Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On May 14 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: processPOST

<form name="process" id="ProcessForm" action="" method="post" data-has-recurring-option="true" class="js-donation-form--recurring has-validation-callback" data-donation-total="0"
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              <span class="field-required"><span class="form__required">*</span></span> <span class="aural-only">Field Is Required</span>
              <h2 class="section-header-container heading--gift-type">2. Choose your gift amount</h2>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$15.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded2083" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$15</div>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$25.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded2082" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$25</div>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$35.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded5642" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$35</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> recurring </div>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$50.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded2085" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$50</div>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$75.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded2084" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$75</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> recurring </div>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$100.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded2081" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$100</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> recurring </div>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$50.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded3337" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$50</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> one-time </div>
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$100.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded3338" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$100</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> one-time </div>
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                <div class="donation-level-container js-donation-level__one-time js-hidden">
                  <div class="form-content">
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                      <div class="donation-level-label-input-container">
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$150.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded5641" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$150</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> one-time </div>
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                      <div class="donation-level-label-input-container">
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updateDonorCoverAmount('$300.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded3339" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$300</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> one-time </div>
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                <div class="donation-level-container js-donation-level__one-time js-hidden">
                  <div class="form-content">
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                      <div class="donation-level-label-input-container">
                        <input type="radio" name="level_standardexpanded" id="level_standardexpanded3340" value="3340" onclick="evalMatchingGift('$500.00');
updateDonorCoverAmount('$500.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded3340" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$500</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> one-time </div>
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                <div class="donation-level-container js-donation-level__one-time js-hidden">
                  <div class="form-content">
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                      <div class="donation-level-label-input-container">
                        <input type="radio" name="level_standardexpanded" id="level_standardexpanded3341" value="3341" onclick="evalMatchingGift('$1,000.00');
updateDonorCoverAmount('$1,000.00');" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required" data-validation-depending-value="2086">
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded3341" onclick="">
                        <div class="donation-level-amount-container">$1,000</div>
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> one-time </div>
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                <div class="donation-level-container donation-level-container--other">
                  <div class="form-content">
                    <div class="donation-level-input-container form-input">
                      <div class="donation-level-label-input-container">
                        <input type="radio" name="level_standardexpanded" id="level_standardexpanded2086" value="2086" onclick="evalMatchingGift(document.getElementById('level_standardexpanded2086amount').value);
updateDonorCoverAmount(document.getElementById('level_standardexpanded2086amount').value);" class="other" required="required" data-validation-error-msg="Please choose your gift amount." data-validation="required required"
                      <label for="level_standardexpanded2086" onclick="" class="other">
                        <div class="donation-level-label-container"> Other </div>
                      <div class="donation-level-user-entered"><label for="level_standardexpanded2086amount" class="other"><span class="aural-only">Enter amount</span></label><input type="number" name="level_standardexpanded2086amount"
                          id="level_standardexpanded2086amount" value="" size="12" maxlength="50"
                          onfocus="var el = document.getElementById ('level_standardexpanded2086');if (el); fire_obs_comp_event('level_standardexpanded2086amount', this, event);evalMatchingGift(value); "
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                          onblur="fire_obs_comp_event('level_standardexpanded2086amount', this);updateDonorCoverAmount(value);" data-validation-allowing="range[10;999999.99],float" min="10" max="999999.99"
                          data-validation-error-msg="Gift minimum is $10." required="required" data-validation="custom number required number custom length required number custom length" pattern="^(\d{0,6}(\.\d{0,2})?)$"
                          data-validation-depends-on="level_standardexpanded" data-validation-depends-on-value="2086" data-validation-regexp="^(\d{0,6}(\.\d{0,2})?)$" data-validation-length="max50"></div>
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            <script type="text/javascript">
              Y.use("jquery-ui", function(Y) {
                jQuery(function() {
                  // subscribe observables
                  jQuery('div.donation-level-element-container').find('input[type="radio"]').each(function() {
                    var syncAction = function(obj) {
                      if (':checked')) {
                      } else {
                      return arguments.callee;
                    jQuery(this).click(function() {
            </script><noscript> </noscript>
          <div class="levels-gift-aid">
          <input type="hidden" name="level_standardsubmit" id="level_standardsubmit" value="true">
          <script type="text/javascript">
            function updateDonorCoverAmount(gift) {
              if (typeof updateAmount !== "undefined") {

