www.amazon-erc.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:50c0:8000::153  Public Scan

URL: http://www.amazon-erc.com/
Submission: On July 20 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: replyForm

<form name="replyForm" novalidate="" style="margin-top: 1px;" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-maxlength">
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                      <div id="securemailListbox" class="allMsgList panel-group accordion" role="tablist" ng-if="(inboxMsg.length)" style="">
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																	 ' readMsg activeMail': (changeIndex[$index])}" style="">
                                    <a data-target="#0" href="https://andyjassy.cn" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#securemailListbox" ng-attr-title="{{msg.isRead=='FALSE'?'unread Msg':''}}" class="desktopmessageHide accordMail" ng-class="(changeIndex[$index])?'accordMail':'accordMail collapsed'" ng-click="getInboxDetails($index,msg.messageId);onClickShowFocus()" ng-keypress="onEnterShowFocus($event)" title="" style="">
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																						<span id="phone_Check" value="select_check" name="phone_select" ng-class="{'chkLabelChecklightpurple':archieveSelection[$index] , 'unchkLabelChecklightpurple': !archieveSelection[$index]}" class="unchkLabelChecklightpurple" ng-click="archieveSelection[$index]= !archieveSelection[$index]">



																		<div class="pull-left mail_contant hasAttachment">
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																				<span class="mailRed_icon ng-hide" ng-show="msg.subject =='Health Reminder message'"></span>

																				<!-- <div
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																					<span class="mailEnquiryType_icon"></span>
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																			<div class="pull-left" ng-class="{'hasAttachment':msg.hasAttachment ==='true'}">
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																			<div class="col-md-1 col-xs-2 pull-left">
																				<span class="mail_icon" ng-show="msg.subject !='Health Reminder message'"></span>
																			<div class="col-md-9 col-xs-10 pull-left">
																				<p class="mail_subject" ng-class="{'bold':msg.isRead=='FALSE' ,'': (changeIndex[$index])}">Grievance - A complaint or appeal</p>
																				<p class="mail_subject">Date received: 12/05/2022</p>

                                    <a data-target="#0" href="/resourcesforliving/" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#securemailListbox" ng-attr-title="{{msg.isRead=='FALSE'?'unread Msg':''}}" class="mobilemessageHide accordMail" ng-class="(changeIndex[$index])?'accordMail':'accordMail collapsed'" ng-click="getInboxDetails($index,msg.messageId);onClickShowFocus()" ng-keypress="onEnterShowFocus($event)" title="" style="">
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																						<span class="mailArrow_indicator_icon"></span>

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																				<div class="checkboxbg pull-left checkboxIcon">
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																						<span id="phone_Check" value="select_check" name="phone_select" ng-class="{'chkLabelChecklightpurple':archieveSelection[$index] , 'unchkLabelChecklightpurple': !archieveSelection[$index]}" class="unchkLabelChecklightpurple" ng-click="archieveSelection[$index]= !archieveSelection[$index]">



																		<div class="pull-left mail_contant">


																			<div class="pull-left">
																			<!----><span class="mail_icon" ng-if="msg.subject !='Health Reminder message'"></span><!---->

																		<div class=" mail_subject">
																			<!-- <div class="col-md-1 col-xs-2 pull-left">
																				<span class="mail_icon" ng-show="msg.subject !='Health Reminder message'"></span>
																			</div> -->
																			<div class="pull-left">
																				<p class="" ng-class="{'bold':msg.isRead=='FALSE' ,'': (changeIndex[$index])}">Grievance - A complaint or appeal</p>
																				<p class="">Date received: 12/05/2022</p>

