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Effective URL: https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/ref=pe_33574051_684999541_pe_pe_saledeal/?ASIN=B08ZJDWTJ1
Submission: On May 06 via api from IN — Scanned from DE

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span space--><span class="a-size-medium a-text-bold"><!--To
remove span space--><span id="tp_price_block_total_price_ww" class="a-price" data-a-size="m" data-a-color="price"><span class="a-offscreen">₹3,799.00</span><span aria-hidden="true"><span class="a-price-symbol"></span><span
                            class="a-price-whole">3,799<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">00</span></span></span><!--To remove
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span space--> <span id="tp-price-update-payment-period" class="a-size-medium a-color-price aok-hidden"> <span id="tp-price-update-payment-term"></span> (<span id="tp-price-update-payment-term-length"></span>) </span> <span id="tp_options_detail"
                      class="a-size-base aok-hidden"> Includes selected options. </span> <span id="tp_monthly_options_detail" class="a-size-base aok-hidden"> Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. </span> <span class="a-size-base">
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                        space--><span class="a-price-symbol">₹</span><!-- Adding space based on
                        hasSpace--><!-- To remove span
                        space--><!-- To remove span
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                        space--><!-- Adding comment to avoid span
                        space--><span>x<span id="tp-item-quantity"></span>)</span> </span> </span> </div>
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                 hasSpace--><!-- To remove span
                space--><!-- To remove span
                space--><span class="a-price-whole">3,799<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">00</span><!-- To remove span
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                                        id="tp-tool-tip-subtotal-price-currency-symbol" class="a-size-medium a-color-price a-price-symbol">₹</span><!-- Adding space based on
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                                              class="a-price-whole">3,799<span class="a-price-decimal">.</span></span><span class="a-price-fraction">00</span></span></span><!--To remove span
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We use the invitePlatform's view model to make the account linking checkbox Invite/EMWR aware.
Ideally we would be checking invite status from the view model factory but AAPI does not have an invite subresource
Tracking in CXE-5905
                <!-- Save preRegistration show status into a JSTL variable to override for invite ASINs that a customer does not have an invite for -->
              <div id="accessoryUpsellAmabot_feature_div" class="celwidget" data-feature-name="accessoryUpsellAmabot" data-csa-c-id="2ver25-x22bt4-897zni-gmgti5" data-cel-widget="accessoryUpsellAmabot_feature_div">
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              function atwlEarlyClick(e) {
                if (window.atwlLoaded) {
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                  window.location = xhr.responseURL; //Needed to force a redirect; not supported on IE!
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₹1,266 x 3m ₹81 (12.99%) ₹81 ₹3,799

Note: The bank will continue to charge interest on No Cost EMI plans as per
existing rates. However, the interest to be charged by the bank will be passed
on to you as an upfront discount.



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹659 x 6m ₹157 (13.99%) ₹3,956 ₹447 x 9m ₹225 (13.99%) ₹4,024 ₹341 x 12m ₹294
(13.99%) ₹4,093 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (14.99%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹621 (14.99%) ₹4,420

Kotak Mahindra Bank Credit Card


EMI Plan



Total cost

₹1,266 x 3m ₹75 (12%) ₹75 ₹3,799

Note: The bank will continue to charge interest on No Cost EMI plans as per
existing rates. However, the interest to be charged by the bank will be passed
on to you as an upfront discount.



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹656 x 6m ₹134 (12%) ₹3,933 ₹447 x 9m ₹225 (14%) ₹4,024 ₹341 x 12m ₹294 (14%)
₹4,093 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622 (15%) ₹4,421

American Express Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,296 x 3m ₹89 (14%) ₹3,888 ₹659 x 6m ₹157 (14%) ₹3,956 ₹447 x 9m ₹225 (14%)
₹4,024 ₹341 x 12m ₹294 (14%) ₹4,093 ₹235 x 18m ₹435 (14%) ₹4,234 ₹182 x 24m ₹579
(14%) ₹4,378

Axis Bank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,294 x 3m ₹83 (13%) ₹3,882 ₹657 x 6m ₹145 (13%) ₹3,944 ₹447 x 9m ₹225 (14%)
₹4,024 ₹341 x 12m ₹294 (14%) ₹4,093 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622
(15%) ₹4,421

Bank of Baroda Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,294 x 3m ₹83 (13%) ₹3,882 ₹657 x 6m ₹145 (13%) ₹3,944 ₹445 x 9m ₹209 (13%)
₹4,008 ₹339 x 12m ₹273 (13%) ₹4,072 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622
(15%) ₹4,421

Citibank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,294 x 3m ₹83 (13%) ₹3,882 ₹657 x 6m ₹145 (13%) ₹3,944 ₹449 x 9m ₹241 (15%)
₹4,040 ₹343 x 12m ₹316 (15%) ₹4,115 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622
(15%) ₹4,421

HDFC Bank Credit Card
Processing fee of ₹199 by bank



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,298 x 3m ₹95 (15%) ₹3,894 ₹661 x 6m ₹168 (15%) ₹3,967 ₹449 x 9m ₹241 (15%)
₹4,040 ₹343 x 12m ₹316 (15%) ₹4,115 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622
(15%) ₹4,421

HSBC Bank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,293 x 3m ₹79 (12.5%) ₹3,878 ₹656 x 6m ₹140 (12.5%) ₹3,939 ₹446 x 9m ₹217
(13.5%) ₹4,016 ₹340 x 12m ₹284 (13.5%) ₹4,083 ₹234 x 18m ₹419 (13.5%) ₹4,218
₹184 x 24m ₹622 (15%) ₹4,421

IndusInd Bank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,294 x 3m ₹83 (13%) ₹3,882 ₹657 x 6m ₹145 (13%) ₹3,944 ₹445 x 9m ₹209 (13%)
₹4,008 ₹338 x 12m ₹251 (12%) ₹4,050 ₹232 x 18m ₹371 (12%) ₹4,170 ₹179 x 24m ₹493
(12%) ₹4,292

