www.pirateproxy.space Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://pirateproxy.space/
Effective URL: https://www.pirateproxy.space/
Submission: On May 12 via manual from CZ — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: qGET https://thepiratebay0.org/s/

<form id="search_form" class="search-form" name="q" method="get" action="https://thepiratebay0.org/s/">
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Text Content

Your IP: · Country: Germany Time limited offer: 2019-09-16
19:01:37:44 We strongly recommend hiding your IP when torrenting — use a VPN Get
the VPN now 83% OFF for TPB users
 * The Pirate Bay Warning

Hide your IP address when downloading torrents — use a VPN Hide my IP now → We
strongly recommend using a VPN to: Browse anonymously Unblock websites from
anywhere Stay secure online Use P2P safely Time limited offer — 83% OFF for TPB
users 2019-09-1619days:01hours:37min :44sec Get the VPN now

Search Torrents | Browse Torrents | Top 100 | Recent torrents | TV shows | Music

The Pirate Bay Warning Your IP: Country: Germany Do NOT download
any torrent before hiding your IP with a VPN Hide my IP now → for macOS users
The best player for macOS to enjoy favorite movies on screen and TV Download now

All Audio Video Applications Games Porn Other


 1.  Important: Do Not Download Torrents Without Using a VPN. Here Is How to Use
     VPN Before Torrenting
 2.  PirateBay: Unlock the Complete Torrent Collection with Pirate Proxy Space
 3.  What Does Torrenting Mean?
 4.  What’s a Pirate Bay Mirror?
 5.  How to Download Torrent Files from Thepirate Bay
 6.  Importance of Using a VPN When Opening The Pirate Bay
 7.  How to Access Pirate Bay Using I2P
 8.  Pirate Bays Content
 9.  How to Search Torrents Using The Pirate Bay
 10. Picking the Right File from the Vast Catalogue
 11. How to Choose the Right VPN for Accessing Pirate Bay
 12. Pirate Bay Technical Details
 13. Benefits and Disadvantages of The Pirate Bay
 14. Is Pirate Bay Accessible Through Mobile Devices?
 15. What’s the Cost of Using Thepiratebay?
 16. How Can I Donate to The Pirate Bay?
 17. TPB Purchases
 18. Why Pick ThePirateBay?
 19. The Legality of The Pirate Bay
 20. Is It Legal to Torrent with a Concealed IP Address?
 21. Things you Need to Know About The PirateBay
 22. How to Overcome The Pirate Bay Blocks Operated in Certain Countries
 23. Accessing Pirate Bay no Matter Your Location
 24. Australian Tech Guru Develops a Piratebay for NFTs
 25. Top 5 Alternatives for The Pirate Bay
 26. Only Three Popular Torrent Sites Were Created Before TPB
 27. Pirate Bay FAQs

Last Updated: April 22, 2024, EST


Virtual private networks (VPNs) are known to be the best and most reliable way
to access Piratebay. Here is a simple guide for using VPNs to download torrents
from the site:

 1. Installing a VPN. We recommend using the PureVPN. NOTE: You can get an extra
    15% discount on the plans that PureVPN offers by using this coupon code

 2. Open the VPN. Once the PureVPN is installed fully, open it to choose your
    preferred country to browse from. The safest nations include Switzerland,
    the USA, and the Netherlands.

 3. Connect. Click the Connect button to activate the program. If there's no
    Connect button, click any other button designed to activate the app. If it
    doesn't connect to the country of your choice, choose another favorable
 4. Download torrent. After successfully activating the PureVPN, you can choose
    the torrent file you wish to download from the site and start the download
    process. Ensure the PureVPN is connected before you start the download.
 5. Disconnect your VPN. Once the download is complete, disconnect the PureVPN
    because you won't need it to use the downloaded file.

That's the simple process of using a VPN to download a torrent file from the
Pirate Bays.


Since we have already talked about overcoming issues with opening The Pirate
Bay, we now want to discuss the website itself and the reasons why it is so
popular. Why is ThePirateBay so attractive and how does it work?

According to digitalmusicnews.com, The Pirates Bay, which tops the list of
prominent P2P websites, surpassed 300 million active users in 2017, making it
one of the most visited websites in the world. This site offers torrents that
are usually shared through BitTorrent protocol. Therefore, for you to be able to
download and share files on this website, you will need to have a BitTorrent
program on your computer. Luckily, there are numerous BitTorrent clients
available on the internet, and they can be downloaded for free.

A Torrent carries metadata of the actual file, including its size and location.
This is what is found on Pirates Bay. This site is known for its massive
database of torrent files, allowing users to access the necessary metadata for
downloading movies, TV shows, music, videos, games, and applications. The site
also runs a wide range of other files, including PDFs and 3D printer formats.

The PiratesBay was developed in 2003 by a group of anti-copyright crusaders in
Sweden and internet freedom campaigners. But the main co-founders were Fredrik
Neij and Gottfried Svartholm, also known as TiAMO and anakata. The two
programmers have been prosecuted severally by copyright groups, including MPAA
for contravening copyright laws. But despite these lawsuits, the Pirate Bay’s
popularity continues to grow exponentially.

