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Submitted URL: https://centralsynagogue.cmail19.com/t/j-l-qijpkk-tyjrhuttly-j/
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Sister-Outsider-Speeches-Crossing-Feminist/dp/1580911862/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Sister+Out...
Submission: On September 16 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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Audre Lorde
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Audre Lorde (Author), Cheryl Clarke (Foreword)
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Presenting the essential writings of black lesbian poet and feminist writer
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider celebrates an influential voice in
twentieth-century literature.

“[Lorde's] works will be important to those truly interested in growing up
sensitive, intelligent, and aware.”—The New York Times 

In this charged collection of fifteen essays and speeches, Lorde takes on
sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia, and class, and propounds social difference
as a vehicle for action and change. Her prose is incisive, unflinching, and
lyrical, reflecting struggle but ultimately offering messages of hope. This
commemorative edition includes a new foreword by Lorde-scholar and poet Cheryl
Clarke, who celebrates the ways in which Lorde's philosophies resonate more than
twenty years after they were first published.

These landmark writings are, in Lorde's own words, a call to “never close our
eyes to the terror, to the chaos which is Black which is creative which is
female which is dark which is rejected which is messy which is . . . ”

Mehr lesen


Previous page
 1. Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe
    192 Seiten
 2. Sprache
 3. Herausgeber
    Crossing Press
 4. Erscheinungstermin
    1. August 2007
 5. Abmessungen
    15.24 x 1.27 x 22.86 cm
 6. ISBN-10
 7. ISBN-13
 8. Alle Details anzeigen

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“An eye-opener”—Publishers Weekly

“[Sister Outsider is] another indication of the depth of analysis that black
women writers are contributing to feminist thought.”—Barbara Christian, PhD,
author of Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers


* The classic collection of 15 essays and speeches by the prominent black
lesbian feminist writer Audre Lorde, reissued with a new foreword by Cheryl
Clarke. * Required reading in many cultural theory, literary criticism,
gay/lesbian studies, and women's studies programs at universities. * Includes
landmark essays such as "Uses of the Erotic" and "Poetry Is Not a Luxury" and a
seminal dialogue between Lorde and poet Adrienne Rich.


A writer, activist, and mother of two, Audre Lorde grew up in 1930s Harlem. She
earned a master’s degree in library science from Columbia University, received a
National Endowment for the Arts grant for poetry, and was New York State’s Poet
Laureate from 1991 to 1993. She is the author of twelve books, including
Zami and The Black Unicorn. Lorde died of cancer at the age of fifty-eight in


Scratching the Surface: Some Notes on Barriers to Women and Loving

 Racism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one race over all others and
thereby the right to dominance.
 Sexism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one sex and thereby the right
to dominance.
 Heterosexism: The belief in the inherentsuperiority of one pat, tern of
lovingand thereby its right to dominance.
 Homophobia: The fear of feelings of love for members of one's own sexand
therefore the hatred of those feelings in others.
THEABOVE FORMS of human blindness stem from the same root - an inability to
recognize the notion of difference as a dynamic human force, one which is
enriching rather than threatening to the defined self, when there are shared

To a large degree, at least verbally, the Black community has moved beyond the
"two steps behind her man" concept of sexual relations sometimes mouthed as
desirable during the sixties. This was a time when the myth of the Black
matriarchy as a social disease was being presented by racist forces to redirect
our attentions away from the real sources of Black oppression. 

For Black women as well as Black men, it is axiomatic that if we do not define
ourselves for ourselves, we will be defined by others - for their use and to our
detriment. The development of self-defined Black women, ready to explore and
pursue our power and interests within our communities, is a vital component in
the war for Black liberation. The image of the Angolan woman with a baby on one
arm and a gun in the other is neither romantic nor fanciful. When Black women in
this country corne together to examine our sources of strength and support, and
to recognize our common social, cultural, emotional, and political interests, it
is a development which can only contribute to the power of the Black community
as a whole. It can certainly never diminish it. For it is through the
corning together of self-actualized individuals, female and male, that any real
advances can be made. The old sexual power relationships based on a
dominant/subordinate model between unequals have not served us as a people, nor
as individuals.