Jammu and Kashmir Bank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,292 x 3m ₹76 (12%) ₹3,875 ₹656 x 6m ₹134 (12%) ₹3,933 ₹444 x 9m ₹201 (12.5%)
₹4,000 ₹338 x 12m ₹262 (12.5%) ₹4,061 ₹233 x 18m ₹403 (13%) ₹4,202 ₹182 x 24m
₹557 (13.5%) ₹4,356

RBL Bank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,294 x 3m ₹83 (13%) ₹3,882 ₹659 x 6m ₹157 (14%) ₹3,956 ₹449 x 9m ₹241 (15%)
₹4,040 ₹343 x 12m ₹316 (15%) ₹4,115 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622
(15%) ₹4,421

SBI Credit Card
Processing fee of ₹99 by bank



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,296 x 3m ₹89 (14%) ₹3,888 ₹659 x 6m ₹157 (14%) ₹3,956 ₹447 x 9m ₹225 (14%)
₹4,024 ₹341 x 12m ₹294 (14%) ₹4,093

Standard Chartered Bank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,291 x 3m ₹75 (11.88%) ₹3,874 ₹657 x 6m ₹145 (13%) ₹3,944 ₹447 x 9m ₹225 (14%)
₹4,024 ₹341 x 12m ₹294 (14%) ₹4,093 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622
(15%) ₹4,421

Yes Bank Credit Card



EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,296 x 3m ₹89 (14%) ₹3,888 ₹659 x 6m ₹157 (14%) ₹3,956 ₹447 x 9m ₹225 (14%)
₹4,024 ₹343 x 12m ₹316 (15%) ₹4,115 ₹237 x 18m ₹467 (15%) ₹4,266 ₹184 x 24m ₹622
(15%) ₹4,421

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   will be given as upfront discount on payment page. Know more
 * For HDFC: You will be charged a processing fee of ₹199 by HDFC bank on all
   EMI plans. Know more
 * Click to read EMI FAQ and T&Cs. Know more about other products - Bajaj
   FinServ EMI, ZestMoney EMI


EMI Plan


Total cost

₹1,317 x 3m ₹153 (24%) ₹3,952

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Capacity: 1 TB

1 TB

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   In stock.
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   Currently unavailable.
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   In stock.
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   In stock.
 * 5 TB
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Style name: NEW Seagate Expansion Portable

NEW Seagate Expansion Portable

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * NEW Seagate Expansion Portable
   In stock.
 * Seagate Expansion Portable
   1 option from ₹14,999.00

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See all 2 options




Digital Storage Capacity 1 TB Compatible Devices Laptop, Desktop Hard Disk
Interface USB 2.0/3.0 Brand Seagate Specific Uses For Product Business
Connectivity Technology USB Special Feature Compact Hard Disk Form Factor 2.5
Inches Hard Disk Size 1 TB Form Factor 2.5-inch

See more



 * Get an extra layer of protection for your data with the included 3 year
   Rescue Data Recovery Services.
 * Sleek and simple portable drive design for taking photos, movies, music, and
   more on-the-go
 * Automatic recognition of Windows and Mac computers for simple setup
   (Reformatting required for use with Time Machine)
 * Drag-and-drop file saving
 * USB 3.0 powered

› See more product details



Seagate Portable 1TB External Hard Drive HDD – USB 3.0 for PC Laptop and Mac,
with 3 Years Rescue Data Recovery Services (STGX1000400)
In stock.


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 * This item: Seagate Expansion 1TB External HDD - 6.35 cm (2.5 Inch) USB 3.0
   for Windows and Mac with 3 yr Data Recovery Services, Portable Hard Drive
   In stock.
   Sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd and ships from Amazon Fulfillment.
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 * AirCase Rugged 2.5 Inch Hard Drive Case for Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba
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 * AirCase Rugged 2.5 Inch Hard Drive Case for Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba
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Great savings this summer on external hard drivesGreat savings this summer on
external hard drives
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4TB HDD With Password & 3 yr Data Recovery Service4TB HDD With Password & 3 yr
Data Recovery Service



Seagate® Expansion portable hard drive, 18-inch (45.72cm) USB 3.0 cable, Quick
start guide, Limited Warranty: APAC - 3 years, Rescue Data Recovery Services



Read more



Simply drag and drop photos, songs, videos, docs and more onto Expansion
portable drive.


Ready to go right out of the box with automatic recognition for quick and simple


High-speed USB 3.0 cable seamlessly plugs into PCs/Macs. No wall adapter needed.


Free up computer space by adding on the extra capacity of Expansion portable

Read more


Made for on-the-go days, Expansion Portable drive is small enough to fit into a
bag or purse, all while storing a huge digital library.


When unexpected happens- like water damage or natural disaster-Rescue Services
help you defend against data loss and retrieval cost so you can rest easier

Read more

Expansion Portable Drive One Touch HDD Auto Backup Software No Yes Compatibility
USB 3.0 USB 3.0 Works with Windows/Mac Windows/Mac Max Capacity 5TB 5TB
Enclosure Ridged Plastic Brushed Aluminum Multi Color Options No Yes

Read more




Brand ‎Seagate Manufacturer ‎SEAGATE, Seagate Colour ‎Black Form Factor
‎2.5-inch Item Height ‎11.7 Centimeters Item Width ‎1.5 Centimeters Product
Dimensions ‎8 x 1.5 x 11.7 cm; 181.44 Grams Item model number ‎STKM1000400 Hard
Drive Size ‎1 TB Hard Disk Description ‎Mechanical Hard Disk Hard Drive
Interface ‎USB 2.0/3.0 Hard Disk Rotational Speed ‎5400 RPM Hardware Platform
‎PC, Mac Are Batteries Included ‎No Included Components ‎Seagate® Expansion
portable hard drive, 18-inch (45.72cm) USB 3.0 cable, Quick start guide, Limited
Warranty: APAC - 3 years, Rescue Data Recovery Services Manufacturer ‎SEAGATE
Country of Origin ‎Thailand Item Weight ‎181 g