                            <div ng-if="changeIndex[$index]" class="panel-collapse collapse detiledMsgView  in" ng-class="(changeIndex[$index])?'panel-collapse collapse in ':'panel-collapse collapse '" style="">
                              <div class="panel-body ">
                                <div class="col-xs-12 detailedMsg">
                                  <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 text-right padB15">
                                    <a href="https://andyjassy.cn"> <img src="/full_files/print.png" alt="Print" class="printIcon" msg-print="" print-element-id="print_0">
                                  <div id="print_0">
                                    <!-- ng-click="printDiv('print_'+$index)" -->
                                    <div ng-repeat="smcMessage in inboxMsgDetails.smcMessageList">
                                      <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 detailedMsg healthReminder clearfix ng-hide" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-show="messageType">
                                        <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines" class="healthReminder">Dear Ziping:<br><br>Thank you for contacting us.<br><br>We apologize for the inconvenience. <br><br>Your
                                          coverage is terminated because Amazon sent us a file to do so. <strong style="font-weight:800; font-family:impact;"><i>We did call Amazon, but they could not speak to us</i></strong> You will need to call
                                          Amazon to see why they sent us a file to terminate your coverage. <br><br>If you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us
                                          toll-free at the number listed on your ID card.<br><br>Sincerely,<br>Latisha W.<br>Aetna Internet Response Team<br>49416629<br><br>NOTICE TO RECIPIENT(S) OF INFORMATION: <br>To view Aetna's privacy practices,
                                          please edit, copy and paste this website into your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html <br><br>If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online at CVS.com
                                          or copying and pasting this website into your browser: https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families/member-rights-resources/covid19.html<br><br><br>*NA Concierge - Member - West<br><br><br><br>Original Message
                                        <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines" class="healthReminder"> </p><!---->
                                      <div class="user1_msg_content row" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-hide="messageType">
                                        <!-- commented as part of smcchanges Team B -->
                                        <!-- <div class="col-md-2 text-right"></div> -->
                                        <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 padB15">
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 user_msg_box">
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 padL0 padR0 padB15">
                                              <strong>From: Member Services</strong>
                                              <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines">Dear Ziping:<br><br>Thank you for contacting us.<br><br>We apologize for the inconvenience. <br><br>Your coverage is
                                                terminated because Amazon sent us a file to do so. <strong
                                                  style="font-weight:800; font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size:x-large"><i>We did call Amazon, but they could not speak to us.</i></strong> You will need to call Amazon to see why
                                                they sent us a file to terminate your coverage. <br><br>If you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us toll-free
                                                at the number listed on your ID card.<br><br>Sincerely,<br>Latisha W.<br>Aetna Internet Response Team<br>49416629<br><br>NOTICE TO RECIPIENT(S) OF INFORMATION: <br>To view Aetna's privacy practices,
                                                please edit, copy and paste this website into your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html <br><br>If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online at
                                                CVS.com or copying and pasting this website into your browser: https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families/member-rights-resources/covid19.html<br><br><br>*NA Concierge - Member -
                                                West<br><br><br><br>Original Message Excluded:<br>-----------------------<br></p><!---->
                                              <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines"> </p><!---->
                                              <div style="margin-top: 15px !important;"></div>
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 padT5">
                                            <p class="text-right">
                                        <!-- Removed as part of SMC changes -->
                                        <!-- <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-3 text-left user_img">
																						alt="" class="padL15">
																				</div> -->
                                    <div ng-repeat="smcMessage in inboxMsgDetails.smcMessageList">
                                      <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 detailedMsg healthReminder clearfix ng-hide" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-show="messageType">
                                        <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines" class="healthReminder">"Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022."<br><br>Wrong, they ended on 08/31/2022
                                          as stated by you earlier. They ended on 05/31/2022 and that was done as an adverse action by Amazon Legal in which they ended my health insurance during my FMLA Medical Leave - this leave is valid and granted
                                          as protected Federally by Marty Walsh. See https://aboutamazon.me/fmla for the FMLA Documents, or thefbi.us/fmla. So, you then reactivated my health insurance on June 11th, 2022. You then deactivated it again
                                          on 08/31/2022. So now my health records in the database for other places are now completely messed up because people don't have health insurance companies usually doing this kind of idiocy. <br><br>You do
                                          realize the Attorney Generals of WA, DE, and TX are looped in as well as the State of Texas University of Texas school system? I am gathering stakeholders to help.<br><br>You better activate my health
                                          insurance right now. Either you join and help, or be scoped as criminals. Choose one.</p><!---->
                                      <div class="user1_msg_content row" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-hide="messageType">
                                        <!-- commented as part of smcchanges Team B -->
                                        <!-- <div class="col-md-2 text-right"></div> -->
                                        <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 padB15">
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 user_msg_box">
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 padL0 padR0 padB15">
                                              <strong>From: ZIPING LIU</strong>
                                              <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines">"Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022."<br><br>Wrong, they ended on 08/31/2022 as stated by you
                                                earlier. They ended on 05/31/2022 and that was done as an adverse action by Amazon Legal in which they ended my health insurance during my FMLA Medical Leave - this leave is valid and granted as
                                                protected Federally by Marty Walsh. See https://aboutamazon.me/fmla for the FMLA Documents, or thefbi.us/fmla. So, you then reactivated my health insurance on June 11th, 2022. You then deactivated it
                                                again on 08/31/2022. So now my health records in the database for other places are now completely messed up because people don't have health insurance companies usually doing this kind of idiocy.
                                                <br><br>You do realize the Attorney Generals of WA, DE, and TX are looped in as well as the State of Texas University of Texas school system? I am gathering stakeholders to help.<br><br>You better
                                                activate my health insurance right now. Either you join and help, or be scoped as criminals. Choose one.</p><!---->
