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            <option value="GW" data-country="Guinea-Bissau"> Guinea-Bissau </option>
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            <option value="VA" data-country="Vatican City State"> Vatican City State </option>
            <option value="VE" data-country="Venezuela"> Venezuela </option>
            <option value="VN" data-country="Vietnam"> Vietnam </option>
            <option value="VG" data-country="Virgin Islands (British)"> Virgin Islands (British) </option>
            <option value="VI" data-country="Virgin Islands (U.S.)"> Virgin Islands (U.S.) </option>
            <option value="WF" data-country="Wallis and Futuna Islands"> Wallis and Futuna Islands </option>
            <option value="EH" data-country="Western Sahara"> Western Sahara </option>
            <option value="YE" data-country="Yemen"> Yemen </option>
            <option value="ZM" data-country="Zambia"> Zambia </option>
            <option value="ZW" data-country="Zimbabwe"> Zimbabwe </option>
          <p class="field_note help-block C_Country_Code1Inst"></p>
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          <label class="control-label" for="C_FirstNameID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span>First Name<span class="req">*</span></span>
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          <span class="form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <p class="field_note help-block C_FirstNameInst"></p>
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          <label class="control-label" for="C_LastNameID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span>Last Name<span class="req">*</span></span>
          <input type="text" value="" id="C_LastNameID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb" name="C_LastName" class="textfield form-control C_LastNameID" maxlength="50" required="" aria-required="true">
          <span class="form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <p class="field_note help-block C_LastNameInst"></p>
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          <label class="control-label" for="C_State_Code_Unique_Identifier1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span> State/Province<span class="req">*</span></span>
          <select id="C_State_Code_Unique_Identifier1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb" name="C_State_Code_Unique_Identifier1" class="dropdown form-control C_State_Code_Unique_Identifier1ID" required="" aria-required="true">
            <option data-country="all" value="" data-state="">-- select one --</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AL" data-state="Alabama">Alabama</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AK" data-state="Alaska">Alaska</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AS" data-state="American Samoa">American Samoa</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AA" data-state="APO/FPO AA">APO/FPO AA</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AE" data-state="APO/FPO AE">APO/FPO AE</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AP" data-state="APO/FPO AP">APO/FPO AP</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AZ" data-state="Arizona">Arizona</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="AR" data-state="Arkansas">Arkansas</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="CA" data-state="California">California</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="PW" data-state="Caroline Islands">Caroline Islands</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="CO" data-state="Colorado">Colorado</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="CT" data-state="Connecticut">Connecticut</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="DE" data-state="Delaware">Delaware</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="DC" data-state="District of Columbia">District of Columbia</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="FL" data-state="Florida">Florida</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="GA" data-state="Georgia">Georgia</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="GU" data-state="Guam">Guam</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="HI" data-state="Hawaii">Hawaii</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="ID" data-state="Idaho">Idaho</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="IL" data-state="Illinois">Illinois</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="IN" data-state="Indiana">Indiana</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="IA" data-state="Iowa">Iowa</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="KS" data-state="Kansas">Kansas</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="KY" data-state="Kentucky">Kentucky</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="LA" data-state="Louisiana">Louisiana</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="ME" data-state="Maine">Maine</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MP" data-state="Mariana Islands">Mariana Islands</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MH" data-state="Marshall Islands">Marshall Islands</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MD" data-state="Maryland">Maryland</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MA" data-state="Massachusetts">Massachusetts</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MI" data-state="Michigan">Michigan</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MN" data-state="Minnesota">Minnesota</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MS" data-state="Mississippi">Mississippi</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MO" data-state="Missouri">Missouri</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="MT" data-state="Montana">Montana</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="NE" data-state="Nebraska">Nebraska</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="NV" data-state="Nevada">Nevada</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="NH" data-state="New Hampshire">New Hampshire</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="NJ" data-state="New Jersey">New Jersey</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="NM" data-state="New Mexico">New Mexico</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="NY" data-state="New York">New York</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="NC" data-state="North Carolina">North Carolina</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="ND" data-state="North Dakota">North Dakota</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="OH" data-state="Ohio">Ohio</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="OK" data-state="Oklahoma">Oklahoma</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="OR" data-state="Oregon">Oregon</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="PA" data-state="Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="PR" data-state="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="RI" data-state="Rhode Island">Rhode Island</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="SC" data-state="South Carolina">South Carolina</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="SD" data-state="South Dakota">South Dakota</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="TN" data-state="Tennessee">Tennessee</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="TX" data-state="Texas">Texas</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="UT" data-state="Utah">Utah</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="VT" data-state="Vermont">Vermont</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="VI" data-state="Virgin Islands">Virgin Islands</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="VA" data-state="Virginia">Virginia</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="WA" data-state="Washington">Washington</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="WV" data-state="West Virginia">West Virginia</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="WI" data-state="Wisconsin">Wisconsin</option>
