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Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:51:35 | Python Programming

Modern computer applications are not limited to the sort of textual input and
output that we have been using so far. Most of the applications that you are
familiar with probably have a so-called Graphical User Interface (GUI) that
provides visual elements like windows, icons (representative pictures), buttons
and menus. Interactive graphics programming can be very complicated entire
textbooks are devoted to the intricacies of graphics and graphical interfaces.


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 19:11:35 | Python Tutorial | 5 comments

An IPO chart is a simple but effective tool that programmers sometimes use for
designing and documenting functions. IPO stands for input, processing, and
output, and an IPO chart describes the input, processing, and output of a
function. These items are usually laid out in columns the input column shows a
description of the data that is passed to the function as arguments, the
processing column shows a description of the process that the function performs.


Sat, 19 Mar 2022 17:31:32 | Python Programming

Draw the top levels of a structure chart for a program having the following main
function. length, width getDimensions amtNeeded computeAmount length,width
printReport length, width, amtNeeded 2. Write an expression using either random
or randrange to calculate the following. A random int in the range 0-10 A random
float in the range-0.5-0.5 A random number representing the roll of a six-sided
die A random number representing the sum resulting from rolling two six-sided
dice A random float...


Sat, 19 Mar 2022 17:15:54 | Python Lua And Ruby

Freedom Force, a popular super-hero multiplayer game from Irrational Games, was
nominated for handfuls of PC Gamer's annual 2002 awards, and Irrational is
currently working on an expansion of the game. Irrational used NDL's NetImmerse
game engine and Freedom Force was co-published by Crave Entertainment and
Electronic Arts. Many of the game's functions were exported to the Python side,
so that Python could set and move objects and control camera movements. The
single-player levels were scripted...


Sat, 19 Mar 2022 16:48:06 | Python Programming

So far, we have a pretty good picture of what the Dice class will do and a
starting point for implementing the PokerApp class. We could proceed by working
on either of these classes. We won't really be able to try out the PokerApp
class until we have dice, so let's start with the lower-level Dice class. The
Dice class implements a collection of dice, which are just changing numbers. The
obvious representation is to use a list of five ints. Our constructor needs to
create a list and assign some...


Sat, 19 Mar 2022 15:08:33 | Python Scientific

Exercise 1.1 Compute Exercise 1.2 Write a Hello, World Exercise 1.3 Convert from
meters to British length units 43 Exercise 1.4 Compute the mass of various
substances 43 Exercise 1.5 Compute the growth of money in a bank 43 Exercise 1.6
Find error s in a Exercise 1.7 Type in program text Exercise 1.8 Type in
programs and debug them 44 Exercise 1.9 Evaluate a Gaussian Exercise 1.10
Compute the air resistance on a football 45 Exercise 1.11 Define objects in
IPython Exercise 1.12 How to cook the...


Wed, 16 Mar 2022 23:42:12 | Python Programming

Although dialog-style programs are often sufficient for simple tasks, as the
range of functionality a program offers grows it often makes sense to create a
complete main-window-style application with menus and toolbars. Such
applications are usually easier to extend than dialog-style programs since we
can add extra menus or menu options and toolbar buttons without affecting the
main window's layout. In this section we will review the bookmarks-tk.pyw
program shown in Figure 15.4. The program...


Wed, 16 Mar 2022 17:48:04 | PyQt Programming | 2 comments

PyQt provides two mechanisms for dealing with events the high-level signals and
slots mechanism, and low-level event handlers. The signals and slots approach is
ideal when we are concerned with what actions the user wants to perform, without
getting bogged down in the details of how specifically they asked. Signals and
slots can also be used to customize some aspects of how widgets behave. But when
we need to go deeper, particularly when creating custom widgets, we need to use
low-level event...


Tue, 15 Mar 2022 14:16:32 | Python Programming

An iterable data type is one that can return each of its items one at a time.
Any object that has an_iter_ method, or any sequence i.e., an object that has a
_getitem_ method taking integer arguments starting from 0 is an iterable and can
provide an iterator. An iterator is an object that provides a_next_ iter- method
which returns each successive item in turn, and raises a Stoplteration exception
when there are no more items. Table 3.4 lists the operators and 274 functions
that can be used...


Tue, 15 Mar 2022 09:39:18 | Python Language

NLTK comes with corpora for many languages, though in some cases you will need
to learn how to manipulate character encodings in Python before using these
corpora (see Section 3.3). > > > nltk.corpus.cess_esp.words() 'El', 'grupo',
'estatal', 'Electricit xe9_de_France', > > > nltk.corpus.floresta.words() 'Um',
'revivalismo', 'refrescante', 'O', '7_e_Meio', > > > > > >
nltk.corpus.udhr.fileids() 'Abkhaz-Cyrillic+Abkh', 'Abkhaz-UTF8',


Tue, 15 Mar 2022 02:40:48 | Python Programming | 1 comment

Graphical interfaces can be used for input as well as output. In a GUI
environment, users typically interact with their applications by clicking on
buttons, choosing items from menus, and typing information into on-screen text
boxes. These applications use a technique called event-driven programming.
Basically, the program draws a set of interface elements often called widgets on
the screen, and then waits for the user to do something. When the user moves the
mouse, clicks a button or types a...


