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The Journal of Alternative and Complementary MedicineVol. 19, No. 2
Original ArticlesOpen Access


 * Gaétan Chevalier, 
 * Stephen T. Sinatra, 
 * James L. Oschman, and 
 * Richard M. Delany

Gaétan Chevalier

Developmental and Cell Biology Department, University of California at Irvine,
Irvine, CA.

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Stephen T. Sinatra

Department of Medicine, University of Connecticut School of Medicine,
Farmington, CT.

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James L. Oschman

Nature's Own Research Association, Dover, NH.

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, and 
Richard M. Delany

Personalized Preventive Medicine, Milton, MA.

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Published Online:14 Feb 2013https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2011.0820
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    * Introduction
    * Materials and Methods
    * Results
    * Discussion
    * Conclusions
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Objectives: Emerging research is revealing that direct physical contact of the
human body with the surface of the earth (grounding or earthing) has intriguing
effects on human physiology and health, including beneficial effects on various
cardiovascular risk factors. This study examined effects of 2 hours of grounding
on the electrical charge (zeta potential) on red blood cells (RBCs) and the
effects on the extent of RBC clumping.

Design/interventions: Subjects were grounded with conductive patches on the
soles of their feet and palms of their hands. Wires connected the patches to a
stainless-steel rod inserted in the earth outdoors. Small fingertip pinprick
blood samples were placed on microscope slides and an electric field was applied
to them. Electrophoretic mobility of the RBCs was determined by measuring
terminal velocities of the cells in video recordings taken through a microscope.
RBC aggregation was measured by counting the numbers of clustered cells in each

Settings/location: Each subject sat in a comfortable reclining chair in a
soundproof experiment room with the lights dimmed or off.

Subjects: Ten (10) healthy adult subjects were recruited by word-of-mouth.

Results: Earthing or grounding increased zeta potentials in all samples by an
average of 2.70 and significantly reduced RBC aggregation.

Conclusions: Grounding increases the surface charge on RBCs and thereby reduces
blood viscosity and clumping. Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and
yet most profound interventions for helping reduce cardiovascular risk and
cardiovascular events.

> Erythrocytes have a strong net negative charge called the zeta potential
> produced by the scialoglycoprotein coat such that approximately 18 nm is the
> shortest span between two cells.
> —Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology1


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death worldwide. The latest
statistics (2009) for the United States show that CVD is the leading cause of
death for persons age 65 and over.2 Interventions that reduce the incidence of
CVD are therefore of profound importance. Blood viscosity and aggregation are
major factors in hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies, including
myocardial infarction. Cardiologists are gradually losing interest in
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol as the major cardiovascular risk
factor.3 From the perspective of the health care practitioner, it is essential
to have a better understanding of the relationships between other
well-documented factors in CVD, including blood viscosity, blood pressure (BP),
peripheral resistance, coagulation, left-ventricular hypertrophy, and

Blood is a complex fluid containing a variety of formed elements (cells),
proteins, nutrients, and metabolic waste products, along with dozens of clotting
factors. In spite of this complexity, measurement of the electrophoretic
mobility or zeta potential of red blood cells (RBCs) is a simple method for
measuring blood viscosity.4–8 This is because blood viscosity is strongly
influenced by the RBC surface charge that governs the spacing between
erythrocytes. A higher repulsive surface charge increases spacing between
erythrocytes, reduces clumping, lowers viscosity, and lowers peripheral
resistance to flow.9 Conditions that reduce RBC surface charge correlate with
occlusive arterial disease because of a higher incidence of RBC aggregation.5 It
is accepted that blood viscosity and resistance to blood flow are related and
are elevated in patients who have hypertension.10–12 Total resistance is the
product of vascular resistance and viscosity. Small changes in viscosity produce
large differences in total resistance,13 especially in peripheral vessels <30 μm
in diameter, in which the relative effective viscosity can increase six- to
sevenfold.14 These results confirm the existence of a blood hyperviscosity
syndrome in hypertension. Positive correlations in rheologic variables with
arterial pressure and with indices of left-ventricular hypertrophy suggest that
these changes may be involved in the pathophysiology of hypertension and its
serious complications.15,16

