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parkruns are free, weekly, timed events across the world, organised by local


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our events will always be free and everyone will always be welcome!


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> Two years ago I turned 50. I was overweight at 18 stone and a HGV truck driver
> with an alcohol dependency. I started jogging early in the mornings when it
> was dark so nobody could see me. Then I started going to my local parkrun
> event, Hull parkrun. I have since joined East Hull Harriers, completed two
> half marathons and am now training for my first full marathon in York in
> October. Many thanks to parkrun, friends and my family for all your support.

Andrew Butler Hull parkrun, UK

> What I love about parkrun in Barry Curtis is not only the great course of
> grass, pavement, footpath, gravel and dirt, but was run by good organisers who
> were motivating us towards the finish line and cheering us on! Also all
> runners from different cultures and different levels were running together for
> lifestyle and fitness. I ran with my son and it was inspiring from a dad’s
> perspective to run with him and a tradition we will pass on to our
> generations. I also ran with my sister and brother, “Let’s get the whole
> family involved”. I appreciate the effort of the parkrun event organisers
> through rain, sun, thunder and storm - they are still out there giving it 100%
> - parkrunners is the word!

Eric Sila Barry Curtis parkrun, NZ

> Twelve months ago I was 27 stone 6 lbs. After joining a weight loss group I
> lost over eight stone and decided to get myself fitter. On the 18th of January
> this year I did my first Dewsbury parkrun. I had never run before but decided
> to give it a go just to see if I could do it. I started at the back, finished
> at the back and finished in a time of 44 minutes and 45 seconds. The support
> from the other runners was fantastic, it really did help. I ran again the
> following week and got a PB of 41 minutes and 11 seconds. Once again the
> support was awesome and I’m looking forward to running again already. I would
> just like to thank everyone at Dewsbury parkrun for their support.

Cecilia Siruffo Dewsbury parkrun, UK

> I have been involved in lots of professional sporting environments and also
> non-professional sporting events in the past and the ease of which I was
> included in the activities and the eagerness of Scott and his wife Joanne to
> assist me in any way was something that other organisations should take note
> of. I contacted Scott a few weeks ago about the possibility of me joining the
> parkrun family as a wheelchair athlete and since then he has been amazing. I
> think that there were more people cheering me on when I crossed the finish
> line than what there was at my 1st match at the Beijing Paralympics. I would
> recommend parkrun to any of my mates in wheelchairs, as a great way to meet
> people and stay fit. Thank you to parkrun for being so eager to be inclusive.

Michael Dobbie Albert Park parkrun, Melbourne, AU

> I started running parkrun when King’s Lynn parkrun began in September of 2011
> and not only has parkrun improved my running dramatically, it has also
> enhanced my life beyond recognition. In June of 2012 I met my fiancee Lisa
> Jermey at parkrun and we are now getting married in May this year. We believe
> we are the first parkrun wedding stemming from King’s Lynn parkrun to add to
> possibly the first King’s Lynn parkrun baby as our son Stanley Charlie Pyatt
> was born on the 13th of December 2013. We would all like to thank all the
> parkrun UK team personally as without you we may never have met and have such
> a happy life together. Thanks for everything!

Matt Pyatt, Lisa and Stanley King’s Lynn parkrun, UK

> Glad I ran today… really didn't feel like it when I got up this morning but
> told myself I’ll just go and even if I walk the whole way at least I did it
> and ended up feeling much better afterwards! Looking forward to volunteering
> next week and having an "Official" day off haha.

Janine Joubert Hamilton Lake parkrun, NZ

> When I started at parkrun just a few months ago, I immediately fell in love
> with the welcoming, friendly atmosphere, but I could never have imagined how
> important the parkrun family would come to mean to me. I got to know people
> through going to the café afterwards (my favourite bit) and volunteering and I
> would like to give special thanks to the team at Shrewsbury parkrun for “the
> love and support offered by a group of wonderful people”. They have indeed
> helped me through some challenging times. Thank you so much Shrewsbury
> parkrun!

Margaret Connarty Shrewsbury parkrun, UK

> What a way to start the year! On Saturday I completed my 100th parkrun! Five
> years ago I broke my knee and had to learn to walk again. I was also told I
> would never be able to run again but thanks to parkrun I have proved the
> surgeon wrong. I have also made some great friends through Nonsuch parkrun,
> one of whom celebrated their 100th parkrun with me. Thank you for making this
> happen.

Fran Afonso Nonsuch parkrun, UK


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