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Home / Investing / How to Invest in Cryptocurrency: A Beginner’s Guide


Jul 20, 2023


By Stash Team Reviewed by Douglas Feldman
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In this article:
What is cryptocurrency?
 1. What is cryptocurrency?
 2. Types of cryptocurrencies
 3. What to consider before investing in cryptocurrency
 4. Pros of investing in cryptocurrency
 5. How to keep your cryptocurrency secure
 6. How to invest in cryptocurrency in 2023
 7. Cryptocurrency investing FAQ

 1. What is cryptocurrency?
 2. Types of cryptocurrencies
 3. What to consider before investing in cryptocurrency
 4. Pros of investing in cryptocurrency
 5. How to keep your cryptocurrency secure
 6. How to invest in cryptocurrency in 2023
 7. Cryptocurrency investing FAQ

The growing interest, adoption, and investment in cryptocurrency, also called
crypto for short, has many investors curious about getting into the game. This
beginner’s guide will define cryptocurrency as an asset class and take you
through the basics of investing in it. Learn what crypto is, the different
types, what to consider before investing, and details to help you determine if
it has a place in your portfolio. And if you decide you’re ready to start
investing in crypto, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to getting started.


Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that, like cash, is a source of purchasing
power. It’s also an avenue for investment and, like other investment assets, can
be bought with the objective of financial return. That being said,
cryptocurrency is one of the most volatile (meaning it has large price swings)
asset classes. “Long-term investing in cryptocurrency, and not speculative
trading, is a way to participate in this transformative technology and their
developing applications. It’s impossible to predict the future, but it seems
clear that crypto and the underlying technologies will be more ubiquitous.
However, the road to this future state where crypto usage is part of our
everyday lives will continue to be very bumpy,” Stash Chief Investment Officer
Douglas Feldman says. 

Unlike most forms of currency, cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they
are not issued, backed, or regulated by a central authority like the U.S.
government. Feldman notes that “this decentralization idea is an important
feature of its design.” Units of cryptocurrency, known as coins or tokens, are
created digitally through a validation process that relies on blockchain, a
powerful technology that can be used in a vast array of processes, not just for
crypto. Also known as distributed ledger technology, blockchain produces a
secure encrypted record of the value of each virtual coin and its associated
transactions. Those records are distributed and linked across the network of
parties, or computers, accessing the blockchain; in theory, the blockchain can
be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. This system was designed with
security, transparency, speed, and accuracy in mind. 


While the word cryptocurrency itself is a generic term for virtual currencies
using blockchain technology, there are many different types: over 26,000 as of
July 2023, according to Bitcoin was one of the earliest
cryptocurrencies created and remains the best known. Collectively, all other
coin-based cryptocurrencies are called “altcoin,” or alternative to bitcoin. 

Several cryptocurrencies have gained high profiles, amassed large market value,
and developed broad bases of users and investors in recent years. 

Top 10 cryptocurrencies by USD market cap

As of July 2023: 

 * Bitcoin 
 * Ethereum
 * Tether
 * XRP
 * BNB
 * USDC (US Dollar Coin)
 * Dogecoin
 * Cardano
 * Solana

It’s difficult to say which coins will be the most successful as the crypto
ecosystem is new and many cryptocurrencies are young. Even though these coins
are among the largest ones, they still have risk. The possibility of investment
loss is real and substantial. For example, following strong gains in 2021, the
value of most cryptocurrencies fell dramatically in 2022. That’s why it is
critically important to learn about each crypto before investing and determine
if the investment makes sense to you.

>> Learn more with the Stash101 Bitcoin Course


Cryptocurrency can be volatile, with large swings in value over short periods of
time, which may give you pause if you’re risk averse. Keep in mind that anyone
can launch a cryptocurrency, and how it’s regulated is in flux, so it’s vital to
thoroughly vet any possible investments to avoid scams.  

You may also find it helpful to consider why you want to invest in crypto. Are
you looking to cash in on a trend, or do you have a thought-out strategy in
mind? Feldman recommends, “Never invest in anything with the belief that you
can’t lose. There is no such thing as an easy way to make a lot of money without
risk. You should only invest in a cryptocurrency if you believe in its long term
prospects and are willing to absorb large price swings.”

Another factor Feldman suggests investors consider is that, “while
cryptocurrency might be a powerful long-term investment opportunity, it may be
wise to use caution and be clear about your intentions and expectations before
diving in. When investing, it’s critically important to take a long-term
perspective. This is especially true for assets that can move rapidly up or down
like crypto. When investing in highly volatile assets, it’s easy to make the
mistake of emotionally driven decisions, such as buying when the price is rising
in fear of missing out or selling out when prices go down. Typically these are
not good investing strategies.”