            <option data-country="US" value="WY" data-state="Wyoming">Wyoming</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-11" data-state="Beijing">Beijing</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-50" data-state="Chongqing">Chongqing</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-31" data-state="Shanghai">Shanghai</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-12" data-state="Tianjin">Tianjin</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-34" data-state="Anhui">Anhui</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-35" data-state="Fujian">Fujian</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-62" data-state="Gansu">Gansu</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-44" data-state="Guangdong">Guangdong</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-52" data-state="Guizhou">Guizhou</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-46" data-state="Hainan">Hainan</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-13" data-state="Hebei">Hebei</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-23" data-state="Heilongjiang">Heilongjiang</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-41" data-state="Henan">Henan</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-42" data-state="Hubei">Hubei</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-43" data-state="Hunan">Hunan</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-32" data-state="Jiangsu">Jiangsu</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-36" data-state="Jiangxi">Jiangxi</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-22" data-state="Jilin">Jilin</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-21" data-state="Liaoning">Liaoning</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-63" data-state="Qinghai">Qinghai</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-61" data-state="Shaanxi">Shaanxi</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-37" data-state="Shandong">Shandong</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-14" data-state="Shanxi">Shanxi</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-51" data-state="Sichuan">Sichuan</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-53" data-state="Yunnan">Yunnan</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-33" data-state="Zhejiang">Zhejiang</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-45" data-state="Guangxi">Guangxi</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-15" data-state="Nei Mongol">Nei Mongol</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-64" data-state="Ningxia">Ningxia</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-65" data-state="Xinjiang">Xinjiang</option>
            <option data-country="CN" value="CN-54" data-state="Xizang">Xizang</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AG" data-state="Agrigento">Agrigento</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AL" data-state="Alessandria">Alessandria</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AN" data-state="Ancona">Ancona</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AO" data-state="Aosta">Aosta</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AR" data-state="Arezzo">Arezzo</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AP" data-state="Ascoli Piceno">Ascoli Piceno</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AT" data-state="Asti">Asti</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AV" data-state="Avellino">Avellino</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BA" data-state="Bari">Bari</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BT" data-state="Barletta-Andria-Trani">Barletta-Andria-Trani</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BL" data-state="Belluno">Belluno</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BN" data-state="Benevento">Benevento</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BG" data-state="Bergamo">Bergamo</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BI" data-state="Biella">Biella</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BO" data-state="Bologna">Bologna</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BZ" data-state="Bolzano">Bolzano</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BS" data-state="Brescia">Brescia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-BR" data-state="Brindisi">Brindisi</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CA" data-state="Cagliari">Cagliari</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CL" data-state="Caltanissetta">Caltanissetta</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CB" data-state="Campobasso">Campobasso</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CI" data-state="Carbonia-Iglesias">Carbonia-Iglesias</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CE" data-state="Caserta">Caserta</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CT" data-state="Catania">Catania</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CZ" data-state="Catanzaro">Catanzaro</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CH" data-state="Chieti">Chieti</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CO" data-state="Como">Como</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CS" data-state="Cosenza">Cosenza</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CR" data-state="Cremona">Cremona</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-KR" data-state="Crotone">Crotone</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-CN" data-state="Cuneo">Cuneo</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-EN" data-state="Enna">Enna</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-FM" data-state="Fermo">Fermo</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-FE" data-state="Ferrara">Ferrara</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-FI" data-state="Firenze">Firenze</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-FG" data-state="Foggia">Foggia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-FC" data-state="Forlì-Cesena">Forlì-Cesena</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-FR" data-state="Frosinone">Frosinone</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-GE" data-state="Genova">Genova</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-GO" data-state="Gorizia">Gorizia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-GR" data-state="Grosseto">Grosseto</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-IM" data-state="Imperia">Imperia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-IS" data-state="Isernia">Isernia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-SP" data-state="La Spezia">La Spezia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-AQ" data-state="L'Aquila">L'Aquila</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-LT" data-state="Latina">Latina</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-LE" data-state="Lecce">Lecce</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-LC" data-state="Lecco">Lecco</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-LI" data-state="Livorno">Livorno</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-LO" data-state="Lodi">Lodi</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-LU" data-state="Lucca">Lucca</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-MC" data-state="Macerata">Macerata</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-MN" data-state="Mantova">Mantova</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-MS" data-state="Massa-Carrara">Massa-Carrara</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-MT" data-state="Matera">Matera</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VS" data-state="Medio Campidano">Medio Campidano</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-ME" data-state="Messina">Messina</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-MI" data-state="Milano">Milano</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-MO" data-state="Modena">Modena</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-MB" data-state="Monza e della Brianza">Monza e della Brianza</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-NA" data-state="Napoli">Napoli</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-NO" data-state="Novara">Novara</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-NU" data-state="Nuoro">Nuoro</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-OG" data-state="Ogliastra">Ogliastra</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-OT" data-state="Olbia-Tempio">Olbia-Tempio</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-OR" data-state="Oristano">Oristano</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PD" data-state="Padova">Padova</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PA" data-state="Palermo">Palermo</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PR" data-state="Parma">Parma</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PV" data-state="Pavia">Pavia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PG" data-state="Perugia">Perugia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PU" data-state="Pesaro e Urbino">Pesaro e