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Specialists in the Melbourne Property Market, Elite Buyer Agents are the leading
Buyers Agent in Melbourne (otherwise known as a Buyers Advocate) and have
fostered trusting and professional relationships across multiple locations in
Australia. For more than 15 years, the team has been supporting clients through
the entire purchasing process, building their reputation as the go-to Buyers
Agent in Melbourne, serving both buyers and investors in the area. With all of
this success as THE Buyers Advocate for Melbourne and its surrounds, Elite Buyer
Agents have created a well-respected team able to offer this same level of
experience expanding to cover regional Victoria areas such as Geelong and
Ballarat, alongside areas of South East Queensland.

About Us


Protecting the buyer’s interest is our number one priority. It is critical in
any real estate purchase, whether it’s your next home or investment property,
that you are represented by a highly skilled professional looking out for your
best interests throughout the entire process. An experienced Buyer’s Agent can
identify any red flags early and provide an unbiased review of the property. Our
goal is to guide you through this process openly, and answer any concerns you
may have.

We believe our clients have the strongest advantage when purchasing their next
property and help you make the right decision by:

 * Doing all the research, market evaluations and due diligence on your behalf;
 * Providing access to Off Market Properties (Silent Listings);
 * Being competent and professional negotiators;
 * Taking the stress out of Auctions bidding on your behalf; and
 * Being on our clients side through the whole process and beyond picking up the

Our Process
 * 01
 * 02
 * 03

- Explore
When searching for your next property purchase, whether that is as an owner
occupier or investor, you will notice that there are always properties for sale.
But, whilst there are many property listings available, the ones that might be
better suited to your needs are hard to come by. This is why it pays to have a
Buyer’s Agent that is both recognised in the community, and well-connected in
professional networks.

Trust that we understand value and know how to find it. Those off-market
opportunities that so often transact quietly won’t be missed by us, but could be
by you if you decide not to engage with a professional Buyer’s Advocate.

Our intention is to work closely with every client to understand their desired
needs and wants in their property search. Once we know what these expectations
are, we’ll explore all the options available and present to you the properties
worthy of consideration.

If you are busy running your business, are dictated by non-traditional hours,
live interstate or overseas, using Elite Buyer Agents to lay the foundations on
your behalf and determine what is worth spending your precious time and money on
pursuing can be invaluable in itself.
Find out more here
- Review
Here’s where we find the best solution for you. Our team aims to provide advice
and recommendations for the entire purchasing process, presenting all the facts
about the property in consideration.

Once a potential opportunity has been identified we assess its data, perform a
thorough market analysis, and outline anything that we believe can help you
better understand your options and assist in your decision about whether the
property in question is right for your circumstances.

We make it our responsibility to uncover and pass along any information that can
help you decide on a specific property and, if viewing the property together, we
can explain the pros and cons that honour your list of requirements established
together throughout our consultations.
Find out more here
- Pursue
Elite Buyer Agents are specialists in exclusive buyer representation, meaning we
don’t handle any sales listings and in turn have no conflicting interest when
delivering our services.

Experts in negotiating, we are here to alleviate any obstacles that can come
between you and your purchase. Using our connections and market knowledge, we
plan our strategy to approach any purchase. As proficient Buyer’s Agents, we can
create a unique deal to secure the sale, help you overcome any setbacks, and
provide advice on how to proceed if negotiations become deadlocked at any point.
It can be reassuring to know that a professional negotiator is present to
address any issues that may arise.

We talk real estate daily, so our tenacity in understanding the language and
finer details in negotiations is why you can be confident in our approach and
our expert team.

To experience our quality assurance and integrity in service, contact us for a
no obligation consultation.
Find out more here
Thanks so much, Dave! We’re happily in and already pulling the place apart!
We’ve wasted no time in getting some of those awful eyesores out of the way and
we have another re-stumper in on Saturday to chat to us about the floors. All
systems are go! I also may or may not have dropped a lot of cash on new
furniture this morning (Milan Direct was a wonderful suggestion – thank you!)
I’ll sugar coat that piece of news when I get around to telling Tim! I’d also
like to thank both you and Kim (James as well) for all of your hard work. We
were so impressed with the service that you were able to offer us and were blown
away with the amount of time that you dedicated to us and our needs. We knew you
had other client’s on the books at the time which only made it all the more
impressive as we never felt at any point like we were second best or
unimportant. At all times we felt like valued clients, which I believe is
incredibly important. I can assure you, if we’re ever looking for an investment,
or potentially our next home we’ll be looking Elite up if you’re still in the
game. I hope you had a great time in Hawaii! Tim & I were suitably jealous. I’m
sure it was incredible. I hope you managed to get in a lot of dive time with
your boys. All the best Keera.
Keera V

