www.gartner.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://app.gartnerformarketers.com/e/er?utm_campaign=RM_GB_2024_WB24_C_BB1_ONDEMANDE5_WB_A_CONTROLLED&utm_medium=email&utm_source=E...
Effective URL: https://www.gartner.com/en/webinar/576150/1294519?utm_campaign=RM_GB_2024_WB24_C_BB1_ONDEMANDE5_WB_A_CONTROLLED&utm_medi...
Submission: On June 10 via api from CA — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 7 forms found in the DOM

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focus on strategic leadership, where you’ll get answers to your burning
questions on how to be an effective leader across the enterprise and the steps
you can take to deliver business value. Across this 4-session virtual stream,
you’ll gain insights tailored to your role as a CIO where you’ll discover how
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business acumen, learn to delegate more effectively, and manage conflict with
teams that have difficult personalities. Throughout this recorded series, you’ll
hear from top Gartner Analysts who specialize in leadership development for
CIOs, how to achieve business results and increase your influence. Plus, you’ll
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conversations with your leadership team. Register to start watching now! 

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