Urbino</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PE" data-state="Pescara">Pescara</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PC" data-state="Piacenza">Piacenza</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PI" data-state="Pisa">Pisa</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PT" data-state="Pistoia">Pistoia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PN" data-state="Pordenone">Pordenone</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PZ" data-state="Potenza">Potenza</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-PO" data-state="Prato">Prato</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RG" data-state="Ragusa">Ragusa</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RA" data-state="Ravenna">Ravenna</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RC" data-state="Reggio Calabria">Reggio Calabria</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RE" data-state="Reggio Emilia">Reggio Emilia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RI" data-state="Rieti">Rieti</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RN" data-state="Rimini">Rimini</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RM" data-state="Roma">Roma</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-RO" data-state="Rovigo">Rovigo</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-SA" data-state="Salerno">Salerno</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-SS" data-state="Sassari">Sassari</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-SV" data-state="Savona">Savona</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-SI" data-state="Siena">Siena</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-SR" data-state="Siracusa">Siracusa</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-SO" data-state="Sondrio">Sondrio</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TA" data-state="Taranto">Taranto</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TE" data-state="Teramo">Teramo</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TR" data-state="Terni">Terni</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TO" data-state="Torino">Torino</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TP" data-state="Trapani">Trapani</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TN" data-state="Trento">Trento</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TV" data-state="Treviso">Treviso</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-TS" data-state="Trieste">Trieste</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-UD" data-state="Udine">Udine</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VA" data-state="Varese">Varese</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VE" data-state="Venezia">Venezia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VB" data-state="Verbano-Cusio-Ossola">Verbano-Cusio-Ossola</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VC" data-state="Vercelli">Vercelli</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VR" data-state="Verona">Verona</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VV" data-state="Vibo Valentia">Vibo Valentia</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VI" data-state="Vicenza">Vicenza</option>
            <option data-country="IT" value="IT-VT" data-state="Viterbo">Viterbo</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-01" data-state="Hokkaido">Hokkaido</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-02" data-state="Aomori">Aomori</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-03" data-state="Iwate">Iwate</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-04" data-state="Miyagi">Miyagi</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-05" data-state="Akita">Akita</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-06" data-state="Yamagata">Yamagata</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-07" data-state="Fukushima">Fukushima</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-08" data-state="Ibaraki">Ibaraki</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-09" data-state="Tochigi">Tochigi</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-10" data-state="Gunma">Gunma</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-11" data-state="Saitama">Saitama</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-12" data-state="Chiba">Chiba</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-13" data-state="Tokyo">Tokyo</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-14" data-state="Kanagawa">Kanagawa</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-15" data-state="Niigata">Niigata</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-16" data-state="Toyama">Toyama</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-17" data-state="Ishikawa">Ishikawa</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-18" data-state="Fukui">Fukui</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-19" data-state="Yamanashi">Yamanashi</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-20" data-state="Nagano">Nagano</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-21" data-state="Gifu">Gifu</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-22" data-state="Shizuoka">Shizuoka</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-23" data-state="Aichi">Aichi</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-24" data-state="Mie">Mie</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-25" data-state="Shiga">Shiga</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-26" data-state="Kyoto">Kyoto</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-27" data-state="Osaka">Osaka</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-28" data-state="Hyogo">Hyogo</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-29" data-state="Nara">Nara</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-30" data-state="Wakayama">Wakayama</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-31" data-state="Tottori">Tottori</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-32" data-state="Shimane">Shimane</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-33" data-state="Okayama">Okayama</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-34" data-state="Hiroshima">Hiroshima</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-35" data-state="Yamaguchi">Yamaguchi</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-36" data-state="Tokushima">Tokushima</option>
            <option data-country="JP" value="JP-37" data-state="Kagawa">Kagawa</option>
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            <option data-country="KR" value="KR-48" data-state="Gyeongsangnam-do">Gyeongsangnam-do</option>
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            <option data-country="KR" value="KR-46" data-state="Jeollanam-do">Jeollanam-do</option>
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            <option data-country="KR" value="KR-49" data-state="Jeju-do">Jeju-do</option>
            <option data-country="KR" value="KR-44" data-state="Chungcheongnam-do">Chungcheongnam-do</option>
            <option data-country="KR" value="KR-43" data-state="Chungcheongbuk-do">Chungcheongbuk-do</option>
            <option data-country="KR" value="KR-50" data-state="Sejong">Sejong</option>
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            <option data-country="MX" value="MX-JAL" data-state="Jalisco">Jalisco</option>
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            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-HP" data-state="Himachal Pradesh">Himachal Pradesh</option>
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            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-MN" data-state="Manipur">Manipur</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-ML" data-state="Meghalaya">Meghalaya</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-MZ" data-state="Mizoram">Mizoram</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-NL" data-state="Nagaland">Nagaland</option>
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            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-PB" data-state="Punjab">Punjab</option>
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            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-SK" data-state="Sikkim">Sikkim</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-TG" data-state="Telangana">Telangana</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-TN" data-state="Tamil Nadu">Tamil Nadu</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-TR" data-state="Tripura">Tripura</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-UP" data-state="Uttar Pradesh">Uttar Pradesh</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-UT" data-state="Uttarakhand">Uttarakhand</option>
            <option data-country="IN" value="IN-WB" data-state="West Bengal">West Bengal</option>
            <option data-country="CA" value="AB" data-state="Alberta">Alberta</option>
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            <option data-country="CA" value="MB" data-state="Manitoba">Manitoba</option>
