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            $(document).ready(function() {
                "Query": "Accommodation",
                "Value": "Accommodation"
              }, {
                "Query": "Accommodation assistance",
                "Value": "The more information we get about your trip, the more assistance we can provide you with. We can also book for you extra nights in Reykjavík, some fun activities and extensions to your tour."
              }, {
                "Query": "Accommodation guidelines - heading",
                "Value": "Accommodation selection"
              }, {
                "Query": "Accommodation guidelines - text",
                "Value": "Below you may choose room types, dates and number of rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Accommodation guidelines - text - mobile",
                "Value": "Below you may choose room types, dates and number of rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Accommodation in Reykjavik",
                "Value": "Accommodation in Reykjavik"
              }, {
                "Query": "Add to basket",
                "Value": "Add to basket"
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                "Query": "Added to basket",
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                "Value": "You can now go to your basket to book this tour or continue browsing for amazing activities and extra accommodations to add to your trip."
              }, {
                "Query": "Addition to package",
                "Value": "Addition to package"
              }, {
                "Query": "Additional accommodation is needed",
                "Value": "Additional accommodation is needed"
              }, {
                "Query": "Additional comments",
                "Value": "Additional information about your tour"
              }, {
                "Query": "Additional information",
                "Value": "Additional information"
              }, {
                "Query": "After discount",
                "Value": "After discount"
              }, {
                "Query": "Amount charged",
                "Value": "Amount charged"
              }, {
                "Query": "Amount to be charged",
                "Value": "To be paid now"
              }, {
                "Query": "Approximate amount",
                "Value": "The amount will be charged in euros"
              }, {
                "Query": "Approximately",
                "Value": "Approximately"
              }, {
                "Query": "Arrival date",
                "Value": "Arrival date"
              }, {
                "Query": "Arrival flight",
                "Value": "Arrival flight number"
              }, {
                "Query": "Arrival time",
                "Value": "Arrival time"
              }, {
                "Query": "Back",
                "Value": "Back"
              }, {
                "Query": "Bed linen included",
                "Value": "Bed linen included"
              }, {
                "Query": "Booking",
                "Value": "Booking"
              }, {
                "Query": "Booking no",
                "Value": "Booking no"
              }, {
                "Query": "Breakfast included",
                "Value": "Breakfast included"
              }, {
                "Query": "Cannot accommodate",
                "Value": "Room cannot accommodate this number of people"
              }, {
                "Query": "Capacity warning",
                "Value": "Please choose another car type. Selected car type cannot fit specified number of passengers."
              }, {
                "Query": "Car category",
                "Value": "Car category"
              }, {
                "Query": "Car pick up",
                "Value": "Car pick up time"
              }, {
                "Query": "Car seat supplement for",
                "Value": "Car seat supplement for"
              }, {
                "Query": "Car seats",
                "Value": "Child car seat"
              }, {
                "Query": "Car type",
                "Value": "Rental car"
              }, {
                "Query": "Car type - heading",
                "Value": "What would you like to drive?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Car type - text",
                "Value": "This is where you select the car you will be most comfortable in. Do you need extra leg room, automatic transmission, a bigger trunk or a 4WD? "
              }, {
                "Query": "Car type - text - mobile",
                "Value": "Below are car types we can offer"
              }, {
                "Query": "Card name",
                "Value": "Name as it appears on card"
              }, {
                "Query": "Card number",
                "Value": "Card number"
              }, {
                "Query": "Change",
                "Value": "Change"
              }, {
                "Query": "Check in",
                "Value": "Check in"
              }, {
                "Query": "Check out",
                "Value": "Check out"
              }, {
                "Query": "Close",
                "Value": "Close"
              }, {
                "Query": "Comfort room",
                "Value": "Comfort room with private bathroom"
              }, {
                "Query": "Comfort room - description",
                "Value": "These rooms are comfortable  with private / en-suite bathrooms. Some are better equipped with TV and sometimes tea and coffee making facilities in country hotels. Beds are made and rooms are cleaned daily. Clean towels are supplied. Guests have access to a communal lounge. Breakfast is included."