Fri, 11 Mar 2022 13:51:10 | Python Language

A collocation is a sequence of words that occur together unusually often. Thus
red wine is a collocation, whereas the wine is not. A characteristic of
collocations is that they are resistant to substitution with words that have
similar senses for example, maroon wine sounds very odd. To get a handle on
collocations, we start off by extracting from a text a list of word pairs, also
known as bigrams. This is easily accomplished with the function bigrams gt gt gt
bigrams 'more', 'is', 'said',...


Thu, 10 Mar 2022 08:53:23 | Python Language

To make the program more useful, the DJ wants to be able to dynamically and
interactively control the volume of the track as it plays. Basically, as the
track plays, the DJ wants to fiddle with the volume. To make the program more
useful, the DJ wants to be able to dynamically and interactively control the
volume of the track as it plays. Basically, as the track plays, the DJ wants to
fiddle with the volume. In the physical world, most devices that have a volume
control provide either a large,...


Tue, 08 Mar 2022 17:32:18 | Tkinter Reference

The Spinbox widget allows the user to select values from a given set. The values
may be a range of numbers, or a fixed set of strings. On the screen, a Spinbox
has an area for displaying the current values, and a pair of arrowheads. The
user can click the upward-pointing arrowhead to advance the value to the next
higher value in sequence. If the value is already at maximum, you can set up the
widget, if you wish, so that the new value will wrap around to the lowest value.
The user can click the...


Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:52:08 | IronPython Introduction | 2 comments

For this example, we use the free version of Visual Studio, Visual Studio
Express. Visual Studio Express doesn't have IronPython integration, so we have
to find another way to work with it to create our dialog. Depending on which
version you download,9 it can generate Visual Basic, C , C , or Visual J .
Because they all compile to .NET assemblies and we won't be directly writing
code in this example, it doesn't really matter which one you choose. Having
generated code in another language can be...


Mon, 07 Mar 2022 13:37:44 | Mobile Python

Have you ever been in a foreign city without anything to do Have you ever seen
an advertisement about a concert but forgotten where it will happen and when
EventFu is here to help it connects to the Eventful service at http eventful.com
to retrieve information and keeps you updated about events that are interesting
to you. Eventful is an event database with an extensive web API which can be
found at http api.eventful.com. EventFu uses only one of the provided functions,
event search, and shows...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 18:59:42 | Python Object Oriented | 1 comment

At this writing, the best estimate anyone can seem to make of the size of the
Python user base is that there are roughly 1 million Python users around the
world today plus or minus a few . This estimate is based on various statistics,
like download rates and developer surveys. Because Python is open source, a more
exact count is difficult there are no license registrations to tally. Moreover,
Python is automatically included with Linux distributions, Macintosh computers,
and some products and...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Pygame Game Development

The trick to solving this problem is to make the motion time-based. We need to
know how much time has passed since the previous frame so we can position
everything on the screen accordingly. The pygame.time module contains a Clock
object that we can use to keep track of time. To create a clock object, call its
constructor pygame.time.Clock Once you have a clock object, you should call its
member function tick once per frame, which returns the time passed since the
previous call in milliseconds...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Python Language

How can we automatically identify the words of a text that are most informative
about the topic and genre of the text Imagine how you might go about finding the
50 most frequent words of a book. One method would be to keep a tally for each
vocabulary item, like that shown in Figure 1-3. The tally would need thousands
of rows, and it would be an exceedingly laborious process so laborious that we
would rather assign the task to a machine. Figure 1-3. Counting words appearing
in a text a frequency...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | IronPython Introduction

Functional tests, or acceptance tests, are high-level tests of an application
from the outside. As much as possible, they should interact with the application
in the same way the user does. Where unit tests test the components of your
application, functional tests test the interaction of those components they'll
often pick up on bugs or problems that unit tests miss. Functional tests can be
more than just useful tests, though. In the Extreme Programming XP tradition you
know a methodology has...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Pygame Game Development

Each ant is going to have four states in its state machine, which should be
enough to simulate ant-like behavior. The first step in defining the state
machine is to work out what each state should do, which are the actions for the
state see Table 7-1 . Table 7-1. Actions for the Ant States Table 7-1. Actions
for the Ant States Walk toward a random point in the world. We also need to
define the links that connect states together. These take the form of a
condition and the name of the state to...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Python Programming

Since everyone is concerned about nutrition these days, let's add a calorie
count for each combination on the menu. You might not care about the calories,
but I bet your parents do That will let us use some of Python's math abilities,
which we learned about back in chapter 3. We already know which items are in
each combination. All we need now are the calories for each item. Then we can
add them all up in the innermost loop. Here's some code that sets how many
calories are in each item Now we...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | IronPython Introduction | 1 comment

You've done this before, and these commands are just as easy to wire up as the
previous ones. The nice bonus is that adding these commands to the user
interface will make MultiDoc actually usable. To spice up this section, we add a
couple of new features an application icon and a new document command. The first
is purely cosmetic, but no Windows Forms application would be complete without
an application icon to replace the default one When a form is displayed, an icon
is displayed in the...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Python Introduction