            <option data-country="CA" value="NB" data-state="New Brunswick">New Brunswick</option>
            <option data-country="CA" value="NL" data-state="Newfoundland and Labrador">Newfoundland and Labrador</option>
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            <option data-country="CA" value="NS" data-state="Nova Scotia">Nova Scotia</option>
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            <option data-country="CA" value="QC" data-state="Quebec">Quebec</option>
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            <option data-country="CA" value="YT" data-state="Yukon Territory">Yukon Territory</option>
            <option data-country="AU" value="AU-ACT" data-state="Australian Capital Territory">Australian Capital Territory</option>
            <option data-country="AU" value="AU-NSW" data-state="New South Wales">New South Wales</option>
            <option data-country="AU" value="AU-NT" data-state="Northern Territory">Northern Territory</option>
            <option data-country="AU" value="AU-QLD" data-state="Queensland">Queensland</option>
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            <option data-country="AU" value="AU-TAS" data-state="Tasmania">Tasmania</option>
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            <label class="control-label js-eloqua-C_Company-label-school"><span id="C_CompanyLabelSchool_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb">University<span class="req">*</span></span>
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            <option value="">-- select one --</option>
            <option value="Aerospace Engineering"> Aerospace Engineering </option>
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            <option value="Food Science"> Food Science </option>
            <option value="Biological and Health Sciences"> Biological and Health Sciences </option>
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            <option value="Business, Economics, and Finance"> Business, Economics, and Finance </option>
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            <option value="Civil and Environmental Engineering"> Civil and Environmental Engineering </option>
            <option value="Computer Science"> Computer Science </option>
            <option value="Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences"> Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences </option>
            <option value="Electrical and Computer Engineering"> Electrical and Computer Engineering </option>
            <option value="Industrial Engineering"> Industrial Engineering </option>
            <option value="Materials Sciences"> Materials Sciences </option>
            <option value="Mathematics"> Mathematics </option>
            <option value="Mechanical Engineering"> Mechanical Engineering </option>
            <option value="Mining and Minerals Engineering"> Mining and Minerals Engineering </option>
            <option value="Neuroscience"> Neuroscience </option>
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            <option value="Operations Research/Management Science"> Operations Research/Management Science </option>
            <option value="Petroleum Engineering"> Petroleum Engineering </option>
            <option value="Physics"> Physics </option>
            <option value="Psychology"> Psychology </option>
            <option value="Sociology and Anthropology"> Sociology and Anthropology </option>
            <option value="Statistics"> Statistics </option>
            <option value="Other Engineering"> Other Engineering </option>
            <option value="Other Sciences"> Other Sciences </option>
          <p class="field_note help-block C_Department_Academic1Inst"></p>
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          <p class="field_note help-block C_BusPhoneInst"> Include country code before the telephone number. (Example: +1-555-555-5555) <a href="https://countrycode.org/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
										See list of country codes.
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          <p class="field_note help-block C_MobilePhoneInst"> Include country code before the telephone number. (Example: +1-555-555-5555) <a href="https://countrycode.org/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
										See list of country codes.
        <div class="form_element form-group has-feedback eloqua-field C_Graduation_Year1Cont">
          <label class="control-label" for="C_Graduation_Year1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span> Year of Graduation<span class="req">*</span></span>
          <input type="text" value="" id="C_Graduation_Year1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb" name="C_Graduation_Year1" class="textfield form-control C_Graduation_Year1ID" maxlength="4" required="" aria-required="true">
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          <p class="field_note help-block C_Graduation_Year1Inst"></p>
        <div class="form_element form-group has-feedback eloqua-field C_Interest_Area1Cont">
          <label class="control-label" for="C_Interest_Area1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span>Areas of Interest<span class="req">*</span></span>
          <select id="C_Interest_Area1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb" name="C_Interest_Area1" class="dropdown form-control C_Interest_Area1ID" required="" multiple="" aria-required="true">
            <option value="Computational Biology">Computational Biology</option>
            <option value="Control Systems">Control Systems</option>
            <option value="Data Analytics">Data Analytics</option>
            <option value="Embedded Systems">Embedded Systems</option>
            <option value="Financial Modeling and Analysis">Financial Modeling and Analysis</option>
            <option value="FPGA, ASIC, and SoC Development">FPGA, ASIC, and SoC Development</option>
            <option value="Image Processing and Computer Vision">Image Processing and Computer Vision</option>
            <option value="Internet of Things">Internet of Things</option>
            <option value="Mechatronics">Mechatronics</option>
            <option value="Operations Research and Logistics">Operations Research and Logistics</option>
            <option value="Robotics">Robotics</option>
            <option value="Signal Processing">Signal Processing</option>
            <option value="Software Engineering">Software Engineering</option>
            <option value="Systems Engineering">Systems Engineering</option>
            <option value="Test and Measurement">Test and Measurement</option>
            <option value="Wireless Communications">Wireless Communications</option>
          <p class="field_note help-block C_Interest_Area1Inst"></p>
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          <label class="control-label" for="C_MATLAB_experience1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span> What is your experience with MATLAB?<span class="req">*</span></span>
          <select id="C_MATLAB_experience1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb" name="C_MATLAB_experience1" class="dropdown form-control C_MATLAB_experience1ID" required="" aria-required="true">
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            <option value="Never Used">Never Used</option>
            <option value="Used in the Past">Used in the Past</option>
            <option value="Current User">Current User</option>
          <p class="field_note help-block C_MATLAB_experience1Inst"></p>
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          <label class="control-label" for="C_Simulink_Experience1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span> What is your experience with Simulink?<span class="req">*</span></span>
          <select id="C_Simulink_Experience1ID_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb" name="C_Simulink_Experience1" class="dropdown form-control C_Simulink_Experience1ID" required="" aria-required="true">
            <option value="">-- select one --</option>
            <option value="Never Used">Never Used</option>
            <option value="Used in the Past">Used in the Past</option>
            <option value="Current User">Current User</option>
          <p class="field_note help-block C_Simulink_Experience1Inst"></p>
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          <label class="control-label" for="C_Title_a71e7072-d076-4c7f-8d4b-abb790c60ceb"><span>Job Title<span class="req">*</span></span>
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Higher Efficiency with Scalability in Semiconductor and Mixed EV Architecture