However, it is important to note that most of the content available on
ThePirateBay.org is copyrighted. Therefore, downloading it is considered
criminal in many countries and you can easily be prosecuted and sentenced for
it. That is why it is necessary for users of this website in countries where
copyright laws are strictly enforced to find a way to hide their identities when
using ThePirate Bay.

Anyone who has used Pirate Bay before knows that the easiest and most reliable
way to protect yourself when accessing the website is to make all your online
activities untraceable. The best way to achieve this is to use a VPN (virtual
private network). A VPN effectively disguises your IP, making it impossible for
authorities to track your internet usage. It also hides your actual location.
This simple software is able to connect your device to a public network
privately. Fortunately, there are numerous types of VPNs on the internet that
you can use. A VPN is an important investment for you if you wish to enjoy the
great content available on the Pirate Bay.


Downloading files from the internet involves clicking on the download button and
waiting for the entire file to be downloaded onto your PC. However, torrenting
is quite different because it involves cutting down the file into several
packets commonly referred to as packets. Plus, the downloaded torrent tracks
everyone with each packet and keeps changing the location from which you are
downloading the file.

Although torrenting is fun, it exposes you to the risk of prosecution for
copyright infringement because there is no way of knowing if the files you are
downloading are illegal. What’s more, torrenting is always associated with
piracy because it’s commonly used in P2P sharing platforms where copyrighted
content, such as movies, TV shows, apps, music, books, and videos, is often


Mirror sites are proxies that come into play when the original website can no
longer be accessed. When blocked by Internet Service Providers and authorities,
Pirate Bay only gets blocked one domain at a time. This doesn’t mean that the
servers aren’t up and running or the website stops to exist. Quite the contrary,
by providing you with a mirror website, you will be able to access the same
content on a slightly different name and IP address. And just in case this new
address is still blocked, the process can be repeated indefinitely. If our proxy
is not available right now, you can use some other:

 1. https://www.pirateproxy-bay.com/
 2. https://www.tpbproxypirate.com/
 3. https://www.tpbaysproxy.com/
 4. https://www.thepiratesproxy.org/
 5. https://www.thepiratesbay.club/
 6. https://www.thepirateproxy3se.com/
 7. https://www.thepirateproxies.org/

Often, there are multiple mirror sites in place for The Pirate Bay since it’s so
popular and there are so many authorities looking to close it down for good.
However, as soon as you noticed the domain is blocked, check out trustworthy
sources for The Pirate Bay mirror sites and you will be able to access it in no
time. Reddit has proved to be quite a reliable source of mirrors for various
regions where The Pirate Bay is often blocked. You can get reviews and reports
on how good a mirror site is and if it’s safe to use. The broken mirrors, as
sites that do not actually take you to the Pirate Bay content are called, are
often replaced and you can go back to enjoying all the free downloads.


Since its inception in 2003, piratebay has grown to become the most reliable
peer-to-peer sharing platform in the world. The Sweden-based torrent website
gives its users free access to their favorite movies, TV shows, apps, music,
games, and other types of torrent files. By understanding how to download
torrents from the pirate bay, you will have an easy time finding and enjoying
the best content the site has to offer.

1. Install a VPN.

To be able to access Pirate Bay freely without putting your privacy at risk, you
will need a virtual private network (VPN). This program will also help you to
access the website if it has been banned in your country. Fortunately, there are
so many reliable VPNs that can be downloaded and installed for free. Just
remember to choose a country that allows access to piratebay when you are
installing your VPN. Our best recommendation is PureVPN.

2. Find your preferred torrent file.

The Pirate bay has made it easy for its users to find their preferred torrents
by incorporating a search bar on its user interface. It has also clustered its
content into different categories. Therefore, you just need to click on the
category you are interested in, type the name of the torrent you are looking for
in the search bar, and click search. From the list of files presented to you
after the search, choose the one with more seeders than leechers. Also, read the
comments on each file to know if it’s safe.

3. Use a torrent client to download the file.

To download a torrent from the Pirate bays, you will need a torrent client.
Click on the magnet link with the words "Get This Torrent" or drag it to the
torrent client. Some computers require extensions to download files from TPB.
But if your PC needs an extension, it will let you know. Otherwise, a torrent
client is a program that converts a torrent file into a usable or viewable link.

4. Enjoy the content.

Once the file has been downloaded, it will be stored on your desktop or any
other folder that you choose. Open it and enjoy the content. It’s that simple.


A virtual private network (VPN) is a program that enables you to surf the
internet privately on a public network. This program protects your identity by
assigning you a different IP address. This also enables you to hide your
location and make it difficult for your internet service provider (ISP) to
monitor your activities on the internet.

This is important because your ISP is allowed by law to share your browsing
history with the government whenever they want to. Whether you are engaging in
illegal online activities or not, your internet provider will still share the
information with authorities without even informing you about it. Therefore,
using a VPN when opening Pirate Bay keeps you anonymous, making it difficult for
your ISP to track you.