Now, let's look at this other mechanism for storing data. The next modules store
data in dbm-style format. This format specifies a simple disk-based storage
facility that handles data in a way equivalent to dictionaries. The objects are
manipulated by using unique key strings. Each of these modules is an interface
to a specific library. dbm, gdbm, and dbhash are database modules that are part
of the standard Python distribution. Also included with the standard Python
distribution is the anydbm...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Python Language

The T9 system is used for entering text on mobile phones (see Figure 3-5). Two
or more words that are entered with the same sequence of keystrokes are known as
textonyms. For example, both hole and golf are entered by pressing the sequence
4653. What other words could be produced with the same sequence Here we use the
regular expression A ghi mno jlk def > > > w for w in wordlist if re.search('A
ghi mno jlk def ', w) 'gold', 'golf', 'hold', 'hole' The first part of the
expression, A ghi ,...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Python Language

Python provides a dictionary data type that can be used for mapping between
arbitrary types. It is like a conventional dictionary, in that it gives you an
efficient way to look things up. However, as we see from Table 5-4, it has a
much wider range of uses. To illustrate, we define pos to be an empty dictionary
and then add four entries to it, specifying the part-of-speech of some words. We
add entries to a dictionary using the familiar square bracket notation > > > pos
'colorless' 'AD '...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | IronPython Introduction

Building a web-based document editor So far we've been focusing on using
IronPython with Windows Forms to construct rich desktop applications, but the
.NET platform also provides a high-level framework for building web applications
ASP.NET. ASP.NET includes lots of goodies for web development. It provides a
powerful page model where server-to-client round-tripping of data is handled
automatically, removing the need for a lot of the boilerplate code in a web
application. The .NET class library...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Python Programming

A simple way of representing a 2D color image is as a two-dimensional array with
each array element being a color. So to represent a 100 x 100 image we must
store 10000 colors. For the Image class (in file Image.py), we will take a
potentially more efficient approach. An Image stores a single background color,
plus the colors of those points in the image that differ from the background
color. This is done by using a dictionary as a kind of sparse array, with each
key being an (x, y) coordinate...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | XML Processing

The elements hash holds the configuration information for the XML tags found by
the parser. The tags output are HTML. Because an individual XML tag can generate
multiple HTML tags, the base key links to a list Within the list are individual
hash references for each HTML tag, and the hash contains the tag and attribute
For example, a < title> XML tag produces < tr> < td bgcolor 000094n align left>
< font face Arial, Helvetica color ffffffXb> 'video' > , 'title' > tag >...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:19:34 | Python Designing and

When you need to present some code examples, a literal block can be used. Two
colons are used to mark the block, which is an indented paragraph Don't forget
to add a blank line after and after the block, otherwise it will not be
rendered. Notice that the colon characters can be put in a text line. In that
case, they will be replaced by a single colon in the various rendering formats
If you don't want to keep a single colon, you can insert a space between example
and . In that case, will be...


Sun, 06 Mar 2022 17:02:24 | Jython

The menu just created should look like the one in Figure 14-5 (if not, try
manually resizing the frame). It's pretty, but it doesn't do anything. We need
to handle events from the menu or menu items. > > > def actionPerformed(event)
print event.source Get the Apple menu from the Fruit menu. It's the first one,
so it's at index 0. > > > appleMenu fruitMenu.getMenuComponent(0) Set the
actionPe rformed e vhit property to actionPe rf ormed. > > >


Fri, 04 Mar 2022 11:54:41 | Python for Linux System

Threads could be described as a necessary evil to some people, although many
people dislike threads, to solve many problems that require dealing with
multiple things at once. Threads are different than processes because they all
run inside of the same process and share state and memory. That is both the
thread's greatest advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is that you can
create a data structure that all threads can access without creating an IPC, or
interprocess communication mechanism....


Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:37:06 | PyQt Programming | 15 comments

In Chapter 5 we created dialogs purely by writing code. In our initializers we
created the widgets we needed and set their initial properties. Then we created
one or more layout managers to which we added the widgets to get the appearance
we wanted. In some cases, when working with vertical or horizontal layouts we
added a stretch which would expand to fill unwanted space. And after laying out
the widgets we connected the signals we were interested in to the methods we
wanted to handle them....


Mon, 28 Feb 2022 20:11:55 | Mobile Python

Manhattan Story Mashup is an urban storytelling game, designed by the authors of
this book, that combines mobile phones, the web and a large public display into
interactive, collaborative street art. The game is based on real-time
interaction between mobile phone and web users. A storytelling tool on the
game's website allowed anybody to write stories that were illustrated in
real-time by almost two hundred street players in New York, taking photos with
Nokia N80 camera phones. Once a story was...


