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by Kaelyn Barron | 4 comments

As part of an employee’s performance review, they might be asked to complete a
self-evaluation to give employers more insight to their performance and growth.

While this can be a challenging and intimidating task, there’s no need to fear
the self-evaluation. Instead, use these tips and templates to write a
self-evaluation that highlights your skills and improvement.


An employee self-evaluation (also known as a “self appraisal”) is a review
system in which an employee is asked to evaluate their own job performance over
a given period.

Usually, the self-evaluation is assigned to an employee shortly before their
annual performance review. The responses will then be taken into consideration
as part of the employer’s overall evaluation of the employee’s performance.

Therefore, it’s important that the employee is honest about their strengths and
weaknesses, but they should also take advantage of this opportunity to showcase
their achievements (especially since the evaluation might be used to determine
raises or promotions).

If you’ve been asked to write a self-evaluation, there are some important tips
you’ll want to consider to make the most of your review experience.


Below are several elements you’ll want to include when writing your


Before writing your self-evaluation, take some time to brainstorm a list of your
accomplishments since the last review period.

Start by listing any and all achievements that come to mind, along with your
best strengths. Later, you can narrow them down to the most relevant and
significant ones, but for now it’s good to get all of your ideas on paper.

Whenever you can, use quantifiable data (achievements that can be measured with
numbers, hours, or percentages).

Expressing your accomplishments in numbers makes it easier for employers to
understand just how much you’ve contributed (and they’ll appreciate that you
took the time to do the math for them).

If you’ve trained other employees, taken on new responsibilities, or taken
initiative in any other way since your last review, be sure to include that as
well. Employers will look at these kinds of achievements when considering
promotions or raises.


This part may feel like a bit of a trick question, like when an interviewer asks
“What’s your biggest weakness?”

But there’s really no need to overthink it. Be honest with yourself about the
areas you think need improvement without being too hard on yourself. Unlike with
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If you tend to be too self-critical, try asking your colleagues for their
feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. You may be surprised by how well they
think you’re doing!

When you do acknowledge areas of improvement, try to pair them with actionable
plans that you can discuss with your boss. This will show that you’re able to
take initiative and come up with solutions on your own.

Always acknowledge what you learned from your mistakes or shortcomings and
explain how you’ll use those lessons to grow.

For example: After missing several deadlines, I realized my need for better time
management skills. Since then, I’ve created daily, prioritized to-do lists to
help me stay on track with my goals.


When discussing your shortcomings, always own them. Don’t drag others into the
discussion by talking about what they could or should have done; it’s not
attractive, and if you want to give a real answer, your boss will be more
impressed by your ability to take responsibility.

Of course, if you feel someone really is weighing the team down, you should
discuss that with them and your boss—but not during your performance review.


The self-evaluation isn’t just about your past. You should also take this
opportunity to (briefly) mention your professional goals for the next review

A good manager or supervisor will genuinely care about your goals and helping
you devise a plan for reaching them.

If you think you could benefit from any additional training, shadowing, or other
resources, you can mention that here.


When you finally do sit down to write the evaluation, try to be as concise as
possible. No need to write a novel here—just focus on the strengths and
accomplishments that are most relevant and in line with your company’s mission.

It’s also a good idea to list your accomplishments in order of significance,
starting with the biggest ones first.


Keep in mind that your self-appraisal will be read by your boss, but it’s also
likely to follow you around for quite a while. Once it’s tucked into your
personnel file, it might be seen by HR team members, executives, and leaders of
other departments, should you ever switch over.

Thus, it’s important that you make a good impression, even if writing isn’t
usually a big part of your job. Ask a friend, colleague, or family member to
read over your self-evaluation after you’ve proofread it a few times.

You may also wish to run it through a proofreading software like Grammarly, just
to give it another comb-through for errors.


When writing your self-evaluation, you might be asked a series of questions, or
asked to summarize your answer in a few paragraphs.

Below are some of the most common questions you might encounter or want to
address in your written response, along with examples of strong answers.

What have been your biggest challenges?

When I started as [Position Title] [X time ago], the department was undergoing a
variety of transformative changes. I also came on board having very little
experience in my new position, which meant I had to do a lot of learning on the
job. However, I was able to adapt quickly and learned a lot of information in a
very short period.

What have you done to overcome those challenges?

As I was relatively new to this field, I took the opportunity to learn from my
colleagues, and worked extra hours on multiple occasions to make sure [Project
X] was completed as smoothly as possible. I tried to learn as much as I could
from those who have been here longer, and I checked in regularly with my team
members and those under my supervision to ask for their feedback. As a result, I
was able to effectively target areas that needed improvement and identify what
was working well.

What were some of your biggest achievements?

In the last year, our sales have experienced a 49% growth under my supervision
and thanks to the efforts of my hardworking team. I have also helped to
streamline our outreach process by creating more efficient SOPs, which also made
it easier for our new hires to transition and become productive members of the

Which challenges were you unable to overcome?

There were several occasions in which I feel I could have done a better job
communicating with my team. Since I was very new to the field, I sometimes
lacked the confidence to give instructions and act as a leader. Although I was
able to learn a lot from colleagues, I feel I could have been more confident in
my ability to lead and share suggestions.

How could you handle them differently?

Going forward, I will make decisions with greater confidence and speak up when I
feel it is appropriate to do so. I have enrolled in our online training sessions
on leadership to learn how I can become a stronger leader for the team.

What are some of your goals for the next review period?

For the next review period, I would love to work more closely with our
Communications team to better understand their relationship with our department.

Download these self appraisal answers examples PDF.


Need help structuring your self-evaluation? We’ve created this handy template to
guide you through it.

Download and fill out our self evaluation template to make your next review
period easier.

Have you ever written a self-evaluation? Share your tips and experience in the
comments below!



 * Performance Review Examples, Templates, and Tips
 * Job Interview Tips: What to Expect, How to Prepare, and How to Answer the
   Most Common Questions
 * How to Write a Letter of Interest and Bring Your Dream Job to You
 * How to Write a More Effective Job Description: 7 Tips for Attracting Dream

Kaelyn Barron

As a blog writer for TCK Publishing, Kaelyn loves crafting fun and helpful
content for writers, readers, and creative minds alike. She has a degree in
International Affairs with a minor in Italian Studies, but her true passion has
always been writing. Working remotely allows her to do even more of the things
she loves, like traveling, cooking, and spending time with her family.


 1. Deborah Ann Beasley on July 12, 2022 at 7:35 pm
    Very helpful and thought provoking. Helped highlight individual
    accomplishment instead of general statements. Steared away from pointing out
    other’s shortcomings that may have affected me.
    * Cole Salao on July 16, 2022 at 1:20 pm
      Hey Deborah, glad you found Kaelyn’s post helpful!
 2. Jacque L Smith on December 17, 2020 at 3:37 pm
    I’m very happy with what I’m doing for the kids at STA. I’ve worked there
    for 8 years and I’ve never had to do this. I’m very happy with what I can do
    for the kids in the short amount of time each day that our group has to feed
    everyone. We have a great group that works together. I worked with Taher at
    first, which I thought went very well as far as training me in. Things have
    changed when Sage took over, but it seems to run a lot smoother this year.
    * Kaelyn Barron on December 18, 2020 at 5:03 pm
      sounds like a good self-evaluation :)


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