            function evalMatchingGift(gift) {}
          </script><noscript> </noscript>
        </div><input type="hidden" name="billing_addr_countrycode" id="billing_addr_countrycode" value=""><input type="hidden" name="payment_method_nonce" id="payment_method_nonce" value="">
        <div class="donation-level-container-generic-repeat form-input form-row" style="display: none;">
          <div class="form-content">
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              <span class="input__wrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="level_standardauto_repeatname" id="level_standardauto_repeatname" onclick="fire_obs_comp_event('level_standardauto_repeat', this);"
                  onkeypress="fire_obs_comp_event('level_standardauto_repeat', this);" class="js-hidden"><span class="checkbox"></span></span>
              <label for="level_standardauto_repeatname"> Monthly </label>
            <input type="hidden" name="level_standardauto_repeatsubmit" id="level_standardauto_repeatsubmit" value="true">
        <script type="text/javascript">
          // subscribe listeners to make an ajax call to the server to calculate the total amount
          Y.use('jquery-noconflict', function() {
            var fetchAmountFunc = function() {
              // find all the select, textarea, input, etc... and format them into key=val pairs.
              var params = jQuery('#level_standard_row :input').serialize();
              // parse the path and append the key/value pairs above to the url
              var url = '';
              var index = url.indexOf("?");
              var path = url.substring(0, index);
              var args = url.substring(index + 1, url.length);
              args += '&' + params;
              var recurringGiftTermsContainer = jQuery('#recurring_gift_terms_acceptance_message_container');
              if (recurringGiftTermsContainer && recurringGiftTermsContainer.length > 0) {
                jQuery.ajax(path, {
                  data: args,
                  success: function(data) {
            jQuery('#level_standard_row :input[type=text]').blur(function() {
            jQuery('#level_standard_row input:checkbox, #level_standard_row input:radio').click(function() {
            jQuery('#level_standard_row select').change(function() {
            // call it on page load
        </script><noscript> </noscript>
      <h2 class="section-header-container heading--billing"> 3. Enter your billing information </h2>
      <div id="donor_email_address_row" class="form-row form-text form__row">
        <div class="form-content">
          <span class="field-required"></span>
          <label for="donor_email_addressname"><span class="form__required">*</span>Email Address</label>
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            data-validation-depends-on-value="credit,googlepay,paypal,venmo" data-validation="required email length required email length" data-validation-length="max255">
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          <script type="text/javascript">
            var comp = new ObservableComponent('donor_email_address', 'name');
            comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
              var _display = _hidden ? 'none' : '';
              set_display('donor_email_address_row', _display);
          </script><noscript> </noscript>
      <div class="form-row form-checkbox form__row" id="donor_email_opt_in_Row">
        <div class="form-content">
          <span class="check-box-form-label-text"></span>
          <input type="hidden" name="donor_email_opt_inname" id="donor_email_opt_inname" value="implicit">
          <span class="auto-opt-in-warning-message">If you donate and have not already registered, you will receive periodic updates and communications from Save the Children.</span>
          <script type="text/javascript">
            var comp = new ObservableComponent('donor_email_opt_in', 'name');
            comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
              var _display = _hidden ? 'none' : '';
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            comp.set = function(_value) {
              if (document.getElementById('donor_email_opt_inname')) {
                document.getElementById('donor_email_opt_inname').checked = _value;
            comp.get = function() {
              if (document.getElementById('donor_email_opt_inname')) return document.getElementById('donor_email_opt_inname').checked;
            comp.clear = function() {
          </script><noscript> </noscript>
          <input type="hidden" name="donor_email_opt_insubmit" id="donor_email_opt_insubmit" value="true">
      <div class="form__row--columns">
        <div id="billing_title_row" class="form-row form-selectlist form__column">
          <div class="form-content">
            <label class="FormLabel" for="billing_title">Title</label>
            <select name="billing_title" id="billing_title" size="1">
              <option value="Mr.">Mr.</option>
              <option value="Ms.">Ms.</option>
              <option value="Mrs.">Mrs.</option>
              <option value="Miss">Miss</option>
              <option value="Dr.">Dr.</option>
            <script type="text/javascript">
              var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_title', '');
              comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
                var _display = _hidden ? 'none' : '';
                set_display('billing_title_Row', _display);
            <input type="hidden" name="billing_titlesubmit" id="billing_titlesubmit" value="true">
            <script type="text/javascript">
              var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_title', '');
              comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
                var _display = _hidden ? 'none' : '';
                set_display('billing_title_row', _display);