21:02 Video length is 21:02
Higher Efficiency with Scalability in Semiconductor and Mixed EV Architecture
Hans Adlkofer, Infineon

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Accelerating Development of Clean, Safe, Automated Software-Defined Vehicles

24:01 Video length is 24:01
Accelerating Development of Clean, Safe, Automated Software-Defined Vehicles
Andy Grace, MathWorks

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Higher Efficiency with Scalability in Semiconductor and Mixed EV Architecture

21:02 Video length is 21:02
Higher Efficiency with Scalability in Semiconductor and Mixed EV Architecture
Hans Adlkofer, Infineon

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Accelerating Development of Clean, Safe, Automated Software-Defined Vehicles

24:01 Video length is 24:01
Accelerating Development of Clean, Safe, Automated Software-Defined Vehicles
Andy Grace, MathWorks

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SDV: Integrating Simulink C++ Generated Code in Android Automotive Environment

14:33 Video length is 14:33
SDV: Integrating Simulink C++ Generated Code in Android Automotive Environment
Rémy Brugnon, Renault Group

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Software Architectures and Virtual Integration in Model-Based Design

20:55 Video length is 20:55
Software Architectures and Virtual Integration in Model-Based Design
Ramamurthy Mani, MathWorks

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CI/CD 2.0: From Scripted Jenkins Pipelines to Process Advisor

21:58 Video length is 21:58
CI/CD 2.0: From Scripted Jenkins Pipelines to Process Advisor
Martin Römpert, Continental Automotive

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VDA SIL Standard: Change in SW and System Development in the Automotive Industry

23:44 Video length is 23:44
VDA SIL Standard: Change in SW and System Development in the Automotive Industry
Amir Sardari, Bosch
Gernot Schraberger, MathWorks

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ChatGPT and Large Language Models with MATLAB

13:13 Video length is 13:13
ChatGPT and Large Language Models with MATLAB
Deborah Ferreira, MathWorks

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How to Develop Model-Based AI Software for AURIX TC4x in MATLAB and Simulink

14:47 Video length is 14:47
How to Develop Model-Based AI Software for AURIX TC4x in MATLAB and Simulink
Mateusz Chmurski, Infineon Technologies AG

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Electrothermal Modeling and Analysis of Battery Packs

19:50 Video length is 19:50
Electrothermal Modeling and Analysis of Battery Packs
Lorenzo Nicoletti, MathWorks

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Powertrain Simulation for Concepts Evaluation, Range Estimation, and Calibration
Dr. Christian Haupt, MAN Truck & Bus
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Streamline Automotive SPICE Compliance Using Model-Based Design

20:02 Video length is 20:02
Streamline Automotive SPICE Compliance Using Model-Based Design
Mohammad Abu-Alqumsan, MathWorks
Marc Segelken, MathWorks

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How to Achieve Full Coverage of Configurable Code with Polyspace

16:49 Video length is 16:49
How to Achieve Full Coverage of Configurable Code with Polyspace
Cinzia Tomasello, STMicroelectronics

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Agile Behavior-Driven and Test-Driven Development with Model-Based Design

27:35 Video length is 27:35
Agile Behavior-Driven and Test-Driven Development with Model-Based Design
Marc Segelken, MathWorks

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Making the Most of FPGAs for Automotive Power Electronics Development

20:34 Video length is 20:34
Making the Most of FPGAs for Automotive Power Electronics Development
Dimitri Hamidi, MathWorks

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Virtual World Generation for BMW Driving Simulation

19:09 Video length is 19:09
Virtual World Generation for BMW Driving Simulation
Hubert Cao, BMW Group

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Advanced Scene and Scenario Creation Workflows for Virtual Testing

20:35 Video length is 20:35
Advanced Scene and Scenario Creation Workflows for Virtual Testing
Simone Hämmerle, MathWorks
Advait Valluri, MathWorks

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Deploying AI for Mission Profile Classification of Construction Equipment

15:02 Video length is 15:02
Deploying AI for Mission Profile Classification of Construction Equipment
Andrea Gravili, CNH Industrial

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Demystifying DevOps: A Cloud Workflow for Fleet Analytics with Machine Learning

19:45 Video length is 19:45
Demystifying DevOps: A Cloud Workflow for Fleet Analytics with Machine Learning
Nicole Bonfatti, MathWorks
Martin Büchel, MathWorks

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Quality Inspection Based on Deep Learning and a Data-Centric Approach

17:27 Video length is 17:27
Quality Inspection Based on Deep Learning and a Data-Centric Approach
Christian Prechtl, Miba AG

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Service-Oriented Arbitration of ADAS Features with Model-Based Design

15:36 Video length is 15:36
Service-Oriented Arbitration of ADAS Features with Model-Based Design
Darshana Unnikrishnan, KPIT Technologies
Nandakumar Kaiprath, KPIT Technologies

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Targeting GPUs for Automotive Applications

22:05 Video length is 22:05
Targeting GPUs for Automotive Applications
Christoph Stockhammer, MathWorks

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Hans Adlkofer, Infineon

We are in the transition into clean, safe, and software-defined mobility, with
new high-voltage power technologies making electrified vehicles more competitive
and governments pushing for CO2 neutrality. This is a disruptive paradigm shift
for established OEMs. The next challenge is to deliver the promise of
software-defined vehicles, which requires increasing computing power, managing
the data complexity within the car, and connecting the car with IoT/clouds. 80
percent of this innovation is based on semiconductors that power the next
generation of vehicle electrical/electronic architectures.

These new architectures need to address real-time, functional safety and
security while distributing and computing gigabytes of data from the sensors
across the car backbone to enable innovative applications such as autonomous
driving. Additional requirements include safe power distribution, redundancy,
and diagnosis to guarantee “Always Power On” for operating the car. Lastly,
software-defined vehicles will need to provide customers with new services that
will be constantly updated over the air. The semiconductor industry is already
providing a variety of products, including SoC and MCU, which address these
challenging requirements and support mixed EV architectures.