              }, {
                "Query": "Confirm payment",
                "Value": "Confirm payment"
              }, {
                "Query": "Confirmation",
                "Value": "Confirmation"
              }, {
                "Query": "Continue browsing",
                "Value": "continue browsing"
              }, {
                "Query": "Dates",
                "Value": "Dates"
              }, {
                "Query": "Days",
                "Value": "days"
              }, {
                "Query": "Daytime phone",
                "Value": "Daytime phone number"
              }, {
                "Query": "Departure date",
                "Value": "Departure date"
              }, {
                "Query": "Departure flight",
                "Value": "Departure flight number"
              }, {
                "Query": "Departure time",
                "Value": "Departure time"
              }, {
                "Query": "Deposit",
                "Value": "To be paid now"
              }, {
                "Query": "Deposit amount - self drive tours",
                "Value": "Deposit amount for self drive tours"
              }, {
                "Query": "Discount",
                "Value": "Discount"
              }, {
                "Query": "Discount applied",
                "Value": "Discount applied"
              }, {
                "Query": "Download as PDF",
                "Value": "Download as PDF"
              }, {
                "Query": "Download receipt",
                "Value": "Download receipt"
              }, {
                "Query": "Duration",
                "Value": "Duration"
              }, {
                "Query": "Email",
                "Value": "Email"
              }, {
                "Query": "Expiry date",
                "Value": "Expiry date (MM/YY)"
              }, {
                "Query": "Extras",
                "Value": "Extras"
              }, {
                "Query": "Fill out all",
                "Value": "Fill out all required fields"
              }, {
                "Query": "First name",
                "Value": "First name"
              }, {
                "Query": "Flight information",
                "Value": "Flight information"
              }, {
                "Query": "Flight information - guidelines",
                "Value": "Have you booked your flight to Iceland?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Fully paid",
                "Value": "Fully paid"
              }, {
                "Query": "Go back",
                "Value": "Go back"
              }, {
                "Query": "Guests per room",
                "Value": "Guests per room"
              }, {
                "Query": "Hide details",
                "Value": "Hide details"
              }, {
                "Query": "Included in price",
                "Value": "Included in price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Item type: accommodation",
                "Value": "Accommodation"
              }, {
                "Query": "Item type: self-drive tour",
                "Value": "Self-drive tour"
              }, {
                "Query": "Last name",
                "Value": "Last name"
              }, {
                "Query": "Less",
                "Value": "less"
              }, {
                "Query": "Loading",
                "Value": "Loading"
              }, {
                "Query": "Max occupancy",
                "Value": "Max occupancy"
              }, {
                "Query": "My booking",
                "Value": "Price overview"
              }, {
                "Query": "Name",
                "Value": "Name"
              }, {
                "Query": "Nationality",
                "Value": "Nationality"
              }, {
                "Query": "New price",
                "Value": "New price for self drive tours"
              }, {
                "Query": "Newsletter",
                "Value": "I want to receive the Hey Iceland newsletter"
              }, {
                "Query": "Nights",
                "Value": "nights"
              }, {
                "Query": "Nights after",
                "Value": "Nights after"
              }, {
                "Query": "Nights after tour",
                "Value": "Number of nights after tour ends\t"
              }, {
                "Query": "Nights before",
                "Value": "Nights before"
              }, {
                "Query": "Nights before tour",
                "Value": "Number of nights before tour starts"
              }, {
                "Query": "No",
                "Value": "No"
              }, {
                "Query": "No items",
                "Value": "There are no items in your basket. \r\nCheck out our best selling tours and accommodation here."
              }, {
                "Query": "No items - payment",
                "Value": "No items awaiting payment. You can browse through our wide selection of tours and accommodations."
              }, {
                "Query": "No rooms offered",
                "Value": "No rooms are available at requested dates. Please try other dates or another accommodation"
              }, {
                "Query": "No rooms selected",
                "Value": "No rooms selected"
              }, {
                "Query": "Not available",
                "Value": "Not available on these dates, other dates might be available."
              }, {
                "Query": "Not found",
                "Value": "Booking was not found"
              }, {
                "Query": "Number of car seats",
                "Value": "Number of car seats"
              }, {
                "Query": "Number of nights",
                "Value": "Number of nights"
              }, {
                "Query": "Number of people",
                "Value": "Who is travelling?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Number of rooms",
                "Value": "Select number of rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Number of single rooms",
                "Value": "Number of single rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Order summary",
                "Value": "Order summary"
              }, {
                "Query": "Original price",
                "Value": "Original price for self drive tours"
              }, {
                "Query": "Other travelers",
                "Value": "Other travelers"
              }, {
                "Query": "Paid",
                "Value": "Paid"
              }, {
                "Query": "Partially paid",
                "Value": "Partially paid"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payment",
                "Value": "Payment"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payment failure - assistance",
                "Value": "Unfortunately payment was not processed. Please contact us at info@heyiceland.is if you need assistance"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payment information",
                "Value": "Payment information"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payment received",
                "Value": "Your payment has been received and a receipt has been send to your email"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payment successful",
                "Value": "Payment successful"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payments made",
                "Value": "Payments made"
              }, {
                "Query": "Pending payment",
                "Value": "You have a pending payment"
              }, {
                "Query": "Per day",
                "Value": "per day"
              }, {
                "Query": "Price",
                "Value": "Price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Price after discount",
                "Value": "Price after discount"
              }, {
                "Query": "Proceed",
                "Value": "Proceed to booking"
              }, {
                "Query": "Proceed to payment information",
                "Value": "Proceed to payment information"
              }, {
                "Query": "Processing payment",
                "Value": "Payment is being processed. Do not close the browser or navigate away."
              }, {
                "Query": "Remaining amount",
                "Value": "Remaining amount"
              }, {
                "Query": "Remaining amount notice",
                "Value": "The remaining amount will be charged after you receive a booking confirmation from us."
