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June 05, 2023


Throat Cancer Caused by Railroad Work

Railroad workers move a wide range of freight including food, vehicles, metal
ore, wood and coal. However, this job is often associated with serious health

For instance, a retired locomotive engineer recently filed a lawsuit against CSX
Transportation Inc. alleging that he was suffering from throat cancer and
chronic lung disease as a result of his long-term exposure to diesel exhaust.

Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once extensively used in all
sorts of construction materials. It was a fire-, water- and
electricity-resistant insulator that lent itself to all kinds of industrial
applications. Railroads were frequent asbestos users due to its insulation
properties, especially in crew cabs on locomotives. As a result, inhaling
asbestos fibres is known to cause serious illness and cancer.

People exposed to asbestos on frequently have higher risk of developing cancers
like mesothelioma. Inhalation of asbestos particles can cause this kind of
cancer. It typically takes between 10 and 70 years to show signs like a
shortness of breath or bloody cough appear.

The inhalation of asbestos particles increases the chance of developing
laryngeal cancer. The cancer can grow in the pharynx or the larynx, both of
which play a role in digestion and speech. Laryngeal cancer is a diagnosis that
can affect the quality of life of a person in many ways.

If you have been diagnosed with throat cancer that you believe is related to
your job as a railroad employee, an experienced workers' compensation lawyer
must be contacted immediately. A knowledgeable attorney can help you receive the
financial compensation that you are entitled under FELA. Hughes Law Offices
compiled a list of recent settlements, verdicts and railroad cancer cases that
involved diesel exhaust, solvents, and other workplace toxins to give you a
sense of what is expected.

Diesel Exhaust

In 2012 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World
Health Organization) classified diesel exhaust as being carcinogenic to humans.
This conclusion was based on studies that related exposure to diesel fumes and
particles to lung disease and cancer such as respiratory illnesses and death.
Research has also revealed that diesel exhaust may adversely affect the
ecological system, based on fuel type and engine operation, as well as emissions
control systems.

Exposure to diesel exhaust may increase the risk of a variety of lung issues,
including COPD and asthma. Smoking greatly increases the risk of developing
these conditions and is known to increase the risk of developing lung cancer
among workers exposed to diesel fumes. all caused by railroad how to get a
settlement are smaller than 2.5 microns in size (a human hair is 70 microns).
This permits them to carry cancer-causing chemical into the lungs.

Diesel exhaust particles are so small that they attract other toxic gases and
chemicals, increasing the toxicity. These include formaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene as
well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Chronic exposure to these chemicals
could cause throat cancer (also known as laryngeal tumor). Other harmful
chemicals found in diesel fumes include vinyl chloride which has been
categorized as a possible human carcinogen and can cause liver damage and
cancer. Diesel emissions can also impact the health of railroad employees.
laryngeal cancer caused by railroad how to get a settlement contribute to acid
rain and ground-level Ozone, which can be harmful to the environment and human
food supply.

Other Toxic Chemicals

Railroad workers have been exposed for years to toxic chemicals. Researchers
have discovered that these chemicals can trigger various chronic illnesses and
diseases. Throat cancer is one of these illnesses that has been linked to
chemical exposure at the workplace. If you were diagnosed with cancer of the
throat that could have been caused by your employment on railways, it is
essential to speak with a FELA lawyer regarding filing a claim.

In addition to asbestos and diesel exhaust There are a host of other toxic
substances that can cause throat cancer. Creosote, lead, as well as cleaning
solvents are all thought to be carcinogenic. These chemicals are frequently used
on railroad ties, and they could increase your risk of throat cancer. These
chemicals are also present in the wood dust and coal that is burned on

Benzene is a different known carcinogen. It can be inhaled or consumed and is
believed to cause various types of cancer. This chemical is commonly found in
lubricants, fuel oils and other railroad products. Diesel exhaust may also
contain the chemical benzene that can increase the risk of developing throat

Drinking and smoking are both risk factors for the development of throat cancer.
pulmonary fibrosis caused by railroad how to get a settlement (HPV) also is a
risk factor for this type of cancer. HPV is spread through oral sex and is a
major contributor to oropharyngeal cancer that accounts for 70 percent of all

Pre-Settlement Financing

A railroad worker who is diagnosed with throat cancer due to years of exposure
can make a claim under the Federal Employers Liability Act. A FELA attorney can
assist a client in proving that their health problems resulted from occupational
exposure to toxic substances, such as creosote.

It could take months or even years, to resolve a lawsuit. In this time, the
victim could be hit with thousands of dollars worth of medical expenses. In some
cases people are overwhelmed by the increasing bills that they're unable to work
and cannot pay for the basic necessities.

In these situations, a pre-settlement financing company can offer legal funds to
assist a person keep their finances in order. This kind of financial aid can be
known as a settlement loan or lawsuit cash advance, but it should not be
confused with conventional loans because repayment is not required until the
plaintiff wins and receives settlement.

A reputable legal financing company will carefully examine the details of a
client's case before approving an application for financial assistance. They
take into consideration medical records and other documentation that a person
provides in order to determine if they're suitable for the loan of a settlement
or lawsuit advance.


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