The electrophoretic mobility or zeta potential can be measured by determining
the mobility of RBCs in an imposed electric field. The classic text on zeta
potential is Control of Colloid Stability Through Zeta Potential (with a closing
chapter on its relationship to CVD by Riddick).4 Riddick's perspectives on CVD
are important but have not been widely recognized, probably because rheology is
a highly specialized and interdisciplinary subject. Moreover, blood is a very
complex material, and many variables affect its ability to carry oxygen,
nutrients, and metabolic waste products.

In this report the terms earthing and grounding are used interchangeably. The
branch of physics known as electrostatics teaches that, when two conductive
objects with different electrical potential touch each other, there is a
virtually instantaneous transfer of charge so that the two objects equilibrate
to the same electrical potential. The human body is a conductor of electricity17
and so is earth (soil), except in very dry areas such as deserts. Consequently,
grounding leads to rapid equalization of the electrical potential of the body
with the potential of the Earth (planet) through an almost instantaneous
transfer of electrons from soil to the body.18,19 This has been the natural
bioelectrical environment of the human body and of other organisms throughout
most of evolutionary history.

Given that earthing or grounding alters many electrical properties of the
body,18–21 it was logical to evaluate an electrical property of the blood. The
goal was to find if grounding affects RBC zeta potential and RBC aggregation in
an ordinary office environment. The results show that grounding the body to soil
increases the zeta potential and thereby decreases aggregation of RBCs.



Ten (10) healthy subjects were screened using the Health History Inventory.22
Each subject had one grounding session. Table 1 details age and gender
distribution of subjects; Table 2 documents their pain levels before and after
each session, as well as medications and general health condition of each
subject. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects prior to their
participation. The Biomedical Research Institute of America provided
institutional review board supervision of this project (www.biomedirb.com). The
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) was used to evaluate the level and location of
pain before and after grounding sessions.23

Table 1. Subjects' Age and Gender Distribution

Subject #AgeGenderAge MenAge
Women161M61 262F 62347F 47461M61 556M56 642M42 763F 63845F 45955F 551057F 57Average:54.9 55.054.8SD:7.6 9.07.5

SD, standard deviation.

Table 2. Pain, Medication and Health Condition of Each Subject

Subject #Pain beforePain afterMedicationSelf-described health condition and
exercise1No painNo painNoneNo health complaint (0)(0) Does fast walking on the
beach 4×/wk, strength training 3×/wk, swims    3×/wk & goes to an athletic club
4×/wk2No painNo painNoneExperiences extreme heat sometimes in ankles & lower
extremities (0)(0) Had heart murmur as a child    Does running, cycling, &
rowing; uses elliptic machine; swims 3-4×/wk 20 min to 1 hr; walks on the beach
often; goes to a club; & trains outdoors3No painNo painNoneNo health
complaint (0)(0) Had 5 children & eats only raw food    Runs 3 days/wk and does
yoga 2 days/wk outdoors & at home4No painNo painNoneContractor with no physical
problems (0)(0) Likes surfing & fishing; indulges in sugar & sodas
moderately5Low back pain (5–6)No pain (0)Voltaren 0.5 g/dayReal estate manager &
handyman has lower back pain when stressed    Surfs daily & likes hiking6No
painNo painIbuprofenDid not mention why he takes ibuprofen (0)(0)800 mg
once/wkDoes cycling 2×/wk in neighborhood7Middle back painMiddle back
painNature-ThroidHas knee osteoarthritis, Lyme disease & candidiasis Likes
swimming but stopped 4 weeks before the study because of knee
injury (3)(0.5)0.5 g/d 8No painNo painNoneNo physical problem to
report (0)(0) Does brisk walking ∼30 min at home & outdoors    Very conscious
about food & eats only healthy fats from vegetables9Neck/shoulder (1)No
painNoneExperienced arrhythmia 2 years ago that was immediately corrected with
potassium supplementation Numness in arms+thumbs (1)(0) Experiences shortness of
breath with activity Does not exercise but eats as much high-quality fat her
body accepts10No painNo painNoneIs seeing a chiropractor for a stiff & sore
neck (0)(0) Does not exercise currently    Does meditation in groups & takes a
singing class