If you've ever thought whether using a buyer's agent was worth it, don't
hesitate to give Elite Buyer Agents a call. Working with Lisa was quite honestly
one of the most pleasant experiences we could've wished for. She is polite,
communicative, responsive and knowledgeable on the market. She shared her
auction bidding strategy with us beforehand and followed it perfectly at the
auction. She has saved us a ton of money and helped us find our dream house and
made the entire process so incredibly stress free. We have decided that we
probably owe her about 20% of the house we bought for all the hard work, passion
and dedication she brought to the process.
Andrew Robertson

I was extremely happy with the service provided by Kim and David. There is
definitely no doubt in my mind that without their help I wouldn’t have found and
purchased a property in such a great location and at such a reasonable price. I
can’t thank them enough.
Lisa H

Dear Elite Buyer Agents, We just want to say a big thank you for guiding us
every step of the way for our investment property. We are extremely happy with
the services provided by our buyer advocate – Kim Easterbrook. She is extremely
professional at her job. Any time we had any questions and concerns, she always
responded promptly and professionally. We have been looking for an investment
property ourselves for many months without success after a number of auctions.
It became an exhausting task as it took away our valuable time to relax on
weekends. After appointing Kim as our buyer advocate, the whole load of stress
was lifted off our shoulders. She quickly gained a good understanding of what we
were looking for and was able to find properties within our budget. Her
extensive experience in the property market has provided us an added assurance
of making the right investment decision. Within 6 weeks, Kim helped us to nail
down our first investment property. We were over the moon! Without her help we
may not be able to secure the property as Kim has been integral in negotiating
with the property agent to get the deal sealed before the property went on
auction. Her round the clock dedication is definitely a key to success. We even
got calls at 10pm when things got down to the wire! Kim has saved us a lot of
time and effort by running around and doing the research. This is something we
would never have been able to do on our own in such a short time frame. Her
skills are truly exceptional and we highly recommend Kim if you are looking for
a buyer advocate! We can’t thank you enough, Kim! Will definitely contact you
again for our next investment property! Well done!
Jih Ying & Johanna

This is our second time with Elite Buyer Agents. The first time we bought our
own home in Melbourne. The amazing service and value that we got made us again
knock on Elite Buyer Agents' door three years later when we were on a hunt for
an investment property. That's when David Easterbrook pointed me to Vicky -
their Geelong manager. Dealing with Vicky for our first investment property in
Geelong was fantastic. Vicky is considerate, understood our needs very
accurately and did extensive running around for the properties we liked. Since
we live in Melbourne and couldn't go for inspections - Vicky did most of the leg
work for us with ample videos, reviews of the properties and her advice around
what areas we should be looking at. She also has good contacts within the
selling agents in the market - which eventually helped us secure an excellent
off market property without having to pay a premium that it would have cost had
it gone on the market. Once again - Elite Buyer Agents have proven that they are
exceptional in the real estate market and truly look after and protect the
buyer's interests. Thanks Vicky! You've been awesome!
Sharvani Dhar

On our initial telephone call with Kim Easterbrook we were impressed by her
quick understanding of our requirements and by her engaging personality. These
qualities were critical to us because we were not based in Melbourne and were
not very familiar with Melbourne’s suburbs. We therefore needed a buyer’s agent
we could trust and we immediately felt that Kim was reliable and trustworthy and
she did not disappoint us. We gave Kim a tough challenge. We had a limited
budget and high expectations for a family home in a highly sought after family
friendly suburb. We were concerned that our expectations were not realistic and
did not expect that this was going to be possible for Kim to find what we
needed. We were pleasantly surprised. Within two weeks, Kim had found us the
perfect family home in a fantastic suburb. Kim kept us up to date with every
single development and when it came time to make an offer, she negotiated an
even lower price than we would otherwise have been happy to pay. She also
advised us on suitable special conditions for the sale that we would not have
thought of if we were doing it ourselves. Our offer was accepted and is now
conditional and we cannot wait to move in. We also cannot wait to meet Kim in
person to express our gratitude.  
Kathy and David