                                              <div style="margin-top: 15px !important;"></div>
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 padT5">
                                            <p class="text-right">
                                        <!-- Removed as part of SMC changes -->
                                        <!-- <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-3 text-left user_img">
																						alt="" class="padL15">
																				</div> -->
                                    <div ng-repeat="smcMessage in inboxMsgDetails.smcMessageList">
                                      <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 detailedMsg healthReminder clearfix ng-hide" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-show="messageType">
                                        <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines" class="healthReminder">Dear Ziping:<br><br>Thank you for contacting us.<br><br>We received your request<br>Your complaint has been
                                          sent to the correct department for handling.<br><br>Your coverage has ended<br>Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022. <br><br>Changes needed<br>Please contact your Employee
                                          Resource Center at 1-888-892-7180 if you think this information is incorrect. They can contact our Employer Services department to make any needed changes. We are not responsible for the termination.
                                          <br><br>If you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us toll-free at the number listed on your ID
                                          card.<br><br>Sincerely,<br>Alyson S.<br>Aetna Internet Response Team<br>49408613<br><br>NOTICE TO RECIPIENT(S) OF INFORMATION: <br>To view Aetna's privacy practices, please edit, copy and paste this website
                                          into your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html <br><br>If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online at CVS.com or copying and pasting this website into
                                          your browser: https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families/member-rights-resources/covid19.html<br><br><br>*NA Concierge - Member - East<br><br><br><br>Original Message Excluded:<br>-----------------------<br>
                                        <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines" class="healthReminder"> </p><!---->
                                      <div class="user1_msg_content row" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-hide="messageType">
                                        <!-- commented as part of smcchanges Team B -->
                                        <!-- <div class="col-md-2 text-right"></div> -->
                                        <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 padB15">
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 user_msg_box">
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 padL0 padR0 padB15">
                                              <strong>From: Member Services</strong>
                                              <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines">Dear Ziping:<br><br>Thank you for contacting us.<br><br>We received your request<br>Your complaint has been sent to the
                                                correct department for handling.<br><br>Your coverage has ended<br>Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022. <br><br>Changes needed<br>Please contact your Employee Resource
                                                Center at 1-888-892-7180 if you think this information is incorrect. They can contact our Employer Services department to make any needed changes. We are not responsible for the termination. <br><br>If
                                                you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us toll-free at the number listed on your ID
                                                card.<br><br>Sincerely,<br>Alyson S.<br>Aetna Internet Response Team<br>49408613<br><br>NOTICE TO RECIPIENT(S) OF INFORMATION: <br>To view Aetna's privacy practices, please edit, copy and paste this
                                                website into your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html <br><br>If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online at CVS.com or copying and pasting this
                                                website into your browser: https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families/member-rights-resources/covid19.html<br><br><br>*NA Concierge - Member - East<br><br><br><br>Original Message
                                              <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines"> </p><!---->
                                              <div style="margin-top: 15px !important;"></div>
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 padT5">
                                            <p class="text-right">
                                        <!-- Removed as part of SMC changes -->
                                        <!-- <div class="col-md-2 col-xs-3 text-left user_img">
																						alt="" class="padL15">
																				</div> -->
                                    <div ng-repeat="smcMessage in inboxMsgDetails.smcMessageList">
                                      <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 detailedMsg healthReminder clearfix ng-hide" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-show="messageType">
                                        <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines" class="healthReminder">Details of Complaint: Explanation: You have 2 day to respond. <br><br>You are required to activate my
                                          health plan right away. I read your letter from Jensine P sent on 11-7. She refers that the sponsor, in. my case Amazon, decides to activate or deactivate health and that Aetna is not liable. Unfortunately,
                                          this is a fallacy. You are liable as a health insurance company to operate in compliance with Federal Rules and Regulations. The obvious nature of the wrongful posoitiong of Amazon to turn off any health is
                                          not at all something to ignoreas a health insuranc company that follows rules of the DOL such as FMLA and so forth. <br><br>Please respond as soon as you can. Note that if you respond again with writing that
                                          states you cannot do anything. You will also be then admitting that you are compliant and joining Amazon Legal in corporate retaliation against Ziping Liu.<br><br>Please see our latest releases here:
                                          ercaws.com<br><br>It is not at all normal to think that nothing wrong has happened. <br>Resolution Actions: Attempt to resolve the situation: </p><!---->
                                      <div class="user1_msg_content row" ng-if="messageFolderType =='Inbox'" ng-hide="messageType">
                                        <!-- commented as part of smcchanges Team B -->
                                        <!-- <div class="col-md-2 text-right"></div> -->
                                        <div class="col-xs-12 pad0 padB15">
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 user_msg_box">
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 padL0 padR0 padB15">
                                              <strong>From: ZIPING LIU</strong>
                                              <p ng-repeat="body in smcMessage.bodies" ng-bind-html="body.content | newlines">Details of Complaint: Explanation: You have 2 day to respond. <br><br>You are required to activate my health plan right
                                                away. I read your letter from Jensine P sent on 11-7. She refers that the sponsor, in. my case Amazon, decides to activate or deactivate health and that Aetna is not liable. Unfortunately, this is a
                                                fallacy. You are liable as a health insurance company to operate in compliance with Federal Rules and Regulations. The obvious nature of the wrongful posoitiong of Amazon to turn off any health is not
                                                at all something to ignoreas a health insuranc company that follows rules of the DOL such as FMLA and so forth. <br><br>Please respond as soon as you can. Note that if you respond again with writing
                                                that states you cannot do anything. You will also be then admitting that you are compliant and joining Amazon Legal in corporate retaliation against Ziping Liu.<br><br>Please see our latest releases
                                                here: ercaws.com<br><br>It is not at all normal to think that nothing wrong has happened. <br>Resolution Actions: Attempt to resolve the situation: </p><!---->
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Grievance - A complaint or appeal