Black women who define ourselves and our goals beyond the sphere of a sexual
relationship can bring to any endeavor the realized focus of completed and
therefore empowered individuals. Black women and Black men who recognize that
the development of their particular strengths and interests does not diminish
the other do not need to diffuse their energies fighting for control over each
other. We can focus our attentions against the real economic, political, and
social forces at the heart of this society which are ripping us and our children
and our worlds apart.

Increasingly, despite opposition, Black women are corning together to explore
and to alter those manifestations of our society which oppress us in different
ways from those that oppress Black men. This is no threat to Black men. It is
only seen as one by those Black men who choose to embody within themselves those
same manifestations of female oppression. For instance, no Black man has ever
been forced to bear a child he did not want or could not support. Enforced
sterilization and unavailable abortions are tools of oppression against
Black women, as is rape. Only to those Black men who are unclear about the
pathways of their own definition can the self-actualization and self-protective
bonding of Black women be seen as a threatening development.

Today, the red herring of lesbian...baiting is being used in the Black community
to obscure the true face of racism/sexism. Black women sharing close ties with
each other, politically or emotionally, are not the enemies of Black men. Too
frequently, however, some Black men attempt to rule by fear those Black women
who are more ally than enemy. These tactics are expressed as threats of
emotional rejection: "Their poetry wasn't too bad but I couldn't take all those
lezzies." The Black man say... ing this is code...warning every Black woman
present interested in a relationship with a man - and most Black women are
that (1) if she wishes to have her work considered by him she must eschew any
other allegiance except to him and (2) any woman who wishes to retain his
friendship and/or support had better not be "tainted" by woman-identified

If such threats of labelling, vilification and/or emotional isolation are not
enough to bring Black women docilely into camp as followers, or persuade us to
avoid each other politically and emotionally, then the rule by terror can be
expressed physically, as on the campus of a New York State college in the late
1970s, where Black women sought to come together around women's concerns. Phone
calls threatening violence were made to those Black women who dared to explore
the possibilities of a feminist connection with non...Black women. Some of these
women, intimidated by threats and the withdrawal of Black male approval, did
turn against their sisters. When threats did not prevent the attempted coalition
of feminists, the resulting campus wide hysteria left some Black women beaten
and raped. Whether the threats by Black men actually led to these assaults, or
merely encouraged the climate of hostility within which they could occur, the
results upon the women attacked were the

War, imprisonment, and "the street" have decimated the ranks of Black males of
marriageable age. The fury of many Black heterosexual women against white women
who date Black men is rooted in this unequal sexual equation within the Black
community, since whatever threatens to widen that equation is deeply and
articulately resented. But this is essentially unconstructive resentment because
it extends sideways only. It can never result in true progress on the issue
because it does not question the vertical lines of power or authority, nor the
sexist assumptions which dictate the terms of that competition. And the racism
of white women might be better addressed where it is less complicated by their
own sexual oppression. In this situation it is not the non..Black woman who
calls the tune, but rather the Black man who turns away from himself in his
sisters or who, through a fear borrowed from white men, reads her strength not
as a resource but as a challenge.

All too often the message comes loud and clear to Black women from Black men: "I
am the only prize worth having and there are not too many of me, and remember, I
can always go elsewhere. So if you want me, you'd better stay in your
place which is away from one another, or I will call you 'lesbian' and wipe you
out." Black women are programmed to define ourselves within this male attention
and to compete with each other for it rather than to recognize and move upon our
common interests.

The tactic of encouraging horizontal hostility to becloud more pressing issues
of oppression is by no means new, nor limited to relations between women. The
same tactic is used to encourage separation between Black women and Black men.
In discussions around the hiring and firing of Black faculty at universities,
the charge is frequently heard that Black women are more easily hired than are
Black men. For this reason, Black women's problems of promotion and tenure are
not to be considered important since they are only "taking jobs away from Black
men." Here again, energy is being wasted on fighting each other over the
pitifully few crumbs allowed us rather than being used, in a joining of forces,
to fight for a more realistic ratio of Black faculty. The latter would be a
vertical battle against racist policies of the academic structure itself, one
which could result in real power and change. It is the structure at the top
which desires changelessness and which profits from these apparently
endless kitchen wars.