If you wish to access thepiratebay without disclosing your identity, you should
do so using the Invisible Internet Project (I2P). This program is designed to
offer you a layer of anonymous communication using a devolved system. That way,
you won't reveal your identity when browsing the torrent site and the internet
in general. It works the same way as Tor.

This program also features a one-way exit and entrance channel, as well as
exclusive channels for sending queries and receiving answers. It also enables
you to send messages through various nodes. I2P creates more complex traffic
than Tor. That's why it's the best for accessing TPB and other browsing

I2P is the third-most-popular program after Chrome and Tor. This means that it
has less traffic than the first two. So, you can expect it to be faster because
of the few people sharing the browsing load. But although it can also be slow at
times, it guarantees you great safety. It also offers the same high-quality
experience as Tor.


In the past, pirates bay (a peer-to-peer sharing platform) provided downloadable
torrent files with metadata that helped to download the files from different
peers. Today, the site offers its content in the form of magnet links that can
be downloaded using a torrent client.

Thepiratebay has placed its content in different categories including Movies,
Applications, TV Shows, Music, Video, Audio, Porn, and Other. With these
categories, it’s very easy to find your preferred files. Plus, it’s free to
register for an account on the site. You just need to have an email address.
This account allows you to upload content and comment on other users’ files.

A study by TorrentFreak showed that 44 percent of files uploaded to the pirates
bay are movies and TV shows, while porn makes up 35 percent. The study also
revealed that 9 percent of files on the site are audio. Thanks to its search
bar, you can now find content on this site without opening different categories.

Apart from the main categories, the pirate bay also has several sub-categories
including Audio Books, High-res Movies, and Comics. The website recently
launched another category named Physibles, which holds files that are printable
with 3D printers. You can also search for files by their names, dates posted,
and the number of seeders and leechers.


Thepiratebay is a collection of neatly organized torrents so that even new users
have an easy time locating exactly the content they need.

Right from the moment you reach the homepage of The Pirate Bay, the main
categories with which you can filter the content are visible. Video, Audio, and
Applications are the main categories displayed. On top of these three, each
category comes with multiple sub-categories for a more accurate filter.

If we’re referring to the Applications menu, the sub-categories are Windows,
Mac, Android, iOS for iPad or iPhone, UNIX, and some more less-popular operating

When visiting The Pirate Bay without knowing exactly what content you want, or
you just want to have a look around, make sure to visit the Recent Torrents
section. All the torrents added to the website recently will be displayed here
so you can quickly identify new titles.

The main categories also display the top 100 pages so you have plenty of
torrents to browse. Furthermore, there’s a 48-hour page that can be used to see
the files that are most popular.


The list of torrent files provided by Pirate Search comes with several columns.
On the right hand, you will find columns labelled LE and SE. These two stand for
Seeders and Leechers respectively. Seeders are people, like hosts, who have the
torrent file that you wish to download. This means that if a file has 500 SE,
there are 500 people connected to the network that possess the file. Leechers,
on the other hand, are people trying to download the file from the Seeders’ PCs
to their devices. So, for you to be able to download a torrent file fast without
any interruptions, you need to choose the file that has more seeders and less

Essentially, this means that if you want to download a 100GB torrent file that
has 100 or more seeders, it will only take you a few hours provided that your
internet speed is above average. But if you download the same file with 10
seeders, the download becomes slower with every leecher that attempts to get the
file and ultimately the file will take you a day or more to download.

In many instances, you will find that similar torrent files have varied sizes.
There are several reasons why this is possible. For instance, the quality of the
video can determine its size. This is the same thing that happens to YouTube
videos, which usually have various quality options, including 1080p, 1040p,
360p, etc.

Aside from quality, another reason for this inconsistency is the file itself. In
most cases you will find that an application’s size increases when other tools
are included. The same thing happens to videos when additional items like
subtitles are included.

You should also take your time to read the comments section because it offers
important details about the file. By reading other people’s feedback, you will
know whether the file is useful or has been flagged for containing malicious


 1. Security features: a good VPN should have advanced security features like
    military-grade encryption, a zero-logs policy, and a kill switch to protect
    your data. Most popular VPNs feature 256-bit encryption because it’s the
    best type of encryption. Always read the logging policy to know if your data
    will be fully protected, especially when using TPB.
 2. Peer-to-peer support: your VPN should allow you to continue torrenting
    without any bandwidth restrictions. Also, it should have a large network of
    optimized peer-to-peer servers to minimize buffering.
 3. Vast Server Networks: when a VPN has many servers, you can easily choose the
    one that’s close to you to improve your browsing speed when torrenting on
    pirates bay. Therefore, go for a VPN that has over 50 servers in different
 4. Fast speed: choose a VPN that guarantees you fast speed without
    interruptions. It’s good to test its speed before you install it. A good
    speed shouldn’t be less than 15 Mbps. With this speed, you can comfortably
    download a 500MB file in less than five minutes.
 5. Compatibility: a good VPN should be compatible with most of the available
    operating systems, including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, etc. It
    should also allow you to access thepiratebays on as many browsers as


In the past, the pirates bay, which is hosted on four Linux servers, had an
old-fashioned web server referred to as Hypercube. But in 2005, the site’s
developers upgraded the whole website in an attempt to make it user-friendlier
and moderate bandwidth usage, which at the time was two HTTP requests for every
millisecond on every server. Today, the website is hosted on more than thirty
dedicated servers, nine active web fronts, one database, eight BitTorrent
trackers and two search engines. Its front ends operate on PHP and the Lighttpd,
while its back end runs MySQL. The two search engines use Sphinx. The website’s
SQL queries as well as PHP sessions are cached by memcached while Varnish caches
static content.