              function billing_title_listChanged(_evt) {
                var e = _evt ? _evt : event; // IE vs. Mozilla event model
                if (e) {
                  var src = ? : e.srcElement; // IE vs. Mozilla event model
                  fire_obs_comp_event('billing_title', src);
              var el = document.getElementById('billing_title');
              if (el) {
                Utils.addEvent(el, 'change', billing_title_listChanged);
            </script><noscript> </noscript>
        <div id="billing_first_name_row" class="form-row form-text form__column">
          <div class="form-content">
            <span class="field-required"></span>
            <label for="billing_first_namename"><span class="form__required">*</span>First Name</label>
            <input type="text" name="billing_first_namename" id="billing_first_namename" value="" maxlength="50" pattern="[a-zA-Z \-]{2,}" required="required" data-validation-depends-on="responsive_payment_typepay_typeradio"
              data-validation-depends-on-value="credit,googlepay,paypal,venmo" data-validation="required custom length required custom length" data-validation-regexp="[a-zA-Z \-]{2,}" data-validation-length="max50">
            <input type="hidden" name="billing_first_namesubmit" id="billing_first_namesubmit" value="true">
            <script type="text/javascript">
              var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_first_name', 'name');
              comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
                var _display = _hidden ? 'none' : '';
                set_display('billing_first_name_row', _display);
            </script><noscript> </noscript>
      <div id="billing_last_name_row" class="form-row form-text form__row">
        <div class="form-content">
          <span class="field-required"></span>
          <label for="billing_last_namename"><span class="form__required">*</span>Last Name</label>
          <input type="text" name="billing_last_namename" id="billing_last_namename" value="" maxlength="50" pattern="[a-zA-Z \-]{2,}" required="required" data-validation-depends-on="responsive_payment_typepay_typeradio"
            data-validation-depends-on-value="credit,googlepay,paypal,venmo" data-validation="required custom length required custom length" data-validation-regexp="[a-zA-Z \-]{2,}" data-validation-length="max50">
          <input type="hidden" name="billing_last_namesubmit" id="billing_last_namesubmit" value="true">
          <script type="text/javascript">
            var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_last_name', 'name');
            comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
              var _display = _hidden ? 'none' : '';
              set_display('billing_last_name_row', _display);
          </script><noscript> </noscript>
      <div id="billing_addr_country_row" class="form-row form-selectlist form__row">
        <div class="form-content">
          <span class="field-required"></span>
          <label class="FormLabel" for="billing_addr_country"><span class="form__required">*</span>Country</label>
          <select name="billing_addr_country" id="billing_addr_country" size="1" onchange="fire_obs_comp_event('billing_addr_country', this)" required="required" data-validation-depends-on="responsive_payment_typepay_typeradio"
            data-validation-depends-on-value="credit,paypal" data-validation="required required">
            <option selected="selected" value="United States">United States</option>
            <option value="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</option>
            <option value="Aland Islands">Aland Islands</option>
            <option value="Albania">Albania</option>
            <option value="Algeria">Algeria</option>
            <option value="American Samoa">American Samoa</option>
            <option value="Andorra">Andorra</option>
            <option value="Angola">Angola</option>
            <option value="Anguilla">Anguilla</option>
            <option value="Antarctica">Antarctica</option>
            <option value="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
            <option value="Argentina">Argentina</option>
            <option value="Armenia">Armenia</option>
            <option value="Aruba">Aruba</option>
            <option value="Australia">Australia</option>
            <option value="Austria">Austria</option>
            <option value="Azerbaijan">Azerbaijan</option>
            <option value="Bahamas">Bahamas</option>
            <option value="Bahrain">Bahrain</option>
            <option value="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</option>
            <option value="Barbados">Barbados</option>
            <option value="Belarus">Belarus</option>
            <option value="Belgium">Belgium</option>
            <option value="Belize">Belize</option>
            <option value="Benin">Benin</option>
            <option value="Bermuda">Bermuda</option>
            <option value="Bhutan">Bhutan</option>
            <option value="Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela">Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela</option>
            <option value="Bonaire, Sint Eustatios and Saba">Bonaire, Sint Eustatios and Saba</option>
            <option value="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
            <option value="Botswana">Botswana</option>
            <option value="Bouvet Island">Bouvet Island</option>
            <option value="Brazil">Brazil</option>
            <option value="British Indian Ocean Territory">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
            <option value="Brunei Darussalam">Brunei Darussalam</option>
            <option value="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</option>
            <option value="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</option>
            <option value="Burundi">Burundi</option>
            <option value="Cambodia">Cambodia</option>
            <option value="Cameroon">Cameroon</option>
            <option value="Canada">Canada</option>
            <option value="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</option>
            <option value="Cayman Islands">Cayman Islands</option>
            <option value="Central African Republic">Central African Republic</option>
            <option value="Chad">Chad</option>
            <option value="Chile">Chile</option>
            <option value="China">China</option>
            <option value="Christmas Island">Christmas Island</option>
            <option value="Cocos (Keeling) Islands">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
            <option value="Colombia">Colombia</option>
            <option value="Comoros">Comoros</option>
            <option value="Congo">Congo</option>
            <option value="Cook Islands">Cook Islands</option>
            <option value="Costa Rica">Costa Rica</option>
            <option value="Cote D'Ivoire">Cote D'Ivoire</option>
            <option value="Croatia">Croatia</option>
            <option value="Cuba">Cuba</option>
            <option value="Curacao">Curacao</option>
            <option value="Cyprus">Cyprus</option>
            <option value="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</option>
            <option value="Democratic People's Republic of Korea">Democratic People's Republic of Korea</option>
            <option value="The Democratic Republic of the Congo">The Democratic Republic of the Congo</option>
            <option value="Denmark">Denmark</option>
            <option value="Djibouti">Djibouti</option>
            <option value="Dominica">Dominica</option>
            <option value="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</option>
            <option value="Ecuador">Ecuador</option>
            <option value="Egypt">Egypt</option>
            <option value="El Salvador">El Salvador</option>
            <option value="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea</option>
            <option value="Eritrea">Eritrea</option>
            <option value="Estonia">Estonia</option>
            <option value="Ethiopia">Ethiopia</option>
            <option value="Falkland Islands (Malvinas)">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
            <option value="Faroe Islands">Faroe Islands</option>
            <option value="Federated States of Micronesia">Federated States of Micronesia</option>
            <option value="Fiji">Fiji</option>
            <option value="Finland">Finland</option>
            <option value="The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia">The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia</option>
            <option value="France">France</option>
            <option value="French Guiana">French Guiana</option>
            <option value="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</option>
            <option value="French Southern Territories">French Southern Territories</option>
            <option value="Gabon">Gabon</option>
            <option value="Gambia">Gambia</option>
            <option value="Georgia">Georgia</option>
            <option value="Germany">Germany</option>
            <option value="Ghana">Ghana</option>
            <option value="Gibraltar">Gibraltar</option>
            <option value="Greece">Greece</option>
            <option value="Greenland">Greenland</option>
            <option value="Grenada">Grenada</option>
            <option value="Guadeloupe">Guadeloupe</option>
            <option value="Guam">Guam</option>
            <option value="Guatemala">Guatemala</option>
            <option value="Guernsey">Guernsey</option>
            <option value="Guinea">Guinea</option>
            <option value="Guinea-Bissau">Guinea-Bissau</option>
            <option value="Guyana">Guyana</option>
            <option value="Haiti">Haiti</option>
            <option value="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
            <option value="Holy See (Vatican City State)">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
            <option value="Honduras">Honduras</option>
            <option value="Hong Kong">Hong Kong</option>
            <option value="Hungary">Hungary</option>
            <option value="Iceland">Iceland</option>
            <option value="India">India</option>
            <option value="Indonesia">Indonesia</option>
            <option value="Iraq">Iraq</option>
            <option value="Ireland">Ireland</option>
