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How do the cryptocurrencies work? Posted by Peter

Centralization and decentralization are the two key definitions when we are to
compare traditional currencies with the new, alternative ones. Fiat currencies,
the ones we use in our everyday lives, were traditionally introduced and backed
by government. It means that the government controls the flow and it grants the
value. As a result

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How to acquire cryptocurrency? Posted by Peter

There are a lot of factors one ought to take into account, starting from the
type of cryptocurrency you are looking for, the quantity of it, and where do you
live. Before you even start wondering about that things, you have to answer
yourself few, rather simple questions. Do you live in a country that did not ban
purchasing digital currency

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What is Blockchain? Posted by Peter

Everyone, who is looking for online earing methods and new investments, has
heard about crypto currency. It is a brand new digital currency that has been
slowly revolutionizing the market for almost 10 years now. Everything started
from Bitcoin, pretty known currency. Some time ago its value amounted around
several dollars. Now, after several years

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How can you earn with crypto signals? Posted by Peter

Nowadays the market of trading, investments, and exchange have expanded greatly
thanks to the occurrence of new technology in the form of Blockchain and
everything that follows it. As a result of new technology being introduced to
the stream of Internet, new opportunities have arisen. We mean here Bitcoin,
Ethereum, and other

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What is bitcoin? Posted by Peter

To put it simple, Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency in the world, also known
as a digital currency. It was introduced in 2009, so it is almost ten years on
the market. Still, some people haven’t realized how influential this
cryptocurrency can be. The main purpose of Bitcoin is to use is as alternative
payment method for such standard currencies

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Will Bitcoin replace payment cards? Posted by Peter

Bitcoin, often referred to as digital gold, was intended to be also a means of
payment. Is Bitcoin likely to replace commonly used credit cards and become the
method of payment on global scale? Let us have a look at the current situation
and see whether it is possible or not.

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Will cryptocurrencies increase? Posted by Peter

In recent days the CEO of Binance Changpeng Zhao and the co-creator of Ethereum
Vitalik Buterik, shared quite interesting thoughts. They speculated about the
possibilities of acquiring thousand-fold increases on the market of
cryptocurrencies. Is it possible?

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How to additionally secure a crypto wallet? Posted by Peter

It doesn’t matter where you decide to store your money. It may be highly
recommended bank, a safe in your home, or a socket in your drawer. There is
still a risk of losing your money. The same thing concerns cryptocurrency.
However, there are plenty of websites and blogs that share methods that help us
in keeping a very high level of protection of our wallets

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Telegram with its own Blockchain platform? Posted by Peter

One of the most popular messaging applications on the market, namely Telegram,
is about to release the main-net and token for its platform Telegram Open
Network. TON is a block-chain based platform that will appear on the market not
earlier than in March 2019. A source that provides us with this information is
known to be close to Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov.

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Inside the group chats pump and dump Posted by Peter

Once in a while, the group of thousands of users decide to purchase at the same
time one small, insignificant altcoin. It usually takes place at 2 PM ET. After
several seconds, when the value of this altcoin goes higher than anyone could
expect, they resell them, making profits and at the same time becoming
cryptocurrency bandits.

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The future lie in P2P Economies Posted by Peter

Many years ago Bitcoin and other alternative cryptocurrencies were regarded as a
toy for computer geeks. However, with time, more and more people believed that
cryptocurrencies are not just a simple device to have fun with, but also a very
serious device that, in many cases, can multiply your funds even by a hundred.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- learn more about us Posted by Peter

Cryptoinformator is a service whose main task is to explore the world of
cryptocurrencies and help in the assessment of reliable sources of knowledge,
investment and trading in digital currencies. For many years, our international
team has been thoroughly analyzing all websites

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Mining Bitcoin - a glimpse into the future Posted by Peter

Not many people realize but some time ago Bitcoin blockchain, one of the most
popular cryptocurrency and crypto technologies available out there, hit a
gigantic milestone. In April this year, people managed to mine 17 millionth BTC.
Why is this even such a big deal? One of the most obvious reasons is that there
is only 4 million Bitcoin to mine left.

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Satoshi Nakamoto in question - who is he? Posted by Peter

It was almost a decade ago when the first cryptocurrency network appeared.
Satoshi Nakamoto, the author of Bitcoin, mined the first block, which now is
known as the block zero. It happened on January 3rd, 2009, and it started one of
the biggest revolutions in the network technology.

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Most effective hacks for crypto exchange Posted by Peter

Cryptocurrency exchanges have always been a great treat for hackers, bots, and
unofficial software used for either stealing money or simply messing with the
officials. Of course the main reason for crypto exchange hack to appear is to
steal money and as you know, there is plenty of money to steal.