I highly recommend Elite Buyer Agents! David and Jordan, and their team, have
been extremely professional, knowledgeable and efficient. They provided weekly
updates on properties that appealed to me and were easily accessible to discuss
further questions. Their knowledge of the market and brilliant negotiation
skills were instrumental in purchasing a property I liked at a great price. It
has been a great experience, from engaging David and Jordan's expertise to the
settlement date, and I will engage them again in the future.
Han Jie Soh

Vicky and the Elite Buyer Agents have been fantastic guiding us through the
purchase of our investment property in Geelong. Vicky has an unparalleled
expertise navigating the market and the stock on offer. What was particularly
important to us, Vicky passed up several properties before placing us in the
best that suited our budget and investment goals and then excelled in the
negotiation. Couldn't ask for better; professional, considered and confident.
Thanks again Vicky, great job!
Tony Batterham

Our dealings with Kim were exceptional. She understood exactly what we were
looking for and guided us through the whole process. The negotiation and final
contracts were expertly and professionally handled.  

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Property News
Property buyers spoilt for choice
Hi , The auction clearance rate is remaining consistent with 746 auctions
reported to the REIV.  472 properties sold at auction, 91 sold before auction...

Property News
Increased properties on the market is providing buyers...
Hi, The Melbourne property market had a big test on the weekend with 870
auctions reported to the REIV.  480 properties sold at auction, 176 sold

Property News
Property market sentiment improves with predictions of...
Hi, Auctions in Melbourne have commenced for 2024 with clearance rates hovering
in the high 70%’s to 80% which are the highest clearance rates that...

Property News
National home prices lift again while building approvals...
Hi, The REIV clearance rate again remained in the 70%’s demonstrating some
resilience in the Melbourne Property Market, even with some negative media...

Property News
Banks prediction on interest rates
Melbourne Property Market Update Hi, The clearance rate has remained steady at
76% on 656 properties that went to auction over the weekend.  349...

Property News
Migration levels to decline in effort to ease housing...
Melbourne Property Market Update Hi, The clearance rate has remained steady at
76% but on a lower amount of auctions reported to the REIV.  596 properties...

Property News
Australia’s median house price increased for 15th month in...
Hi, The clearance rate dropped slightly to 74% on the weekend with 682 auctions
held in Melbourne.  378 sold at auction, 129 sold prior and 175...

Property News
Australia’s population growing at record levels
Hi, The auction clearance rate jumped again to 79% on 544 auctions across
Melbourne.  306 properties sold at auction, 122 sold before auction and 1

Property News
Top end property market remaining strong as buyers...
Hi , The auction clearance rate dropped to 75% last weekend on 518 reported REIV
auctions.  Of the 518 auctions, 289 sold at auction, 100 before auction and...

Property News
Australian house prices increase for the fifth...
Hi , Melbourne property auction numbers are lower due to the school holidays
with 436 auctions being reported to the REIV on the weekend.  231 sold at...

Property News
Landlords selling investment properties at a high rate...
Hi, The auction clearance rate dropped slightly to 74% on the weekend as a
result of a huge Super Saturday.  There were 1,106 auctions reported to the...

Property News
Clearance rate holds strong on high volume auction...
Hi , The auction clearance rate produced a solid 78% on the weekend on a
reported (to the REIV) 885 auctions.  508 properties sold at auction, 179

Property News
Property buyers spoilt for choice
Hi , The auction clearance rate is remaining consistent with 746 auctions
reported to the REIV.  472 properties sold at auction, 91 sold before auction...

Property News
Increased properties on the market is providing buyers...
Hi, The Melbourne property market had a big test on the weekend with 870
auctions reported to the REIV.  480 properties sold at auction, 176 sold

Property News
Property market sentiment improves with predictions of...
Hi, Auctions in Melbourne have commenced for 2024 with clearance rates hovering
in the high 70%’s to 80% which are the highest clearance rates that...

Property News
National home prices lift again while building approvals...
Hi, The REIV clearance rate again remained in the 70%’s demonstrating some
resilience in the Melbourne Property Market, even with some negative media...

Property News
Banks prediction on interest rates
Melbourne Property Market Update Hi, The clearance rate has remained steady at
76% on 656 properties that went to auction over the weekend.  349...

Property News
Migration levels to decline in effort to ease housing...
Melbourne Property Market Update Hi, The clearance rate has remained steady at
76% but on a lower amount of auctions reported to the REIV.  596 properties...

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As an elite team of professionals, our dedication and commitment to our clients
always comes down to one thing: we want to help you achieve your real estate
goals. We work together to help you navigate the real estate market – regardless
of whether the purchase is destined for owner occupancy or an investment to
build on your portfolio.
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