Numbers in parenthesis () represent level of pain: 0=no pain, 10=intolerable

wk, week; d, day; min, minutes; hr, hour.

Exclusion criteria were: (1) pregnancy; (2) age <18 or >80; (3) taking pain,
anti-inflammatory medications, sedatives, or prescription sleeping medications
(<5 days prior to testing); (4) taking psychotropic drugs or diagnosis with a
mental disorder; (5) recent surgery (<1 year); (6) documented life-threatening
disease (such as cancer, AIDS, etc.); (7) consumption of alcohol within 48 hours
of participation; and (8) use of recreational drugs. Subjects were recruited by


Four (4) transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) type conductive
patches were placed on the soles of each subject's feet and on each subject's
palms. Wires from a standard electrostatic discharge ground system were
snap-attached to the patches and connected to a box (Fig. 1). The grounding
system consisted of a 300″- long (91.44 m) ground cord attached to the box on
one end and to a 12′ (30.48 cm) stainless-steel rod inserted in the soil
outdoors at the other end. Another parallel cord was used to check the status of
the connection with the ground. The ground cord contained an Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) approved 10 milliamp fuse.*

FIG. 1.  Grounding system showing patches, wires, and box connecting to a ground
rod planted outside through a switch (not shown) and a fuse (not shown). Similar
patches and wires from the hands were also connected to the box to ground the


Standard microscope slides (75 mm×25 mm, 1-mm thick) and cover slips
(20 mm×20 mm, or 22 mm×22 mm, ∼0.2-mm thick) were used. The electrode system
consisted of 2 gold bars (2.0 mm×2.0 mm square cross-section and 5.0 cm in
length) placed directly on the microscope slide at the sides of the cover slip
(Fig. 2). The gold bars were connected to two 9-volt batteries in series. A
switch controlled the application of the electric field. The field between the
electrodes ranged from 14.3 volts/cm to 28.0 volts/cm (mean±standard deviation
[SD]=23.1±3.7 volts/cm).24

FIG. 2.  Side and top views of the experimental setup for zeta potential

For each sample, a drop of solution containing minerals and trace elements in
the same proportions as they occur in blood serum (Quinton Isotonic Water) was
added to the drop of blood to decrease RBC concentration and to prevent
electroendosmosis from affecting the RBCs' mobility. The proportion was 20%
blood to isotonic solution. A cover slip was then placed over the sample and the
gold bars moved into position. A drop of isotonic solution was added on each
side of the cover slip to insure conductive contact between the gold electrodes
and the diluted blood sample. A video camera mounted on a darkfield microscope
(Richardson RTM-3.0; combined magnification factor of 1000) recorded the
movement of the RBCs. Observations were made for a few minutes, which was enough
time to record the RBCs' terminal velocities for a period of at least 10 seconds
at 3 different locations. A micrometer stage allowed for moving the sample to
find areas with appropriate RBC density for zeta potential and aggregation
measurement. When a suitable area was located, the power to the gold bars was
switched on. Suitable areas had a low enough RBC density that most of the RBCs
could move about freely without collision for at least 10 seconds. Three
separate measurements were made at each of 3 different such areas, yielding a
total of 9 measurements on each sample. The video images were recorded on
digital video discs for subsequent determination of velocity of RBC migration.