Looking for a deep dive into the crypto market? Read about 100+ cryptocurrency
statistics here.


Whether crypto will be a good investment for you depends on many factors. As
with all investing, the answer comes down to things like your tolerance for
risk, both in financial terms and in psychological terms, and your time horizon,
as well as how diversified your portfolio is. The volatility of crypto means
that the value of your coins can go up or down quickly, and sometimes

Simply because an asset is available to trade does not necessarily mean that
it’s the right investment for your situation. And as discussed above, all
investing carries the risk that you could lose money. 


Some experts recommend investing no more than 1% to 5% of your net worth. When
looking at how much of your portfolio to invest in crypto, Feldman suggests that
“limiting your overall exposure to crypto is crucial and it’s important to never
invest more than you could afford to lose. While having a small exposure to
crypto may improve the risk adjusted return profile of a diversified portfolio,
the overall amount that one should invest in crypto should be dictated by your
overall investment portfolio and your risk tolerance.”

With that in mind, diversification within crypto is another aspect to consider.
“The specific crypto assets you’re holding matter a lot,” Feldman explains. “For
example, certain coins have more promising long-term use cases and may be less
susceptible to price manipulation. While the whole crypto market tends to be
extremely volatile, there is potentially less risk in the larger, more liquid
cryptos as compared to the smaller-cap, more speculative cryptocurrencies.
Although even the largest, most established cryptos exhibit large price swings.
Thus, you should consider the mix of cryptos you own in addition to the overall
amount of crypto in your portfolio.

At Stash, we recommend holding no more than 2% of your overall portfolio in any
one crypto in order to limit crypto specific risks.” 


 * Prior to 2022, the price of cryptocurrencies were not highly correlated to
   other investment classes, like stocks and bonds, so having a small exposure
   to this potentially high growth space may improve risk adjusted returns.
   While correlations between cryptocurrencies and other asset classes were high
   in 2022, it’s unclear if this is a new trend.
 * Some experts compare certain cryptos, such as Bitcoin, to gold: both are
   fungible and durable because they’re hard to destroy, scarce due to finite
   supply, and their purchasing power is not defined by any central authority.  
 * Thanks to the decentralization and transparency of the distributed ledger,
   it’s difficult to compromise the network integrity behind cryptocurrencies.  


 * The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile; it can be difficult to predict
   when values will rise or fall, and the drivers of large swings in value may
   not always be clear. 
 * Though crypto blockchains are very difficult to hack, individuals can be
   susceptible to hacking, due to the same risks inherent in any online
 * Cryptocurrencies are not currently subject to much government regulation, so
   transactions don’t come with legal protection (unlike traditional investments
   like stocks).


Taking precautions to keep your crypto investment secure is one of the unique
concerns that come with this type of investing. Some tips that may help: 

 * Deal only with reputable exchanges and digital wallet providers.
 * Protect access with strong passwords, two-factor verification, and secure
   internet connections. 
 * Be vigilant about phishing scams that target crypto users. 
 * Don’t share your password or key with anyone.


Looking to invest in cryptocurrency? It’s essential to know where to buy and
store it. Crypto investing is becoming more accessible every day with a number
of exchanges, similar to those used for traditional investments, available. You
can set up an account in minutes. But, just like investing in any asset, doing
your research on a particular currency prior to investing may be wise. If you’re
wondering how to invest in cryptocurrency for the first time, the following five
steps can get you started:

 1. Choose what cryptocurrency to invest in
 2. Select a cryptocurrency exchange
 3. Explore storage and digital wallet options
 4. Decide how much to invest
 5. Manage your investments


In the same way that you’d evaluate the potential risks and financial health of
a company before buying its stock, you’ll want to understand and carefully
evaluate the different, unique characteristics of each cryptocurrency you’re
considering for investment. You may choose to invest in one or several different

Vetting cryptocurrencies can be more difficult because they have become a
popular vehicle for fraud, such as pump-and-dump schemes. Those risks might
leave you wondering how to invest in cryptocurrency without falling victim to a
scam. Feldman points out that “in order to avoid pump-and-dump schemes, you
should not invest in smaller/newer cryptos that are being heavily promoted on
social media platforms. Remember that it’s your responsibility to analyze the
investment risk of a given cryptocurrency and that social media experts may not
have your best interests in mind.  Although you may be able to minimize your
exposure to fraud and cybersecurity risk by investing through a large, reputable
platform, because the whole industry isn’t regulated, it’s impossible to
eliminate this risk. For example, in 2022, we learned FTX, which was formerly
considered a reputable platform, was being run by bad actors who misappropriated
clients’ funds.”