ASIN B08ZJDWTJ1 Customer Reviews
4.4 out of 5 stars 121,067 ratings

4.4 out of 5 stars Best Sellers Rank #23 in Computers & Accessories (See Top 100
in Computers & Accessories)
#1 in External Hard Disks
Date First Available 9 July 2021 Packer Seagate Technology (Thailand) Limited,
90 Moo 15 Tambol Sungnoen, Amphur Sungnoen, Nakhonratchasima 30170, Thailand
MUKHERJEE ROAD, KOLKATA Item Dimensions LxWxH 8 x 1.5 x 11.7 Centimeters Generic
Name Portable Hard Drive


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4.4 out of 5 stars
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars 💖👍An Excellent option for portable external storage.In
depth review.
Reviewed in India on 3 February 2022
☝️ A PREVIEW TO PURCHASE:***********************************I like to keep
backups of backups of my lifetime collected data & thus have over 15 TB of
external hard disks in my arsenal with a dominant share of Western digital disks
(both passport & elements) & few others like Transcend , Samsung SSD & a Seagate
( old usb 2.0 ). 🔶️ Now, whenever we opt to go for a new external Disk
purchase, the following challenges are encountered & if you are planning to
invest thousands in purchase - my detailed review, even though a bit lengthy is
worth reading. 👉 HDDs vs SSDs :**********************While none of the
mechanical HDDs can reach the blazing fast speeds of SSDs in excess of 500 MB/s
R/W, The HDDs definitely offer a better value for money per MB of storage. Also
if data is corrupted in a SSD its almost never retrievable while in a HDD ,
there is always a hope depending upon extent of damage. 🔷️ So for majority bulk
backup - HDD are a better option to costlier SSDs. 👉 WD vs Seagate
:*********************This is again a topmost struggle making a decision. 🔸️Now
both are giant reputed american storage brands & preference is mostly based upon
personal usage experiences. 🔸️I read somewhere that Seagate offers better
speeds & WD better reliability but i don’t feel it’s always true as speeds
depend upon a number of factors like type of files being transferred & as for
reliability of both brands - It is hard to doubt for both brands of repute. 🔸️
Regarding price WD is a bit costlier to Seagate for same capacity. 🔸️ Both
offer same warranties of 3 years. I had a wd failure & my friend had Seagate
failure - yet we both got replacements with data restored from their service
centres. So, no issue there too. 🔸️ Regarding inbuilt software, i suppose WD is
better as it comes with WD discovery that can link with all your social portals
for backup too.Seagate on the other hand offers 3 years data rescue services on
this product. 🔷️ So you can go for any of these brands - WD being my personal
favourite. 🔷️ To ensure failsafe operation, testing for bad sectors before
storage (using WD utility or any other HDD inspection software like HD sentinel
etc ) is always a good idea. 🔷️ Always Store these drives horizontally in a dry
case & not vertically or inclined, as in latter case the heads and platters tend
to deform & get stuck making the disk unusable. I learnt it the hard way. 💝 Now
I am having a lot WD drives so I thought to give a latest Seagate drive a try
too, so I bought the latest Seagate expansion portable 1 TB portable drive and
got 931 GB of usable space inside. 🔸️ The packing as usual was fair enough with
an instruction manual & 8 inches of connecting cable. So, 5/5 ⭐ for both WD and
Seagate. 🔸️ The HD enclosure is some premium plastic with a diamond shaped
surface all over which can surely withstand few non- severe slips &
falls.However when compared to a WD passport that I have , seagate plastic felt
bit fragile and less in thickness. A periphery cushioning or base padding with
shock absorbent rubber would additionally be great. So, 4 /5 ⭐ for SG & 4.2 /5 ⭐
for WD. 🔸️ The design & looks of this drive are quite good with all diamond
design & looks quite elegant.However, color options other than black are not
there in seagate which is bit sad. In WD the passport drive design to be honest
looks pretty bad to me with its dual color design.So, 3.8 /5 ⭐ for SG and 2/5 ⭐
for WD. 🔸️ The drive is very compact & light weight too. 5/5 ⭐ 🔸️ It came
formatted in NTFS mode with 4096 bytes of allocation unit size.ExFat is another
option & you can play with allocation size also for better speeds but a bit less
space. Partition style was MBR (Master boot record ) for Seagate and GPT (GUID
partition table ) for WD but then generally GPT is done for storage more than 1
TB. I checked the hard disk for bad sectors & self test via software hard disk
sentinel,found okay. So, 5/5 ⭐ for both. 🔸️ With a practical mixed media &
software file folder transfer of 15 GB, i registered - a read/ write speed of
138 / 135 MB/sec in seagate and around 140 / 112 MB /sec for WD on my HP omen
core i7 configuration , which i suppose is fair enough for a mechanical Hard
drive.In crystal benchmark test seagate had a read / write rate of – 146 / 143
MB/sec& WD had a score of 120 / 115 MB / sec.So, Seagate is faster for sure with
like 10 MB/sec.Also, around 150 MB/sec is the fastest speed of such mechanical
hard drives in 2020.Plus, they are for storage not speeds for true speeds use
nvme drives with speeds like 3000 MB/sec.So, 5/5 ⭐ for SG and 4.9/5 ⭐ for
WD. 🔸️ The Hard disk works for mac & windows both.  🔸️ The Seagate HD has a
blue led line indication for status whereas WD has a small point like white led
that won't bother much in dark rooms.Both are ok. 5/5 ⭐ 🔸️ The HD is very
silent during operation & doesn't heat much even after few hours of data
transfer.However, in Seagate I noticed few clicking sounds occasionally which
was not at all confidence inspiring as it often may indicate end of life for
disks.WD was silent. So, 3/5 ⭐ for Seagate and 5/5 ⭐ for WD. 🔸️ Warranty
offered is 3 years with data rescue which is mostly contemporary to industry
standards & similar to WD. As already quoted earlier, my friend had one hard
disk replaced & data restored in warranty like 6 years back by Seagate. So, no
issues there, however no one is going to offer pick & drop to you at home - be
assured. 🤏 Final Verdict:**********************All in all, even though I have
always been a WD guy but with this Seagate, I am hopeful to even out with
Seagate as well.I hope those clicking sounds inside are just normal ones.As of
now no major point to reduce any stars.Final advice:Keep backups to backups for
critical data and store these drives horizontally in a dry place.♻️ Do click
helpful below, If you find the review helpful.
Images in this review


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Neeraj Vishwakarma
5.0 out of 5 stars 💖👍An Excellent option for portable external storage.In
depth review.
Reviewed in India on 3 February 2022
Capacity: 1 TBStyle name: Seagate Expansion PortableVerified Purchase
The media could not be loaded.
I like to keep backups of backups of my lifetime collected data & thus have over
15 TB of external hard disks in my arsenal with a dominant share of Western
digital disks (both passport & elements) & few others like Transcend , Samsung
SSD & a Seagate ( old usb 2.0 ).
🔶️ Now, whenever we opt to go for a new external Disk purchase, the following
challenges are encountered & if you are planning to invest thousands in purchase
- my detailed review, even though a bit lengthy is worth reading.
👉 HDDs vs SSDs :
While none of the mechanical HDDs can reach the blazing fast speeds of SSDs in
excess of 500 MB/s R/W, The HDDs definitely offer a better value for money per
MB of storage.
Also if data is corrupted in a SSD its almost never retrievable while in a HDD ,
there is always a hope depending upon extent of damage.
🔷️ So for majority bulk backup - HDD are a better option to costlier SSDs.
👉 WD vs Seagate :
This is again a topmost struggle making a decision.
🔸️Now both are giant reputed american storage brands & preference is mostly
based upon personal usage experiences.
🔸️I read somewhere that Seagate offers better speeds & WD better reliability
but i don’t feel it’s always true as speeds depend upon a number of factors like
type of files being transferred & as for reliability of both brands - It is hard
to doubt for both brands of repute.
🔸️ Regarding price WD is a bit costlier to Seagate for same capacity.
🔸️ Both offer same warranties of 3 years.
I had a wd failure & my friend had Seagate failure - yet we both got
replacements with data restored from their service centres. So, no issue there
🔸️ Regarding inbuilt software, i suppose WD is better as it comes with WD
discovery that can link with all your social portals for backup too.
Seagate on the other hand offers 3 years data rescue services on this product.
🔷️ So you can go for any of these brands - WD being my personal favourite.
🔷️ To ensure failsafe operation, testing for bad sectors before storage (using
WD utility or any other HDD inspection software like HD sentinel etc ) is always
a good idea.
🔷️ Always Store these drives horizontally in a dry case & not vertically or
inclined, as in latter case the heads and platters tend to deform & get stuck
making the disk unusable.
I learnt it the hard way.
💝 Now I am having a lot WD drives so I thought to give a latest Seagate drive a
try too, so I bought the latest Seagate expansion portable 1 TB portable drive
and got 931 GB of usable space inside.
🔸️ The packing as usual was fair enough with an instruction manual & 8 inches
of connecting cable.
So, 5/5 ⭐ for both WD and Seagate.
🔸️ The HD enclosure is some premium plastic with a diamond shaped surface all
over which can surely withstand few non- severe slips & falls.

However when compared to a WD passport that I have , seagate plastic felt bit
fragile and less in thickness.
A periphery cushioning or base padding with shock absorbent rubber would
additionally be great.
So, 4 /5 ⭐ for SG & 4.2 /5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ The design & looks of this drive are quite good with all diamond design &
looks quite elegant.

However, color options other than black are not there in seagate which is bit
In WD the passport drive design to be honest looks pretty bad to me with its
dual color design.
So, 3.8 /5 ⭐ for SG and 2/5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ The drive is very compact & light weight too.
5/5 ⭐
🔸️ It came formatted in NTFS mode with 4096 bytes of allocation unit size.

ExFat is another option & you can play with allocation size also for better
speeds but a bit less space.
Partition style was MBR (Master boot record ) for Seagate and GPT (GUID
partition table ) for WD but then generally GPT is done for storage more than 1
I checked the hard disk for bad sectors & self test via software hard disk
sentinel,found okay.
So, 5/5 ⭐ for both.
🔸️ With a practical mixed media & software file folder transfer of 15 GB, i
registered - a read/ write speed of 138 / 135 MB/sec in seagate and around 140 /
112 MB /sec for WD on my HP omen core i7 configuration , which i suppose is fair
enough for a mechanical Hard drive.

In crystal benchmark test seagate had a read / write rate of – 146 / 143 MB/sec
& WD had a score of 120 / 115 MB / sec.

So, Seagate is faster for sure with like 10 MB/sec.
Also, around 150 MB/sec is the fastest speed of such mechanical hard drives in

Plus, they are for storage not speeds for true speeds use nvme drives with
speeds like 3000 MB/sec.

So, 5/5 ⭐ for SG and 4.9/5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ The Hard disk works for mac & windows both.
🔸️ The Seagate HD has a blue led line indication for status whereas WD has a
small point like white led that won't bother much in dark rooms.
Both are ok.
5/5 ⭐
🔸️ The HD is very silent during operation & doesn't heat much even after few
hours of data transfer.

However, in Seagate I noticed few clicking sounds occasionally which was not at
all confidence inspiring as it often may indicate end of life for disks.

WD was silent.
So, 3/5 ⭐ for Seagate and 5/5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ Warranty offered is 3 years with data rescue which is mostly contemporary to
industry standards & similar to WD.
As already quoted earlier, my friend had one hard disk replaced & data restored
in warranty like 6 years back by Seagate.
So, no issues there, however no one is going to offer pick & drop to you at home
- be assured.
🤏 Final Verdict:
All in all, even though I have always been a WD guy but with this Seagate, I am
hopeful to even out with Seagate as well.

I hope those clicking sounds inside are just normal ones.As of now no major
point to reduce any stars.

Final advice:

Keep backups to backups for critical data and store these drives horizontally in
a dry place.

♻️ Do click helpful below, If you find the review helpful.

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Neeraj Vishwakarma
5.0 out of 5 stars 💖👍An Excellent option for portable external storage.In
depth review.
Reviewed in India on 3 February 2022
I like to keep backups of backups of my lifetime collected data & thus have over
15 TB of external hard disks in my arsenal with a dominant share of Western
digital disks (both passport & elements) & few others like Transcend , Samsung
SSD & a Seagate ( old usb 2.0 ).
🔶️ Now, whenever we opt to go for a new external Disk purchase, the following
challenges are encountered & if you are planning to invest thousands in purchase
- my detailed review, even though a bit lengthy is worth reading.
👉 HDDs vs SSDs :
While none of the mechanical HDDs can reach the blazing fast speeds of SSDs in
excess of 500 MB/s R/W, The HDDs definitely offer a better value for money per
MB of storage.
Also if data is corrupted in a SSD its almost never retrievable while in a HDD ,
there is always a hope depending upon extent of damage.
🔷️ So for majority bulk backup - HDD are a better option to costlier SSDs.
👉 WD vs Seagate :
This is again a topmost struggle making a decision.
🔸️Now both are giant reputed american storage brands & preference is mostly
based upon personal usage experiences.
🔸️I read somewhere that Seagate offers better speeds & WD better reliability
but i don’t feel it’s always true as speeds depend upon a number of factors like
type of files being transferred & as for reliability of both brands - It is hard
to doubt for both brands of repute.
🔸️ Regarding price WD is a bit costlier to Seagate for same capacity.
🔸️ Both offer same warranties of 3 years.
I had a wd failure & my friend had Seagate failure - yet we both got
replacements with data restored from their service centres. So, no issue there
🔸️ Regarding inbuilt software, i suppose WD is better as it comes with WD
discovery that can link with all your social portals for backup too.
Seagate on the other hand offers 3 years data rescue services on this product.
🔷️ So you can go for any of these brands - WD being my personal favourite.
🔷️ To ensure failsafe operation, testing for bad sectors before storage (using
WD utility or any other HDD inspection software like HD sentinel etc ) is always
a good idea.
🔷️ Always Store these drives horizontally in a dry case & not vertically or
inclined, as in latter case the heads and platters tend to deform & get stuck
making the disk unusable.
I learnt it the hard way.
💝 Now I am having a lot WD drives so I thought to give a latest Seagate drive a
try too, so I bought the latest Seagate expansion portable 1 TB portable drive
and got 931 GB of usable space inside.
🔸️ The packing as usual was fair enough with an instruction manual & 8 inches
of connecting cable.
So, 5/5 ⭐ for both WD and Seagate.
🔸️ The HD enclosure is some premium plastic with a diamond shaped surface all
over which can surely withstand few non- severe slips & falls.

However when compared to a WD passport that I have , seagate plastic felt bit
fragile and less in thickness.
A periphery cushioning or base padding with shock absorbent rubber would
additionally be great.
So, 4 /5 ⭐ for SG & 4.2 /5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ The design & looks of this drive are quite good with all diamond design &
looks quite elegant.

However, color options other than black are not there in seagate which is bit
In WD the passport drive design to be honest looks pretty bad to me with its
dual color design.
So, 3.8 /5 ⭐ for SG and 2/5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ The drive is very compact & light weight too.
5/5 ⭐
🔸️ It came formatted in NTFS mode with 4096 bytes of allocation unit size.

ExFat is another option & you can play with allocation size also for better
speeds but a bit less space.
Partition style was MBR (Master boot record ) for Seagate and GPT (GUID
partition table ) for WD but then generally GPT is done for storage more than 1
I checked the hard disk for bad sectors & self test via software hard disk
sentinel,found okay.
So, 5/5 ⭐ for both.
🔸️ With a practical mixed media & software file folder transfer of 15 GB, i
registered - a read/ write speed of 138 / 135 MB/sec in seagate and around 140 /
112 MB /sec for WD on my HP omen core i7 configuration , which i suppose is fair
enough for a mechanical Hard drive.

In crystal benchmark test seagate had a read / write rate of – 146 / 143 MB/sec
& WD had a score of 120 / 115 MB / sec.

So, Seagate is faster for sure with like 10 MB/sec.
Also, around 150 MB/sec is the fastest speed of such mechanical hard drives in

Plus, they are for storage not speeds for true speeds use nvme drives with
speeds like 3000 MB/sec.

So, 5/5 ⭐ for SG and 4.9/5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ The Hard disk works for mac & windows both.
🔸️ The Seagate HD has a blue led line indication for status whereas WD has a
small point like white led that won't bother much in dark rooms.
Both are ok.
5/5 ⭐
🔸️ The HD is very silent during operation & doesn't heat much even after few
hours of data transfer.

However, in Seagate I noticed few clicking sounds occasionally which was not at
all confidence inspiring as it often may indicate end of life for disks.

WD was silent.
So, 3/5 ⭐ for Seagate and 5/5 ⭐ for WD.
🔸️ Warranty offered is 3 years with data rescue which is mostly contemporary to
industry standards & similar to WD.
As already quoted earlier, my friend had one hard disk replaced & data restored
in warranty like 6 years back by Seagate.
So, no issues there, however no one is going to offer pick & drop to you at home
- be assured.
🤏 Final Verdict:
All in all, even though I have always been a WD guy but with this Seagate, I am
hopeful to even out with Seagate as well.

I hope those clicking sounds inside are just normal ones.As of now no major
point to reduce any stars.

Final advice:

Keep backups to backups for critical data and store these drives horizontally in
a dry place.

♻️ Do click helpful below, If you find the review helpful.
Images in this review

887 people found this helpful
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Saisundar R
1.0 out of 5 stars Stopped working within a week
Reviewed in India on 29 December 2018
Verified Purchase
I got the new hardd disk last week and I backed up some data initially to free
up my laptop. Today when i tried to access it, suddenly its giving a beep sound.
The laptop doesnt recognize it. On further google search, this looks like a
common problem with Seagate. I blindly trusted Amazon Best choice tag and bought
this. Ita very dissapointing to be let down this way

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468 people found this helpful
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Prashant Jagwani
5.0 out of 5 stars Best in this Price range
Reviewed in India on 30 May 2018
Verified Purchase
I bought this a week ago. The product is really up to mark. The transfer speed
is great bought write and read. It is Handy and easy to carry around.
Compatibility is good as I have tested it for Mac and Windows. I will do the
testing for Linux and Android too. I will update the review after 1 month of

Read more
Prashant Jagwani
5.0 out of 5 stars Best in this Price range
Reviewed in India on 30 May 2018
I bought this a week ago. The product is really up to mark. The transfer speed
is great bought write and read. It is Handy and easy to carry around.
Compatibility is good as I have tested it for Mac and Windows. I will do the
testing for Linux and Android too. I will update the review after 1 month of
Images in this review

373 people found this helpful
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Shekhar T.V
1.0 out of 5 stars Carelessness and disgustingly casual
Reviewed in India on 17 July 2017
Verified Purchase
The product was delivered in a non functional state. They do not do the proper
checking before delivering the product. Absolute carelessness

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132 people found this helpful
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Amazon Customer
1.0 out of 5 stars Cant connect it to computer within 1st month after purchase
Reviewed in India on 27 September 2017
Verified Purchase
Cant connect it to computer within 1st month after purchase, no helpline number
on seagate website to locate a service center, worst product, don't select this
one, go for 1 tb instead

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88 people found this helpful
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5.0 out of 5 stars Very Budget friendly , Fast and reliable (After 2 year of
Reviewed in India on 18 September 2018
Verified Purchase
Its reliable, Good speed, and fast and has alot of space.
Usable Space: 1.37 TB
I consider this series to be very best balance between price + Space + Speed.

Speed test:
Sequential Read: 80-110 MB/s
Sequential Write: 70-98 MB/s
Random Read Speed: 60-90 MB/s
Random Write Speed: 40-70 MB/s (which is very good in my opinion)

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53 people found this helpful
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars I was a bit disappointed as, at first i got the Hardisk which
Reviewed in India on 25 December 2017
Capacity: 1 TBStyle name: Seagate Expansion PortableVerified Purchase
I was a bit disappointed as, at first i got the Hardisk which was not working at
all !!
Then i had to proceed for replacement. But, good service by amazon, it was
replaced the very next day,and this one is working very fine..one thing i wanted
to say is, it would be very nice if you check the item before dispatching it.

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77 people found this helpful
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5.0 out of 5 stars 1.5TB & 3TB, The best I've used so far.
Reviewed in India on 21 May 2020
Verified Purchase
I now have both the 1.5TB and 3TB models of this drive so I have now divided my
review in two sections.

Review of 1.5TB model:
I bought this on 23rd Sept. 2017. I have now used this drive for nearly 2&1/2
years now and it has been working perfectly till date. The external balck case
can be removed (this will void the warranty I guarantee you because I checked
this with Seagate Customer care) which will reveal the actual hard drive inside
which is exactly like an internal hard drive used in laptops. After your
warranty expires and you are planning to buy a new external hard drive you can
then remove the internal hard drive and user it in your laptop but remember,
most laptops only support internal hard drives of thickness 7mm-7.5mm only so
you may not use the 3TB & 4TB version of this hard drive to insert into your
laptop. Check the picture I attached of the internal hard drive.

Review of 3TB Model:
I bought this on 25th May 2020. This also a great HDD and has the quality and
performance almost as the same as the 1.5TB model however, this one is
physically very different from the 1.5TB version.

1.5 TB [Width x Length x Height or thickness]=(1.5cm x 11.7cm x 8cm)
3 TB [Width x Length x Height or thickness]=(2cm x 11.7cm x 8cm)
The length of the USB 3.0 cable in provided with both the storage capacities is
the same at 37 cm to 38 cm roughly.

Both the Drives come with 3 Years of warranty in India only, don't forget to
register your hard drive on the Seagate website.

Check the images I have attached comparing the sizes of the drives.

Read more
5.0 out of 5 stars 1.5TB & 3TB, The best I've used so far.
Reviewed in India on 21 May 2020
I now have both the 1.5TB and 3TB models of this drive so I have now divided my
review in two sections.

Review of 1.5TB model:
I bought this on 23rd Sept. 2017. I have now used this drive for nearly 2&1/2
years now and it has been working perfectly till date. The external balck case
can be removed (this will void the warranty I guarantee you because I checked
this with Seagate Customer care) which will reveal the actual hard drive inside
which is exactly like an internal hard drive used in laptops. After your
warranty expires and you are planning to buy a new external hard drive you can
then remove the internal hard drive and user it in your laptop but remember,
most laptops only support internal hard drives of thickness 7mm-7.5mm only so
you may not use the 3TB & 4TB version of this hard drive to insert into your
laptop. Check the picture I attached of the internal hard drive.

Review of 3TB Model:
I bought this on 25th May 2020. This also a great HDD and has the quality and
performance almost as the same as the 1.5TB model however, this one is
physically very different from the 1.5TB version.

1.5 TB [Width x Length x Height or thickness]=(1.5cm x 11.7cm x 8cm)
3 TB [Width x Length x Height or thickness]=(2cm x 11.7cm x 8cm)
The length of the USB 3.0 cable in provided with both the storage capacities is
the same at 37 cm to 38 cm roughly.

Both the Drives come with 3 Years of warranty in India only, don't forget to
register your hard drive on the Seagate website.

Check the images I have attached comparing the sizes of the drives.
Images in this review

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5.0 out of 5 stars ALWAYS buy RETAIL packaged drives.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 January 2019
Capacity: 4 TBStyle name: Seagate Expansion PortableVerified Purchase
This review is for the 4TB Expansion Drive (with the 'diamond square cut'
plastic case).

Great compact enclosures. I would suggest putting on some small rubber 'feet' on
the base to lift it up and allow any heat to dissipate more freely. The HDD is
easily powered by the supplied USB cable. I have had two other Seagate Expansion
drives running for almost 4 years with no problems.
Please remember, just because these (or any other) portable HDD's are 'portable'
doesn't mean that they should still be moved or knocked around too much. Always
handle with care if you're carrying it from one location to another to prolong
its longevity.

If you're purchasing this drive to use as the manufacturer intended (as an
external USB HDD), then it gets 5/5 stars and you need read no further.

If you're looking for a 2.5" HDD to use inside a laptop, in a Disk Array
enclosure, inside a PS4, or other 'internal' device, then read on...
This 'Expansion' drive can easily be opened up to remove the actual Hard Drive
And it's a far cheaper option than buying a bare 4tb 2.5" HDD.

I purchased two of these 4TB drives to use in a 2.5" RAID enclosure.
[Please Note: The 4TB HDD is 15mm thick. Lower capacities are variably thinner.
Always check the max bay height of the device you are thinking of inserting the
HDD into].

The HDD can be removed from it's plastic casing by gently prising away the top
lid (which is clipped in). Some of the clips WILL break, but if you're careful,
the plastic casing can still be clipped back together again and reused (if you
need to). Once inside, gently lift up the drive (it's only slotted in place by 4
silicone screw covers), then slide out and peel off the sticky silver foil on
the connector end. Make sure you peel off the foil on both sides of the drive.
The USB/SATA connector can then be gently pulled off. You will also need to
remove the 4 side holding screws to enable you to slot it in and secure it to
your new bay location.

The end result is that you now have a Seagate Barracuda 4TB drive, exactly the
same as you would if you bought a loose ('bare') Seagate drive. The main
advantage being - that you've just saved about 30-50% of the cost compared to
buying an identical "bare" internal 4TB Barracuda HDD on Amazon!

What are the disadvantages? You've likely voided the warranty.
BUT, before you shoot off elsewhere thinking the warranty factor is a
deal-breaker, consider the following two points:

1) If you're buying a bare HDD (no matter what capacity) you should NOT be
buying it off of Amazon if its being 'SOLD' or 'DISPATCHED' by Amazon -
especially those that come without any retail packaging.
Hard Disk Drives are sensitive little things and don't take very well to being
mishandled or knocked about. Amazon packaging staff DO NOT know how to handle or
package Hard Drives - this is not some off-the-wall claim, BELIEVE me, it's
highly substantiated! Despite Amazon having complaints on this subject
stretching back over the last 8+ years, and despite always promising to correct
things, Amazon are still today sending out hard drives in insufficient

The majority of Hard Disk Drive failures that people report and complain about
were caused because of how they were handled before they got to you (not the
manufacturer's fault) - and if you've purchased one that's been 'handled' by
Amazon - you're playing a gambling game of roulette! By the time you receive
that drive in your hands, it's possibly been rattled around more times than an
ice cube inside a cocktail shaker. Is it really any wonder why you see so many 1
and 2 star reviews (irrespective of brand)?

2) A lot of bare Hard Disk Drives being sold on Amazon (especially those that
are 'competitively priced') are actually sold without a manufacturers warranty
They were either imported from somewhere where the Warranty is not valid. If
your drive doesn't fail on arrival (or shortly afterwards), you will never know
this unless you attempt to register it. Or because they are surplus drives that
were originally intended for use inside an external enclosure (such as these
'Expansion' ones being sold above) -there are actual reports and reviews that
Seagate have informed customers of this fact.
And even if your drive does come with a warranty - if the drive fails, it's only
going to cover an exchange. You will need to return the failed drive (most
likely at your cost) and the warranty will not cover any data recovery. Meaning
that essentially, once you send it back to get a replacement, you will never be
getting the chance again to have your lost data back.

My final advice is, be aware of the 'handling' risks in buying HDD's from
Amazon. And if doing so, ALWAYS buy RETAIL packaged drives. REJECT EVERYTHING

If you choose to accept this mission....then, good for you!.... This message
will not self-destruct in 10 seconds... although it seems Amazon have
obliterated the comments on all reviews!

Read more
5.0 out of 5 stars ALWAYS buy RETAIL packaged drives.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 January 2019
This review is for the 4TB Expansion Drive (with the 'diamond square cut'
plastic case).

Great compact enclosures. I would suggest putting on some small rubber 'feet' on
the base to lift it up and allow any heat to dissipate more freely. The HDD is
easily powered by the supplied USB cable. I have had two other Seagate Expansion
drives running for almost 4 years with no problems.
Please remember, just because these (or any other) portable HDD's are 'portable'
doesn't mean that they should still be moved or knocked around too much. Always
handle with care if you're carrying it from one location to another to prolong
its longevity.

If you're purchasing this drive to use as the manufacturer intended (as an
external USB HDD), then it gets 5/5 stars and you need read no further.

If you're looking for a 2.5" HDD to use inside a laptop, in a Disk Array
enclosure, inside a PS4, or other 'internal' device, then read on...
This 'Expansion' drive can easily be opened up to remove the actual Hard Drive
And it's a far cheaper option than buying a bare 4tb 2.5" HDD.

I purchased two of these 4TB drives to use in a 2.5" RAID enclosure.
[Please Note: The 4TB HDD is 15mm thick. Lower capacities are variably thinner.
Always check the max bay height of the device you are thinking of inserting the
HDD into].

The HDD can be removed from it's plastic casing by gently prising away the top
lid (which is clipped in). Some of the clips WILL break, but if you're careful,
the plastic casing can still be clipped back together again and reused (if you
need to). Once inside, gently lift up the drive (it's only slotted in place by 4
silicone screw covers), then slide out and peel off the sticky silver foil on
the connector end. Make sure you peel off the foil on both sides of the drive.
The USB/SATA connector can then be gently pulled off. You will also need to
remove the 4 side holding screws to enable you to slot it in and secure it to
your new bay location.

The end result is that you now have a Seagate Barracuda 4TB drive, exactly the
same as you would if you bought a loose ('bare') Seagate drive. The main
advantage being - that you've just saved about 30-50% of the cost compared to
buying an identical "bare" internal 4TB Barracuda HDD on Amazon!

What are the disadvantages? You've likely voided the warranty.
BUT, before you shoot off elsewhere thinking the warranty factor is a
deal-breaker, consider the following two points:

1) If you're buying a bare HDD (no matter what capacity) you should NOT be
buying it off of Amazon if its being 'SOLD' or 'DISPATCHED' by Amazon -
especially those that come without any retail packaging.
Hard Disk Drives are sensitive little things and don't take very well to being
mishandled or knocked about. Amazon packaging staff DO NOT know how to handle or
package Hard Drives - this is not some off-the-wall claim, BELIEVE me, it's
highly substantiated! Despite Amazon having complaints on this subject
stretching back over the last 8+ years, and despite always promising to correct
things, Amazon are still today sending out hard drives in insufficient

The majority of Hard Disk Drive failures that people report and complain about
were caused because of how they were handled before they got to you (not the
manufacturer's fault) - and if you've purchased one that's been 'handled' by
Amazon - you're playing a gambling game of roulette! By the time you receive
that drive in your hands, it's possibly been rattled around more times than an
ice cube inside a cocktail shaker. Is it really any wonder why you see so many 1
and 2 star reviews (irrespective of brand)?

2) A lot of bare Hard Disk Drives being sold on Amazon (especially those that
are 'competitively priced') are actually sold without a manufacturers warranty
They were either imported from somewhere where the Warranty is not valid. If
your drive doesn't fail on arrival (or shortly afterwards), you will never know
this unless you attempt to register it. Or because they are surplus drives that
were originally intended for use inside an external enclosure (such as these
'Expansion' ones being sold above) -there are actual reports and reviews that
Seagate have informed customers of this fact.
And even if your drive does come with a warranty - if the drive fails, it's only
going to cover an exchange. You will need to return the failed drive (most
likely at your cost) and the warranty will not cover any data recovery. Meaning
that essentially, once you send it back to get a replacement, you will never be
getting the chance again to have your lost data back.

My final advice is, be aware of the 'handling' risks in buying HDD's from
Amazon. And if doing so, ALWAYS buy RETAIL packaged drives. REJECT EVERYTHING

If you choose to accept this mission....then, good for you!.... This message
will not self-destruct in 10 seconds... although it seems Amazon have
obliterated the comments on all reviews!
Images in this review

793 people found this helpful
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1.0 out of 5 stars 1/10 of a star if it were possible. Robbed!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 30 September 2018
Capacity: 2 TBStyle name: Seagate Expansion PortableVerified Purchase
I bought this for storing a back up of my work (years of teaching lessons from
year 7 to 13. Used it 4 times and then it stopped working. Seagate offered to
replace it through guarantee but I'd have to pay £600+ to get my data restored.

What a scam! Build crap discs & sell them for £60 & then charge folk £600 (x 10
times cost) to get your crucial data back. Foolproof business plan. BEWARE!

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1.0 out of 5 stars !!!NO COMPRAR BAJO NINGÚN CONCEPTO¡¡¡
Reviewed in Spain on 18 November 2018
Capacity: 4 TBStyle name: Seagate Expansion PortableVerified Purchase
Lo compré pese a la gran cantidad de personas a las que le ha fallado pensando
que a mí no me iba a tocar. Daba errores de lectura y tardaba en acceder a los
datos, pero lo achaqué al sistema operativo. Ayer dejó de funcionar
definitivamente mientras copiaba unas fotos, ya no siquiera lo reconocen mis
ordenadores. He perdido más de 3 Tb de fotos. Encima el servicio de recuperación
bde Seagate te cobra 800€ por recuperar los datos. Parece mentira que Amazon
siga vendiendo un producto como este con la cantidad de personas a las que le ha
fallado, (sabiendo el perjuicio que puede provocar en caso de fallo)

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1.0 out of 5 stars Failed after one month
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 July 2018
Capacity: 4 TBStyle name: Seagate Expansion PortableVerified Purchase
Worked Fine For just over a month, could be a little noisy at times (vibration
from HDD) Then failed without warning
not recognised on either PC or MAC and HDD just spins up, ticks twice then spins
Very disappointed as this was bought following good reviews and I was relying on
it for continuous backup.

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1.0 out of 5 stars MUST AVOID!!!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 October 2018
Capacity: 2 TBStyle name: Seagate Expansion PortableVerified Purchase
Very disappointed and annoyed. First time I used it was fine but the second time
it doesn't show up on my file explorer and isn't recognised my computer. I saved
lots of videos as I do alot of recordings, luckily I bought data recover and
hopefully I get my videos back. I recommend to stay away from this. I am
literally shocked how other people gave good reviews, I wanted to gave this
prodecut a try despite the few bad rating but now I understand why.
If like me you do decide to buy it dispite my review and the others then I
highly recommend getting data recover u will find out why.

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