The zeta potential (ζ) of RBCs maintains the fluidity of blood by preventing RBC
aggregation.12,25,26 The combination of zeta potential and aggregation are
important determinants of blood viscosity.

For zeta potential calculations the Smoluchowski equation was used as follows27:

where η is the solution's viscosity, vc is the terminal velocity of the RBCs, ɛ
is the electrical permittivity of the solution, and E is the electric field to
which the RBCs were submitted.

The electric field was calculated from the electric potential and the distance
between electrodes. The terminal velocities of the RBCs were measured directly
from the recordings by clocking the time it took for an RBC to go through a
predetermined distance (the stopwatch used had a precision of 0.01 second). In
the Smoluchowski equation, the remaining parameters were taken to be:

With these values and the electrode system previously described, zeta potentials
were obtained for healthy persons in good agreement with the normal range,
according to Fontes (between −9.30 mV and −15.0 mV with an average of
−12.5 mV).27

To measure RBC aggregation, the stage of the darkfield microscope was moved step
by step to observe the whole sample. Each move was followed by a brief pause of
1 second. The goal was to determine which locations had an appropriate
RBC-cluster density for counting the clusters. For each blood sample, six
locations with relatively similar RBC-cluster density (∼25%–50% of the area seen
through the microscope's objective covered with RBCs) were randomly selected.
For each location, a standardized area was used to count clusters. The area was
a circle with a diameter of 100 μm (corresponding to a surface of 7854 μm2).
Cell clusters were counted as follows: each individual cell was counted as a
cluster of 1 cell; each pair of cells was counted as a cluster of 2 cells; each
group of 3 cells was counted as a cluster of 3 cells; and so on up to 8 cells
per cluster. Clusters of nine cells or more were counted together and put in one
cluster group (the 9+ cells cluster group; in no case was more than 12 cells
found in one cluster).


After each subject's arrival, the study coordinator verified that the consent
form was signed and that all the subject's questions were answered. The
subject's responses to the Health History Inventory (HHI) were reviewed to check
for compliance with respect to the exclusion criteria as well as to gather basic
information regarding the subject's general health. Next, the questions in the
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) were asked. Then two blood samples were taken
from the subject. Because the amount of blood required was minimal (0.01 mL or
0.01 cm3), each sample was obtained by the finger-prick method. The subject was
then asked to sit in a comfortable reclining chair in the soundproof experiment
room with the lights dimmed or off, depending on the subject's level of comfort
with darkness. After 2 hours, two more blood samples were drawn while the
subject was still grounded.


Prior to applying statistical tests, each data set was checked for normality
using Lillifors test for normality.29 Most of the data samples tested were found
to satisfy the Lillifors test.† Statistical analyses were performed using the
Student's t-test, using the statistical package of Microsoft Office Excel (2007
Microsoft Office System, version 12.0.6524.0). t-Tests were performed even when
a data set showed moderate evidence against normality when compared to a data
set conforming to normality. One reason for doing this is that the t-test is a
robust method with respect to moderate departures from the hypothesis of
homogeneity of variance.30 Another reason is that, as an exploratory pilot
research project, it was felt that these results could be indicative of real
differences if there were more datapoints. The t-test method could also provide
useful information for investigators planning future research projects with a
larger number of subjects. The common statistical level of significance □=0.05
was used throughout this article. When the Lillifors test showed strong evidence
against normality, no t-tests were performed.