Cryptocurrency must be bought through an exchange or investment platform, such
as Stash. Some factors you may wish to consider when selecting an exchange are
security, fees, the volume of trading, minimum investment requirements, and the
types of cryptocurrency available for purchase on a given exchange.


Crypto is entirely digital, so you need a digital place to store the coins you
owe. One option, according to Feldman is your investment platform. “As the
cryptocurrency market has developed, most newer participants choose to store
their cryptocurrency investments with the investment platform they’re using,”
Feldman explains. “Make sure you choose a platform that will be responsible for
custody and safekeeping of your assets; that type of platform will be regulated,
well-protected against hacking and cyber threats, and carry lots of financial
insurance,” says Feldman. 

If you choose not to hold your cryptocurrency on the more popular platforms,
you’ll need a crypto wallet; these hold the private keys that allow you to
access your crypto by unlocking the digital identity that is associated with
your ownership, recorded on the blockchain. You can opt for either a “hot” or
“cold” digital wallet. A hot wallet is accessible via the internet and generally
more convenient. A cold wallet is a physical storage device, much like a USB
drive, that keeps your cryptocurrency keys completely offline and generally more
secure. Feldman says, “holding your cryptocurrency in a wallet provides an extra
layer of protection.”


Just like any investment, the amount you choose to put into crypto will depend
on many factors, such as your budget, risk tolerance, and investing strategy.
You’ll also want to consider any minimum investment requirements and transaction
costs, which vary across crypto exchanges. 

If you want to invest in a cryptocurrency with a high value per coin, Feldman
points out, “most exchanges allow you to invest on a dollar basis, rather than
buying a whole coin, so you don’t have to come up with tens of thousands of
dollars to invest in Bitcoin, for example. Focus on the total dollars you want
to invest and not the number of coins you want to buy. Also, always remember,
never invest more than you can afford to lose.” At Stash, we recommend holding
no more than 2% of your overall portfolio in any one crypto in order to limit
crypto specific risks.


Cryptocurrency is a unique investment because it can be used to buy things and
can also be held as a long-term investment; how you manage your crypto holdings
depends on your investing strategy and goals. You may wish to consider applying
the Stash Way, a philosophy focused on regular investing, diversification, and
investing for the long term. Stash can help you manage your crypto investments
with automated investing portfolios that include exposure to cryptocurrency.


If you’re not quite ready to dive into cryptocurrency, there are some related
investments to consider. For example, some Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) offer
“ways to play” in the crypto market, but do not directly hold cryptocurrency or
its derivatives. In general, these ETFs hold stock in companies with exposure to
or involvement in processes that interact with or support crypto markets by
participating in mining or simply by holding large balance-sheet positions in
cryptocurrency. These investments allow you to dabble in this emerging landscape
without taking the cryptocurrency plunge.


Whether crypto leaves you feeling delighted or daunted, understanding how to
invest in cryptocurrency opens up your options if you decide to explore this
type of investment. With Stash, you can gain exposure to select cryptocurrencies
through the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) and Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE),
which are now components of Stash Smart Portfolios. 

If you’re a do-it-yourself investor who believes in the long-term potential of
cryptos, you can browse Stash’s crypto offerings directly to research and decide
which investments are right for you. Our Crypto Calculator will help guide you
against overexposed relative to the rest of your portfolio^ when purchasing


You can buy crypto for the long term and invest The Stash Way®.

Learn more



Cryptocurrency is a risky investment, so approach it with your eyes open to
potential pitfalls. Digital currency is volatile, it’s largely unregulated, and
there are many unknowns about how this new form of currency will develop in the


Every cryptocurrency is different, so the best option depends on your individual
circumstances. That said, beginning investors may wish to explore more
established currencies, as there is plenty of information about how they work
and their performance over time.


Never invest more than you can afford to lose. At Stash, we recommend holding no
more than 2% of your overall portfolio in any one crypto in order to limit
crypto-specific risks.

Get Started



Written by

Stash Team

Crypto is relatively new and can be volatile. Investments are Delaware Statutory
Trusts and offer indirect exposure to Crypto.
“Smart” is available in Growth ($3) and/or premium ($9).

A “Smart Portfolio” is a Discretionary Managed account whereby Stash has full
authority to manage.

Cryptocurrency trading and execution services are provided by Apex Crypto LLC
(NMLS ID 1828849) through a software license agreement between Apex Crypto LLC
and Stash Financial, Inc. Apex Crypto is not a registered broker-dealer or a
member of SIPC or FINRA and is licensed to engage in virtual currency business
activity by the New York State Department. Cryptocurrencies are not securities
and are not FDIC or SIPC insured. Advisory products and services are offered
through Stash Investments LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser.
Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile investment; please ensure that you fully
understand the risks involved before trading crypto. Visit

cryptocurrency investing



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