              }, {
                "Query": "Remove",
                "Value": "Remove"
              }, {
                "Query": "Retype email",
                "Value": "Retype email"
              }, {
                "Query": "Review",
                "Value": "You can review this order before booking is completed"
              }, {
                "Query": "Room",
                "Value": "Room type"
              }, {
                "Query": "Room type - heading",
                "Value": "Let's select your accommodation type"
              }, {
                "Query": "Room type - text",
                "Value": "We want your trip to be as comfortable as possible, so please select what kind of accommodation you are looking for and how many rooms you need."
              }, {
                "Query": "Room type - text - mobile",
                "Value": "We want your trip to be as comfortable as possible, so please select what kind of accommodation you are looking for and how many rooms you need."
              }, {
                "Query": "Rooms",
                "Value": "Rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Rooms with private bathroom",
                "Value": "Rooms with private/en-suite bathroom"
              }, {
                "Query": "Rooms with shared bathroom",
                "Value": "Rooms with shared bathroom"
              }, {
                "Query": "Same price",
                "Value": "Same price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Select this car",
                "Value": "Select this car"
              }, {
                "Query": "Select this room",
                "Value": "Select this room"
              }, {
                "Query": "Selected",
                "Value": "Selected"
              }, {
                "Query": "Self drive guidelines - heading",
                "Value": "Find your price for this tour"
              }, {
                "Query": "Self drive guidelines - text",
                "Value": "This is where you enter the number of people in your travelling group, dates and preferences to find your price. You also select what kind of accommodation and car type best suits you."
              }, {
                "Query": "Self drive guidelines - text - mobile",
                "Value": "This is where you enter the number of people in your travelling group, dates and preferences to find your price. You also select what kind of accommodation and car type best suits you."
              }, {
                "Query": "Separate beds",
                "Value": "Separate beds if available"
              }, {
                "Query": "Shared bathroom",
                "Value": "Shared bathroom"
              }, {
                "Query": "Show booking",
                "Value": "Show my booking"
              }, {
                "Query": "Single room",
                "Value": "single room"
              }, {
                "Query": "Single room supplement for",
                "Value": "Single room supplement for"
              }, {
                "Query": "Standard room",
                "Value": "Budget room with shared bathroom"
              }, {
                "Query": "Standard room - description",
                "Value": "These rooms are simple, comfortable and adequate. Some rooms have hand basin. Beds are made and rooms are cleaned daily. Clean towels are supplied. Guests have access to a communal lounge. Breakfast is included."
              }, {
                "Query": "Stay",
                "Value": "Stay"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms agreement",
                "Value": "<span>I agree to Hey Iceland's <a href=\"/travel-guide/terms-and-conditions\" target=\"_blank\">Terms and Conditions</a>, and acknowledge their <a href=\"/about-us/privacy-policy\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy policy</a> and <a href=\"/about-us/cookie-policy\" target=\"_blank\">Cookie Policy</a></span>"
              }, {
                "Query": "Thank you",
                "Value": "Lovely! Thank you for your order."
              }, {
                "Query": "Thank you - guidelines",
                "Value": "We will now start making your reservations and get back to you. In the meantime, you can browse through our blogs and travel guide to prepare for your upcoming trip to Iceland."
              }, {
                "Query": "Total price",
                "Value": "Total price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Total price - accommodation",
                "Value": "Total price for accommodation"
              }, {
                "Query": "Total price - self drive tours",
                "Value": "Total price for self drive tours"
              }, {
                "Query": "Tour duration",
                "Value": "Tour duration"
              }, {
                "Query": "Travel dates",
                "Value": "Travel dates"
              }, {
                "Query": "Travel phone",
                "Value": "Phone number while travelling"
              }, {
                "Query": "Travelers",
                "Value": "Travellers"
              }, {
                "Query": "Traveler's details",
                "Value": "Your information"
              }, {
                "Query": "Upd",
                "Value": "Update basket"
              }, {
                "Query": "Upgrade for",
                "Value": "Upgrade for"
              }, {
                "Query": "View basket",
                "Value": "View basket"
              }, {
                "Query": "View details",
                "Value": "View details"
              }, {
                "Query": "View order",
                "Value": "View order"
              }, {
                "Query": "Would like accommodation",
                "Value": "Do you need accommodation in Reykjavík before and/or after your tour?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Years",
                "Value": "yrs"
              }, {
                "Query": "Yes",
                "Value": "Yes"
              }, {
                "Query": "You are booking",
                "Value": "Order overview"
              }, {
                "Query": "Your basket",
                "Value": "This is your basket"
              }, {
                "Query": "Your basket - text",
                "Value": "This is where we keep all the items you have selected to give you an overview of the items you are interested in. When you are ready, you can book your trip from here."
              }, {
                "Query": "Your information",
                "Value": "Your information"
              }, {
                "Query": "Your price",
                "Value": "Your price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Additional accommodation needed",
                "Value": "Additional accommodation is needed"
              }, {
                "Query": "Room type",
                "Value": "Room type"
              }, {
                "Query": "Deposit (sumamry)",
                "Value": "deposit"
              }, {
                "Query": "Update basket",
                "Value": "Update basket"
              }, {
                "Query": "Included",
                "Value": "Included"
              }, {
                "Query": "Single rooms",
                "Value": "single rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Supplement for",
                "Value": "Supplement for"
              }, {
                "Query": "Upgrade from",
                "Value": "Upgrade from"
              }, {
                "Query": "Category",
                "Value": "category"
              }, {
                "Query": "Error: items unavailable",
                "Value": "Selected items are unavailable or possibly have been purchased by someone else. Please navigate to basket to see what items require attention."