Sat, 26 Feb 2022 05:11:55 | Python Reference

A semaphore is a synchronization primitive based on a counter that's decremented
by each acquire call and incremented by each release call. If the counter ever
reaches zero, the acquire method blocks until some other thread calls release .
Creates a new semaphore. value is the initial value for the counter. If omitted,
the counter is set to a value of 1. A Semaphore instance, s, supports the
following methods Acquires the semaphore. If the internal counter is larger than
zero on entry, this...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 20:52:03 | Python Reverse

PyEmu was released at BlackHat 20071 by Cody Pierce, one of the talented members
of the TippingPoint DVLabs team. PyEmu is a pure Python IA32 emulator that
allows a developer to use Python to drive CPU emulation tasks. Using an emulator
can be very beneficial for reverse engineering malware, when you don't
necessarily want the real malware code to execute. And it can be useful for a
whole host of other reverse engineering tasks as well. PyEmu has three methods
to enable emulation IDAPyEmu,...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 20:52:03 | Web2py | 3 comments

Here, as another example, we wish to create a web application that allows the
administrator to post images and give them a name, and allows the visitors of
the web site to view the images and submit comments. As before, create the new
application from the site page in admin and navigate to the EDIT page We start
by creating a model, a representation of the persistent data in the application
the images to upload, their names, and the comments . First, you need to create
edit a model file which,...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 20:52:03 | IronPython Tutorial

From an IronPython perspective, user interface elements come in two forms
messages boxes and Windows Forms. Obviously, Visual Basic.NET can create a host
of user interface presentations, but if you start at this basic level, you'll
find the task of creating a user interface library module easier. The following
sections describe how to create both a message box class and a Windows Forms
class that you place in a single DLL for use with your IronPython application.
Of course, a production DLL...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 20:52:03 | Python Scientific

Imagine that Python did not already have complex numbers. We could then make a
class for such numbers and support the standard mathematical operations. This
exercise turns out to be a very good pedagogical example of programming with
classes and special methods. The class must contain two attributes the real and
imaginary part of the complex number. In addition, we would like to add,
subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers. We would also like to write out
a complex number in some...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 20:52:03 | IronPython Tutorial

Numeric objects include a number of methods that make working with them easier.
It's important to realize that some of the methods that apply to strings also
apply to numbers. For example, you can access the_format_() method when working
with a number. In addition, you can easily turn a number into a string using
the_str__() method. Some string-oriented methods actually revolve around
numbers, such as the format typing described in Tables 5-3 and 5-4. In short,
don't think that numbers are...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 18:42:58 | Python Programming

Since modules are just .py files they can be created without formality. In this
section we will look at two custom modules. The first module, TextUtil in file
TextUtil.py , contains just three functions is_balanced which returns True if
the string it is passed has balanced parentheses of various kinds, shorten shown
earlier 177 lt , and simplify , a function that can strip spurious whitespace
and other characters from a string. In the coverage of this module we will also
see how to execute the...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 18:42:58 | Python Scientific | 2 comments

The example above was really not much of a differential equation, because the
solution was obtained by straightforward integration. Equations of the form
arise in situations where we can explicitly specify the derivative of the
unknown function u. Usually, the derivative is specified in terms of the
solution itself. Consider, for instance, population growth under idealized
conditions as modeled in Chapter 5.1.4. We introduce the symbol v for the number
of individuals at time t v corresponds to...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:06:03 | Python Programming | 1 comment

Let's just imagine for a moment that this book has inspired you to pursue a
career as a computer professional. It's now six years later, and you are a
well-established software developer. One day, your boss comes to you with an
important new project, and you are supposed to drop everything and get right on
it. It seems that your boss has had a sudden inspiration on how your company can
double its productivity. You've recently hired a number of rather inexperienced
programmers, and debugging...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:06:03 | Python Tutorial

There are five important features which all HTTP clients should support. The
most important thing to understand about any type of web service is that network
access is incredibly expensive. I don't mean dollars and cents expensive
(although bandwidth ain't free). I mean that it takes an extraordinary long time
to open a connection, send a request, and retrieve a response from a remote
server. Even on the fastest broadband connection, latency (the time it takes to
send a request and start...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:06:03 | Python Lua And Ruby

Vj. lor iff- Fytrjri ft* WndhvS fluche h*(i> < ljWt*lMleiiiO' -com Wik
5chXcns,foi Iht jxd Inslf VH-3SI ei 0 I Hav Hjinmond. WJIkjui irfiott J JI (V fa
i) WhOow fl> r ni t. fyhflnfai Wrdort sli be Py hr.n In DOS PjJ iri ZZ 2 h twi
twciis > *i4Mi l. 1 ei F the Finirai butfim Ihis TirtAsim LwiirO. b ilk V- rl
BfcW. Vj. lor iff- Fytrjri ft* WndhvS fluche h*(i> < ljWt*lMleiiiO' -com Wik
5chXcns,foi Iht jxd Inslf VH-3SI ei 0 I Hav Hjinmond. WJIkjui irfiott J JI...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:06:03 | Python for Linux System

Using ssh keys with a simple ssh-based dispatch system was marginally useful,
but hardly extensible or reusable. Let's make a list of problems with our
previous tool, and then a list of requirements to fix those problems. Problems
the list of machines is hardcoded into our script the command we dispatch is
hardcoded into our script we can only run one command at a time we have to run
the same list of commands to all machines, we cannot pick and choose and our
dispatch code blocks waiting for...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:06:03 | Python Object Oriented

Really, as this book is being written, there are three primary implementations
of the Python language CPython, Jython, and IronPython along with a handful of
secondary implementations such as Stackless Python. In brief, CPython is the
standard implementation all the others have very specific purposes and roles.
All implement the same Python language but execute programs in different ways.
The original, and standard, implementation of Python is usually called CPython,
when you want to contrast...


Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:06:03 | Python Modules

Python is a modern programming language developed by Guido van Rossum in the
1990s (and named after a famous comedic troupe). Although Python isn't perfect
for every application, its strengths make it a good choice for many situations.
Programmers familiar with traditional languages will find it easy to learn
Python. All of the familiar constructs such as loops, conditional statements,
arrays, and so forth are included, but many are easier to use in Python. Here
are a few of the reasons why...


Mon, 21 Feb 2022 05:55:38 | wxPython | 5 comments

You can create a multi-line text control using the wx.te_multiline style flag.
If the native widget has support for styles, you can change font and color
styles within the text managed by the control, which is sometimes called rich
text. For other platforms, the calls to set styles are simply ignored. Figure
7.3 displays an example of multi-line text controls. Listing 7.3 contains the
code used to create figure 7.3. Typically, creating a multi-line control is
handled by setting the...


Tue, 15 Feb 2022 12:13:17 | Programming Python

In this and the prior chapters, we've met most of the commonly used system tools
in the Python library. Along the way, we've also learned how to use them to do
useful things like start programs, process directories, and so on. The next two
chapters are something of a continuation of this topic -- they use the tools
we've just met to implement scripts that do useful and more realistic
system-level work, so read on for the rest of this story. Still, there are other
system-related tools in Python...


Tue, 15 Feb 2022 12:13:17 | Python Object Oriented

This fourth edition of this book has changed in three ways. This edition Covers
both Python 3.0 and Python 2.6 it emphasizes 3.0, but notes differences in 2.6
Includes a set of new chapters mainly targeted at advanced core-language topics
Reorganizes some existing material and expands it with new examples for clarity
As I write this edition in 2009, Python comes in two flavors version 3.0 is an
emerging and incompatible mutation of the language, and 2.6 retains backward
compatibility with the...


Tue, 15 Feb 2022 12:12:16 | Python Solutions to

In early 2000, Frank Willison, then Editor-in-Chief of O'Reilly & Associates,
contacted me (David Ascher) to find out if I wanted to write a book. Frank had
been the editor for Learning Python, which I cowrote with Mark Lutz. Since I had
just taken a job at what was then considered a Perl shop (ActiveState), I didn't
have the bandwidth necessary to write another book, and plans for the project
were gently shelved. Periodically, however, Frank would send me an email or chat
with me at a...


Tue, 15 Feb 2022 12:10:22 | Programming Python

Like GUIs, web-based systems are highly interactive, and the best way to get a
feel for some of these examples is to test-drive them live. Before we get into
some code, it's worth noting that all you need to run the examples in the next
few chapters is a web browser. That is, all the Web examples we will see here
can be run from any web browser on any machine, whether you've installed Python
on that machine or not. Simply type this URL at the top m 1 Given that this
edition may not be updated...


Mon, 14 Feb 2022 17:35:54 | Python Reference

Unlike threads, processes do not support shared objects. Although you can create
shared values and arrays as shown in the previous section, this doesn't work for
more advanced Python objects such as dictionaries, lists, or instances of
user-defined classes.The multiprocessing module does, however, provide a way to
work with shared objects if they run under the control of a so-called manager.A
manager is a separate subprocess where the real objects exist and which operates
as a server. Other...


Mon, 14 Feb 2022 06:45:47 | Python Coding Techniques

Like its namesake, the Borg pattern allows a large number of instances to share
a single namespace. In this way, the identity for each object remains distinct,
but its attributes and thus, its behaviors are always the same as all of its
peers. This primarily allows a class to be used in applications where it could
be instantiated several times, with potential modifications made to it each
time. By using the Borg pattern, these changes can be accumulated in a single
namespace, so each instance...


Fri, 11 Feb 2022 10:15:39 | Python Object Oriented

One of the main problems that the pseudoprivate attribute feature is meant to
alleviate has to do with the way instance attributes are stored. In Python, all
instance attributes wind up in the single instance object at the bottom of the
class tree. This is different from the C++ model, where each class gets its own
space for data members it defines. Within a class method in Python, whenever a
method assigns to a self attribute (e.g., self.attr value), it changes or
creates an attribute in the...


Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:51:35 | Python Lua And Ruby | 1 comment

Like most high-level languages, Lua manages memory automatically, so that you
don't have to worry about allocating memory for new objects and freeing it when
the objects are no longer needed. Lua manages memory automatically by running a
garbage collector from time to time to collect any objects that are no longer
accessible to Lua. The garbage collector picks up all of Lua's objects,
including threads, tables, and so on. Although this is not an issue when running
the Lua interpreter, when...


Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:51:35 | Beginning Python

To create an extension module that enables you to encode a raw audio file into
an MP3 could be as simple as creating a simple function that invokes the encode
function you defined in the preceding example defined in clame.c int encode char
, char static PyObject pylame1_encode PyObject self, PyObject args int status
char inpath char o utpath if PyArg_ParseTuple args, ss, npath, amp outpath
return NULL status encode inpath, outpath return Py_BuildValue i, status static


Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:51:35 | Programming Python

One way to describe a language is by listing its features. Of course, this will
be more meaningful after you've seen Python in action the best I can do now is
speak in the abstract. And it's really how Python's features work together, that
make it what it is. But looking at some of Python's attributes may help define
it Table 1-1 lists some of the common reasons cited for Python's appeal.
Simpler, shorter, and more flexible programs Garbage collection avoids
bookkeeping code Fast development...


Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:51:35 | Programming Python

Python's very high-level nature means there's less for us to program and manage.
Lack of compile and link steps isn't really enough to address the development-
cycle bottleneck by itself. For instance, a C or C++ interpreter might provide
fast turnaround but still be almost useless for rapid development the language
is too complex and low-level. But because Python is also a simple language,
coding is dramatically faster too. For example, its dynamic typing, built-in
objects, and garbage...


Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:51:35 | Python Object Oriented

> > > x 'shrubbery' Reclaim 42 now (unless referenced elsewhere) > > > x 3.1415
Reclaim 'shrubbery' now > > > x 1, 2, 3 Reclaim 3.1415 now First, notice that x
is set to a different type of object each time. Again, though this is not really
the case, the effect is as though the type of x is changing over time. Remember,
in Python types live with objects, not names. Because names are just generic
references to objects, this sort of code works naturally. Second, notice that...


Wed, 02 Feb 2022 11:32:13 | wxPython | 1 comment

The wx.Frame class has a multitude of possible style flags. Typically, the
default style is what you want, but there are several useful variations. The
first set of style flags that we'll discuss governs the general shape and size
of the frame. Although not strictly enforced, these flags should be considered
mutually exclusive a given frame should only use one of them. Using a style flag
from this group does not imply the existence of any decorators described in the
other tables in this section...


Tue, 01 Feb 2022 17:40:39 | Jython

Now our address book application has database support. To get that support, and
to keep the application backward-compatible with the flat-file format, we tapped
into the power of Python and polymorphism. Try these exercises Deploy the
address book application in a different datsbase tPay the o ne yo une been
cuina. Add the ability to track a phone conversation that is, take notes while
you're talking and pull up a list of notes for a given address eatyy. To
acsompliah this sou'II need a datab...


Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:30:42 | Python Learning

Amazon lets individuals and booksellers advertise their used copies of books on
their site, and Amazon presents the lowest used price for a book alongside its
own price for a new book. If you look back at that XML search result for James
Joyce, you'll see that A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is available new
from Amazon for 8.10 (OurPrice), but there are also people selling used copies
for as low as 1.95 (UsedPrice). That's a pretty good price, even when you factor
in shipping. Many of...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | IronPython Introduction

One of the primary Windows interfaces for system management is Management
Instrumentation, known affectionately by the acronym WMI. WMI is a management
infrastructure, through which system components provide information about their
state and notification of events. You can use WMI to change configuration,
interrogate the local system or remote computers, and respond to events.
Practical uses for WMI include tasks like inventorying all installed software,
uninstalling programs, creating...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | Python Solutions

This book is framed around the code itself. This is because developers are
typically looking for how to do something and, as with many activities, you
learn how to do something by watching how others do it and trying it yourself.
If you want to know how a for loop works, you'll find for loops in my code, but
that's not the thrust of the book. Instead, this book shows you how to do things
how to build a content management system, how to build a test management system,
how to set up a system for...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | Python Solutions

You can get Plone by going to the Plone website at www.plone.org. The Plone
website (www.plone.org) is itself a great example of the Plone interface. In
addition, it offers numerous documents, training videos, links to great books
(including a free online one), example applications, and more. It's a place
you'll want to spend some time if you implement Plone. 1. In a web browser, go
to www.plone.org. Figure 8-1 shows the Plone home page. Home About Documentation
Products Development Events...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | Python Scientific

Fig. 6.4 Example of what a very simple HTML file looks like in a web browser. <
body bgcolor orange> < h1> A Very Simple HTML Page< h1> < -- headline --> Web
pages are written in a language called < a Ordinary text is written as ordinary
text, but when we need links, headlines, lists, < ul> < li> < em> emphasized
words< em> , or < li> < b> boldface text< b> , < ul> we need to embed the text
inside HTML tags. We can also insert GIF or PNG images,...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | IronPython Introduction

Chiron packages IronPython Silverlight applications as the browser requests
them. This means that you can have a truly dynamic experience developing
Silverlight applications with IronPython. Simply edit the Python file with a
text editor or IDE and refresh the browser, and you immediately see the changes
in front of you. The Silverlight Dynamic Languages SDK is comprised of the DLR
runtime and Iron-Python, IronRuby, and Managed JScript assemblies compiled for
Silverlight, along with the...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | IronPython Tutorial

If you have a CPython extension that you really must use and there isn't an
IronPython alternative, you have a number of solutions you can try. Of course,
the first solution is to get someone else to fix the problem (see the section
Obtaining Third-Party Solutions later in this appendix for details).
Unfortunately, duping someone else into performing your work for you isn't
always possible, so you might have to fix the problem yourself. When you have
the source code for the CPython extension in...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | Python Learning

RSS feeds are composed of documents called channels, which are feeds from a
single web site. Each channel has a title, a link to the originating web site, a
description, and a language. It also contains one or more items, which contain
the actual content of the feed. An item must also have a title, a description,
and a unique link back to the originating web site. RSS 1.0 adds optional
elements for richer content syndication, such as images, and a text input
element for submitting information...


Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:45:45 | Jython Guide

The first step for installing the Netbeans Python development environment is to
download the current release of the Netbeans IDE. At the time of this writing,
Netbeans 6.7.1 is the most recent release, but 6.8 is right around the corner.
You can find the IDE download by going to the web site www.netbeans.org and
clicking on the download link. Once you do so, you'll be presented with plenty
of different download options. These are variations of the IDE that are focused
on providing different...


Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:45:10 | Python Modules

You have two built-in options for obtaining interactive access to the Python
interpreter the original basic (command-line) mode and IDLE. IDLE is available
on many platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux, but it may not be
available on others. You may need to do more work and install additional
software packages to get IDLE running, but it will be worth it because it's a
large step up from the basic interactive mode. On the other hand, even if you
normally use IDLE, at times you'll likely...


Wed, 26 Jan 2022 02:33:55 | Python Language | 3 comments

NLTK includes a small selection of texts from the Project Gutenberg electronic
text archive, which contains some 25,000 free electronic books, hosted at http
www.gu tenberg.org . We begin by getting the Python interpreter to load the NLTK
package, then ask to see nltk.corpus.gutenberg.fileids , the file identifiers in
this corpus gt gt gt import nltk gt gt gt nltk.corpus.gutenberg.fileids
'austen-emma.txt', 'austen-persuasion.txt', 'austen-sense.txt', 'bible-kjv.txt',


Mon, 24 Jan 2022 21:58:39 | PyQt Programming

A composite widget is a widget that is composed of two or more other widgets. We
are already experienced composite widget creators For example, every dialog we
have created is a composite widget. We are dedicating some space to a topic we
have already covered because unlike the dialogs we created earlier which were
QDialog subclasses , we want to create composite widgets that are not dialogs,
and that instead can be used inside dialogs or as a main window's central widget
. The kind of...


Sat, 15 Jan 2022 15:49:38 | Mobile Python | 2 comments

You download the PyS60 Interpreter installation files from http source forge.net
projects pys60. You must download the correct version for 2nd or 3rd Edition of
S60 . If you are not sure which one you need, check Table D.1 to find your phone
model. You will also find a device overview at http forum.nokia.com. Here are
the steps to take to use the emulator 1. Download and install the correct S60
Developer Platform Software Development Kit SDK which includes the emulator. The
SDK can be found at...


Fri, 14 Jan 2022 11:23:15 | PyQt Programming

Back in Chapter 6, we had a MainWindow.filePrint method for printing an image,
but we did not look at its implementation at that point because we had not
covered QPainter. Now that we have seen QPainter in Chapter 11, and have Print-
seen a generic print image function, we can look at the implementation of the
ing filePrint method used by the Image Changer application. The source code
sWebar is in chap06 imagechanger.pyw. self.printer QPrinter
QPrinter.HighResolution form QPrintDialog...


Thu, 13 Jan 2022 10:34:18 | Python Object Oriented | 1 comment

The last example embedded a quote inside a string by preceding it with a
backslash. This is representative of a general pattern in strings backslashes
are used to introduce special byte codings known as escape sequences. Escape
sequences let us embed byte codes in strings that cannot easily be typed on a
keyboard. The character , and one or more characters following it in the string
literal, are replaced with a single character in the resulting string object,
which has the binary value...


Tue, 11 Jan 2022 19:01:21 | wxPython | 1 comment

A wxPython grid control allows you to edit cell values in place. For the grid as
a whole, editing is on by default. Clicking on a selected cell, or beginning to
type a new data value, opens a default string editor that lets you enter a
different string. In this section, we'll discuss a number of ways to modify this
default behavior. You can shut off the editing for the entire grid with the
method Enable-Editing enable the enable parameter is a Boolean. If it is False,
no cell in the grid can be...


Tue, 11 Jan 2022 15:17:26 | Python Object Oriented

xxxi Is Python a Scripting Language 5 Numeric and Scientific Programming 11
Gaming, Images, Serial Ports, XML, Robots, and More 12 What Are Python's
Technical Strengths 13 It's Named After Monty Python 17 How Does Python Stack Up
to Language X 17 Test Your Knowledge Answers 19 Introducing the Python
Interpreter 23 Python Implementation Alternatives 29 Execution Optimization
Tools 30 Test Your Knowledge Answers 34 3. How You Run Using the Interactive
Prompt 39 System Command Lines and Files 41...


Tue, 11 Jan 2022 11:41:04 | Pygame Game Development

Moving in eight directions is a little artificial in that you don't see many
things moving like this in real life. Most mobile things can rotate freely, but
move in the direction they are pointing, or perhaps backward but definitely in
more than eight compass directions. We can still use the same Up, Down, Left,
and Right keys to simulate this, but we have to change what the keys control.
What we want to do is have keys for left and right that control rotation and
keys for forward and back...


