www.anewsa.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.anewsa.com/detail.php?number=2539993
Submission: On December 13 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

Name: fsearchboxGET /n_search.php

<form name="fsearchbox" action="/n_search.php" method="get" onsubmit="return fsearchbox_submit(this);">
  <li class="search_button"><a href="#" onclick="fsearchbox_submit(fsearchbox);return false;"><img src="/img_main/button_search_submit.png"></a></li>
  <li class="search_input"><input name="search_word" type="text" value=""></li>

Name: comment_formPOST event_proc.php

<form name="comment_form" id="comment_form" method="post" action="event_proc.php">
  <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="comment_insert">
  <input type="hidden" name="number" value="2539993">
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  <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
      <col width="100px;">
      <tr class="title">
        <td><textarea name="comment_content" id="comment_content" class="btn_login_check" readonly=""> 로그인 후 댓글을 작성하여 주세요 </textarea></td>
        <td class="bt">
          <span id="button_area" class="btn_login_check">입력</span>

Text Content

2021년 12월 13일 월요일
 * 로그인
 * 회원가입


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뉴스홈 국제


[서울=아시아뉴스통신] 레악카나기자 송고시간 2021-12-09 02:30

Google believes it has disrupted the hackers' "key command and control
infrastructure", preventing those behind Glupteba from having control of the
botnet "for now". (Photo by= Getty Images)

[Asia News = Reporter Reakkana] Google has sued hackers believed to be part of a
cybercrime gang that has stolen user information from around the world. BBC said
that a complaint names two Russians and 15 unknown individuals behind Glupteba,
a malicious "botnet" that has infected over a million computers.

Criminals use these systems of compromised devices to hack private data. It is
the first case Google has launched against a botnet. According to a lawsuit
filed in New York and unsealed on Tuesday, the botnet built by Dmitry
Starovikov, Alexander Filippov and their associates has become a "modern
technological and borderless incarnation of organised crime". Glupteba's
malicious software - which was first detected in 2011 - is spread by third-party
download sites, online movie streaming services and a website that fraudulently
purported to be affiliated with YouTube, which Google owns. Court documents
allege that the Glupteba botnet stands out from others because of its "technical

The legal action is being brought under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations (Rico) Act, often used to prosecute members of organised crime
groups such as the Mafia, outlaw biker gangs or drug trafficking networks. A
report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies and computer
security firm McAfee found that cybercrime led to nearly $1 trillion in losses
in 2020.


[ 저작권자 © 아시아뉴스통신. 무단 전재 및 재배포금지]

제보전화 : 1644-3331   


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로그인 후 댓글을 작성하여 주세요 입력

팁과 요령

이 96세 여성 분의 집은 밖에서 보기에는 일반적인 모습을 하고 있지만, 안을 보게 된다면 정말 놀랄 것입니다팁과 요령|



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Mann zieht aus seinem Haus aus, nachdem er einen geheimen Raum gefunden hat, der
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Life Indigo

Fabian Kahls Nettovermögen überraschte unsLife Indigo|

Game of Glam

So reich ist Heide Rezepa-Zabel mit 56Game of Glam|


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