              }, {
                "Query": "Error: items conflict",
                "Value": "Several items of the same type have been detected. Before proceeding to payment please navigate to basket and remove items which might be duplicates."
              }, {
                "Query": "Item type: tour",
                "Value": "Activity"
              }, {
                "Query": "Rate",
                "Value": "Rate"
              }, {
                "Query": "Activity price",
                "Value": "Activity price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Pickup price",
                "Value": "Pickup price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Dropoff price",
                "Value": "Dropoff price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Extras price",
                "Value": "Extras price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Total price - activity",
                "Value": "Total price for activities"
              }, {
                "Query": "Activity date",
                "Value": "Activity date and time"
              }, {
                "Query": "Preferences",
                "Value": "Preferences"
              }, {
                "Query": "Preferences guidelines",
                "Value": "To better adjust the tour please fill out the form below."
              }, {
                "Query": "Availability",
                "Value": "Availability"
              }, {
                "Query": "Transportation",
                "Value": "Transportation"
              }, {
                "Query": "By dates",
                "Value": "By dates"
              }, {
                "Query": "Upcoming",
                "Value": "Upcoming"
              }, {
                "Query": "Available rates",
                "Value": "Available rates"
              }, {
                "Query": "Places left",
                "Value": "places left"
              }, {
                "Query": "Yes, pick us up",
                "Value": "Yes, pick us up"
              }, {
                "Query": "Yes, drop us of",
                "Value": "Yes, drop us of"
              }, {
                "Query": "Hide room details",
                "Value": "Hide room details"
              }, {
                "Query": "Show room details",
                "Value": "Show room details"
              }, {
                "Query": "Read less",
                "Value": "Read less"
              }, {
                "Query": "Read more",
                "Value": "Read more"
              }, {
                "Query": "Tour date",
                "Value": "Date"
              }, {
                "Query": "Thank you - guidelines - activity",
                "Value": "We recommend browsing through our blogs and travel guide to prepare for your upcoming trip to Iceland."
              }, {
                "Query": "View blog",
                "Value": "View blog"
              }, {
                "Query": "Activity unavailable",
                "Value": "Activity unavailable on selected date"
              }, {
                "Query": "Check travelers",
                "Value": "Not possible to estimate price. Please check minimum and maximum travelers for this rate."
              }, {
                "Query": "Flight information - booked",
                "Value": "Yes! Flights are already booked"
              }, {
                "Query": "Flight information - guidelines - extra",
                "Value": "It helps us to adjust the tour better for your needs."
              }, {
                "Query": "Flight information - not booked",
                "Value": "Flights are not booked yet"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms and conditions",
                "Value": "Terms and conditions"
              }, {
                "Query": "View tours",
                "Value": "View tours"
              }, {
                "Query": "View tours - href",
                "Value": "/tours"
              }, {
                "Query": "View accommodation",
                "Value": "View accommodation"
              }, {
                "Query": "View accommodation - href",
                "Value": "/accommodation"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms and conditions - agent",
                "Value": "<a href=\"/travel-guide/terms-and-conditions/travel-agents\" target=\"_blank\">Please read Hey Iceland's Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Cookie Policy</a>"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms and conditions - individual",
                "Value": "<a href=\"/travel-guide/terms-and-conditions\" target=\"_blank\">Please read Hey Iceland's Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Cookie Policy</a>"
              }, {
                "Query": "Item address",
                "Value": "Address"
              }, {
                "Query": "Item phone",
                "Value": "Tel"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payment information - guidelines",
                "Value": "Please enter your payment information below. You will only be charged for the 20% deposit now, the rest will be charged after your receive a booking confirmation from us."
              }, {
                "Query": "Choose dates",
                "Value": "Choose dates"
              }, {
                "Query": "Choose passengers",
                "Value": "Choose passengers"
              }, {
                "Query": "Add to booking",
                "Value": "Add to booking"
              }, {
                "Query": "Add activities",
                "Value": "Add top-rated activities to your tour"
              }, {
                "Query": "Add activities - guidelines",
                "Value": "Get the most out of your trip to Iceland with amazing experiences lead by local guides that showcase the best Iceland has to offer."
              }, {
                "Query": "Skip activities",
                "Value": "I don't want to add an activity"
              }, {
                "Query": "Passengers",
                "Value": "Passengers"
              }, {
                "Query": "Error: addon",
                "Value": "It was not possible to add this activity"
              }, {
                "Query": "Back to self drive tour",
                "Value": "Back to self drive tour"
              }, {
                "Query": "Preferred room type",
                "Value": "Choose preferred room type"
              }, {
                "Query": "Deposit for tour",
                "Value": "Deposit for tour"
              }, {
                "Query": "Error: customer details",
                "Value": "Some information is needed in the form, see below and click on Proceed after filling out"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms and conditions must be accepted",
                "Value": "Terms and conditions must be accepted"
              }, {
                "Query": "Error: extra answers",
                "Value": "Please provide details for extras in activities below"
              }, {
                "Query": "Error: addons unavailable",
                "Value": "One or more add on activities could not be reserved, please go back and try to re-add them."