Table 3 shows RBC velocity and zeta potential (ζ) before and after grounding
(earthing) for each of the 10 subjects. As explained previously, for each blood
draw, RBC velocity was measured 9 times. Given that there were 2 blood draws
before and 2 blood draws after a session (for a total of 4 blood draws per
subject per session), each RBC velocity presented in Table 3 represents the
average of 18 measurements. The average, SD and standard error of the mean (SEM)
were computed between subjects. Thus, these statistical parameters reflected the
distribution of velocities among subjects (which were consistent with a normal
distribution according to the Lillifors test for normality). The zeta potentials
in this table were computed using the Smoluchowski equation from the
corresponding velocities (as previously explained). All subjects had an increase
in the absolute value of zeta potential after 2 hours of grounding. The smallest
absolute increase was by a factor of 1.27 and the largest was by a factor of
5.63. On average, the absolute value of zeta potential increased by a factor of
2.70 (a highly statistically significant result, as can be seen from the
one-tailed t-test; this statistical test was used because an increase in the
absolute value of zeta potential of ∼ 20%–30% was expected after grounding).
This increase effectively brought the average zeta potential from a very small
average value of −5.28 mV into a normal value (–14.3 mV). It seems that the
healthier a subject was, the less significant the increase was (see Table 2 for
subjects' health conditions).

Table 3. Velocities and Zeta Potentials for the 10 Subjects

SubjectVelocity (μm/s)Zeta Potential
(mV)#BeforeDuringDur/BefBeforeDuringDur/Bef111.929.22.46−7.96−19.62.4623.6513.63.73−2.45−9.143.7339.3611.61.24−5.62−7.121.27412.121.61.79−7.29−13.61.8659.4620.82.20−5.87−13.02.2265.7832.05.53−3.61−20.35.63711.842.73.61−7.40−26.83.6387.4224.43.29−4.66−15.43.3095.2611.42.16−4.14−8.962.16104.8010.72.23−3.80−8.502.24Total81.5218 −52.8−143 Average8.1521.82.68−5.28−14.32.70SD3.1910.61.241.856.371.26SEM1.013.340.390.5852.020.40t-test: 5.63E-04  3.57E-04 

S, second; Dur/Bef, During Earthing divided by Before Earthing; SD; standard
deviation; SEM; standard error of the mean.


With respect to RBC aggregation results for the 10 subjects, there were
significantly more aggregates or (clusters) during grounding (after 2 hours of
grounding while still grounded) than before grounding (p=0.0000153). This is
because there were significantly more clusters with 1 or 2 cells after 2 hours
of grounding (p=0.0000269 and p=0.000354, respectively), simultaneously
significantly fewer clusters of 3 cells (p=0.0451), and far fewer clusters with
4+ cells (although no statistical evaluation was done for clusters with 4+
cells, the last column of Table 4 shows that the average number of cells during
earthing, which was 15.0, was less than half the average number of cells before
earthing which was 34.7, a ratio of 34.7/15.0=2.3>2.0). There was clearly less
clumping after 2 hours of grounding than before grounding.

Table 4. Cell Aggregate Results for the 10 Subjects

    Total number of cells in clusterCorrected to 100 cells (number of cells
shown) Total ClustersTotal
Cells1234+BeforeAverage:49.510026.821.417.134.7EarthingSD5.5305.902.961.683.14 SEM1.6001.700.8550.4850.370DuringAverage64.510043.126.415.515.0EarthingSD2.9303.991.350.7312.55 SEM0.84501.150.3910.2110.301 During–Before15.0016.34.92−1.59−19.6 Before
vs. DuringClusters 1 vs. 12 vs. 23 vs. 34 vs.
4 t-tests1.53E-05 2.69E-053.54E-040.0451 

SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of the mean.

