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Submission: On December 18 via api from ZA — Scanned from DE

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Do you need a reliable enterprise-class tower server that can easily meet your

The HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen11 Plus server is a powerful yet affordable tower
server designed for small offices, remote and branch offices to run on-premises
and hybrid cloud solutions, delivering enterprise-class performance, security,
reliability, and expandability at a low cost. Hewlett Packard Enterprise builds
security right into the server with HPE iLO silicon root of trust. A redundant
power supply option and up to 4 LFF or 8 SFF hot-plug HDDs provide availability
and flexibility. The enhanced expansion capability, now including PCIe Gen5,
allows you to upgrade with serial attached SCSI (SAS) controllers or networking
cards as your business grows, which can give you an extra edge. Power your
business now with an HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen11 server.

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Are you looking for a robust and flexible tower optimized server for your SMB
and remote offices?

The HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen11 is a powerful 2P tower server with optional
rackable chassis for various environments, and delivers exceptional compute
performance, security, reliability, and expandability.

Powered by 4th and 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors up to 64 cores1, up
to 8 TB DDR5, PCIe Gen5, enhanced I/O and GPU support, and EDSFF storage, the
HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen11 server fulfills a wide range of demanding workloads.

The silicon root of trust anchors the server firmware to an HPE-exclusive ASIC,
creating a fingerprint for the 4th and 5th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors
that must be matched exactly before the server will boot.

The HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen11 server is an excellent choice for diverse workloads
such as IT infrastructure, Data Management, VDI, ERP/CRM. Scale and adapt to any
environment with this server and accelerate your growing business.

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Are you searching for an affordable tower server with enterprise-class
reliability and performance to meet the requirements of your growing business?

The HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen11 server is an enhanced single processor tower with
performance, expansion, and security at an affordable price. It supports the 4th
and 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor, HPE DDR5 SmartMemory with a maximum
capacity of 1536 GB, 4 x16 PCIe Gen5 slots, 1 x16 OCP3 slot, eight large form
factor (LFF) or 16 small form factor (SFF) disk drives. It can easily be
converted to a rack using 5.5U of rack space. The HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen11
server also offers optional redundant fan and redundant power supply to satisfy
automatic fail-over needs, making this the ideal server for small- to mid-sized
businesses, and remote and branch offices.

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Do you know that a reliable enterprise-class server can easily meet your budget?

The HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen10 Plus server is a powerful yet affordable tower
server designed for small offices, remote and branch offices to run on-premises
and hybrid cloud solutions, delivering enterprise-class performance, security,
reliability, and expandability at a low cost. Hewlett Packard Enterprise builds
security right into the server with HPE iLO silicon root of trust from HPE. A
redundant power supply option and up to 4 LFF or 8 SFF hot-plug HDDs provide
availability and flexibility. The enhanced expansion capability, now including
PCIe Gen4, allows you to upgrade with serial attached SCSI (SAS) controllers or
networking cards as your business grows, which can give you an extra edge. You
will be surprised at how much your business can benefit now and in the future
with an HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen10 Plus server.

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Do you know that a reliable enterprise-class server can easily meet your budget?

The HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen10 server is a powerful yet affordable tower server
designed for small offices, remote and branch offices to run on-premise and
Hybrid Cloud solutions, delivering enterprise-class performance, security,
reliability, and expandability at a lower cost. Just a small change can give you
an extra edge. Hewlett Packard Enterprise builds security right into the server
with HPE iLO silicon root of trust, making the HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen10 server
one of the world's most secure industry-standard servers. Redundant power supply
option and up to 4 LFF or 8 SFF hot-plug HDDs provide availability and
flexibility. The enhanced expansion capability allows you to upgrade with serial
attached SCSI (SAS) controllers, networking cards, or graphics cards as your
business grows. You will be surprised at how much benefit you can get with HPE
ProLiant ML30 Gen10 server.

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Are you searching for a tower server with enterprise-class reliability and
performance at an exceptional value to meet your requirements?

The HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen10 server is an enhanced single processor tower with
performance, expansion, and security at an affordable price. It supports the
Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor, HPE DDR4 SmartMemory with a maximum capacity of
192 GB, five PCIe slots, eight large form factor (LFF) or 16 small form factor
(SFF) disk drives. It can easily be converted to a rack using 4.5U of rack
space. The HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen10 server also offers optional redundant fan
and redundant power supply to satisfy automatic fail-over needs, making this the
ideal server for small- to mid-sized businesses, and remote and branch offices.

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Do you need a robust server for your SMB and remote offices?

HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen10 server delivers a secure dual-socket tower server with
performance, expandability, and proven reliability making it the choice for
expanding SMBs, remote offices of larger businesses, and enterprise data

ProLiant ML350 Gen10 leverages the Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors with up to
71%1 performance gain and 27% increase in cores2, along with the 2933 MT/s3 or
2666 MT/s HPE DDR4 SmartMemory supports up to 3.0 TB and 11%4 faster than 2400
MT/s. The shorter re-designed rackable chassis with multiple upgrade options
provides flexibility that can expand as your business needs grow. It supports
12Gb/s SAS, NVMe SSD, embedded 4x1GbE NIC with a broad range of graphics and
options. Supported by the HPE Pointnext industry-leading service organization,
the HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen10 server helps you transform to a digital business
with more agility and all within your limited IT budget.

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ProLiant ML30
Gen11"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"1014696172","productName":"HPE ProLiant
ML350 Gen11"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"1014705725","productName":"HPE
ProLiant ML110
Gen11"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"1013650972","productName":"HPE ProLiant
ML30 Gen10 Plus
server"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"1011028701","productName":"HPE ProLiant
ML30 Gen10 server"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"1010192782","productName":"HPE
ProLiant ML110 Gen10
server"}},{"productInfo":{"productID":"1010192786","productName":"HPE ProLiant
ML350 Gen10 server"}}]}

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