This hardware offering needs to be complemented with modern R&D processes in
which simulation and modern SW update management are standard elements. Infineon
is committed to push digital twins and provide models to an environment which
allows faster development, enabling design verification and approval processes
at an early stage. With this, Infineon can provide a secure supply and shorter
time to market and deliver the latest and most appealing technologies that the
next generation of customers is expecting.



Dr. Andy Grace, MathWorks

In this talk, Andy Grace, the VP of Engineering at MathWorks, will share his
vision on how Model-Based Design is evolving to accelerate the design and
development of clean, safe, autonomous software-defined vehicles. Through this
talk, the audience will learn about the impact that MathWorks is having in the
automotive industry and the investments that are in the making to address new
industry challenges. 



Ramamurthy Mani, MathWorks

The rapid increase in automotive system and software complexity demands a design
process that can help maintain consistency and traceability all the way from
high-level system design to software implementation. Model-Based Design
approaches offer distinct advantages that can help go from software architecture
conceptualization to deep component design and back up to software integration
and testing, enabling higher quality and reliability of the final product. In
this presentation, you’ll see how Simulink® is rapidly evolving to realize this
vision. Recent investments have helped create an environment that enables the
detailed design and simulation of software architectures and easy integration of
models and code components for early virtual integration.



Rémy Brugnon, Renault Group

High-performance computing and service-oriented architecture (SOA) are emerging
as the technological foundations to provide the computing power and the high
level of abstraction required to accelerate the development of software-defined
vehicles. Abstraction from the hardware is typically provided through middleware
and operating systems such as Android Automotive OS. In this context, the
integration of application software with the middleware is crucial to establish
an agile, automotive-grade software development process.

This presentation from Renault demonstrates the ability of Simulink® to generate
C++ application code that can be integrated and run in Android Automotive OS
environment using Android Binders and the Android Interface Definition Language.

Based on SOA concepts, this demonstration shows a control loop model that uses
methods and events for service-oriented communication.



Martin Römpert, Continental Automotive

At Continental, we implemented the first Jenkins-based continuous integration
pipeline in 2017 to accelerate agile, model-based vehicle software development.
That pipeline was then heavily customized over the years. As a result of this
customization, we had to spend more and more maintenance effort for CI pipeline
itself, making any process update very time-consuming.

We decided to use the new Process Advisor App to rebuild and simplify the
Jenkins Pipeline and to bring all Jenkins-specific parts of the pipeline into
MATLAB®, including JFrog Artifactory and Conan.

In this presentation, we demonstrate the different aspects, findings, and
advantages of this new approach.



Amir Sardari, Bosch
Gernot Schraberger, MathWorks

Software-in-the-loop (SIL) is the enabler of continuous and agile development
processes in the automotive industry. Without SIL, the release of open-context
systems with a high number of combinations of possible input data (such as
automated driving) is practically impossible. In the future, it can be assumed
that most software tests in the automotive industry will be carried out in SIL
environments. To work across companies, domains, and platforms, it is necessary
to standardize the SIL interfaces across the industry. Without standardization,
many individual interfaces would be created. The effort and costs involved would
be enormous. SIL standardization is an essential requirement for successful
virtualization and automation of software testing in the automotive industry.
The VDA project group SIL Standardization has been publishing standards for
technical interfaces of the SIL infrastructure since the end of 2019.

MathWorks supports the standardization effort by actively participating in the
VDA project group and will give an overview of upcoming features for FMI 3.0 as
a base for Simulink® as an integration platform.



Deborah Ferreira, MathWorks

Learn how large language models (LLMs) work and build a transformer model in
MATLAB. See a demo of an LLM-based model for MATLAB and how you can use it in
your work, including which prompts to use.



Eva Pelster, MathWorks

As part of the Women in Tech initiative, MathWorks will be organizing a meeting
point within the exhibition area at this year’s MathWorks Automotive Conference.
Interested delegates can learn about the initiative and DEI (diversity, equity,
and inclusion) at MathWorks. Use this opportunity to talk to our technical
experts, discuss experiences, and network with other industry peers.



Mateusz Chmurski, Infineon

The traditional approach to embedded software development is burdened with many
potential pitfalls like vulnerability to errors and time-consuming development
due to manual peripherals configuration. This presentation introduces an
alternative approach for embedded software development based on Simulink® models
to overcome these disadvantages. Based on the automotive-driven use case of
trajectory control, we want to give a best practice example for end-to-end
development and deployment of AI-enhanced embedded applications. Using the
Embedded Coder® Support Package for Infineon AURIX™ Microcontrollers, all
necessary hardware components such as peripherals and memory units can be easily
configured and simulated from the level of GUI. Learn how Simulink enables you
to generate an optimized code for the target platform Infineon AURIX™ TC4x. The
AI component will be compiled with a separate toolchain and combined with binary
compiled out of generated code.



Dr. Lorenzo Nicoletti, MathWorks

The electric powertrain is becoming the leading solution in the passenger car
sector. However, the components of the electric powertrain pose new development
challenges for the automotive engineers. One of these components is the battery
system. For its sizing, engineers need to consider different aspects such as the
electrical behavior of the battery and the monitoring and management of its
temperature. These challenges call for complex models that span different
physical domains.

This talk demonstrates how engineers can model battery cells based on predefined
or custom components. First, learn how to model a cell and—in the case of a
custom cell—how to refine its electrical and thermal design as desired. The
resulting cell model is then scaled up to build modules and complete battery
packs with Simscape Battery™. For this scope, it is possible to use either an
API or an intuitive interactive app.