Cell-cluster sizes were counted separately for clusters containing up to 8 cells
(9 cells and above being grouped together); cell clusters with 4 or more cells
were grouped together in Table 4 (column labeled “4+”). This was done because
cell clusters of 4 to 9+ cells did not pass the Lillifors test, probably because
there were too few RBC aggregates of this size. For each blood draw, the number
of cell clusters for each cell cluster size was counted at 6 different locations
under the microscope. Given that there were 2 blood draws before earthing and 2
after earthing, 12 counts were done for each cluster size per subject before
earthing and 12 counts were done after 2 hours of earthing. The during earthing
samples were taken while the subjects were still earthed. Because there were 10
subjects, each value presented in Table 4 for cluster sizes 1, 2, and 3, is the
average of 120 cell-cluster counts for each size before and 120 after 2 hours of
earthing. Because the column to the right shows the grouping of cluster sizes 4
to 9+, and each of these clusters sizes had 120 cell-cluster values, the average
values presented in this column are the average of 720 cell cluster values. To
ensure there was no statistical bias caused by a difference in number of RBCs
forming all cluster sizes counted at one microscope objective location for one
blood draw, when compared to another location for the same or another blood
draw, the results presented in Table 4 were adjusted to the number of clusters
per 100 cells counted. For example, the number of RBCs counted before earthing
for clusters of 1, 2, 3, and 4+ RBCs was 100 (i.e., 26.8+21.4+17.1+34.7=100).
The number of clusters of each size was determined by dividing the number of
cells counted by the cluster size.


Most subjects came to the research premises with no pain (Table 2). Of the 3
subjects who reported that they had pain at the beginning of the session, 2
reported that they were pain-free after 2 hours of grounding. The other subject
reported that her pain had nearly vanished by the end of the session.

Subjects # 5, 7, and 9 presented with pain. The zeta potentials (in mV) before
and after 2 hours of grounding for subject #5 were 9.46 and 20.8, respectively
(an increase by a factor of 20.8/9.46=2.20), for subject #7 they were 11.8 and
42.7, respectively (an increase by a factor of 3.61), and for subject #9 they
were 5.26 and 11.4, respectively (an increase by a factor of 2.16),
respectively. When combining the three subjects with pain, one obtains an
average of 8.84 before grounding and 24.97 after 2 hours of grounding (an
average increase by a factor of 2.82). The average zeta potentials before and
after 2 hours of grounding for the 7 subjects with no pain were 7.85 before
grounding and 20.45 after grounding, respectively (an average increase by a
factor of 2.61), which shows less of an improvement. So it appears that the zeta
potential of subjects with pain improved slightly more than the zeta potential
of subjects with no pain. Interestingly, the subject with the largest increase
in zeta potential after 2 hours of grounding, with a factor of 5.63 (subject
#6), did not have pain upon arriving at the clinic to be tested. However, he
indicated that he takes 800 mg of ibuprofen once a week. On the other hand, the
subject with the lowest increase in zeta potential, with a factor of only 1.27
(subject #3), was perhaps the healthiest, eating only raw food, running 3 times
per week, and doing yoga 2 times per week outdoors and at home.


A number of clinical studies on the physiologic effects of grounding the human
body have indicated improvements in various cardiovascular and heart-related
parameters. One of the first investigations reported normalization of the
day–night cortisol rhythms in subjects who were grounded by sleeping on a
conductive mattress pad connected via a wire to a rod inserted into soil.31 It
is known that chronic elevation of cortisol can result in disruption of
circadian rhythms and chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system, both
of which can contribute to insomnia and its many well-documented health effects,
including hypertension, CVD, stroke and other disorders.32,33

Subsequent research has repeatedly confirmed the positive effects of grounding
on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), including increases in parasympathetic
activity18,34 and, most recently, increases in heart rate variability (HRV).35
The significance of the latter study is that HRV is an important indicator of
the status of autonomic balance and stress on the cardiovascular system. A
decrease in HRV indicates autonomic dysfunction and is a predictor of the
severity of progression of coronary artery disease.36,37 The positive effects of
grounding on HRV suggest that simple grounding techniques can be utilized as a
basic strategy for supporting the cardiovascular system, especially during
situations of heightened autonomic tone and/or hypertension.35 The present study
demonstrated a profound increase in zeta potential and a corresponding decrease
in blood viscosity.