The Pirates Bay fully moved from the Hypercube server to Opentracker – a free
software – in December 2007. This change made it possible for the site to
support UDP tracker, which improved the speed of synchronizing the various
servers using UDP multicast. Reacting to Sweden’s wiretapping law in June 2008,
the pirates bay upgraded its servers to be able to do SSL encryption.

The website also introduced IPv6 support through the IPv6-only form of
Opentracker. But in November 2009, they completely shut off their tracker
service because it was no longer useful thanks to the decentralized methods of
connecting peers and content, which included magnet links, DHT, and PEX. In
February 2012, this site announced its intention to replace its torrent files
with magnet links. The Facebook Post read: "Not having torrents will be a bit
cheaper for us but it will also make it harder for our common enemies to stop
us", adding that any torrent with less than 10 peers will still be compatible
with the traditional software that doesn't support the new magnet links.



1. Code of conduct.

One of the top advantages of The Pirate Bay comes from its united community and
the unwritten rules they all follow. As soon as you become a member, you should
know there’s an honor code that says you should always keep a file for seeding
after you’re done downloading it. Sure, most users don’t even need to know about
this code to do it, since it’s the natural thing to do. Since you got the file
you needed from plenty of other users, it’s only natural to make it available
for others that need it after you. This code together with the positive attitude
of The Pirate Bay users makes the platform an exceptional one that’s so much
more than file sharing.

2. Seamless resume downloading after Internet connection issues.

Before torrenting and p2p sharing sites like the piratebay, downloading any file
came with the risk of getting disconnected midway. When this happened, you were
forced to start over since there was no option to resume from where you were
left. However, torrenting makes it extremely easy and smooth to just pick up the
download and continue in case of a disconnection. You can also choose to pause
it whenever you want to and decide when it’s the best time to download.

3. Find any torrent file with ease.

On top of offering you top download speeds, The Pirate Bay offers a torrent
search function as well. Not just any torrent search though, it’s the fastest
around and it instantly goes through the biggest torrent database to return the
best results. Easily accessible from the PirateBay homepage, the search function
enables you to quickly start downloading the files you need.

4. Smooth and fast downloads even if your Internet connection isn’t ideal.

With traditional downloads, you could only rely on the quality of your internet
connection to get the desired files. And even if The Pirate Bay won’t magically
make your internet faster, the technology behind p2p sharing allows you to
dramatically improve download speeds. This happens thanks to the multi-threading
system that torrents use to allow you to download the file from multiple users
at once. The more seeders for the file you’re downloading, the better since this
means your download speed will be better. Classic downloads use one thread only
and it’s easy to see why it takes a lot longer to get the same files.

5. Broad availability.

It’s true that The Pirate Bay was blocked in some territories and even though
that’s not exactly fair, it is what it is. However, even with these small
setbacks, The Pirate Bay is widely available across the globe, the main reason
why the TBP community is the largest in torrenting. The website is always up and
working and even if The Pirate Bay is blocked in your country, you can rely on a
VPN to go past the restrictions. Also, just in case the main site is down or
undergoing maintenance, there are plenty of mirror websites and proxies to
choose from.

6. 100% free torrenting.

With all the features and perks you get from The Pirate Bay, the best fact about
it is that it won’t cost you a cent. Access any files, download as many as you
want, upload content, and interact with other members of the community - 100%
free. If you decide to create an account, that’s also free of cost and that’s
the way TBP will stay.


1. It’s possible to download sensitive content.

One of the downsides of The Pirate Bay is the possibility of downloading a file
that’s illegal in your country or that contains malicious content. Of course,
this happens without even knowing and you need to always check the health of
torrents and what other users say about that specific file. This way you avoid
downloading copyrighted content and avoid damaging your computer from viruses or
corrupt files. Sure, you don’t have to worry too much about this, as it’s a very
rare occurrence. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

2. Not everything is available as a torrent.

Despite you can pretty much trust The Pirate Bay to deliver a broad range of
files, not everything is easily crackable and made available for free as a
torrent. Some files are very well encrypted and going past the protection
systems is very expensive or takes a very long time. So, it can happen that you
sometimes download files that even if they are complete, will still require an
activation code or CD-key to use. While this is a situation that no torrent user
wants to find himself in, it’s good to know everyone in the community is 100%
focused on delivering the best quality files. If you download a file that needs
and extra keygen or crack, make sure to be cautious when checking for it online
because you may damage your computer or break some local laws in the process.

