Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission: On February 16 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST j_security_check

<form id="login-form" method="post" action="j_security_check" class="login-form">
  <div class="sc-bwzfXH exzExq">
    <div class="css-q5x77e">
      <div data-ds--text-field--container="true" class="css-1o07z2d"><input name="_charset_" aria-describedby="_charset_-uid5-valid _charset_-uid5-helper" aria-labelledby="_charset_-uid5-label" id="_charset_-uid5" data-ds--text-field--input="true"
          class="css-mfjdp3" value="UTF-8"></div>
  <div class="sc-bwzfXH exzExq">
    <div class="css-q5x77e">
      <div data-ds--text-field--container="true" class="css-1o07z2d"><input name="resource" aria-describedby="resource-uid6-valid resource-uid6-helper" aria-labelledby="resource-uid6-label" id="resource-uid6" data-ds--text-field--input="true"
          class="css-mfjdp3" value="/"></div>
  <div class="css-q5x77e"><label id="j_username-uid7-label" for="j_username-uid7" class="css-1ckttv1">Username</label>
    <div class="sc-EHOje iHtVkt"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="sc-htpNat imLsHu">
          d="M12 6C13.1 6 14 6.9 14 8C14 9.1 13.1 10 12 10C10.9 10 10 9.1 10 8C10 6.9 10.9 6 12 6ZM12 16C14.7 16 17.8 17.29 18 18H6C6.23 17.28 9.31 16 12 16ZM12 4C9.79 4 8 5.79 8 8C8 10.21 9.79 12 12 12C14.21 12 16 10.21 16 8C16 5.79 14.21 4 12 4ZM12 14C9.33 14 4 15.34 4 18V20H20V18C20 15.34 14.67 14 12 14Z"
      <div data-ds--text-field--container="true" data-testid="login-form-username-container" class="css-1o07z2d"><input autocomplete="off" name="j_username" aria-describedby="j_username-uid7-helper" aria-labelledby="j_username-uid7-label"
          id="j_username-uid7" data-ds--text-field--input="true" data-testid="login-form-username" class="css-mfjdp3" value=""></div>
  <div class="css-q5x77e"><label id="j_password-uid8-label" for="j_password-uid8" class="css-1ckttv1">Password</label>
    <div class="sc-EHOje iHtVkt"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="sc-bxivhb fzxqDr">
          d="M18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1C9.24 1 7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8ZM9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3C13.66 3 15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6ZM18 20H6V10H18V20ZM12 17C13.1 17 14 16.1 14 15C14 13.9 13.1 13 12 13C10.9 13 10 13.9 10 15C10 16.1 10.9 17 12 17Z"
      <div data-ds--text-field--container="true" data-testid="login-form-password-container" class="css-1o07z2d"><input type="password" name="j_password" aria-describedby="j_password-uid8-helper" aria-labelledby="j_password-uid8-label"
          id="j_password-uid8" data-ds--text-field--input="true" data-testid="login-form-password" class="css-mfjdp3" value=""></div>
      <div class="sc-bdVaJa cNEXqP"><button class="password-visibility-button css-9snh2d" data-testid="password-visibility-button" type="button" tabindex="0"><span class="css-16j5qb5"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
                d="M12 6C15.79 6 19.17 8.13 20.82 11.5C19.17 14.87 15.79 17 12 17C8.21 17 4.83 14.87 3.18 11.5C4.83 8.13 8.21 6 12 6ZM12 4C7 4 2.73 7.11 1 11.5C2.73 15.89 7 19 12 19C17 19 21.27 15.89 23 11.5C21.27 7.11 17 4 12 4ZM12 9C13.38 9 14.5 10.12 14.5 11.5C14.5 12.88 13.38 14 12 14C10.62 14 9.5 12.88 9.5 11.5C9.5 10.12 10.62 9 12 9ZM12 7C9.52 7 7.5 9.02 7.5 11.5C7.5 13.98 9.52 16 12 16C14.48 16 16.5 13.98 16.5 11.5C16.5 9.02 14.48 7 12 7Z"
  <footer class="css-1kpyubs">
    <div class="sc-EHOje iHtVkt"><button class="css-44gxc2" data-testid="login-form-submit" type="submit" tabindex="0"><span class="css-178ag6o">Log In</span></button></div>

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