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Townhouses and villas in Dubailand from Aldar Properties. Down payment 5%
from 2 293 sq ft
area of the flat
from 762 000 $
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Brokers say
Minimalist houses with parking
Athlon is a project of townhouses and villas, which is located on a large green
area in the Dubailand area. Dubailand is a territory consisting of several
districts united under one name and occupies more than 200 square meters. km.
Closed communities, a developed area and a large number of different sports and
entertainment venues have already formed here.
Real estate advisor
20 minutes from Trump International Golf Club
Cityland Mall is 5 minutes' drive, IMG Worlds of Adventure is 15 minutes, and
Trump International Golf Club is 20 minutes. If you love sports, then in 25
minutes by car you can reach Dubai Sports City, which is also part of Dubailand.
Real estate advisor
Green area with numerous communities
Dubailand is a territory consisting of several districts united under one name
and occupies more than 200 square meters. km. Closed communities, a developed
area and a large number of different sports and entertainment venues have
already formed here.
Real estate advisor

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The developer will announce prices soon, and then we will add them to our
website. Leave a request so we add you to the waiting list.
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Villas with 6 bedrooms
5786 ft²

Villas with 5 bedrooms
2293 ft²

Villas with 5 bedrooms
3766 ft²


View available payment plan in Athlon with detailed calculation
from 762 000 $
On booking
5 %
38 000 $
During construction
35 %
267 000 $
Upon completion of construction
60 %
457 000 $


The finish is offered in two options: light and dark. The main materials used
to create the interior are porcelain stoneware, wood and reclaimed stone. The
design is made in a modern style with elements of eco-style, which makes each
room harmonious and cozy, without unnecessary or pretentious elements.


living room



jogging paths
There are several parks, swimming pools for children and adults, various courts
for sports games, so you will definitely find some place to spend your time
Resembling a small, low-rise city, the community features roads, walking and
jogging paths.
Bicycle lovers enjoy access to rent of two-wheeled vehicles and a whole pump
track. To kep fit and health, there is a fitness center with yoga area and
climbing wall.
For children, a skate park, playground, and splash pad are equipped.

Aldar Properties is a leading property development and investment company,
established in 2004 in Abu Dhabi. The company’s portfolio includes major
developments and re-developments in Yas Island, Al Raha Beach, World Trade
Centre Abu Dhabi, Al Falah, and Noor Al Ain. Each project is provided with
residential, commercial, retail, leisure, hospitality, education and medical
YAS Golf Collection
Abu Dhabi Residences
Sustainable City
The Source
Saadiyat Lagoons
Reeman Living
Gardenia Bay
Yas Park Gate
Water's Edge
Reflection Tower
Nikki Beach Residences & Rosso Bay
Nobu Residences, Abu Dhabi
Sama Yas
Al Muneera

Sun Tower
See more 17 projects


Athlon is located in the tourist area of Dubailand. Book a viewing of the
project on our website.

25 minutes drive from Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall
…© Yandex User Agreement


Children's amusement park

Entertainment center The Valley

Aquila School

Tennis Academy

Dubai Outlet Mall

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Maria, Real estate advisor
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We usually call back within 7 minutes

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Download the full presentation of the development with apartment floorplans
To download the presentation of the development with apartment floorplans,
please enter your current phone number.
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Download the full brochure of completed projects in Dubai and Abu Dhab
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Our experts already have all the information: areas, layouts, cost and terms of
the deal. Leave a request, and our expert will send you the presentation and
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Maria, Real estate advisor
By filling out the form, you consent to the processing of personal data

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последние 4 цифры номера телефона
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We usually call back within 7 minutes

By filling out the form, you consent to the processing of personal data

The finish is offered in two options: light and dark. The main materials used
to create the interior are porcelain stoneware, wood and reclaimed stone. The
design is made in a modern style with elements of eco-style, which makes each
room harmonious and cozy, without unnecessary or pretentious elements.


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+971 (4) 581-4553

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Usually, the expert calls back within 10 minutes.

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the company's website:
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