3. Torrenting affects other downloads.

The Pirate Bay’s efficiency comes from using most of the bandwidth of your
internet connection. This means that you will experience serious slow-downs if
you’re using the computer while torrenting. For example, downloading a file in
your browser while a torrent is downloading, will take a lot longer. Also, since
the process of torrenting requires quite a lot of resources in your computer,
you can experience an overall slowdown of the system. If you want to keep using
the computer at full capacity and download at the same time, you have to
manually set the maximum bandwidth that the torrent downloader will use.

4. You share your IP address.

Especially important for The Pirate Bay users that are using the service in
countries where it’s blocked. When you’re downloading or uploading files using a
torrent downloader, your IP address is visible to other users that are connected
to the same node (downloading the file you’re seeding or uploading the same
file). The chance of other TBP users to do something malicious with your IP
address is extremely low. However, if your ISP collects information about
torrenting, you should use a VPN to hide your IP address.

5. You can’t be 100% sure the files are what they appear to be.

We could simply say that the sheer size of the piratebay.org website is one of
its vulnerabilities as well. Since there are so many users uploading content,
it’s possible you may download files that turn out to be something else
altogether. This usually happens when trolls upload these files intentionally to
have fun on the expense of well-intentioned users. Sure, you can open the
torrent file and see what’s inside. However, until you download it you can’t be
100% it’s legit. So, the best way to make sure you don’t go through this
unpleasant experience is going through the comments and other feedback left from
members that previously downloaded the file.


The Pirate Bay only became available on mobile devices in 2014. Before then, the
content looked terrible and access bittorrent was a daunting task. Even the
site’s founder termed the whole experience as "crap".

But today, users can automatically access a more responsive version of The
Pirate Bay using their phones and tablets. However, if you have an iOS device,
you have to jailbreak it first before you can download anything from the site.

For those with Android devices, Google Play offers a wide range of clients for
the torrent app. Even Blackberry owners are now offering a similar option in
order to enable their customers to access torrent files on TPB.

The use of RSSBay to access content on thepiratebay.org using mobile devices has
become very exciting since it offers personalized feeds that enable the user to
download files to a computer remotely.

The use of mobile devices to access The Pirate Bay has made it easier for users
to enjoy the over 75,000 files uploaded every month.


The answer is, absolutely nothing.

Pirate Bays doesn’t charge you anything to use its platform. Furthermore, it
doesn’t charge any membership or registration fee. The site makes money through
voluntary donations by users in the form of cryptocurrency. So, you can enjoy
its content for years without paying a cent.

However, you should help keep the site running by donating something small once
in a while. Donating to the site also makes you cool. The only cost, which is
not included, but it’s highly recommended, is a VPN. This program helps you to
hide your IP address when browsing TPB. Remember, your IP address is the home
address of your device and the easiest way to be tracked.

Although most files of thepiratebay are legal, some conflict with copyright and
privacy laws in different parts of the world. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to
know which files are legal and which ones aren’t. Therefore, a VPN is the only
way to protect yourself against prosecution and to access the site where it has
been blocked. Although it is not mandatory to have a VPN to use thepiratebays,
this program is very useful.


The status of donations towards The Pirate Bay wasn’t always as clear as it is
now when users can show their appreciation via cryptocurrency. Actually, the
first time a Donate button appeared on The Pirate Bay was in 2004. This button
would take you to a page where you could choose from various standard payment
methods and, besides supporting the tracker, users could enjoy rewards for a
limited amount of time. Among the rewards, the VIP status and an experience
without ads were the most often perks.

However, in 2006 the button disappeared from The Pirate Bay and instead of it,
the donation page urged users to assist their local pro-piracy groups with
donations. After all, the page started being redirected to the main page of the

Also related to the history of donations towards the Pirate Bay, in 2006 the
tracker received almost $5,000 from a reality-show participant. The amount was
used to get new servers for The Pirate Bay to run on. Billboard also claimed
that the site appealed for donations to keep things going back in 2009, however,
this wasn’t confirmed by the appearance of another Donate button. Or anything
like that.

It’s true that in 2007 the Pirate Bay initiated a fundraiser in the attempt to
buy the micronation of Sealand. The idea was to move the servers there so that
no other country could ever try to block The Pirate Bay again. However, by 2009
the people in charge of TPB that were facing several fines and lawsuits urged
users to stop sending donations for the fines since they will not pay any.
Lastly, in 2013 the Pirate Pay website added its Bitcoin and Litecoin address on
the homepage so that users can donate easily via crypto.


In 2007 when the Sealand micronation was available to be purchased, The Pirate
Bay joined forces with ACFI in an effort to buy it. Be that as it may, it turned
out the government of Sealand did not allow this plan to move on as they
considered sharing of files over the internet "robbery of exclusive rights".
Attempting to discover an alternative, The Pirate Bay intended to purchase an
island. However, this back-up plan didn’t work either despite getting €15,000 in

TorrentFreak, the P2P-centered news blog announced that the ifpi.com domain name
was taken by ThePirateBay. The domain previously owned by the International
Federation of the Phonographic Industry, an association that focused on fighting
piracy, it meant an intense move for TPB to get hold of it. The Pirate Bay
co-founder, Peter Sunde, said that getting the domain from IFPI is not a hack.
Somebody simply gave them the domain and he doesn't know how it occurred,
nonetheless, he's happy about the exchange and they are keeping the name.
Rapidly after getting their hands on ifpi.com, ThePirateBay changed the name to
"The International Federation of Pirates Interests". A move that appeared to
agitate IFPI that quickly filed an official complaint with the World
Intellectual Property Organization that constrained The Pirate Bay to give back
the name and domain.


