may cancel at any time.

Please note, lenders use many different credit scoring models. The score you get
from us may not be the one your lender uses.
You have chosen:
TransUnion Credit Monitoring for $24.95/month. Plus tax where applicable.

Quebec Residents, please see details below.*

Your TransUnion Credit Score & Credit Report are available as part of our
subscription-based credit monitoring service. You will be billed at the cost of
only $24.95 per month. Plus tax where applicable. You may cancel at any time.

Please note, lenders use many different credit scoring models. The score you get
from us may not be the one your lender uses.

 * Sign Up
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 * Privacy
 * Terms of Purchase
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 * Accessibility
 * Become an Affiliate

This site is hosted and operated by TransUnion Interactive, Inc., a wholly owned
subsidiary of TransUnion, LLC. Copyright 2024 TransUnion Interactive. All Rights