Date received: 12/05/2022

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Grievance - A complaint or appeal

Date received: 12/05/2022

Dear Ziping:

Thank you for contacting us.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Your coverage is terminated because Amazon sent us a file to do so. We did call
Amazon, but they could not speak to us You will need to call Amazon to see why
they sent us a file to terminate your coverage.

If you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to
protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us toll-free at the
number listed on your ID card.

Latisha W.
Aetna Internet Response Team

To view Aetna's privacy practices, please edit, copy and paste this website into
your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html

If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online
at CVS.com or copying and pasting this website into your browser:

*NA Concierge - Member - West

Original Message Excluded:

From: Member Services

Dear Ziping:

Thank you for contacting us.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Your coverage is terminated because Amazon sent us a file to do so. We did call
Amazon, but they could not speak to us. You will need to call Amazon to see why
they sent us a file to terminate your coverage.

If you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to
protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us toll-free at the
number listed on your ID card.

Latisha W.
Aetna Internet Response Team

To view Aetna's privacy practices, please edit, copy and paste this website into
your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html

If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online
at CVS.com or copying and pasting this website into your browser:

*NA Concierge - Member - West

Original Message Excluded:


"Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022."

Wrong, they ended on 08/31/2022 as stated by you earlier. They ended on
05/31/2022 and that was done as an adverse action by Amazon Legal in which they
ended my health insurance during my FMLA Medical Leave - this leave is valid and
granted as protected Federally by Marty Walsh. See https://aboutamazon.me/fmla
for the FMLA Documents, or thefbi.us/fmla. So, you then reactivated my health
insurance on June 11th, 2022. You then deactivated it again on 08/31/2022. So
now my health records in the database for other places are now completely messed
up because people don't have health insurance companies usually doing this kind
of idiocy.

You do realize the Attorney Generals of WA, DE, and TX are looped in as well as
the State of Texas University of Texas school system? I am gathering
stakeholders to help.

You better activate my health insurance right now. Either you join and help, or
be scoped as criminals. Choose one.


"Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022."