Magnets repel each other when the same poles come sufficiently close to one
another. Similarly, electric charges of the same sign repel each other when they
are in proximity to one another. The surface of RBCs has negative electrical
charges that maintain spacing of the cells in the bloodstream by electrostatic
repulsion. The electrophoretic mobility of RBCs is a function of net negative
charge (zeta potential), provided that the viscosity of the suspending medium
does not change during the measurement. In a study of 50 patients with occlusive
arterial disease and 50 control counterparts (N=100), the migration time of red
cells (seconds) was longer and the electrophoretic mobility (μsec/V/cm) was less
in the patients with occlusive disease than in the healthy controls.5 This study
on electrophoretic mobility suggested differences in RBC surface charge (zeta
potential). The researchers concluded that patients with occlusive arterial
disease have one or more factors in their plasma and RBCs that reduce the net
negative charge (zeta potential) of the cells, thereby facilitating RBC
aggregation.5 This finding supports the notion that there are definitely many
factors that can reduce zeta potential, and thereby increase blood viscosity and
increase RBC aggregation, both of which play a major role in the pathogenesis of
arteriosclerosis.5 A meta-analysis evaluating the connection between blood
viscosity and CVD demonstrates clearly that the risk of major cardiovascular
events increase with higher blood-viscosity levels.38 In the Edinburgh Artery
Study, a population of 4860 men 45–59 years of age was observed for 5 years. The
20% of the men with the highest blood viscosity had a 3.2 times greater risk for
cardiac events, compared with the 20% of men with the lowest blood viscosity.
Fifty-five percent (55%) of major cardiovascular events occurred in the highest
blood-viscosity group versus only 4% in the lowest blood-viscosity group.39

The role of increased blood viscosity in the pathogenesis of occlusive arterial
disease was clearly and succinctly described by Kensey.15 Endothelial
dysfunction, mechanical shear forces, and alterations in blood flow mechanics at
arterial bifurcations and areas of low blood flow eddies are correlated with
plaque progression in the coronary vasculature. Similarly, blood viscosity is
known to increase in a number of clinical situations, such as hypertension,
smoking, lipid disorders, advancing age, and diabetes mellitus.

A 2008 study was the first to report on the zeta potential of red blood cells in
patients with diabetes.6 Researchers from the University of Calcutta described a
“remarkable alteration” in the electrodynamics of RBCs—a progressive
deterioration of the zeta potential and hypercoagulability among patients with
diabetes, which was even worse among those who also had CVD. The researchers
also indicated that high blood sugar levels are associated with significant
alterations in the electrodynamics of an RBC's outer membrane and may increase
the potential for RBC clumping. It was concluded that zeta potential could and
should be used as an indicator of cardiovascular disease in patients who have
diabetes. 6

On the basis of a randomized placebo-controlled primary prevention trial (the
West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study), researchers suggested that
pravastatin therapy may lower the risk for coronary heart disease and mortality
partially by lowering both plasma viscosity and blood viscosity.40 Many
subsequent investigations have demonstrated the pleiotropic effects of statins
on blood rheology, including reductions in plasma viscosity,41 whole-blood
viscosity, RBC deformities, and RBC aggregation.42

Grounding is the most desirable and suitable intervention for both reducing
blood viscosity and reducing inflammation simultaneously. Medical imaging
tomography has been used to document cases of rapid improvement in acute
inflammation after grounding.19 A pilot study on delayed-onset muscle soreness
demonstrated a remarkable reduction of inflammatory mediators, including a
reduction in white blood cell count (lymphocytes, neutrophils, and

Attenuating inflammation and reducing blood viscosity will help physicians
address primary and secondary prevention issues. Blood viscosity can be modified
through a number of recognized primary prevention strategies. Moderate exercise,
dietary adjustments (low sodium and sugar intake, and no trans fats), smoking
cessation, and blood donation all have a positive impact on viscosity as do
specific blood viscosity–modifying supplements, such as omega 3 essential fatty
acids and pharmaceutical drugs (statins).