              }, {
                "Query": "Standard room - short description",
                "Value": "Simple and basic rooms, different in size and with comfortable beds. Maximum 8 guests are sharing one bathroom."
              }, {
                "Query": "Comfort room - short description",
                "Value": "Rooms with private / en-suite bathrooms, comfortable beds but different in size, facilities and service onsite."
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - AddOns",
                "Value": "Add-Ons"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Confirmation",
                "Value": "Confirmation"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Drive",
                "Value": "Drive"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Info",
                "Value": "Info"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Payment",
                "Value": "Payment"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Stay",
                "Value": "Stay"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Travel",
                "Value": "Travel"
              }, {
                "Query": "Next step",
                "Value": "Next step"
              }, {
                "Query": "Your booking",
                "Value": "Your booking"
              }, {
                "Query": "Driver Guide Tabled",
                "Value": "Driver Guide Tablet"
              }, {
                "Query": "From",
                "Value": "From"
              }, {
                "Query": "To",
                "Value": "To"
              }, {
                "Query": "To pay now",
                "Value": "To be paid now"
              }, {
                "Query": "Per night",
                "Value": "per night"
              }, {
                "Query": "Check email",
                "Value": "Check email"
              }, {
                "Query": "Is required",
                "Value": "is required"
              }, {
                "Query": "Proceed to payment",
                "Value": "Proceed to payment"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms agreement - without cookie",
                "Value": "<span>I agree to Hey Iceland's <a href=\"/travel-guide/terms-and-conditions\" target=\"_blank\">Terms and Conditions</a>, and acknowledge their <a href=\"/about-us/privacy-policy\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy policy</a></span>"
              }, {
                "Query": "Do you have additional comments",
                "Value": "Any special wishes you want us to keep in mind while planning your tour?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Comfort room - plural",
                "Value": "Comfort rooms with private bathroom"
              }, {
                "Query": "Standard room - plural",
                "Value": "Budget rooms with shared bathroom"
              }, {
                "Query": "Tour price",
                "Value": "Tour price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Tour after discount",
                "Value": "Tour after discount"
              }, {
                "Query": "Add",
                "Value": "Add"
              }, {
                "Query": "Pay now",
                "Value": "Pay now"
              }, {
                "Query": "Not included",
                "Value": "No thanks"
              }, {
                "Query": "Suitcases",
                "Value": "Suitcases"
              }, {
                "Query": "Doors",
                "Value": "Doors"
              }, {
                "Query": "Automatic",
                "Value": "Automatic"
              }, {
                "Query": "Automatic - available",
                "Value": "available"
              }, {
                "Query": "Automatic - not available",
                "Value": "not available"
              }, {
                "Query": "Driving restrictions",
                "Value": "Driving restrictions"
              }, {
                "Query": "Not allowed on F-roads",
                "Value": "Not allowed on F-roads"
              }, {
                "Query": "allowed on F-roads",
                "Value": "allowed on F-roads"
              }, {
                "Query": "Your first name",
                "Value": "Your first name"
              }, {
                "Query": "Your last name",
                "Value": "Your last name"
              }, {
                "Query": "Phone without country code",
                "Value": "Phone without country code"
              }, {
                "Query": "Email address",
                "Value": "Email address"
              }, {
                "Query": "Email address, same as in previous field",
                "Value": "Email address, same as in previous field"
              }, {
                "Query": "First and last names",
                "Value": "First and last names"
              }, {
                "Query": "13-19 digits from your card",
                "Value": "13-19 digits from your card"
              }, {
                "Query": "3-4 digit code",
                "Value": "3-4 digit code"
              }, {
                "Query": "child",
                "Value": "child"
              }, {
                "Query": "children",
                "Value": "children"
              }, {
                "Query": "adult",
                "Value": "adult"
              }, {
                "Query": "adults",
                "Value": "adults"
              }, {
                "Query": "infant",
                "Value": "infant"
              }, {
                "Query": "infants",
                "Value": "infants"
              }, {
                "Query": "in group",
                "Value": "in group"
              }, {
                "Query": "or similar",
                "Value": "or similar"
              }, {
                "Query": "Over 12 years",
                "Value": "Over 12 yrs"
              }, {
                "Query": "2 - 11 years",
                "Value": "2 - 11 yrs"
              }, {
                "Query": "0 - 1 years",
                "Value": "0 - 1 yrs"
              }, {
                "Query": "UniPay: note",
                "Value": "To allow our customers to pay with Alipay and WeChat Pay, we partner with our partner payment providers Central Pay and 2paynow who process the payment. \r\nPlease note that your final payment will always be processed in Euros (EUR) but you will pay in Renminbi (RMB). \r\nThe currency exchange rate will be taken from Alipay and WeChat Pay.\r\n"
              }, {
                "Query": "Book now",
                "Value": "Book now"
              }, {
                "Query": "Road number",
                "Value": "Road number"
              }, {
                "Query": "My booking: guidelines",
                "Value": "This is your booking overview and here you have all necessary information related to your booking. There is no need for vouchers or printed documents during your trip. All you need is your booking reference number which you present to accommodation partners and tour operators to receive their service. If you want, you can also export this overview as a pdf document."