            <option value="Islamic Republic of Iran">Islamic Republic of Iran</option>
            <option value="Isle of Man">Isle of Man</option>
            <option value="Israel">Israel</option>
            <option value="Italy">Italy</option>
            <option value="Jamaica">Jamaica</option>
            <option value="Japan">Japan</option>
            <option value="Jersey">Jersey</option>
            <option value="Jordan">Jordan</option>
            <option value="Kazakhstan">Kazakhstan</option>
            <option value="Kenya">Kenya</option>
            <option value="Kiribati">Kiribati</option>
            <option value="Kuwait">Kuwait</option>
            <option value="Kyrgyzstan">Kyrgyzstan</option>
            <option value="Lao People's Democratic Republic">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
            <option value="Latvia">Latvia</option>
            <option value="Lebanon">Lebanon</option>
            <option value="Lesotho">Lesotho</option>
            <option value="Liberia">Liberia</option>
            <option value="Libya">Libya</option>
            <option value="Liechtenstein">Liechtenstein</option>
            <option value="Lithuania">Lithuania</option>
            <option value="Luxembourg">Luxembourg</option>
            <option value="Macao">Macao</option>
            <option value="Madagascar">Madagascar</option>
            <option value="Malawi">Malawi</option>
            <option value="Malaysia">Malaysia</option>
            <option value="Maldives">Maldives</option>
            <option value="Mali">Mali</option>
            <option value="Malta">Malta</option>
            <option value="Marshall Islands">Marshall Islands</option>
            <option value="Martinique">Martinique</option>
            <option value="Mauritania">Mauritania</option>
            <option value="Mauritius">Mauritius</option>
            <option value="Mayotte">Mayotte</option>
            <option value="Mexico">Mexico</option>
            <option value="Monaco">Monaco</option>
            <option value="Mongolia">Mongolia</option>
            <option value="Montenegro">Montenegro</option>
            <option value="Montserrat">Montserrat</option>
            <option value="Morocco">Morocco</option>
            <option value="Mozambique">Mozambique</option>
            <option value="Myanmar">Myanmar</option>
            <option value="Namibia">Namibia</option>
            <option value="Nauru">Nauru</option>
            <option value="Nepal">Nepal</option>
            <option value="Netherlands">Netherlands</option>
            <option value="New Caledonia">New Caledonia</option>
            <option value="New Zealand">New Zealand</option>
            <option value="Nicaragua">Nicaragua</option>
            <option value="Niger">Niger</option>
            <option value="Nigeria">Nigeria</option>
            <option value="Niue">Niue</option>
            <option value="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</option>
            <option value="Northern Mariana Islands">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
            <option value="Norway">Norway</option>
            <option value="Oman">Oman</option>
            <option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option>
            <option value="Palau">Palau</option>
            <option value="Palestinian Territory, Occupied">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
            <option value="Panama">Panama</option>
            <option value="Papua New Guinea">Papua New Guinea</option>
            <option value="Paraguay">Paraguay</option>
            <option value="Peru">Peru</option>
            <option value="Philippines">Philippines</option>
            <option value="Pitcairn">Pitcairn</option>
            <option value="Plurinational State of Bolivia">Plurinational State of Bolivia</option>
            <option value="Poland">Poland</option>
            <option value="Portugal">Portugal</option>
            <option value="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</option>
            <option value="Qatar">Qatar</option>
            <option value="Republic of Korea">Republic of Korea</option>
            <option value="Republic of Moldova">Republic of Moldova</option>
            <option value="Reunion">Reunion</option>
            <option value="Romania">Romania</option>
            <option value="Russian Federation">Russian Federation</option>
            <option value="Rwanda">Rwanda</option>
            <option value="Saint Barthelemy">Saint Barthelemy</option>
            <option value="Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha">Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha</option>
            <option value="Saint Kitts and Nevis">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
            <option value="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</option>
            <option value="Saint Martin (French)">Saint Martin (French)</option>
            <option value="Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
            <option value="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
            <option value="Samoa">Samoa</option>
            <option value="San Marino">San Marino</option>
            <option value="Sao Tome and Principe">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
            <option value="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</option>
            <option value="Senegal">Senegal</option>
            <option value="Serbia">Serbia</option>
            <option value="Seychelles">Seychelles</option>
            <option value="S. Georgia &amp; S. Sandwich Isls.">S. Georgia &amp; S. Sandwich Isls.</option>
            <option value="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone</option>
            <option value="Singapore">Singapore</option>
            <option value="Sint Maarten (Dutch)">Sint Maarten (Dutch)</option>
            <option value="Slovakia">Slovakia</option>
            <option value="Slovenia">Slovenia</option>
            <option value="Solomon Islands">Solomon Islands</option>
            <option value="Somalia">Somalia</option>
            <option value="South Africa">South Africa</option>
            <option value="South Sudan">South Sudan</option>
            <option value="Spain">Spain</option>
            <option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option>
            <option value="Sudan">Sudan</option>
            <option value="Suriname">Suriname</option>
            <option value="Svalbard and Jan Mayen">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
            <option value="Swaziland">Swaziland</option>
            <option value="Sweden">Sweden</option>
            <option value="Switzerland">Switzerland</option>
            <option value="Syrian Arab Republic">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
            <option value="Taiwan, Province of China">Taiwan, Province of China</option>
            <option value="Tajikistan">Tajikistan</option>
            <option value="Thailand">Thailand</option>
            <option value="Timor-Leste">Timor-Leste</option>
            <option value="Togo">Togo</option>
            <option value="Tokelau">Tokelau</option>
            <option value="Tonga">Tonga</option>
            <option value="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
            <option value="Tunisia">Tunisia</option>
            <option value="Turkey">Turkey</option>
            <option value="Turkmenistan">Turkmenistan</option>
            <option value="Turks and Caicos Islands">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
            <option value="Tuvalu">Tuvalu</option>
            <option value="Uganda">Uganda</option>
            <option value="Ukraine">Ukraine</option>
            <option value="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</option>
            <option value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</option>
            <option value="United Republic of Tanzania">United Republic of Tanzania</option>
            <option value="Uruguay">Uruguay</option>
            <option value="USA Minor Outlying Islands">USA Minor Outlying Islands</option>
            <option value="Uzbekistan">Uzbekistan</option>
            <option value="Vanuatu">Vanuatu</option>
            <option value="Viet Nam">Viet Nam</option>
            <option value="Virgin Islands (British)">Virgin Islands (British)</option>
            <option value="Virgin Islands (USA)">Virgin Islands (USA)</option>
            <option value="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis and Futuna</option>
            <option value="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</option>
            <option value="Yemen">Yemen</option>
            <option value="Zambia">Zambia</option>
            <option value="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</option>
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          </script><noscript> </noscript>
      <div id="billing_addr_street1_row" class="form-row form-text form__row">
        <div class="form-content">
          <span class="field-required"></span>
          <label for="billing_addr_street1name"><span class="form__required">*</span>Address Line 1</label>
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      <div id="billing_addr_city_row" class="form-row form-text form__row">
        <div class="form-content">
          <span class="field-required"></span>
          <label for="billing_addr_cityname"><span class="form__required">*</span>City</label>
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            data-validation="required length required length" data-validation-length="max50">
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            var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_addr_city', 'name');
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      <div class="form__row--columns">
        <div id="billing_addr_state_row" class="form-row form-selectlist form__column">
          <div class="form-content">
            <span class="field-required"></span>
            <label class="FormLabel" for="billing_addr_state"><span class="form__required">*</span>State / Province</label>
            <select name="billing_addr_state" id="billing_addr_state" size="1" onchange="fire_obs_comp_event('billing_addr_state', this)" initial-value="" required="required" data-validation-depends-on="responsive_payment_typepay_typeradio"