Grounding to the soil represents yet another intervention that lowers blood
viscosity by raising zeta potential, which results in a decrease in RBC
aggregation. The Earth's surface is electrically conductive and is maintained at
a negative potential by a global electrical circuit. This circuit has three main
generators; the solar wind entering the magnetosphere; the ionospheric wind; and
thunderstorms.44 An estimated 1000–2000 thunderstorms are continually active
around the globe, emitting thousands of lightening strikes per minute. This
creates a constant current of thousands of amperes transferring positive charge
to the upper atmosphere and negative charge to the surface of the Earth.44 The
Earth's surface is therefore an abundant source of free electrons. As soil's
electrons are conducted to the human body, the grounded body assumes favorable
physiologic and electrophysiologic changes. Attenuation of the inflammatory
response and a favorable impact on blood viscosity and RBC aggregation have been
the most recent findings. Previous studies have also demonstrated that grounding
promotes favorable regulation of circadian rhythms, improved sleep with better
night-time cortisol dynamics,30 and favorable ANS function.18,31,34 Skin
conductance is altered within 2 seconds of grounding.18,34,35 When one is in
simple direct contact with the ground (walking barefoot, sitting or laying down
on the soil's surface), or if one is utilizing a grounding system for sleep,
zeta potential increases, and RBC aggregation and blood viscosity decrease.
Grounding may represent one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions
to help reduce cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular events.


Increased blood viscosity in the general population may be a predictor of
cardiovascular events because of its influences on hypertension, thrombogenesis,
ischemia, and arthrogenesis. Unfortunately, blood viscosity has become a
forgotten risk factor and is rarely measured in clinical practice.45
Interventions that reduce blood viscosity and RBC aggregation are important.
Statins appear to be effective for modulating blood viscosity, but can have
serious side-effects including death.3 Moreover, some patients have statin
intolerance. The use of a safe effective anti-inflammatory strategy that is not
dependent on isoprenoid inhibition is therefore desirable.

Grounding or earthing the body is virtually harmless. To date, there has been no
systematic study of the effects of grounding on BP. However, there are anecdotal
reports that patients using blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin (Coumadin®),
need to have their clotting time monitored when they begin to make more frequent
conductive contact with the earth. When physicians recommend evidence-based,
harmless, and simple natural interventions, alleviation of human suffering and
improved quality of life can be realized. The findings in this pilot study
indicate that grounding has a safe and significant effect on zeta potential and
that further study is warranted.


This research has been supported by Earth FX Inc., in Palm Springs, CA. The
authors would like to thank the Healthwalk Integrative Wellness Center in
Carlsbad, CA, for providing the study premises and microscope and Dr. Anna
Walden for her contribution in taking blood specimens from subjects, recording
RBC motions on compact discs and for acting as a research coordinator.


G. Chevalier, S.T. Sinatra, and J.L. Oschman are independent contractors for
Earth FX, Inc., the company sponsoring earthing research, and own a small
percentage of shares in the company.

* The fuse was used to protect subjects in the highly unlikely possibility that
they might make accidental contact with a live/hot wire in the test environment.
Subsequently the fuse was replaced with a 100,000-ohm resistor in the wires for
all grounding systems. This resistor makes it impossible to get an electrical
shock, even if a person touches a live wire.

† Strong evidence against normality was found only in aggregates of 4 or more

 * Figures
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 * Related
 * Details


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    * Revisiting Zeta Potential, the Key Feature of Interfacial Phenomena, with
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    * How Micro Current Created by Grounding Stimulates Meridian Points in
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      No. 2
    * Prevention and/or recovery from corona virus infections
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Volume 19Issue 2
Feb 2013

Copyright 2013, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


To cite this article:
Gaétan Chevalier, Stephen T. Sinatra, James L. Oschman, and Richard M.
Delany.Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major
Factor in Cardiovascular Disease.The Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine.Feb 2013.102-110.http://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2011.0820
creative commons license
 * Published in Volume: 19 Issue 2: February 14, 2013
 * Online Ahead of Print:July 3, 2012

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