In the second step, the resulting battery model is tested for performance and
electrical and thermal behavior using selected test cycles. The model is then
used to analyze the thermal behavior of the battery and design a liquid cooling



Dr. Christian Haupt, MAN Truck & Bus

The transition to zero emission and the demand for increasing levels of autonomy
present many challenges for the development of modern heavy-duty vehicles
(HDVs). Simulation plays a key role in accelerating the vehicle design stages,
anticipating or preventing integration issues, and gaining competitive

In collaboration with MathWorks, MAN Truck & Bus has developed FASIMAN, a
modular simulation tool based on Simulink for longitudinal dynamics, powertrain
concept evaluation, energy consumption and range estimation. It uses energy
management strategies and virtual testing of ECU functionalities and drivetrain
calibration to support ADAS development and emission activities. FASIMAN’s
modular approach enables it to model propulsion and vehicle configurations that
are relevant for HDVs, including ICE, BEV, and FC.

In this presentation, see an overview of FASIMAN’s modular architecture and main
features, including distinction between physical models and controls, bus system
modeling, ECU integration (MIL), database connectivity, big data usage for load
cycle derivation, and cosimulation.

We’ll also briefly present a fuel cell truck simulation for evaluation and
design of the drivetrain concept, cooling concept, and supporting the control
function development.



Dr. Mohammad Abu-Alqumsan, MathWorks
Dr. Marc Segelken, MathWorks

Automotive SPICE allows organizations across the automotive supply chain to
assess and improve the capability levels of their own processes as well as those
of their suppliers. Consequently, ASPICE-compliant processes allow suppliers to
satisfy and even exceed customer expectations.

To effectively achieve ASPICE compliance, organizations choose to use the
Simulink® product family. This is because automation capabilities in model-based
systems engineering (MBSE) allow engineers to focus on their state-of-the-art
products and innovations and leverage tooling support to achieve process quality
aspects like traceability, consistency, and documentation.

Starting in R2022a, the IEC Certification Kit provides a mapping document
between base practices of engineering processes in Automotive SPICE and use
cases for Simulink.

In this presentation, see how these products work together in a streamlined way
to support your ASPICE compliance efforts when it comes to system and software
engineering processes.

Topics include achieving ASPICE compliance with MBSE by performing base
practices of system engineering processes, maintaining consistency and
traceability across your system architecture design and V&V artifacts, ensuring
continuity of your system and software development artifacts, shifting your
verification to the left and detecting issues as soon as they are introduced
throughout the development process, and showing evidence for compliance with
automatically generated artifacts.



Cinzia Tomasello, STMicroelectronics

Software is becoming more and more important in the semiconductor industry to
further differentiate between vendors. Silicon companies are developing software
to provide a software stack to leverage their silicon capabilities and to enable
their customers to quickly jump-start their designs by providing a basis for
ready-to-use software and middleware. Using software variants is becoming a
popular method of supporting the diversity of possible hardware configurations,
preventing source code duplication, and minimizing the footprint of the
executable firmware.

Due to the heavy use of software variants, the exponential increase in possible
software configurations is reaching the limits of traditional verification and
validation methods. This presentation by STMicroelectronics proposes a novel
framework that uses Polyspace® to analyze a selected subset of all software
variants while providing the same guarantees as if all combinations had been
analyzed, thereby reducing verification efforts without losing quality. This
framework leverages results from structural code coverage to select the subset
of software variants on which tests are executed and static code analysis

Before releasing the software, developers can detect bugs and violations of
coding guidelines for every possible software configuration, which would be
impossible with either static analysis or dynamic test in isolation.



Dr. Marc Segelken, MathWorks

Model-Based Design and the agile practices of behavior-driven development and
test-driven development play an important role in modern, software-intensive,
large-scale development projects. This presentation illustrates the benefits of
a combined approach based on best practices established through years of work
with engineering organizations.



Hubert Cao, BMW

BMW operates the world’s most sophisticated facility for simulating real-life
driving conditions with more than 14 simulators and usability labs aiming to
provide the ideal simulation for every phase of the vehicle development process.
Discover how BMW uses RoadRunner as part of their virtual world generation
process to meet the requirements for high-fidelity simulation of real-life roads
and traffic scenarios.



Simone Hämmerle, MathWorks
Advait Valluri, MathWorks

Real-world scenario-based testing plays a critical role in ensuring the safety
of ADAS/AD functions. Virtual testing is scalable in the cloud, efficient, safe,
and repeatable. It enables you to test every incremental change of your

This presentation elaborates on some advanced capabilities of the RoadRunner
product family in combination with Automated Driving Toolbox™.

The Scenario Builder for Automated Driving Toolbox support package enables users
to quickly create scenarios from existing vehicle sensor data such as existing
test drives or vehicle traces.

Once a seed scenario is defined, variations can be generated using the Scenario
Variant Generator for Automated Driving Toolbox support package for
SOTIF-related activities.

Engineers can bring in their own custom HD maps via the RRHD interface to build



Andrea Gravili, CNH Industrial

A known challenge in designing construction equipment is identifying the correct
mission profile while the vehicle is operating in the field. A mission
constitutes a cyclical execution of a sequence of vehicle movements. Different
missions can include similar movements with different execution speeds or arm

The main purpose of this project is to develop a model based on artificial
intelligence that can recognize one of 20 possible vehicle missions of a wheel
loader, directly on-board and in real time, thanks to the data collected from
the available sensors.