              }, {
                "Query": "UniPay: payment cancelled",
                "Value": "Payment has been cancelled or did not complete. Please try again."
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Dates",
                "Value": "Dates"
              }, {
                "Query": "at",
                "Value": "at"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Room",
                "Value": "Room"
              }, {
                "Query": "View activity",
                "Value": "View details"
              }, {
                "Query": "Staying for",
                "Value": "Staying for"
              }, {
                "Query": "Night",
                "Value": "night"
              }, {
                "Query": "Choose your travel dates",
                "Value": "Travel dates"
              }, {
                "Query": "Reference number",
                "Value": "Reference number:"
              }, {
                "Query": "Accommodation price",
                "Value": "Accommodation price"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step - Dates and Room",
                "Value": "Dates and room"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms and conditions - with link",
                "Value": "<a href=\"/travel-guide/terms-and-conditions\" target=\"_blank\">Please read Hey Iceland's Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Cookie Policy</a>"
              }, {
                "Query": "Card number invalid",
                "Value": "Card number is invalid (must be 13 - 19 digits) or missing"
              }, {
                "Query": "to card",
                "Value": "to card"
              }, {
                "Query": "CVC invalid",
                "Value": "CVC is invalid (must be 3 or 4 digits) or missing"
              }, {
                "Query": "Total for",
                "Value": "Total for"
              }, {
                "Query": "room",
                "Value": "room"
              }, {
                "Query": "2 - 12 years",
                "Value": "2 - 12 yrs"
              }, {
                "Query": "Breakfast",
                "Value": "Breakfast"
              }, {
                "Query": "Per person",
                "Value": "Per person"
              }, {
                "Query": "Standard rate",
                "Value": "Standard rate"
              }, {
                "Query": "Rate for",
                "Value": "Rate for"
              }, {
                "Query": "person",
                "Value": "person"
              }, {
                "Query": "Extra bed",
                "Value": "Extra bed"
              }, {
                "Query": "Per room per night",
                "Value": "Per room per night"
              }, {
                "Query": "Pickup",
                "Value": "Pick-up"
              }, {
                "Query": "Dropoff",
                "Value": "Dropoff"
              }, {
                "Query": "from",
                "Value": "from"
              }, {
                "Query": "Add for",
                "Value": "Add for"
              }, {
                "Query": "passenger",
                "Value": "passenger"
              }, {
                "Query": "passengers",
                "Value": "passengers"
              }, {
                "Query": "for",
                "Value": "for"
              }, {
                "Query": "Payment information - guidelines - no deposit",
                "Value": "Please enter your payment information below."
              }, {
                "Query": "View on Hey Iceland",
                "Value": "View on Hey Iceland"
              }, {
                "Query": "Booking reference",
                "Value": "Booking reference"
              }, {
                "Query": "For",
                "Value": "For"
              }, {
                "Query": "12 - 17 years",
                "Value": "12 - 17 yrs"
              }, {
                "Query": "on",
                "Value": "on"
              }, {
                "Query": "amount",
                "Value": "amount"
              }, {
                "Query": "ref",
                "Value": "ref."
              }, {
                "Query": "Anything else",
                "Value": "Anything you want to add?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Send tour request",
                "Value": "Send Tour Request"
              }, {
                "Query": "Loading information",
                "Value": "Please wait while we are getting information"
              }, {
                "Query": "Terms agreement - tour operator",
                "Value": ", and agree to <a data-fancybox data-src='#vendor-specific' href='javascript:;'>tour operator policy</a>"
              }, {
                "Query": "Fee of",
                "Value": "Fee of"
              }, {
                "Query": "if cancelled",
                "Value": "if cancelled"
              }, {
                "Query": "days or less prior to arrival",
                "Value": "days or less prior to arrival"
              }, {
                "Query": "Over 17 years",
                "Value": "Over 17 years"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: austurland",
                "Value": "East"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: halendid",
                "Value": "Highlands"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: nordurland",
                "Value": "North"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: reykjanes",
                "Value": "Reykjanes"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: reykjavik",
                "Value": "Reykjavik"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: sudurland",
                "Value": "South"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: vestfirdir",
                "Value": "Westfjords"
              }, {
                "Query": "Region: vesturland",
                "Value": "West"
              }, {
                "Query": "Room type guidelines - heading",
                "Value": "Room types"
              }, {
                "Query": "Room type guidelines - text",
                "Value": "Below you may choose room types, dates and number of rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Room type guidelines - text - mobile",
                "Value": "Below you may choose room types, dates and number of rooms"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step 1 - other things",
                "Value": "How would you like your trip to be arranged?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step 2 - other things",
                "Value": "What kind of holiday did you have in mind?"
