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Negotiation Events
Become an expert negotiator when you attend our executive education programs.

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August 31, 2023

Be a Better Negotiator in Every Aspect of Your Life

Negotiation and Leadership
In Person in Cambridge

September 18-20 | October 23-25 | December 4-6

The Charles Hotel | Cambridge, Massachusetts


Dear Colleague:

What if you could learn a lifetime of game-changing negotiation strategies and
secrets from the world’s top negotiators, in just a few days? 

For more than three decades, Program on Negotiation has offered this unique
opportunity. When Roger Fisher and William Ury published Getting to Yes in
1981—putting the art and science of negotiation on the map—Harvard Law School
went to work. We created the Program on Negotiation, with our three-day flagship
program, Negotiation and Leadership: Dealing with Difficult People and Problems.

Our program was the first to translate the pivotal insights of Getting to Yes
into practical, actionable education for professionals at every level who wanted
to become better and more successful negotiators. 

Today, many of the world’s top business leaders, government officials, corporate
trainers, and legal experts  attend Negotiation and Leadership to sharpen their
negotiation tactics and equip themselves with winning conflict-resolution
strategies. Here’s why our program is considered the leader in the field of
negotiation and dispute resolution:

Faculty at the top of their game

Negotiation and Leadership is led by a “Who’s Who” of negotiation
experts—faculty who have had roles in every type of high-stakes negotiation,
from peace talks to labor disputes to Fortune 500 mergers. Representing a
spectrum of disciplines—law, business, public policy, decision-making theory,
psychology, economics, government, education, and more—they translate their
expertise into practical strategies for both experienced and novice negotiators.

 * Debbie Goldstein, Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School; Lecturer on Education,
   Harvard Graduate School of Education; CEO, Triad Consulting
 * Sheila Heen, Thaddeus R. Beal Professor of Practice, Harvard Law School;
   Deputy Director, Harvard Negotiation Project; Co-founder, Triad Consulting
 * James Sebenius, Gordon Donaldson Professor of Business Administration,
   Harvard Business School; Director, Harvard Negotiation Project
 * Daniel L. Shapiro, Associate Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School
   / McLean Hospital; Director, Harvard International Negotiation Program;
   Associate Director, Harvard Negotiation Project
 * Douglas Stone, Lecturer, Harvard Law School; Co-founder, Triad Consulting
 * Guhan Subramanian, Faculty Chair, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law
   School; Joseph H. Flom Professor of Law and Business, Harvard Law School; H.
   Douglas Weaver Professor of Business Law, Harvard Business School; Faculty
   Chair, JD/MBA Program, Harvard University
 * Robert Wilkinson, Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School


Lessons in the art and the science of negotiation

Studying negotiation theory is critical, but it’s not enough. Negotiation and
Leadership accelerates your negotiation capabilities through real-life case
study discussions, team exercises, and stories from the front lines of
negotiation—enabling you to master the art of conflict management and be a more
thoughtful and effective negotiator. After the program, you’ll be adept at
focusing on the vital details that can change the outcomes, from word choice to
body language to seating arrangements.  

Small investment, immeasurable return

For a small investment of your time and money, you’ll learn to better cope with
difficult people and hard bargainers, more effectively structure deals, and
productively manage conflict. These improvements can help you unlock value in
your work and life, from commanding a more competitive salary to having better
relationships at the office (and even at home). You can also choose to add a
one-day, in-depth session that tackles a tough negotiation problem (and take
advantage of discounted pricing for the four days).

Getting to Yes launched an industry of negotiation consultancies and self-help
manuals. But when it comes to becoming a better negotiator, it makes sense to
attend the original program that remains the gold standard. No matter where you
are on the negotiation continuum, you’ll walk away from Negotiation and
Leadership ready to tackle your next negotiation head-on. So join us in
Cambridge soon—because this is the only program that can help you get to yes.



Thank you,

Gail Odeneal
Director of Marketing
Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School

P.S. You’ll leave Negotiation and Leadership with a certificate of completion
from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School—an impressive CV
credential that will speak volumes about your negotiation prowess.





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Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
Pound Hall 501, 1563 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02138

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