Mon, 10 Jan 2022 10:09:00 | Pygame Game Development

It is also possible to multiply (or divide) a vector by a scalar (a number),
which has the effect of changing the length of the vector. Simply multiply or
divide each component by the scalar value. Listing 5-13 adds two methods to our
Vector2 class to implement multiply and divide capabilities. Listing 5-13.
Vector Multiplication and Division return Vector2(self.x * scalar, self.y *
scalar) return Vector2(self.x scalar, self.y scalar) If you multiply any vector
by 2.0, it will double in size if...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:36 | PyQt Programming | 14 comments

The predefined graphics items can be made movable, selectable, and focusable by
calling setFlags on them with suitable constants. Users can drag movable items
with the mouse, and they can select selectable items by clicking them, and by
using Ctrl Click to select multiple items. Focusable items will receive key
events, but will ignore them unless we create an item subclass with a key event
handler. Similarly, we can make items responsive to mouse events by subclassing
and implementing...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:36 | PyQt Programming

Page size, printer, 400 Page Designer application, 351-368 pageRect QPrinter ,
408 paint devices see QImage, QPainter, QPicture, QPixmap, QPrinter,
QSvgGenerator, and QWidget paint 461, 486, 489 QGraphicsItem, 366, 368, 374, 377
paintEvent QWidget , 306, 309, 336, 342,480 palette see QPalette palette
QApplication, 438, 489 QWidget, 337 parameters, 55, 56 default, 56 keyword, 55,
59-61 passing by value, 57 positional, 55 parent QObject , 433, 504 parent, of
widget, 118,119,172,340, 372...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:36 | PyQt Programming | 1 comment

Every GUI library provides the details of events that take place, such as mouse
clicks and key presses. For example, if we have a button with the text Click Me,
and the user clicks it, all kinds of information becomes available. The GUI
library can tell us the coordinates of the mouse click relative to the button,
relative to the button's parent widget, and relative to the screen it can tell
us the state of the Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and NumLock keys at the time of the click
and the precise time of...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:36 | PyQt Programming | 3 comments

MDI offers many benefits compared with SDI or with running multiple application
instances. MDI applications are less resource-hungry, and they make it much
easier to offer the user the ability to lay out their document windows in
relation to each other. One drawback, however, is that you cannot switch between
MDI windows using Alt Tab Command Tab on Mac OS X , although this is rarely a
problem in practice since for MDI applications, programmers invariably implement
a Window menu for navigating...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:36 | PyQt Programming

As we will see when we begin GUI programming, we sometimes have situations where
we need to call a particular function, but we actually know what one of the
parameters will be when we are writing the code. For example, we might have
several buttons that all need to invoke the same function, but parameterized in
some way by which particular button is the cause of the invocation. In the
simplest case we want to store a function i.e., an object reference to a
function that we can then call later....


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:36 | PyQt Programming

Part I is primarily a rapid conversion course aimed at non-Python programmers
who are familiar with an object-oriented language, although it also has some
clearly marked PyQt content. Because the core Python language is mostly simple
and is quite small, these chapters can teach the basics of Python to a
sufficient extent that real Python applications can be written. If you think
that you can pick up the Python syntax simply through reading it, you might


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:36 | Programming Python

There is a proverb in hackerdom that states that every useful computer program
eventually grows complex enough to send email. Whether such somewhat ancient
wisdom rings true or not in practice, the ability to automatically initiate
email from within a program is a powerful tool. For instance, test systems can
automatically email failure reports, user interface programs can ship purchase
orders to suppliers by email, and so on. Moreover, a portable Python mail script
could be used to send...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:35 | Python Language | 1 comment

A slightly richer kind of lexical resource is a table or spreadsheet ,
containing a word plus some properties in each row. NLTK includes the CMU
Pronouncing Dictionary for U.S. English, which was designed for use by speech
synthesizers. gt gt gt entries nltk.corpus.cmudict.entries gt gt gt for entry in
entries 39943 39951 print entry 'fir', 'F', 'ER1' 'fire', 'F', 'AY1', 'ER0'
'fire', 'F', 'AY1', 'R' 'firearm', 'F', 'AY1', 'ER0', 'AA2', 'R', 'M' 'firearm',
'F', 'AY1', 'R', 'AA2', 'R', 'M'...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:35 | Python Language | 1 comment

Several of the corpora included with NLTK have been tagged for their
part-of-speech. Here's an example of what you might see if you opened a file
from the Brown Corpus with a text editor The at Fulton np-tl County nn-tl Grand
jj-tl Jury nn-tl said vbd Friday nr an at inves-tigation nn of in Atlanta's np
recent jj primary nn election nn produced vbd no at evidence nn '' '' that cs
any dti irregularities nns took vbd place nn . . Other corpora use a variety of
formats for storing part-of-speech...


Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:08:35 | Python Language Overview

While it is all very well and good to display simple HTML text in a Python
script, there is obviously nothing very exciting about static text. The purpose
of using Python in a Web script is to generate dynamic data. In this example,
you are going to output, for the user, the current environment variable settings
on the system. Note that these settings will be for the machine running the
scripts, not the user's machine containing the browser. For testing purposes,
this is usually the same...

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