              }, {
                "Query": "Step 4 - other things",
                "Value": "What other things would you like to see and do?"
              }, {
                "Query": "youth",
                "Value": "youth"
              }, {
                "Query": "youths",
                "Value": "youths"
              }, {
                "Query": "Traveler's details - guidelines",
                "Value": "We need to know a few things about you before we can make your reservations. Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your fellow travellers."
              }, {
                "Query": "Pick us up at",
                "Value": "Pick us up at"
              }, {
                "Query": "Drop us off at",
                "Value": "Drop us off at"
              }, {
                "Query": "Rates",
                "Value": "Rates"
              }, {
                "Query": "Custom location",
                "Value": "Custom location"
              }, {
                "Query": "Do you have a discount code?",
                "Value": "Do you have a discount code?"
              }, {
                "Query": "ssn",
                "Value": "ssn"
              }, {
                "Query": "Apply code",
                "Value": "Apply code"
              }, {
                "Query": "Total discount",
                "Value": "Total discount"
              }, {
                "Query": "Enter discount code",
                "Value": "Enter discount code"
              }, {
                "Query": "Discount code invalid",
                "Value": "Discount code invalid"
              }, {
                "Query": "Your kennitala",
                "Value": "Your kennitala"
              }, {
                "Query": "Kennitala",
                "Value": "Kennitala"
              }, {
                "Query": "Enter Customer ID",
                "Value": "Enter Customer ID"
              }, {
                "Query": "Nothing Selected",
                "Value": "Nothing Selected"
              }, {
                "Query": "Must Select Adult",
                "Value": "At least one adult must be selected"
              }, {
                "Query": "Valitor: payment failed",
                "Value": "Payment has been cancelled or did not complete. Authorization failed, please contact your card issuer."
              }, {
                "Query": "Total price NET",
                "Value": "Total price (NET)"
              }, {
                "Query": "Open payment page",
                "Value": "Go to payment page"
              }, {
                "Query": "Go back to Hey registration form",
                "Value": "Go back to HeyIceland registration form"
              var domainId = $("#hifDomainID").val();
              ll = (function() {
                return LanguageApi.searchArray(domainId, "Bookings", ["Accommodation", "Accommodation assistance", "Accommodation guidelines - heading", "Accommodation guidelines - text", "Accommodation guidelines - text - mobile",
                  "Accommodation in Reykjavik", "Add to basket", "Added to basket", "Added to basket - complete", "Addition to package", "Additional accommodation is needed", "Additional comments", "Additional information",
                  "After discount", "Amount charged", "Amount to be charged", "Approximate amount", "Approximately", "Arrival date", "Arrival flight", "Arrival time", "Back", "Bed linen included", "Booking", "Booking no",
                  "Breakfast included", "Cannot accommodate", "Capacity warning", "Car category", "Car pick up", "Car seat supplement for", "Car seats", "Car type", "Car type - heading", "Car type - text", "Car type - text - mobile",
                  "Card name", "Card number", "Change", "Check in", "Check out", "Close", "Comfort room", "Comfort room - description", "Confirm payment", "Confirmation", "Continue browsing", "Dates", "Days", "Daytime phone",
                  "Departure date", "Departure flight", "Departure time", "Deposit", "Deposit amount - self drive tours", "Discount", "Discount applied", "Download as PDF", "Download receipt", "Duration", "Email", "Expiry date", "Extras",
                  "Fill out all", "First name", "Flight information", "Flight information - guidelines", "Fully paid", "Go back", "Guests per room", "Hide details", "Included in price", "Item type: accommodation",
                  "Item type: self-drive tour", "Last name", "Less", "Loading", "Max occupancy", "My booking", "Name", "Nationality", "New price", "Newsletter", "Nights", "Nights after", "Nights after tour", "Nights before",
                  "Nights before tour", "No", "No items", "No items - payment", "No rooms offered", "No rooms selected", "Not available", "Not found", "Number of car seats", "Number of nights", "Number of people", "Number of rooms",
                  "Number of single rooms", "Order summary", "Original price", "Other travelers", "Paid", "Partially paid", "Payment", "Payment failure - assistance", "Payment information", "Payment received", "Payment successful",
                  "Payments made", "Pending payment", "Per day", "Price", "Price after discount", "Proceed", "Proceed to payment information", "Processing payment", "Remaining amount", "Remaining amount notice", "Remove", "Retype email",
                  "Review", "Room", "Room type - heading", "Room type - text", "Room type - text - mobile", "Rooms", "Rooms with private bathroom", "Rooms with shared bathroom", "Same price", "Select this car", "Select this room",
                  "Selected", "Self drive guidelines - heading", "Self drive guidelines - text", "Self drive guidelines - text - mobile", "Separate beds", "Shared bathroom", "Show booking", "Single room", "Single room supplement for",