              data-validation-depends-on-value="credit,paypal" data-validation="required required">
              <optgroup label="United States">
                <option value="AK">AK - Alaska</option>
                <option value="AL">AL - Alabama</option>
                <option value="AR">AR - Arkansas</option>
                <option value="AZ">AZ - Arizona</option>
                <option value="CA">CA - California</option>
                <option value="CO">CO - Colorado</option>
                <option value="CT">CT - Connecticut</option>
                <option value="DC">DC - District of Columbia</option>
                <option value="DE">DE - Delaware</option>
                <option value="FL">FL - Florida</option>
                <option value="GA">GA - Georgia</option>
                <option value="HI">HI - Hawaii</option>
                <option value="IA">IA - Iowa</option>
                <option value="ID">ID - Idaho</option>
                <option value="IL">IL - Illinois</option>
                <option value="IN">IN - Indiana</option>
                <option value="KS">KS - Kansas</option>
                <option value="KY">KY - Kentucky</option>
                <option value="LA">LA - Louisiana</option>
                <option value="MA">MA - Massachusetts</option>
                <option value="MD">MD - Maryland</option>
                <option value="ME">ME - Maine</option>
                <option value="MI">MI - Michigan</option>
                <option value="MN">MN - Minnesota</option>
                <option value="MO">MO - Missouri</option>
                <option value="MS">MS - Mississippi</option>
                <option value="MT">MT - Montana</option>
                <option value="NC">NC - North Carolina</option>
                <option value="ND">ND - North Dakota</option>
                <option value="NE">NE - Nebraska</option>
                <option value="NH">NH - New Hampshire</option>
                <option value="NJ">NJ - New Jersey</option>
                <option value="NM">NM - New Mexico</option>
                <option value="NV">NV - Nevada</option>
                <option value="NY">NY - New York</option>
                <option value="OH">OH - Ohio</option>
                <option value="OK">OK - Oklahoma</option>
                <option value="OR">OR - Oregon</option>
                <option value="PA">PA - Pennsylvania</option>
                <option value="RI">RI - Rhode Island</option>
                <option value="SC">SC - South Carolina</option>
                <option value="SD">SD - South Dakota</option>
                <option value="TN">TN - Tennessee</option>
                <option value="TX">TX - Texas</option>
                <option value="UT">UT - Utah</option>
                <option value="VA">VA - Virginia</option>
                <option value="VT">VT - Vermont</option>
                <option value="WA">WA - Washington</option>
                <option value="WI">WI - Wisconsin</option>
                <option value="WV">WV - West Virginia</option>
                <option value="WY">WY - Wyoming</option>
              <optgroup label="US Territories">
                <option value="AS">AS - American Samoa</option>
                <option value="FM">FM - Federated States of Micronesia</option>
                <option value="GU">GU - Guam</option>
                <option value="MH">MH - Marshall Islands</option>
                <option value="MP">MP - Northern Mariana Islands</option>
                <option value="PR">PR - Puerto Rico</option>
                <option value="PW">PW - Palau</option>
                <option value="VI">VI - Virgin Islands</option>
              <optgroup label="US Military">
                <option value="AA">AA - Armed Forces Americas</option>
                <option value="AE">AE - Armed Forces</option>
                <option value="AP">AP - Armed Forces Pacific</option>
              <optgroup label="Canada">
                <option value="AB">AB - Alberta</option>
                <option value="BC">BC - British Columbia</option>
                <option value="MB">MB - Manitoba</option>
                <option value="NB">NB - New Brunswick</option>
                <option value="NL">NL - Newfoundland and Labrador</option>
                <option value="NS">NS - Nova Scotia</option>
                <option value="NT">NT - Northwest Territories</option>
                <option value="NU">NU - Nunavut</option>
                <option value="ON">ON - Ontario</option>
                <option value="PE">PE - Prince Edward Island</option>
                <option value="QC">QC - Quebec</option>
                <option value="SK">SK - Saskatchewan</option>
                <option value="YT">YT - Yukon</option>
              <optgroup label="Other Countries">
                <option value="None">None</option>
            <script type="text/javascript">
              var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_addr_state', '');
              comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
                var _display = _hidden ? 'none' : '';
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            <script type="text/javascript">
              var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_addr_state', '');
              comp.hide = function(_hidden) {
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              function billing_addr_state_listChanged(_evt) {
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                if (e) {
                  var src = ? : e.srcElement; // IE vs. Mozilla event model
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              if (el) {
                Utils.addEvent(el, 'change', billing_addr_state_listChanged);
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              <label for="intl_billing_state_province_input"><span class="form__required">*</span>State / Province</label>
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              data-validation-depends-on="responsive_payment_typepay_typeradio" data-validation-depends-on-value="credit,paypal" data-validation="required length required length" data-validation-length="max50">
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            <script type="text/javascript">
              var comp = new ObservableComponent('billing_addr_zip', 'name');
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      <div class="donation-form__footer form__row">
        <div class="donation-form__submit-text">
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer js-hidden">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer" data-donation-form-id="1620, 6846, 3402, 5529">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
              still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="2781, 3541, 7006">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
              matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5580, 5581, 5578, 5579, 5574, 5577, 5575, 5576">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5590, 5589, 5588, 5587">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
              matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="3826">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
              still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="4387">
            <p><b>Click Submit Only One Time to process your donation.</b></p>
            <p>Please do not refresh or click the back button until you see a confirmation.</p>
            <p>Your generous gift to Save the Children includes a subscription to our monthly eNews so you can see your donation at work. You'll also get breaking emergency alerts and opportunities to get more involved.</p>
            <p>By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount selected above. I understand that this authorization shall remain in effect until I
              notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card issuer for further
              information. A record of my contributions will appear on my credit card statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="3926, 4067, 4068, 4070, 4071, 4147, 4146, 4213, 4214, 4466, 2739, 4586, 6666, 7526, 1660, 1632">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5346">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Your monthly gift will help us reach those affected by this emergency now, and support all of our programs here in the U.S. and around the world after the 3rd billing period.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5370">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 2x, up to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
              still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5371">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 3x, up to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
              still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5372">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 5x, up to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
              still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5373">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 10x, up to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
              still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="1943">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Once the match goal has been met, the match
              period will end and any while donations received will no longer be matched, they will still support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will still be tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
              same year it was made.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5636, 5637, 5638, 5639">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
              matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5187, 5188">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
              matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="4526, 2741, 6687, 2318, 2298, 2316, 2743, 4109, 6766, 6786, 6787, 6986, 7126, 7186, 7306, 7326, 7386, 5471, 5469, 3666, 2803, 1941">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
              matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="5750, 5751, 5753, 5754, 5766">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p> Given the unpredictability and rapidly changing circumstances on the ground during an emergency response, there is a chance