Instead of keeping our attentions focused upon our real needs, enormous energy
is being wasted in the Black community today in antilesbian hysteria. Yet
women..identified women - those who sought their own destinies and attempted to
execute them in the absence of male support - have been around in all of
our communities for a long time. As Yvonne Flowers of York College pointed out
in a recent discussion, the unmarried aunt, childless or otherwise, whose home
and resources were often a welcome haven for different members of the family,
was a
familiar figure in many of our childhoods. And within the homes of our Black
communities today, it is not the Black lesbian who is battering and raping our
underage girl..children out of displaced and sickening frustration.

The Black lesbian has come under increasing attack from both Black men and
heterosexual Black women. In the same way that the existence of the
self..defined Black woman is no threat to the self..defined Black man, the Black
lesbian is an emotional threat only to those Black women whose feelings
of kinship and love for other Black women are problematic in some way. For so
long, we have been encouraged to view each other with suspicion, as eternal
competitors, or as the visible face of our own self-rejection.

Yet traditionally, Black women have always bonded together in support of each
other, however uneasily and in the face of whatever other allegiances which
militated against that bonding. We have banded together with each other for
wisdom and strength and support, even when it was only in relationship to one
man. We need only look at the close, although highly complex and involved,
relationships between African co..wives, or at the Amazon warriors of ancient
Dahomey who fought together as the King's main and most ferocious bodyguard. We
need only look at the more promising power wielded by the West African Market
Women Associations of today, and those governments which have risen and fallen
at their pleasure.

In a retelling of her life, a ninety-two-year-old Efik-Ibibio woman of Nigeria
recalls her love for another woman:

I had a woman friend to whom I revealed my secrets. She was very fond of keeping
secrets to herself. We acted as husband and wife. We always moved hand in glove
and my husband and hers knew about our relationship. The villagers nicknamed us
twin sisters. When I was out of gear with my husband, she would be the one to
restore peace. I often sent my children to go and work for her in return for her
kindnesses to me. My husband being more fortunate to get more pieces of land
than her husband, allowed some to her, even though she was not my co-wife.*

On the West Coast of Africa, the Fon of Dahomey still have twelve different
kinds of marriage. One of them is known as "giving the goat to the buck," where
a woman of independent means marries another woman who then mayor may not
bear children, all of whom will belong to the blood line of the first woman.
Some marriages of this kind are arranged to provide heirs for women of means who
wish to remain "free," and some are lesbian relationships. Marriages like these
occur throughout Africa, in several different places among different
peoples. Routinely, the women involved are accepted members of
their communities, evaluated not by their sexuality but by their respective
places within the community.

While a piece of each Black woman remembers the old ways of another place - when
we enjoyed each other in a sisterhood of work and play and power - other pieces
of us, less functional, eye one another with suspicion. In the interests of
separation, Black women have been taught to view each other as always suspect,
heartless competitors for the scarce male, the all-important prize that could
legitimize our existence. This dehumanizing denial of self is no less lethal
than the dehumanization of racism to which it is so closely allied.

If the recent attack upon lesbians in the Black community is based solely upon
an aversion to the idea of sexual contact between members of the same sex (a
contact which has existed for ages in most of the female compounds across the
African continent), why then is the idea of sexual contact between Black men so
much more easily accepted, or unrema.rked? Is the imagined threat simply the
existence of a self..motivated, self-defined Black woman who will not fear nor
suffer terrible retribution from the gods because she does not necessarily seek
her face in a man's eyes, even if he has fathered her children?
Female-headed households in the Black community are not always situations by

The distortion of relationship which says "I disagree with you, so I must
destroy you" leaves us as Black people with basically uncreative victories,
defeated in any common struggle. This jugular vein psychology is based on the
fallacy that your assertion or affirmation of self is an attack upon my self -
or that my defining myself will somehow prevent or retard your self, definition.
The supposition that one sex needs the other's acquiescence in order to exist
prevents both from moving together as self-defined persons toward a common goal.