While there’s no shortage of competing torrent sites you could use, there’s a
reason The Pirate Bay remains the most popular torrent database on the internet.
It’s got a great interface that’s easy to navigate, and, more importantly, it
has one of the largest and most diverse collection of torrent files available to
download anywhere on the internet.

On the page of each torrent, you’ll find a comment section with helpful feedback
from users that can help you establish the quality and suitability of a torrent,
as well as often featuring technical specifications. If it looks like the right
file for you, simply click to download the torrent file, and your BitTorrent
client will open the magnet link and begin downloading. Easy.

There’s nothing illegal about file sharing, much like there’s nothing illegal
about purchasing a movie. It’s the violation of copyright law that is the crime
here. So as long as you keep that in mind when torrenting, there’s no reason you
should encounter any trouble.


The discussions around the legality of peer to peer sharing seems to be a
never-ending subject. That’s why it’s a good idea to know exactly how things are
before accessing The Pirate Bay. You already know that the tracker hosts
impressive amounts of free video games, movies, software, TV shows and much
more. Now, we’re going to explore the legality of downloading from TBP.

Since most movies, music videos and TV shows are protected by copyright rules,
these are the most sensitive files to be shared on The Pirate Bay. However, as
long as a piece of content is free for use, public or created by you, it can be
shared knowing that you don’t have to worry about legal issues.

People tend to rush when they say torrents are not legal, however, the part of
content offered on The Pirate Bay that is actually copyright-protected isn’t as
massive as some believe. Also, just because the content offered on TBP is free,
it doesn’t make it illegal.

Of course, it’s the duty of every user to check the legality of the files they
download or share via The Pirate Bay. Especially with the numerous lawsuits and
other legal encounters between the site and content creators that put the entire
community in jeopardy. With more than one copyright infringement lawsuit seeing
the light of day, it is recommended that every user double-checks its content.


The emergence of virtual private networks (VPNs) has made it possible for
torrent lovers to share and download torrent files anonymously. VPNs prevent
internet service providers from monitoring your online activities. Allowing your
ISP to track your activities on the internet, including the sites you visit and
the files you download, is risky because, in some countries like the US, ISPs
have the right to share this information with the authorities and owners of the
content you are watching or downloading.

If this happens, legal action can be taken against you, especially because it’s
difficult to know if the content you are downloading from thepiratebays is
illegal. Therefore, a VPN hides your online activities so that you do not get
sued because of downloading or sharing copyrighted content. Furthermore, a
virtual private network protects your personal info by hiding your identity and
IP address.

However, it is important to note that although a VPN is not illegal, you can
still be prosecuted for using it to download or share copyrighted content.
Therefore, if you are using a VPN to hide your identity online, make sure you
are using it to share or download content that is not copyrighted. In short, it
is illegal to torrent copyrighted content on thepiratebay, whether you have a
VPN or not.


Many of you might not know that the legendary band, Nine Inch Nails offered
their new album on the official site by adding links towards The Pirate Bay.
Even though some may think this affected sales, it still took the second place
on the Billboard.

After a long period of legal fights against various institutions, The Pirate
Bay’s representative thought of the possibility of placing a part of their
service equipment on a drone with GPS control that was to be launched into
international waters so that the project would be outside the jurisdiction of
any nation.

Closer to present day, in 2017, the official website’s code was added Monero
cryptocurrency mining. This meant a substantial load of the visitor’s
processors. When confronted about it, the administrators said it’s a way to
search for new ways to monetize the project. They also added that there’s a hope
this method of financing will be quickly replaced by the standard advertising


Unfortunately, every year brings more new territories that decide to block
access to The Pirate Bay. This means that an increasing number of Internet
Service Providers need to cut the access of regular users to the site’s domain.

It’s not news that The Pirate Bay is often targeted by authorities, however, to
see countries like România and Greece - that have been always promoters of open
internet use and lack of censorship - issuing new laws to block the access to
The Pirate Bay, it’s a totally new approach.

However, when you’re using the right type of VPN software, there’s nothing to
worry about any type of blocks imposed by the authorities because you’ll be able
to access your favorite torrent tracker, no matter the location.

If you’re wondering how to choose the proper VPN service, we have some tips for
you. First of all, you need to focus on finding a VPN offering servers in a
territory where The Pirate Bay is not blocked. We’re also going to provide you
with a list of territories where it’s still allowed to access the Pirate Bay.
Also, to make it easier for you to access this tracker, we took a close look at
some of the top VPN software. After exhaustive testing in various conditions,
the conclusion is that NordVPN is the best choice, thanks to its excellent
privacy and connectivity speed. Using NordVPN is facile and straightforward as
you only need to register an account and download the app. You have explicit
instructions within the VPN to connect to a server in a country where The Pirate
Bay is unlocked.