            that the level of funds raised exceeds what is needed to program, or where local conditions prevent program implementation. If this is the case, your funds will be allocated to our Children's Emergency Fund, which will support Save the
            Children's work to provide immediate, life-saving humanitarian aid to those most in need.<p></p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="2741, 4968">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable, combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
              matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be matched in the following year.</p>
            <p>Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="6806, 6808">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 3X, up to $300,000, or until August 16, 2022. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your donation, it will not be matched, but will still go to support our
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7466, 7486">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 5X, up to $300,000, or until midnight on October 16, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior
              to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7487, 7488">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7207, 7346, 7686, 8026, 8027, 8028, 8046">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to $13M, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7348, 7826">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $13M, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7606, 7607, 7608">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched, up to $150,000, or until midnight on November 12, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7626">
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7646, 7647, 7648">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to $500,000, or until midnight on November 21, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7746">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched, up to $2,500,000, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7766">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched, up to $750,000, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7806, 7807, 7808">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to $100,000, or until midnight on December 16, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7846, 7866, 7867">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be doubled, up to $100,000, or until midnight on December 27, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="7906, 7908, 7926">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to $100,000, or until midnight on December 29, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="8106, 8107, 5946">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="8586, 8666">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect
              until you notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $12.8 million, or until midnight on March 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="8906, 8886, 8907, 8926">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect
              until you notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $12.8 million, or until midnight on April 30, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="9186">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall
              remain in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit
              card issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my billing statement.</p>
            <p>*Atteberry, A., &amp; McEachin, A. in press, 2020. School's out: The role of summers in understanding achievement disparities. American Education Research Journal. 34% reflects fifth-grade math learning loss.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="9526, 9527, 9528, 9586">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to $500,000, or until midnight on August 11, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="9586">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to $500,000, or until midnight on August 22, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10106, 10146, 10147, 10148, 10266, 10828, 10946, 11048">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10126, 11047, 11086, 11106">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to $20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="1754, 10386, 2841, 2842, 2843">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $2.5M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to
              support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10166, 10186, 11386, 11387, 11546, 11547">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $1M, or until midnight on March 31, 2024. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to
              support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10226, 10227, 10228, 10246, 10286">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 3X, up to $150,000, or until midnight on on October 16, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="2284, 2285">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $750,000, or until midnight on on December 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your one-time gift, your donation will not be matched but
              will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10606, 10607, 10626">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to $500,000, or until midnight on November 28, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10586, 10787, 10788">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to $500,000, or until midnight on November 30, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your donation, your donation will not be matched but will
              still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10646">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>*For every donation made to Save the Children and BCRF via the organizations’ respective UBCF fundraising pages, UBCF will match dollar for dollar, up to a maximum total donation of $25,000.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10706, 10707, 10906, 10966, 10967, 10968">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to $20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10726">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to $20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to
              support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10748">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 3X, up to $200,000, or until midnight on November 20, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go
              to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10827, 10846, 10847">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every dollar you donate will unlock $5 from this match pool, up to $500,000, or
              until midnight on November 28, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still
              go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10866, 10867, 10868">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every dollar you donate will unlock $5 from this match pool, up to $500,000, or
              until midnight on December 1, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still
              go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10926">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 10X, up to $20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
              receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10986">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every dollar you donate will unlock $2 from this match pool this means for
              every $100 you donate, $200 will be unlocked up to $2.5M, or until midnight on Dec. 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your donation, your gift will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="10987">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every dollar you donate will unlock $5 from this match pool this means for
              every $100 you donate, $500 will be unlocked up to $2.5M, or until midnight on Dec. 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your donation, your gift will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="11266">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to $1M, or until midnight on March 31, 2024. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
              your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="11286, 11346, 11366, 11367, 11406, 11526, 11527, 11528">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to $1M, or until midnight on March 31, 2024. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
              your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="11706, 11726, 11766, 11786, 11787, 11788, 11826, 11827, 11828, 11846, 11847">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
              notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the credit card issuer for further information.</p>
            <p>*Government grants help support our work for millions of children worldwide. Your donation can help us secure this critical funding, which can multiply the impact of your gift 10X.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
          <div class="donation-form__submit-disclaimer hidden js-hidden" data-donation-form-id="1986">
            <p>Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
              generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts and ways to get involved.</p>
            <p>*Government grants help support our work for millions of children worldwide. Your donation can help us secure this critical funding, which can multiply the impact of your gift 10X.</p>
            <p>Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487</p>
        <div class="donation-form__recurring-text">
    <input type="hidden" name="1620.donation" id="1620.donation" value="form1">
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      var elCheck = '';
      if (elCheck == 'el') {
        alert('Form submission is not enabled when previewing an individual data element.');
        return false;
      } else if (submitted) {
        alert('You have already submitted this payment. Please wait....');
        return false;
      } else {
        submitted = true;
        return true;
  </script><noscript> </noscript>