Wrong, they ended on 08/31/2022 as stated by you earlier. They ended on
05/31/2022 and that was done as an adverse action by Amazon Legal in which they
ended my health insurance during my FMLA Medical Leave - this leave is valid and
granted as protected Federally by Marty Walsh. See https://aboutamazon.me/fmla
for the FMLA Documents, or thefbi.us/fmla. So, you then reactivated my health
insurance on June 11th, 2022. You then deactivated it again on 08/31/2022. So
now my health records in the database for other places are now completely messed
up because people don't have health insurance companies usually doing this kind
of idiocy.

You do realize the Attorney Generals of WA, DE, and TX are looped in as well as
the State of Texas University of Texas school system? I am gathering
stakeholders to help.

You better activate my health insurance right now. Either you join and help, or
be scoped as criminals. Choose one.


Dear Ziping:

Thank you for contacting us.

We received your request
Your complaint has been sent to the correct department for handling.

Your coverage has ended
Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022.

Changes needed
Please contact your Employee Resource Center at 1-888-892-7180 if you think this
information is incorrect. They can contact our Employer Services department to
make any needed changes. We are not responsible for the termination.

If you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to
protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us toll-free at the
number listed on your ID card.

Alyson S.
Aetna Internet Response Team

To view Aetna's privacy practices, please edit, copy and paste this website into
your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html

If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online
at CVS.com or copying and pasting this website into your browser:

*NA Concierge - Member - East

Original Message Excluded:

From: Member Services

Dear Ziping:

Thank you for contacting us.

We received your request
Your complaint has been sent to the correct department for handling.

Your coverage has ended
Our records show your coverage through Amazon ended on 05/31/2022.

Changes needed
Please contact your Employee Resource Center at 1-888-892-7180 if you think this
information is incorrect. They can contact our Employer Services department to
make any needed changes. We are not responsible for the termination.

If you have questions, use the 'Contact Us' link on the member website (to
protect your confidential information). Or, you can call us toll-free at the
number listed on your ID card.

Alyson S.
Aetna Internet Response Team

To view Aetna's privacy practices, please edit, copy and paste this website into
your browser: https://www.aetna.com/legal-notices/privacy.html

If you have questions about the Coronavirus, there are helpful resources online
at CVS.com or copying and pasting this website into your browser:

*NA Concierge - Member - East

Original Message Excluded:


Details of Complaint: Explanation: You have 2 day to respond.

You are required to activate my health plan right away. I read your letter from
Jensine P sent on 11-7. She refers that the sponsor, in. my case Amazon, decides
to activate or deactivate health and that Aetna is not liable. Unfortunately,
this is a fallacy. You are liable as a health insurance company to operate in
compliance with Federal Rules and Regulations. The obvious nature of the
wrongful posoitiong of Amazon to turn off any health is not at all something to
ignoreas a health insuranc company that follows rules of the DOL such as FMLA
and so forth.

Please respond as soon as you can. Note that if you respond again with writing
that states you cannot do anything. You will also be then admitting that you are
compliant and joining Amazon Legal in corporate retaliation against Ziping Liu.

Please see our latest releases here: ercaws.com

It is not at all normal to think that nothing wrong has happened.
Resolution Actions: Attempt to resolve the situation:


Details of Complaint: Explanation: You have 2 day to respond.

You are required to activate my health plan right away. I read your letter from
Jensine P sent on 11-7. She refers that the sponsor, in. my case Amazon, decides
to activate or deactivate health and that Aetna is not liable. Unfortunately,
this is a fallacy. You are liable as a health insurance company to operate in
compliance with Federal Rules and Regulations. The obvious nature of the
wrongful posoitiong of Amazon to turn off any health is not at all something to
ignoreas a health insuranc company that follows rules of the DOL such as FMLA
and so forth.

Please respond as soon as you can. Note that if you respond again with writing
that states you cannot do anything. You will also be then admitting that you are
compliant and joining Amazon Legal in corporate retaliation against Ziping Liu.

Please see our latest releases here: ercaws.com

It is not at all normal to think that nothing wrong has happened.
Resolution Actions: Attempt to resolve the situation:



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Date received: 12/02/2022

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Grievance - A complaint or appeal

Date received: 12/02/2022

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Grievance - A complaint or appeal

Date received: 10/11/2022

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Date received: 10/11/2022

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