Mission profile recognition is fundamental to enabling innovative applications
such as:

 * Real-time, on-board controls for an optimized customer experience based on
   the current mission
 * Reliability analysis through failure contextualization
 * Market segmentation through understanding of customers’ behaviors

The identified mission can be used to automatically adjust vehicle parameters at
runtime. For example, a pick-and-place maneuver can be supported by smooth
aggressiveness for hydraulics, while hauling or stock piling operations can be
supported by high aggressiveness. Alternatively, the vehicle control unit can
suggest the best vehicle setting to support the current task through a message
on the dashboard display. Furthermore, the identified mission profile is
transmitted to a remote server to enable fault contextualization and to improve
fleet management and maintenance services. At the server side, the faults are
then correlated to the occurrence of certain missions to better identify the
critical ones. This data is used to guide the vehicle design to better address
such critical missions, significantly improving energy efficiency and vehicle

This project was developed by CNH Industrial in partnership with MathWorks
Consulting Services relaying their expertise to design an AI solution with
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox and using automatic code generation to
quickly deploy the vehicle software.



Nicole Bonfatti, MathWorks
Martin Büchel, MathWorks

DevOps can sound imposing, but it can bring tremendous advantages to engineering
workflows in the cloud by streamlining processes, adding maintainability and
fostering a collaborative culture with IT and operations.

In this session, see a DevOps-style workflow for monitoring the state-of-health
(SOH) of a battery fleet. Predictive maintenance—a powerful method built on
machine learning techniques—can help to tackle this challenge, but it might be
difficult or expensive to deploy and update the algorithms in the vehicle. We
will demonstrate a cloud-based predictive maintenance system for monitoring the
fleet that leverages streaming data to integrate your analytics with
industry-standard technologies.

Learn how to develop an SOH prediction model and a drift detection model in
MATLAB®. Using the Streaming Data Framework for MATLAB Production Server™, we
can move from developing our algorithms with test data in file-based timetables
to integrating with cloud streaming messaging services like Apache Kafka. Build
and test these algorithms automatically using a CI/CD pipeline, deploying to an
Azure Kubernetes Service cluster. Finally, the deployed system includes model
performance monitoring using a dashboarding system for alerts and trends, and a
time-series database to record historic data, which you can use to retrain your
models. Using Infrastructure as Code techniques, we can easily update, rebuild,
or roll back changes to the operational system.

See how engineering teams can thrive in a DevOps culture using MATLAB to
operationalize their algorithms and bridge the gap between IT and Ops teams.



Christian Prechtl, Miba AG

Automated quality inspection of components in industrial production environments
is one of the main requirements for achieving current productivity and quality
goals. Since conventional rule-based inspection systems only partially meet
these requirements and industry research projects in this area are hardly
practicable, Miba AG has developed its own framework for the quality inspection
of its high-quality components to achieve these goals in its production
facilities. In this technical presentation, see and discuss the results of this
framework based on deep learning with MATLAB®.



Darshana Unnikrishnan, KPIT Technologies
Nandakumar Kaiprath, KPIT Technologies

The main challenge of AD/ADAS is to imitate and outperform a human driver’s
responsiveness to dynamic situations. The arbitration module in an AD/ADAS
system plays a major role in making decisions for vehicle control.

The arbitration module is a central processing module that makes decisions based
on track estimation, crash mitigation, and safety to orchestrate priorities and
actuations of longitudinal, lateral, or driver control. This makes it a critical
module. Any performance issue in this module could have a major impact on the
vehicle’s safety and performance.

In signal-based architectures, an easy update of the application is not possible
because it will impact the arbitration control scheme, which would lead to an
entire software update and revalidation that’s not always possible or desirable.

By contrast, service-oriented architectures (SOAs) enable an easier update of an
application or porting of a new application. The service registry and service
discovery enable the client to locate new service providers easily, facilitating
the integration of new features in the architecture.

Moreover, the arbitration in SOA improves the performance and quality thanks to
high-speed information exchange among control applications.

This presentation includes a use case to compare the signal-based and
service-based arbitration performances.



Dimitri Hamidi, MathWorks

Designing efficient power electronics modules for EVs involves making informed
choices about circuit topologies and semiconductor technologies and integrating
them with sophisticated control algorithms that require low latency and high
sampling rates. FPGA-based platforms have emerged as the preferred option for
accelerating the development and testing of power electronics, allowing for
real-time simulation while offering an attractive deployment target for control
algorithms, both in the concept phase and in production.

Early collaboration between diverse teams is critical to the success of this
type of project. In this talk, we discuss an integrated workflow that enables
target-independent FPGA deployment of customized power electronics and e-motor
plant models for real-time simulation with varying degrees of fidelity,
including average-value, averaged-switch, piecewise-linear, and nonlinear
models. Control algorithms can also be deployed automatically for rapid control
prototyping. This workflow enables systems, algorithms, hardware, and software
engineers to work simultaneously and efficiently, resulting in quicker
iterations and fewer errors in system specification and implementation.

The final hardware target for algorithms is often unknown during the early
stages of a project. To this end, this workflow allows for model-based
hardware-software co-design or a seamless transition between hardware and
software implementations. The implementation models can also be easily
repurposed for different FPGA target devices or transitioned to ASIC since
target-independent RTL code is generated. Finally, the toolchain is certified by
TÜV SÜD to be suitable for ISO 26262, ASIL A–D. .



Christoph Stockhammer, MathWorks

Many of today’s signal processing, image processing, and deep learning
applications in the automotive field can benefit massively from using GPUs. This
is equally true for production code and prototyping purposes. See how automated
CUDA code generation from MATLAB® algorithms and Simulink® models can be used to
accelerate applications such as lidar, camera, and radar sensor data processing.
A complementary toolchain allowing MIL, SIL, and PIL simulations as well as
performance analyses is key to efficient development workflows. Using the same
Simulink model or MATLAB function, you can target both desktop GPUs as well as
SoCs like the NVIDIA DRIVE® and NVIDIA Jetson™ platforms.


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