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Quality movies on cryptocurrency Posted by Peter

Despite the fact that Bitcoin is one of the most popular economy novelties and
it becomes much more popular with each day, there are still many ordinary people
who do not know anything about that particular element. What is more, BTC has
got a mysterious aura around itself, being an extremely valuable,

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Tokenization – everything you need to know Posted by Peter

Before we explain anything that is connected with Tokenization and the process
of turning real things into digital ones, it is necessary to understand the
entire concept hiding behind this. Imagine that you have a business that is
worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

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How to use crypto signals? Posted by Peter

If you found this article, then you are certainly a beginning trader or a man
who is currently wondering whether cryptocurrency itself is the right thing for
you. Let me calm you down – everyone was on the very same place as you now. Some
delved more into the world of digital currencies,

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Everything you need to know about Libra Posted by Peter

The moment Libra came to the light, it became one of the most important topic
both in the world of mainstream media as well as in the business world. What is
more, it was also widely commented by regulators as well as politics, including
American House of Representatives.

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Lightning Network – what is it? Posted by Peter

Commonly abbreviated to LN, the Lightning Network is an idea that first appeared
in 2015. There are two men who are responsible for coming up with this concept.
Joseph Poon and Thaddeus Dryja wanted to create a type of payment protocol that
won’t be on the main part of the blockchain.

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Getting to know Ethereum Posted by Peter

We already learned a lot about the first and the most popular cryptocurrency in
the world – Bitcoin. Now the time has come to talk more about the second most
important cryptocurrency, namely Ethereum. As you know, Bitcoin was the first.
It was the pioneer of new technology and new approach to money and its transfer.

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Brave browser is partnering with Everipedia Posted by Peter

Brave is a browser based on blockchain technology. It allows its users to block
unwanted advertisements. If we wish to turn them off entirely, we can pay for it
by simply watching ad content first. Brave also rewards the content authors in
the Internet...

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All about Leverage in Binance Future Posted by Peter

Binance Futures has quite successful beginning. Although the page launched only
a month ago, they are now one of the most popular and surely one of the fastest
growing binance trading market in the world. One of the latest novelties that
they introduced...

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Crypto Trading Signal Services – how use Posted by Peter

Trading with Bitcoin and all other altcoins is not as easy as it may seem.
Although there is a huge potential for profits, we should bear in mind that
cryptocurrency exchange is unlike any other out there. Yes, there are some
similarities to forex exchange and to some...

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The differences in crypto trading signals Posted by Peter

If you are a beginner in crypto trading, then you have to brace yourself. There
are plenty of things that novice traders need to learn. It includes, among other
things, strategies, types of analysis, and of course psychology behind trading
as well as a number...

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Why is good to follow crypto signals Posted by Peter

A lot of professional traders use crypto trading signals. They are also known as
crypto calls and put it as simple as it is possible, this is just a suggestion
that a professional trader shares with others. Obviously, as in case of all
ideas or suggestions...

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Cryptocurrency recycling Posted by Peter

HODL is a term that appeared in the world of cryptocurrency quite a long time
ago. Today a lot of people believe that in a long-term, this is one of the best
strategy for crypto trading you can choose. However, did you know that HODLING
is not...

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How do we understand arbitrage trading? Posted by Peter

Arbitrage trading is a very interesting way of trading. It basically makes use
of anomalies in the value of a selected unit between one exchange and the other.
When we notice the imbalance between two markets, we can make profit out of it.
To put it simply...

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Best paid crypto signals or free crypto signals? Posted by Peter

Do you want to know what the best paid crypto signals are? If you have been
wondering what the differences between paid signals and those available in the
Internet for free are, then we have got a great information for you. Today we
would like to provide you with...

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How to make money with crypto signals? Posted by Peter

It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced trader or your friends just
mentioned something about Bitcoin. You are now entering the subject that is
heavily focused on the future. Surely you want to know what to do in order to
earn money on crypto market in this moment...

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Best cryptocurrency to invest in 2020 Posted by Peter

Nowadays the world of cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular. No
wonder that many people wish to learn how to invest in cryptocurrency without
any huge losses on the way. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of alt coins that
appear every now and then...

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Crypto calls – how to use them? Posted by Peter

The use of a special type of crypto predictions allowed plenty of people to earn
substantial amounts of money by simply following the suggestions of others.
These suggestions are known as crypto calls and because of their rising
popularity, everyone...

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How to protect your cryptocurrency funds? Posted by Peter

The main idea that stood behind the cryptocurrency market was that it was our
own bank - a bank that we could manage. If you find a way to protect them in the
safest possible way, we can be sure that they will be much more secure than in
the case of any other bank...

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Polkastarter and the POLS Token Posted by Peter

Polkastarter has achieved quite a significant popularity as a project. Its
cryptocurrency is rising quite fast and there is nothing that can stop it. Why?
It is all due to the introduction of an interoperability feature to this DeFi
project. This idea is one of the most popular...

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How does the dex exchange work? Posted by Peter

The Ethereum blockchain is the source of many different projects and smart
contracts that introduce a number of novelties and fresh solutions to the market
of cryptocurrencies and this world in general. No wonder - it is one of the most
attractive blockchains to host your idea...

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HOT! Ensure your safety and read the opinions of the hardware wallets for your
cryptocurrencies! 😉

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