After applying these simple steps you will be able to enjoy The Pirate Bay in
complete anonymity and safety. All you have to do now is head over to The Pirate
Bay and download all the content you need.


If you search for “Piratebay mirror site” on your browser, you’ll be provided
with countless pirateproxy sites. These are mirror sites that offer the same
content available on the main Pirate Bay site. They are normally created by the
fans of the original TPB to help their peers in countries where the main site
has been banned to continue accessing its content unhindered.

You can also find proxy sites for other torrent websites because nowadays it’s
not only thepiratebay that’s facing censorship. Internet providers around the
world are clamping down on all torrent sites to discourage people from sharing
and downloading copyrighted content. But for every site that is banned, a copy
of it is created in the form of a proxy site.

If you don’t want to use a pirate bay proxy site to access your favorite
torrents, there are other alternative ways to access the TPB. For instance, you
can use a VPN to bypass the Internet restrictions in your region.


As you already know, The Pirate Bay is often blocked by Internet Service
Providers in multiple countries, usually forced by the authorities under a court
order. However, there’s nothing to worry about as there are multiple ways to
access The Pirate Bay no matter the country you are living in. The trick is to
find a server based in a country that doesn’t block The Pirate Bay.

How to achieve that, you ask? Through a VPN software since these are the best
solutions to reroute your internet activity through a server of your choice.
This is also known as VPN tunneling and it filters the activity of an IP address
so that it appears the request to visit The Pirate Bay comes from an unblocked

With your current location masked by the VPN, you get direct access to The
Pirate Bay. Even if TPB is not blocked in your area, it’s still a great idea to
go through a VPN software anyway just in case there are curious eyes at the

When accessing a peer-to-peer network, you connect your device with all the
other users that host the files you’re downloading, and the other way around.
Doing this operation without a VPN means exposing your IP address to other users
and if you’re unfortunate enough to have a hacker at the other end, that could
be translated into DDoS attacks, hacking or malware.


Geoffrey Huntley, a popular Australian developer has created a new pirate bay
for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the hopes of making people aware of the pros
and cons of buying NFT art. The idea to create this platform was inspired by the
ongoing fad in the cryptocurrency industry. NFTs allow artists to create art and
sell it directly to collectors and their fans through Blockchain.

According to Huntley, the site, which is called The NFT Bay, offers NFT in
picture form, instead of the typical NFT-secured tokens. Currently, the site
features over 17.96-terabyte series of copies of NFT pictures and it is
attracting over 1.2 million visitors.

This site features a layout and logo that are almost similar to the ones found
on the pirate bay. Huntley also claims that his main objective with this site is
to help people make wise decisions when investing in NFTs.



When talking about The Pirate Bay alternatives, we need to mention
KickassTorrents. Online since 2008, Kickass had continuous growth until it
peaked in 2014 becoming the BitTorrent directory with the most visitors. After
overtaking The Pirate Bay when it comes to the number of users, KickassTorrents
continued to dominate the torrenting landscape until 2016 when their domain was
seized. The people around the initial KickassTorrents project re-organized to
make the site available soon after the seizure and the site marks very high as a
solid alternative for thepiratebay.org site.

2. 1337X

The following TPB back-up solution on our rundown is 1337x and they appear to do
quite a few things as of late. It figured out how to remain one stride in front
of the rival websites and the copyright authorities through a progression of
online domains that can be used to access the 1337x database. The
multiple-domain procedure keeps 1337x safe from seizure too and that is
encouraging for all the clients that get to the site for the best music, motion
pictures, games, TV series, or applications.


A few clients may call this torrent website as YIFY, while others may refer to
the Pirate Bay alternative option as YTS. Regardless of how you call it, we're
discussing the equivalent P2P organization that delivers video content at the
best possible quality and the lowest memory requirements. The first YiFY site
experienced a lot of difficulty with the MPAA that at long last shutting it down
in 2015. Be that as it may, numerous duplicates of the website showed up in a
matter of seconds. Out of every one of those, YTS.AG is the one that managed to
rise above the others through offering verified content. Without much of a
stretch, you can discover the titles you need by utilizing the search channels
and filters accessible on the site. Classification, quality, or rating are some
of the best examples of filters and search options YTS.AG offers its users to
immediately find the desired content.


Another legitimate option for the Pirate Bay site is offered by the TorLock
website. With more than 5,3 million strictly-verified files available for
download, TorLock is one of the most extravagant sites for downloading torrents
out there. Much the same as with the past proposals, you can quite easily
navigate through the huge offer of content using broad categories like films,
games, TV series, apps, digital books, or even an adult section. On these
fundamental queries, the tag cloud functionality is a quick way to find the most
popular content.


To wrap things up, we have Zooqle - a newer torrent site that already made a
name for itself. This was possible thanks to the 4 million checked downloads
available and the multiple other functions it delivers. One of the most
impressive is the RSS channel and membership options that make it significantly
simpler to discover precisely the files that you are searching for. Another
interesting fact about Zooqle is that it was developed entirely in Russia which
makes it very safe and reliable when talking about server security.


Although thepiratebays has been in existence for a long time, three other
popular torrent sites existed before it.

