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this site is always updating! sometimes things will be janky but that is okay
cat kitty cat cat kitty cat cat
 * Home
 * About
 * CDs and Vinyls
 * Creative Journal
 * Fursonies
 * Lovemailing
 * Shrine



4/4/2023 - been a little bit! i've updated a bit of the layout, and added in a
handful of pages that i'll add to later. gonna be moving a few more things
around when i get some time.

2/3/2023 - about page created! links and info have been updated,
buttons/blinkies/stamps collection is a wip.

2/4/2023 - album reviews created, under cds and vinyls! a few reviews have been
added in now, there will be new albums added in frequently. please check the
review directory for an up to date list, as i will not update here every time i
add in a review!

Last Updated: 3-17-2024

You are Visitor #: 12,424

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Required Reading -- Email Me


My name is Rose, any variation of it, or Love!

They/Them, 22 year old finally catching up on all the little things I missed.

I'm the webmaster here, and I'm super new to coding, and I have no clue what I'm
doing! The important part is that I'm having fun. I wanted to make my own little
site after realizing how much I hate regular social media and centralization.

Please feel free to take a look around! I'm going to be adding to the pages here
slowly but surely, but I can assure you that there will be content. Eventually.
To the left you can see my fursona, Mayday, and you will see more of my other
fursonas as you continue to browse! I also plan to update this site with special
writings and posts that do not go on any of my other accounts, so that's a fun
little treat!

I really really love collecting physical media of any kind - CDs, Vinyls and
Books are my main favorites! I will eventually update this site with a reading
log as well as some book reviews and reccommendations. I love all kinds of music
and I love finding secondhand CDs and Vinyls at my local antiques malls and
thrift shops, so I will also be talking about those!

I have a strong interest in Taxidermy and Vulture Culture as well, I may
eventually make a page for all my little specimens! One day...

I could go on and on about the things I like, but that will be more for the
About page. I'll be editing this front page as I go on to add in future ideas
and remove things I have done! :]

All the art provided on my page will be from me, or will link back to its
creators! My current header is from the game Library of Ruina by Project Moon,
the header is of Gebura the Patron Librarian's floor!

The current count of reviewed albums is 6!

if you read this youre gay