This kind of action is a prevalent error among oppressed peoples. It is based
upon the false notion that there is only a limited and particular amount of
freedom that must be divided up between us, with the largest and juiciest pieces
of liberty go, ing as spoils to the victor or the stronger. So instead of
joining together to fight for more, we quarrel between ourselves for a larger
slice of the one pie. Black women fight between ourselves over men, instead of
pursuing and using who we are and our strengths for lasting change; Black women
and men fight between ourselves over who has more of a right to freedom, instead
of seeing each other's struggles as part of our own and vital to our common
goals; Black and white women fight between ourselves over who is the more
oppressed, instead of seeing those areas in which our causes are the same. (Of
course, this last separation is worsened by the intransigent racism that white
women too often fail to, or cannot, address in themselves.)

At a recent Black literary conference, a heterosexual Black woman stated that to
endorse lesbianism was to endorse the death of our race. This position reflects
acute fright or a faulty reasoning, for once again it ascribes false power to
difference. To the racist, Black people are so powerful that the presence of
one can contaminate a whole lineage; to the heterosexist, lesbians are so
powerful that the presence of one can contaminate the
whole sex. This position supposes that if we do not eradicate lesbianism in the
Black community, all Black women will become lesbians. It also supposes that
lesbians do not have children. Both suppositions are patently false.

As Black women, we must deal with all the realities of our lives which place us
at risk as Black women -homosexual or heterosexual. In 1977 in Detroit, a young
Black actress, Patricia Cowan, was invited to audition for a play called Hammer
and was then hammered to death by the young Black male playwright. Patricia
Cowan was not killed because she was Black. She was killed because she was a
Black woman, and her cause belongs to us all. History does not record whether or
not she was a lesbian, but only that she had a four-year-old child.

Of the four groups, Black and white women, Black and white men, Black women have
the lowest average wage. This is a vital concern for us all, no matter with whom
we sleep. 

As Black women we have the right and responsibility to define ourselves and to
seek our allies in common cause: with Black men against racism, and with each
other and white women against sexism. But most of all, as Black women we
have the right and responsibility to recognize each other without fear and to
love where we choose. Both lesbian and heterosexual Black women today share a
history of bonding and strength to which our sexual identities and our other
differences must not blind us.
Mehr lesen



 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Crossing Press; Reprint Edition (1. August 2007)
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Taschenbuch ‏ : ‎ 192 Seiten
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1580911862
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1580911863
 * Artikelgewicht ‏ : ‎ 269 g
 * Abmessungen ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 1.27 x 22.86 cm

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 13,825 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
    * Nr. 9 in LGBTQ+-Studien
    * Nr. 39 in Literaturkritik & -theorie
    * Nr. 39 in Feministische Theorie

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,8 von 5 Sternen 1.525 Sternebewertungen



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Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.

Poet, novelist, activist, and mother of two, AUDRE LORDE grew up Harlem in the
1930s. She earned a master's degree in library science from Columbia University
and received a National Endowment for the Arts grant. She is the author of 12
books. She died in 1992.

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Amazing book; I got a different (better) cover
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 9. August 2020
I was surprised and pleased that this book came with a different cover than the
green one with the line drawing - mine has a portrait of Lorde which is
beautiful. Regarding the content, these essays slapped me in the face. I have
read very little feminist thought and this was a wake up call that I need to
educate myself more on that front. I loved Lorde's writing style, her astute
observations, and I plan to read more from her in the future.
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4,0 von 5 Sternen Give this your entire attention
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 11. Februar 2022
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This is my first foray into Lorde’s writing as I don’t typically read poetry.
That being said, Lorde’s writing is gorgeous, visceral, and still holds so much
truth even close to 40 years after “Sister Outsider” was originally published.
That’s really why I wanted to read this, to better understand and educate myself
on racism and sexism in a way that I, as a white woman, don’t experience and
don’t see the way that black women do, or lesbian POC would experience. I
learned so much from this collection of essays and interviews, both about
feminism and racism. It took me much longer to get through this relatively short
book because I often had to sit with what I just read, to really digest it and
hear what Lorde had to say, which is written with incredible passion. But it
also took me awhile to finish because the organization of the different essays
wasn’t well thought out, and the different essays got a little repetitive.

Even though I haven’t read any of Lorde’s work before this, I don’t think it’s
completely necessary, either. Will you have a deeper appreciation for some of
the included speeches in this book if you are already familiar with Lorde’s
work? Absolutely! But not having that doesn’t take away from the message in
these essays, nor does it diminish the impassioned way Lorde writes. That being
said, it’s hard to say which of the collection was my favorite in this book. I
think Lorde’s writing in the later essays in this book struck me the hardest,
like The Uses of Anger, Learning from the 60’s, and Eye to Eye, mainly because
Lorde’s passion, rage, and despair are so clear-eyed in those essays.

