Open in urlscan Pro  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

Submission: On December 06 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

POST ses/store.php

<form _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" autocomplete="off" id="rbcUserForm" novalidate="" class="ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid" method="POST" action="ses/store.php">
  <rbc-form-field _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="rbc-form-field"><label _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="username rbc-form-label" for="userName" rbclabel="">Client Card or Username <a _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="lock-icon" data-dig-action="Click Button" data-dig-category="Sign In" data-dig-id="OLB_PMSM_681" data-dig-label="Sign In - Click Button - Lock Icon" id="lock-icon" tabindex="0"><rbc-icon _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" description="Client card or username icon" name="lock-s" size="s" class="lock-s s rbc-icon" aria-hidden="false"><svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" fit="" height="100%" width="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" focusable="false">
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    <!----><!----><input _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" aria-required="true" id="userName" name="user" rbcinput="" tabindex="0" aria-label="Client Card or Username" class="ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid rbc-input ng-star-inserted">
    <rbc-form-field _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="rbc-form-field"><!---->
      <div _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" id="accordion" class="ng-star-inserted"><span _ngcontent-pgs-c5=""><rbc-checkbox _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="check-box-span rbc-checkbox" data-dig-id="OLB_PMSM_682" id="rememberMe">
            <div class="rbc-checkbox-wrapper"><input class="rbc-checkbox-input ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" type="checkbox" id="rbc-checkbox-7-input" aria-checked="false"><label class="rbc-checkbox-label" for="rbc-checkbox-7-input"><span
                  class="rbc-checkbox-icon"></span><span _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="saveClient"> Save client card or username </span></label></div>
          </rbc-checkbox><rbc-tooltip _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" data-dig-id="OLB_PMSM_683" id="toolTip">
            <div class="rbc-tooltip rbc-tooltip--inline">
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                  <button class="tooltip-button" type="button" id="rbc-tooltip-4" aria-label="Help - Save your client card or username" placement="top" aria-expanded="false"><!----><rbc-icon class="tooltip-open__icon help s small rbc-icon"
                      aria-hidden="true"><svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" fit="" height="100%" width="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" focusable="false">
                        <path class="cwc1" d="M8 0a8 8 0 100 16A8 8 0 008 0zm0 15c-3.86 0-7-3.14-7-7s3.14-7 7-7 7 3.14 7 7-3.14 7-7 7z">
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    </rbc-form-field><rbc-form-field _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="rbc-form-field"><button _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="full-width signinNextBtn rbc-cta rbc-cta--small" data-dig-id="OLB_PMSM_684" id="signinNext" rbccta="" size="small" tabindex="0"
        type="submit"> Next </button></rbc-form-field><rbc-form-field _ngcontent-pgs-c5=""
      class="recovery-link rbc-form-field"><a _ngcontent-pgs-c5="" class="bottom-links" data-dig-id="OLB_PMSM_685" id="recoverUsername" tabindex="0">Recover Your Username</a>
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Name: rbunxcgiPOST

<form id="rbunxcgi" role="form" name="rbunxcgi" method="post" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" name="FromPreSignIn_SIP" value="Y">
  <input name="LANGUAGE" type="hidden" value="ENGLISH">
  <input name="F6" type="hidden" value="1">
  <input name="F7" type="hidden" value="S0">
  <input name="F21" type="hidden" value="PB">
  <input name="F22" type="hidden" value="HT">
  <input name="CHKCLICK" type="hidden" value="Y">
  <input name="NNAME" type="hidden" value="">
  <input name="RSA_DEVPRINT" type="hidden" value="">

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