Suprnova.org: created by a Slovenian student in 2002, this site was known to be
among the best BitTorrent search engines globally. However, it shut down its
operations in 2004 due to relentless legal battles with copyright watchdogs.
However, its domain name was relaunched by the administrators of TPB in 2007.

IsoHunt: launched in 2003, this site was known for its large catalog and
millions of monthly visitors. However, it shut down its operations in 2013 after
losing a legal battle with a group of IP rights watchdogs.

Demonoid: although this site, which was launched in 2003, is still active, its
future remains uncertain, especially due to the ongoing legal battles with ISPs
and copyright regulators, prolonged downtime, and the rumor that its owner died
sometime back, leaving it defenseless.



Since the discovery of the Internet, the process of sharing files has become
easier and faster. People can now share music, videos and applications without
having to wait for hours. With the current internet connectivity and large hard
drive space, you can download and share large files without distorting their
original quality.


Since TPB is a peer-to-peer sharing platform, it offers millions of torrents
that can be downloaded freely. Therefore, although the website doesn’t encourage
sharing of copyrighted or illegal content, it doesn’t have a way of checking the
quality and legality of files being shared by its users. In any case, it is just
a host.

So, The Pirate Bay is not legally liable for any copyrighted content shared or
downloaded by its users. This means that it is your responsibility to protect
yourself against lawsuits. That’s why you need to use a VPN to access Pirate


You can easily know if a torrent is still alive by checking the number of
seeders and leechers it has. A file that’s alive should have at least one seeder
with 100 percent file completion for that particular upload. This means that you
can easily download the file.

A file with more seeders is popular and downloads faster because you’ll be
receiving individual packets from multiple peers at once. So, if a file has
hundreds or thousands of seeders, grab it because it will download in a matter
of minutes, as long as you have a fast internet connection.


Known for allowing people to download and share copyrighted content, such as
movies, music videos, TV shows, games and applications, The Pirate Bay appears
to be offering its users an alternative to downloading: streaming. Certain files
come with a play button right next to the download button. This green button
offers you the option of streaming the content using Baystream.


Just like the main website, mirror sites of the Pirate Bay are targeted with ISP
blocks and restrictions for the simple fact they help users accessing
copyrighted material for free. As a result, many of the mirror sites are taken
down and that leads to a cat-and-mouse game since the lifespan of a mirror site
isn’t that long.

The Pirate Bay mirrors usually operate in territories where the website is not
restricted. Even so, there are a lot of ISP out there that simply decline access
to these websites because they want to avoid any possible risks. This attitude
from the ISPs makes it very difficult to estimate how much a mirror site will
manage to hold on. Luckily, even when the mirror sites get blocked, the owners
are able to move it to a different location in quite a short time or simply
create a new mirror site.


It is important to check the number of seeders and leechers on the file you want
before you start downloading because it determines how fast you will get the
file. Seeders are the people sharing the file from the devices while leechers
are the people trying to download the file. Files with more seeders and fewer
leechers are known to download faster. Furthermore, there isn’t a torrent client
that recognizes torrent files without seeders.


When you are looking for the best files to download on TPB, choose the ones with
more seeders than leechers. These numbers are indicated in SE and LE columns. A
file with more seeders downloads faster than the one with more leechers.

Also, a high seeders-to-leechers ratio is an indication that the file is
trustworthy, high-quality, and free of viruses and malware. But you should
always use your discretion when choosing the files to download from this site or
any other torrent site.


Since different torrent files on piratebay come in different formats, you need
to be aware of the format of the file you want to download before you start to
download. It will be a waste of time to download a file whose format is not
compatible with your device. It’s also important to check its size so that you
do not download a file that exceeds the available storage space. For instance,
some torrents are usually compressed in a .rar format that needs to be unzipped
with WinRAR. Furthermore, some of these files contain superfluous tools that
might harm your PC.


Don’t ignore the descriptions and comments on the file you want to download
because they can help you to know the quality and safety of the file. File
descriptions contain disclaimers and other words of caution that you need to
consider before downloading the file. Also, consider the torrents with skull
icons beside them because they are usually shared by verified VIP users.


It’s well known that some territories out there are not taking The Pirate Bay
lightly and governments are actively blocking the access to the tracker.
Currently, there are over 20 countries that applied bans on The Pirate Bay
Website. Austria, Australia, Argentina, China, Denmark, Belgium, Finland,
Germany, France, Indica, Greece, Ireland, Indonesia, Italy, Iran, the
Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Portugal, Malaysia, the UK, Singapore, Russia, Saudi
Arabia, Turkey, Spain, Sweden, and the UAE are the main countries that
officially block The Pirate Bay. This list was recently completed by Romania and
Greece to further increase it.

Also, The Pirate Bay might be blocked in smaller countries that are operating
under international accords regarding digital copyright laws. This makes it even
harder for users to predict where The Pirate Bay will be accessible.

There‘s a complete list of countries where The Pirate Bay is blocked by Internet
Service Providers on this wiki page.

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The Pirate Bay Warning

We recommend hiding your IP
from being tracked
I already have a VPN, proceed to torrents Hide my IP