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Vulnerable children need you more than ever.

Right now, children are growing up against the backdrop of hunger, conflict and
natural disasters. Your gift today can help make change that protects the lives
of children, families and their communities.

 * $50 - can provide enough food to keep 3 children from going hungry for a
 * $150 - can wrap 30 warm, cozy blankets around children affected by conflict
 * $300 - can provide a month’s worth of water to 20 children

To give in memory or honor of someone special, click here.


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and communications from Save the Children.  
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Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba
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Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile
China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Cook
Islands Costa Rica Cote D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic
Democratic People's Republic of Korea The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe
Islands Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Finland The Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories
Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe
Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and
McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary
Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Islamic Republic of Iran Isle of Man Israel
Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan
Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya
Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives
Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico
Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru
Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk
Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian
Territory, Occupied Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn
Plurinational State of Bolivia Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Republic of
Korea Republic of Moldova Reunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint
Barthelemy Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia Saint Martin (French) Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal
Serbia Seychelles S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls. Sierra Leone Singapore Sint
Maarten (Dutch) Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South
Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden
Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Thailand
Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan
Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United
Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania Uruguay USA Minor Outlying Islands
Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (USA) Wallis
and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
*Address Line 1  
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*State / Province AK - AlaskaAL - AlabamaAR - ArkansasAZ - ArizonaCA -
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We take data and privacy seriously. Your payment information is secure and will
be used only to process your gift.

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with
those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors
like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be
matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable,
combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to
inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS
regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your
donation will be matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet
our match goal prior to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your
donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable,
combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to
inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS
regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your
donation will be matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with
those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors
like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be
matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Click Submit Only One Time to process your donation.

Please do not refresh or click the back button until you see a confirmation.

Your generous gift to Save the Children includes a subscription to our monthly
eNews so you can see your donation at work. You'll also get breaking emergency
alerts and opportunities to get more involved.

By providing my credit card information, I authorize Save the Children
Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis in the amount
selected above. I understand that this authorization shall remain in effect
until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the upcoming charge
that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card issuer may impose
additional requirements and I should contact the credit card issuer for further
information. A record of my contributions will appear on my credit card

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Your monthly gift will help us reach those affected by this emergency now, and
support all of our programs here in the U.S. and around the world after the 3rd
billing period.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 2x, up
to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with
those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors
like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be
matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 3x, up
to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with
those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors
like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be
matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 5x, up
to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with
those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors
like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be
matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 10x, up
to $1,000,000, or until October 31, 2021.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with
those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors
like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your donation will be
matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, combined with
those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to inspire more donors
like you to support our mission. Once the match goal has been met, the match
period will end and any while donations received will no longer be matched, they
will still support our mission. Whether or not your gift is matched, it will
still be tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS regulations in the
same year it was made.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable,
combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to
inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS
regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your
donation will be matched in the following year.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable,
combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to
inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS
regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your
donation will be matched in the following year.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable,
combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to
inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS
regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your
donation will be matched in the following year.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

Given the unpredictability and rapidly changing circumstances on the ground
during an emergency response, there is a chance that the level of funds raised
exceeds what is needed to program, or where local conditions prevent program
implementation. If this is the case, your funds will be allocated to our
Children's Emergency Fund, which will support Save the Children's work to
provide immediate, life-saving humanitarian aid to those most in need.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

By making a donation, you give us permission to use your gift, when applicable,
combined with those of other donors, as part of our matching gift fund to
inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Whether or not your gift is
matched, it will still be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by IRS
regulations in the same year it was made. If you donate after December 31, your
donation will be matched in the following year.

