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A culture that thrives on embracing
our differences.


Our culture is truly one of a kind. And ensuring it’s alive with diverse
thoughts and unique perspectives – at all levels of our organization – is
engrained in our core values, fueling our focus on you. The future of this
industry is always evolving, and it’s only with an unwavering commitment to
diversity, equity and inclusion that we can constantly deliver world-class
service and solutions to our clients around the world.


This philosophy and core value is woven throughout the day-to-day interactions
between Encore team members and our clients. It is this value that holds all
Encore team members accountable to ourselves and to each other. We believe that
everyone at Encore should Value People and work to foster a collaborative,
inclusive and mutually supportive environment.


From workshops and seminars to networking opportunities, our goal is to foster
growth and development for our team members, organization and community. By
creating an all-inclusive environment we empower team members to be represented
throughout various groups.

Our current Business Resource Groups include:

Our mission is promote development and advancement of under-represented groups
within Encore by providing continuing development opportunities, coaching and

Our mission is to create a network for the women across the organization to
share ideas, support one another and to deliver programs that contribute to the
professional and personal development of our members.

In addition to the Women of Encore, take advantage of the opportunity to learn
about hospitality and event production, and our entry level Women in Audio
Visual Events (WAVE) HERE.

Our mission is to create and foster an inclusive and engaging LGBTQ+ community
and work environment by focusing on community engagement, developing diverse
talent, and creating meaningful client relationships through our shared Encore
core values.

Our mission is to provide opportunities for all employees to recognize and
welcome veterans and their families to Encore. In doing so, this group of
like-minded employees strives to provide social and professional networking
opportunities, facilitate personal and professional development, support of
Encore’s recruitment and retention of veterans, and participate or sponsor
events within our communities to respect, honor, and support our military and

Belief's mission is to foster an inclusive workplace and provide a space for
Team Members to exercise and celebrate all faiths and cultures openly. Our
purpose is to connect and inspire one another in a safe, inclusive, and mutual
understanding work environment for all dimensions of differing faith beliefs and
backgrounds. Regardless of beliefs, we want all Team Members to feel welcomed
and supported in their faith journey at work.

HOLA! at Encore exists to provide Team Members of Latin or Hispanic heritage a
sense of belonging at Encore, and to celebrate and be proud to share our culture
and customs with others companywide. We're focused on developing a talented
culturally-diverse workforce, and to give our members a platform for growth and
support as they develop into effective leaders passionate about Encore's
Mission, Purpose, and Values.

The WellBeing at Encore BRG exists to support the mental, physical and social
wellbeing of our Team Members and the larger communities they impact. We
accomplish this by working to overcome stigmas, providing resources and raising
awareness of these important topics.


Encore is proud to be a “Silver Sponsor” with this organization.

The National Society of Minorities in Hospitality (NSMH) is a non-profit
organization formed in 1989 at Cornell University and is now the premier
professional organization for hospitality students. The main purpose of NSMH is
to address diversity and multiculturalism, as well as the career development of
student members within the hospitality industry.


My faith is a huge part of my life. I have experienced plenty of instances where
I would hesitate in conversations or gestures because I was uncertain that my
Christian faith would be accepted. The Belief BRG not only welcomes my faith,
but I can support other team members in feeling confident about practicing their
faith, openly and unashamed. I have discovered so much about myself, and I feel
so wonderful knowing that I can be my authentic self and not suppress what I am
passionate about. This makes working for Encore so much better.


I am so encouraged by Encore’s commitment to building an inclusive workplace and
increasing visibility, representation, and community through its Business
Resource Groups. The hospitality industry is as diverse as it gets and being
able to show how that is reflected in our organization and how we will continue
to work on honoring the communities and cultures that are represented by our
unbelievably talented folks is essential in our mission to connect, inspire,
value people, and do the right thing. As a member of the WellBeing BRG, I am
excited to be a part of making sure our team’s mental health is a part of the
conversation in how to ensure we value our people.


Our business resource groups provide the chance to form long-lasting connections
with individuals throughout our global community. I have had the opportunity to
contribute and participate in the Encore Women business resource group. With
enriching experiences from educational seminars to community events. Encore’s
Business Resource Groups provide endless possibilities and various levels of
engagement for anyone wanting to be involved.


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Finance - Payroll
Rigging, Power and Internet
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Search for a location and select one from the list of suggestions. Finally,
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By submitting your information, you acknowledge that you have read our privacy
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You’ll find some of the best rewards in the industry – from comprehensive
insurance options and generous PTO to a company-matching 401(k).


© 2023 All Rights Reserved. Any third-party trademarks remain the property of
their respective owners. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, age, marital
status, pregnancy, genetic information, or other legally protected status.


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