This book requires a lot of brain power to read, which isn’t a bad thing at all,
but just know ahead of time that this is a book that demands your full attention
for every line of every page, and if you don’t give it that, you’ll have a
harder time understanding things. Lorde states her views clearly and powerfully
about intersectionality before it really was a thing, but inevitably because
this is a collection of independent work, there is repetition and disjointedness
between the different essays. That's the only reason why this gets 4 stars from
me instead of 5. If you’re looking for a book on feminism and social justice,
Lorde’s words are still a must read!

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5,0 von 5 Sternen ESSENTIAL -- Then and now.
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 17. August 2020
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Audre Lorde was an extrordinary poet and essayist, who looked deeply into both
herself and society. Because she was black, lesbian, and a woman, she gives us a
lens – both ferocious and loving – to see how we see the Other.

Her insight and honesty are a challenge to anyone reading this book. For
example, she knows from herself and her experience, how anger that originates in
oppression and brutality, can be transmuted into the nastiness that black women
may show for each other. Likewise, as a mother of a boy, she anatomizes the
"letting go" that any parent must do as as a child grows, along with the
particular challenges of a lesbian woman in relation to a male child.

Most powerful are the last two essays. "Eye to Eye" is an extended meditation on
how we see each other, but through the eyes of a black woman, seeing first of
all other black women. Although most of the collection is in this vein, the last
essay is a no-holds-barred treatment of American imperialism, as she revisits
Grenada, her mother's birthplace, in the aftermath of the American invasion in

Lorde died of cancer in 1992. She was our Sister Outsider then, was a touchstone
for Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison, and is today for activists such as Angela
Davis and Valarie Kaur.

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K. Lee
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great readings & essays
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 6. Februar 2022
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Audre Lorde. Fabulous writer/thinker/feminist.

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AA Dude
5,0 von 5 Sternen Painful Light of Truth
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 25. März 2010
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This is much more than a book, a collection of writings. It's an experience more
like surviving a traumatic event, seeing a deep and distressing movie or having
a long and difficult talk with someone who has been oppressed from all sides. It
accomplishes that which no other book I have ever read has done. Aside from the
profound personal impact it has had on me, it details a horror story of a life
lived with incomparable insight into humanity as well as with courage which
faces that horror every day. I bought and read the book based on the other
reviews above. They are all correct, but the praise this book deserves is
understated. It may well be the greatest book of psychological insight and
advice ever written. Only Dostoevsky's works compare. Lorde defies all the
labels she and others use to describe her. This is the most human of all books
because it stares the weaknesses we all share right in the face and finds ways
to fight if not conquer them as well as pointing out strategies that are
counterproductive. Lorde allows the reader to get inside her skin like no other
writer, and for the first time ever, made me feel the anger, terror, fear,
helplessness I have sensed in many if not all black people. And yet her greatest
criticisms are not of whites, but especially of her black sisters and then her
brothers. She clearly does not set herself apart because she knows she has had
"my boot on a sister's face". Richard Adams wrote a story called "The Hole in
the Sky". Most people never see it, but this book describes best of all what
makes up that hole and what it feels like to see it.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen A book every woman should own and read religiously
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 18. Februar 2019
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I'm ashamed that this was never presented to me as a growing woman. Nonetheless,
I've found it on my own and can say that the writings of Audre Lorde are truly
transformative. Every woman, regardless of their orientation or color, should
read this collection of essays and thoughts from this talented feminist and

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 30. September 2020
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Read everything you possibly can by Audre Lorde. This collection is essential
reading. Her autobiography Zami is another good one.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Everyone should read this
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 1. Januar 2019
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Absolutely amazing. Witty and down to earth. Deeply insightful and

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Gormla Hughes
5,0 von 5 Sternen Excellent
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 5. Oktober 2016
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I'm a Audre Lorde fan... I have read it before and still learned more second
time around.
Superb intelligent writer and philosopher

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4,0 von 5 Sternen Four Stars
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 18. Januar 2015
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timeless classic in a very accessible and affordable format

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