                  "Standard room", "Standard room - description", "Stay", "Terms agreement", "Thank you", "Thank you - guidelines", "Total price", "Total price - accommodation", "Total price - self drive tours", "Tour duration",
                  "Travel dates", "Travel phone", "Travelers", "Traveler's details", "Upd", "Upgrade for", "View basket", "View details", "View order", "Would like accommodation", "Years", "Yes", "You are booking", "Your basket",
                  "Your basket - text", "Your information", "Your price", "Additional accommodation needed", "Room type", "Deposit (sumamry)", "Update basket", "Included", "Single rooms", "Supplement for", "Upgrade from", "Category",
                  "Error: items unavailable", "Error: items conflict", "Item type: tour", "Rate", "Activity price", "Pickup price", "Dropoff price", "Extras price", "Total price - activity", "Activity date", "Preferences",
                  "Preferences guidelines", "Availability", "Transportation", "By dates", "Upcoming", "Available rates", "Places left", "Yes, pick us up", "Yes, drop us of", "Hide room details", "Show room details", "Read less",
                  "Read more", "Tour date", "Thank you - guidelines - activity", "View blog", "Activity unavailable", "Check travelers", "Flight information - booked", "Flight information - guidelines - extra",
                  "Flight information - not booked", "Terms and conditions", "View tours", "View tours - href", "View accommodation", "View accommodation - href", "Terms and conditions - agent", "Terms and conditions - individual",
                  "Item address", "Item phone", "Payment information - guidelines", "Choose dates", "Choose passengers", "Add to booking", "Add activities", "Add activities - guidelines", "Skip activities", "Passengers", "Error: addon",
                  "Back to self drive tour", "Preferred room type", "Deposit for tour", "Error: customer details", "Terms and conditions must be accepted", "Error: extra answers", "Error: addons unavailable",
                  "Standard room - short description", "Comfort room - short description", "Step - AddOns", "Step - Confirmation", "Step - Drive", "Step - Info", "Step - Payment", "Step - Stay", "Step - Travel", "Next step",
                  "Your booking", "Driver Guide Tabled", "From", "To", "To pay now", "Per night", "Check email", "Is required", "Proceed to payment", "Terms agreement - without cookie", "Do you have additional comments",
                  "Comfort room - plural", "Standard room - plural", "Tour price", "Tour after discount", "Add", "Pay now", "Not included", "Suitcases", "Doors", "Automatic", "Automatic - available", "Automatic - not available",
                  "Driving restrictions", "Not allowed on F-roads", "allowed on F-roads", "Your first name", "Your last name", "Phone without country code", "Email address", "Email address, same as in previous field",
                  "First and last names", "13-19 digits from your card", "3-4 digit code", "child", "children", "adult", "adults", "infant", "infants", "in group", "or similar", "Over 12 years", "2 - 11 years", "0 - 1 years",
                  "UniPay: note", "Book now", "Road number", "My booking: guidelines", "UniPay: payment cancelled", "Step - Dates", "at", "Step - Room", "View activity", "Staying for", "Night", "Choose your travel dates",
                  "Reference number", "Accommodation price", "Step - Dates and Room", "Terms and conditions - with link", "Card number invalid", "to card", "CVC invalid", "Total for", "room", "2 - 12 years", "Breakfast", "Per person",
                  "Standard rate", "Rate for", "person", "Extra bed", "Per room per night", "Pickup", "Dropoff", "from", "Add for", "passenger", "passengers", "for", "Payment information - guidelines - no deposit", "View on Hey Iceland",
                  "Booking reference", "For", "12 - 17 years", "on", "amount", "ref", "Anything else", "Send tour request", "Loading information", "Terms agreement - tour operator", "Fee of", "if cancelled",
                  "days or less prior to arrival", "Over 17 years", "Region: austurland", "Region: halendid", "Region: nordurland", "Region: reykjanes", "Region: reykjavik", "Region: sudurland", "Region: vestfirdir", "Region: vesturland",
                  "Room type guidelines - heading", "Room type guidelines - text", "Room type guidelines - text - mobile", "Step 1 - other things", "Step 2 - other things", "Step 4 - other things", "youth", "youths",
                  "Traveler's details - guidelines", "Pick us up at", "Drop us off at", "Rates", "Custom location", "Do you have a discount code?", "ssn", "Apply code", "Total discount", "Enter discount code", "Discount code invalid",
                  "Your kennitala", "Kennitala", "Enter Customer ID", "Nothing Selected", "Must Select Adult", "Valitor: payment failed", "Total price NET", "Open payment page", "Go back to Hey registration form"
                ], 0, true);
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Tours type All Tours Self-Drive Tours Around Iceland Guided Tours Short Breaks
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Activities All Activities Hike tours Cycling Horse Riding Farm Visits 4x4 Jeep &
ATV Boat Excursions Sightseeing Tours Caving & Volcanoes Flight Tours Glacier
Sports Food, History & Culture Water Sports & Wellness Whales & Wildlife
Adventure Sports Northern lights Bird watching Golf and Accommodation Skiing
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Seasons All Year May - Sept Oct - Apr
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 * Hey Iceland
 * Síðumúli 2
 * 108 Reykjavík
 * Iceland
 * Phone +354 570 2700

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