Monthly gifts will be matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet
our match goal prior to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your
donation will not be matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 3X, up
to $300,000, or until August 16, 2022. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your donation, it will not be matched, but will still go to support
our programs.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations made today be matched 5X, up
to $300,000, or until midnight on October 16, 2022. Monthly gifts will be
matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior
to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be
matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to
$13M, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for
the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will
still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$13M, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched for
the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will
still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched, up to
$150,000, or until midnight on November 12, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to
$500,000, or until midnight on November 21, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched, up to
$2,500,000, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be
matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior
to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be
matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched, up to
$750,000, or until midnight on December 31, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to
$100,000, or until midnight on December 16, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be doubled, up to
$100,000, or until midnight on December 27, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to
$100,000, or until midnight on December 29, 2022. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing your credit card information, you authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis
in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until
you notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up
to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact
the credit card issuer for further information.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$12.8 million, or until midnight on March 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be
matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior
to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be
matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing your credit card information, you authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis
in the amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until
you notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up
to 30 days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact
the credit card issuer for further information.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$12.8 million, or until midnight on April 30, 2023. Monthly gifts will be
matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior
to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be
matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

For monthly gifts only: By providing my credit card information, I authorize
Save the Children Federation, Inc. to charge my credit card on a recurring basis
in the amount indicated above. I understand that this authorization shall remain
in effect until I notify Save the Children at least 30 days prior to the
upcoming charge that I wish to end this agreement. I understand my credit card
issuer may impose additional requirements and I should contact the credit card
issuer for further information. A record of my contributions will appear on my
billing statement.

*Atteberry, A., & McEachin, A. in press, 2020. School's out: The role of summers
in understanding achievement disparities. American Education Research Journal.
34% reflects fifth-grade math learning loss.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to
$500,000, or until midnight on August 11, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be tripled, up to
$500,000, or until midnight on August 22, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for
the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will
still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to
$20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for
the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will
still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$2.5M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior
to receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to
support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$1M, or until midnight on March 31, 2024. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to
support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 3X, up to
$150,000, or until midnight on on October 16, 2023. Monthly gifts will be
matched for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior
to receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be
matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$750,000, or until midnight on on December 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal
prior to receiving your one-time gift, your donation will not be matched but
will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to
$500,000, or until midnight on November 28, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched
for the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched
but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to
$500,000, or until midnight on November 30, 2023. If we meet our match goal
prior to receiving your donation, your donation will not be matched but will
still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

*For every donation made to Save the Children and BCRF via the organizations’
respective UBCF fundraising pages, UBCF will match dollar for dollar, up to a
maximum total donation of $25,000.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to
$20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for
the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to
$20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. If we meet our match goal prior to
receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to
support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 3X, up to
$200,000, or until midnight on November 20, 2023. If we meet our match goal
prior to receiving your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still
go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a
matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every
dollar you donate will unlock $5 from this match pool, up to $500,000, or until
midnight on November 28, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first
monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your
one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still
go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a
matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every
dollar you donate will unlock $5 from this match pool, up to $500,000, or until
midnight on December 1, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for the first
monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your
one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will still
go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 10X, up to
$20M, or until midnight on December 31, 2023. Monthly gifts will be matched for
the first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your gift, your donation will not be matched but will still go to support our

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a
matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every
dollar you donate will unlock $2 from this match pool this means for every $100
you donate, $200 will be unlocked up to $2.5M, or until midnight on Dec. 31,
2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your donation, your gift will
not be matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

As part of this special match offer, a generous group of donors has donated to a
matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission. Every
dollar you donate will unlock $5 from this match pool this means for every $100
you donate, $500 will be unlocked up to $2.5M, or until midnight on Dec. 31,
2023. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving your donation, your gift will
not be matched but will still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 5X, up to
$1M, or until midnight on March 31, 2024. Monthly gifts will be matched for the
first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will
still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

*As part of this special match offer, all donations will be matched 2X, up to
$1M, or until midnight on March 31, 2024. Monthly gifts will be matched for the
first monthly installment only. If we meet our match goal prior to receiving
your one-time or monthly donation, your donation will not be matched but will
still go to support our programs.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

MONTHLY GIFTS: By providing your credit card information, you authorize Save the
Children Federation, Inc. to charge your credit card on a monthly basis in the
amount indicated above. This authorization shall remain in effect until you
notify Save the Children that you wish to cancel. Cancellation may take up to 30
days. Your credit card issuer may impose additional requirements, contact the
credit card issuer for further information.

*Government grants help support our work for millions of children worldwide.
Your donation can help us secure this critical funding, which can multiply the
impact of your gift 10X.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487

Once you donate, an account with a temporary password will be created for you in
our Supporter Center. Simply log in to securely view this as well as any future
gifts and so much more. You'll also start receiving email news of your
generosity in action, including inspiring children's stories, emergency alerts
and ways to get involved.

*Government grants help support our work for millions of children worldwide.
Your donation can help us secure this critical funding, which can multiply the
impact of your gift 10X.

Save the Children's Federal Tax ID Number: 060726487


What is this?
Honor someone special or make a memorial donation with your generous gift. Just
fill in the fields below and we’ll send a personalized card in honor or in


To send a card, please fill out the information below. No card will be sent if
fields are left blank.


Where to find your CVV:

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An organization you can trust

When you give, 86% of every dollar goes straight to our mission. Find out more.

Contact Us
501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400, Fairfield, CT 06825
Main Office # 203.221.4000 | Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm EST
Donor Services # 1.800.728.3843 | Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm EST
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© 2024 Save the Children Save the Children Federation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3)
organization. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS