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InfluxDB OSS

 * InfluxDB Cloud (TSM)
 * InfluxDB Cloud Serverless
 * InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated

 * InfluxDB Clustered
 * InfluxDB OSS
 * InfluxDB Enterprise

 * Telegraf
 * Chronograf
 * Kapacitor

 * Flux


 * v2
 * v1

Search all InfluxData content

 * InfluxDB v2
 * Install InfluxDB
   * Upgrade InfluxDB
     * InfluxDB 2.x to 2.7
     * InfluxDB 1.x to 2.7
       * Automatically upgrade
       * Manually upgrade
       * Upgrade with Docker
       * Migrate CQs
     * Downgrade InfluxDB
 * Get started
   * Set up InfluxDB
   * Write data
   * Query data
   * Process data
   * Visualize data
 * Develop with the API
   * Quick start
   * Client library tutorials
     * Python
     * JavaScript
   * Client libraries
     * Arduino
     * C#
     * Dart
     * Go
     * Java
     * JavaScript for browsers
     * Kotlin
     * Node.js
       * Install
       * Write
       * Query
     * PHP
     * Python
     * R
     * Ruby
     * Scala
     * Swift
 * Write data
   * Load data source in UI
   * No-code solutions
     * Telegraf (agent)
       * Automatically configure Telegraf
       * Dual write to InfluxDB OSS and InfluxDB Cloud
       * Manually configure Telegraf
       * Use Telegraf plugins
         * HTTP input plugin
     * Scrape data
       * Manage scrapers
         * Create a scraper
         * Update a scraper
         * Delete a scraper
       * Create scrapable endpoints
     * Third-party technologies
   * Developer tools
     * Third-party developer tools
     * Client libraries
     * Write CSV data
     * Influx CLI
     * Scrape Prometheus metrics
     * InfluxDB API
   * Best practices
     * Schema design
     * Resolve high cardinality
     * Optimize writes to InfluxDB
     * Handle duplicate points
   * Write from OSS to Cloud
   * Edge data replication
     * Replicate data
   * Migrate data
     * Migrate data from OSS
     * Migrate from Cloud to OSS
   * Troubleshoot issues
   * Delete data
 * Query data
   * Get started with Flux
     * Query InfluxDB
     * Transform data
   * Query with Flux
     * Query fields and tags
     * Group
     * Sort and limit
     * Window & aggregate
     * Explore your schema
     * Transform data with math
     * Calculate percentages
     * Cumulative sum
     * Fill
     * First & last
     * Histograms
     * Increase
     * Join
     * Median
     * Moving Average
     * Percentile & quantile
     * Rate
     * Conditional logic
     * Custom functions
       * Custom aggregate functions
     * Exists
     * Extract scalar values
     * Geo-temporal data
       * Shape geo-temporal data
       * Filter by region
       * Group geo-temporal data
     * Monitor states
     * Operate on timestamps
     * Query SQL data sources
     * Regular expressions
     * Flux version
   * Query with InfluxQL
     * Manage DBRP mappings
     * Explore data
       * SELECT statement
       * WHERE clause
       * GROUP BY clause
       * ORDER BY clause
       * LIMIT and SLIMIT clauses
       * OFFSET and SOFFSET clauses
       * Time and timezone
       * Subqueries
       * Regular expressions
     * Explore your schema
     * InfluxQL functions
       * Aggregates
       * Selectors
       * Technical analysis
       * Transformations
     * Manage your data
     * Mathematical operators
   * Execute queries
     * Query with Data Explorer
     * Query with the InfluxDB API
     * Query in the Flux REPL
     * Use the influx CLI
     * Query with sample data
   * Common queries
     * Operate on columns
     * Use multiple fields in a calculation
     * Compare values from different buckets
     * IoT common queries
   * Optimize queries
 * Visualize data
   * Manage dashboards
     * Create a dashboard
     * Control a dashboard
     * Export a dashboard
     * Delete a dashboard
   * Use and manage variables
     * Create a variable
     * Update a variable
     * View variables
     * Export a variable
     * Delete a variable
     * Variable types
     * Common variable queries
   * Manage labels
   * Use annotations
   * Visualization types
     * Band
     * Gauge
     * Graph
     * Graph + Single Stat
     * Heatmap
     * Histogram
     * Mosaic
     * Scatter
     * Single Stat
     * Table
 * Process data
   * Get started with tasks
   * Manage tasks
     * Create a task
     * View tasks
     * Run a task
     * View run history
     * Update a task
     * Export a task
     * Delete a task
   * Common tasks
     * Downsample data
     * Calculate a weekly mean
     * Convert results to JSON
   * Task options
 * Monitor & alert
   * Manage checks
     * Create checks
     * View checks
     * Update checks
     * Delete checks
   * Manage notification endpoints
     * Create endpoints
     * View endpoint history
     * Update endpoints
     * Delete endpoints
   * Manage notification rules
     * Create notification rules
     * View notification rules
     * Update notification rules
     * Delete notification rules
   * Monitor with templates
     * Monitor InfluxDB OSS
     * Monitor infrastructure
       * AWS CloudWatch
       * Raspberry Pi
       * Docker
       * vSphere
       * Windows
     * Monitor networks
       * HAproxy
   * Send alert email
   * Create custom checks
 * Tools & integrations
   * Telegraf configurations
     * Clone a config
     * Create a config
     * View configs
     * Update a config
     * Remove a config
   * Notebooks
     * Overview of notebooks
     * Create a notebook
     * Manage notebooks
     * Downsample data
     * Normalize data
     * Troubleshoot notebooks
   * InfluxDB templates
     * Use templates
     * Create a template
     * InfluxDB stacks
       * Save time with stacks
       * Initialize a stack
       * Update a stack
       * View stacks
       * Remove a stack
   * influx CLI
   * Flux REPL
   * InfluxQL shell
   * Flux VS Code extension
   * Flux LSP with Vim
   * Grafana
   * Chronograf
   * Kapacitor
   * Postman
 * Administer InfluxDB
   * Manage organizations
     * Create an organization
     * View organizations
     * Update an organization
     * Delete an organization
     * Switch organizations
     * Manage members
       * Add a member
       * View members
       * Remove a member
   * Manage buckets
     * Create a bucket
     * Update a bucket
     * View buckets
     * Delete a bucket
   * Manage tokens
     * Create a token
     * View tokens
     * Update a token
     * Delete a token
     * Use tokens
   * Manage users
     * Create a user
     * View users
     * Delete a user
     * Update a user
     * Change your password
     * Recover credentials
   * Manage security
     * Enable TLS encryption
     * Enable security features
     * Disable development features
   * Manage secrets
     * Add secrets
     * View secret keys
     * Update secrets
     * Delete secrets
     * Use secrets
     * Store secrets in Vault
   * Back up & restore data
     * Back up data
     * Restore data
   * Manage internal systems
     * Manage TSI indexes
       * Rebuild the TSI index
       * Inspect TSI indexes
   * Manage logs
 * Reference
   * Release notes
     * InfluxDB
     * influx CLI
     * Supported releases
   * Key concepts
     * Data elements
     * Data schema
     * Design principles
   * Configuration options
   * InfluxDB v2 API
     * v2 API docs
     * v1 compatibility
       * /query
       * /write
       * DBRP mapping
       * View v1 compatibility API docs
   * Command line tools
     * influx
       * influx apply
       * influx auth
         * influx auth active
         * influx auth create
         * influx auth delete
         * influx auth inactive
         * influx auth list
       * influx backup
       * influx bucket
         * influx bucket create
         * influx bucket delete
         * influx bucket list
         * influx bucket update
       * influx bucket-schema
         * influx bucket-schema create
         * influx bucket-schema list
         * influx bucket-schema update
       * influx completion
       * influx config
         * influx config create
         * influx config list
         * influx config rm
         * influx config set
       * influx dashboards
       * influx delete
       * influx export
         * influx export all
         * influx export stack
       * influx help
       * influx org
         * influx org create
         * influx org delete
         * influx org list
         * influx org members
           * influx org members add
           * influx org members list
           * influx org members remove
         * influx org update
       * influx ping
       * influx query
       * influx remote
         * influx remote create
         * influx remote delete
         * influx remote list
         * influx remote update
       * influx replication
         * influx replication create
         * influx replication delete
         * influx replication list
         * influx replication update
       * influx restore
       * influx scripts
         * influx scripts create
         * influx scripts delete
         * influx scripts invoke
         * influx scripts list
         * influx scripts retrieve
         * influx scripts update
       * influx secret
         * influx secret delete
         * influx secret list
         * influx secret update
       * influx server-config
       * influx setup
       * influx stacks
         * influx stacks init
         * influx stacks remove
         * influx stacks update
       * influx task
         * influx task create
         * influx task delete
         * influx task list
         * influx task log
           * influx task log list
         * influx task retry-failed
         * influx task run
           * influx task run list
           * influx task run retry
         * influx task update
       * influx telegrafs
         * influx telegrafs rm
         * influx telegrafs update
       * influx template
         * influx template validate
       * influx user
         * influx user create
         * influx user delete
         * influx user list
         * influx user password
         * influx user update
       * influx v1
         * influx v1 auth
           * influx v1 auth create
           * influx v1 auth delete
           * influx v1 auth list
           * influx v1 auth set-active
           * influx v1 auth set-inactive
           * influx v1 auth set-password
         * influx v1 dbrp
           * influx v1 dbrp create
           * influx v1 dbrp delete
           * influx v1 dbrp list
           * influx v1 dbrp update
         * influx v1 shell
       * influx write
         * influx write dryrun
       * influx version
     * influxd
       * influxd downgrade
       * influxd inspect
         * influxd inspect build-tsi
         * influxd inspect check-schema
         * influxd inspect delete-tsm
         * influxd inspect dump-tsi
         * influxd inspect dump-tsm
         * influxd inspect dump-wal
         * influxd inspect export-index
         * influxd inspect export-lp
         * influxd inspect merge-schema
         * influxd inspect report-db
         * influxd inspect report-tsi
         * influxd inspect report-tsm
         * influxd inspect verify-seriesfile
         * influxd inspect verify-tombstone
         * influxd inspect verify-tsm
         * influxd inspect verify-wal
       * influxd recovery
         * influxd recovery auth
           * influxd recovery auth create-operator
           * influxd recovery auth list
         * influxd recovery org
           * influxd recovery org create
           * influxd recovery org list
         * influxd recovery user
           * influxd recovery user create
           * influxd recovery user list
           * influxd recovery user update
       * influxd run
       * influxd upgrade
       * influxd version
   * Syntax
     * Flux
       * Flux vs InfluxQL
     * InfluxQL
       * InfluxQL 2.x specification
       * InfluxQL internals
     * Line protocol
     * Annotated CSV
       * Extended annotated CSV
     * Delete predicate
   * InfluxDB URLs
   * InfluxDB internals
     * Storage engine
     * File system layout
     * Data retention
     * Runtime
     * Shards & shard groups
     * System buckets
     * Metrics
   * Sample data
   * Prometheus metrics
   * Frequently asked questions
   * Glossary
   * Contribute to InfluxDB


Get started


Write data to InfluxDB using a number of different options.


Use Flux to query and transform your data.


Use InfluxDB tasks to process and downsample data.


Build powerful dashboards to visualize your data.


Monitor metrics and send alerts with InfluxDB.

© 2023 InfluxData, Inc.


Customize your InfluxDB OSS URL and we’ll update code examples for you.


 * localhost:8086



For more information, see InfluxDB OSS URLs.


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A highly available InfluxDB 3.0 cluster on your own infrastructure.

InfluxDB Clustered is a highly available InfluxDB 3.0 cluster built for high
write and query workloads on your own infrastructure.

InfluxDB Clustered is currently in limited availability and is only available to
a limited group of InfluxData customers. If interested in being part of the
limited access group, please contact the InfluxData Sales team.

Learn more
Contact InfluxData Sales


Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently
are without any changes to your code.

Flux is going into maintenance mode and will not be supported in InfluxDB 3.0.
This was a decision based on the broad demand for SQL and the continued growth
and adoption of InfluxQL. We are continuing to support Flux for users in 1.x and
2.x so you can continue using it with no changes to your code. If you are
interested in transitioning to InfluxDB 3.0 and want to future-proof your code,
we suggest using InfluxQL.

For information about the future of Flux, see the following:

 * The plan for InfluxDB 3.0 Open Source
 * InfluxDB 3.0 benchmarks


InfluxDB Cloud Serverless documentation is a work in progress.

The new documentation for InfluxDB Cloud Serverless is a work in progress. We
are adding new information and content almost daily. Thank you for your

If there is specific information you’re looking for, please submit a
documentation issue.