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              <p><strong>tmohentqi : NEGRINHA - AO VIVO NO TEATRO - YouTube. Esta apresentação teatral é uma adaptação não oficial do livro "Negrinha" de Monteiro Lobato. Uma versão especial que escrevi e roterizei onde conta .</strong></p>
              &nbsp;<strong>tmohentqi</strong> My fake wife (camren) 86.1K 4.9K 7 - Feliz dois anos de casamento. - Ela deu um beijo na minha bochecha e eu um em sua testa, pra depois lhe entregar seus dois buques. Pessoas de fora considerariam isso
              estranho, afinal, que casal não se cumprimenta com um beijo, ainda mais num dia especial. A resposta é simples, Camila e eu.
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                  </span>)</strong> or <strong>tmohentqi</strong> 2 de set. de 2017&nbsp;· O corpo de Negrinha era tatuado de sinais, cicatrizes, vergões. O conto Pai Contra Mãe ambienta-se no Rio de Janeiro do século XIX, antes da abolição da
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                                          <p class="summary hide">Acesse ESPN (BR) para resultados ao vivo, vídeos e notícias do Club Brugge. Encontre a classificação e o cronograma completo da temporada de 2023-24.</p>
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                                          <p class="summary hide">21 de jul. de 2023&nbsp;· O que é Negrinha? Negrinha é uma palavra que pode ter diferentes significados e interpretações, dependendo do contexto em que é utilizada. Neste glossário,
                                            iremos abordar o termo Negrinha no âmbito da literatura brasileira, mais especificamente em relação à obra homônima de Monteiro Lobato. A obra “Negrinha” de Monteiro Lobato</p>
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                                        <figcaption><span class="category"><a href="" class="content-type-text news content-type-1"><span>News</span></a> <span class="separator">|</span> <time data-dateago="20240105"
                                          <h3 class="title"><span> bodytech higienopolis&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">bodytech higienopolis:BODYTECH - Shopping Eldorado - Pinheiros - São Paulo. Endereço: Avenida Rebouças, 3970. Bairro: Shopping Eldorado - Pinheiros. Cidade: São Paulo.
                                            Telefone: (11) 2197 .</p>
                                      </div> <a href="/rgoavrwg-mdixkyzp-295.html" class="link-overlay"><span class="sr-only">bodytech higienopolis</span></a>
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                                        <figcaption><span class="category"><a href="" class="content-type-text news content-type-1"><span>News</span></a> <span class="separator">|</span> <time data-dateago="20240105"
                                          <h3 class="title"><span> resultadoamais&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">resultadoamais:Você quer ser mais milionário? Então conheça o novo produto das Loterias Caixa: o Mais Milionária. É uma modalidade de aposta que permite concorrer a
                                            prêmios milionários .</p>
                                      </div> <a href="/rgoavrwg-umdviarg-214.html" class="link-overlay"><span class="sr-only">resultadoamais</span></a>
                                  <div style="clear: both;"></div>
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                                            <div class="image-replacement" style="background-image: url(&quot;/upluds/news/zkwpu.jpg&quot;);"></div> <img alt="" src="/upluds/news/zkwpu.jpg">
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                                        <figcaption><span class="category"><a href="" class="content-type-text news content-type-1"><span>News</span></a> <span class="separator">|</span> <time data-dateago="20240105"
                                          <h3 class="title"><span> youtube jogo do grêmio hoje ao vivo grátis&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">youtube jogo do grêmio hoje ao vivo grátis:O Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense em 2022 disputou a Série B do Campeonato Brasileiro, além de também ter disputado o
                                            Campeonato Gaúcho a Copa do Brasil e a Recopa Gaúcha .</p>
                                      </div> <a href="/rgoavrwg-tdcxrkjt-291.html" class="link-overlay"><span class="sr-only">youtube jogo do grêmio hoje ao vivo grátis</span></a>
                                  <div style="clear: both;"></div>
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                                            <div class="image-replacement" style="background-image: url(&quot;/upluds/news/aqhkj.jpg&quot;);"></div> <img alt="" src="/upluds/news/aqhkj.jpg">
                                      <div class="dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-9 dgov-col-sm-8 dgov-col-md-9 dgov-col-lg-8">
                                        <figcaption><span class="category"><a href="" class="content-type-text news content-type-1"><span>News</span></a> <span class="separator">|</span> <time data-dateago="20240105"
                                          <h3 class="title"><span> epic fight custom weaponry&nbsp;<!----></span> <!----></h3>
                                          <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs">epic fight custom weaponry:Custom 3D Weapon models for Epic Fight Weapons! 9.6K; Nov 15, 2022; Nov 15, 2022; 135.05 KB; 1.18.2; Resource Packs; Medieval; 32x</p>
                                      </div> <a href="/rgoavrwg-xxqqfblz-215.html" class="link-overlay"><span class="sr-only">epic fight custom weaponry</span></a>
                                  <div style="clear: both;"></div>
                              </div> <!---->
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                      <!-- This can be used to contain items in a programmable reflex-grid
    NOTE: this is DEPRECATED, use <card-layout>.  Change is for naming
    purposes, but of course, card-layout is now getting improvements.
                      <script type="text/x-template" id="vue-feature-template"> <div class="feature-template">
        <div :class="'feature-template-container' + (removeGrid ? '' : ' dgov-grid dgov-grid-full')">
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                          const DEBUG = false;
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("this is the feature-template component");
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                          const tempUse = tempSel ? tempSel : "#vue-feature-template";
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("f-t20: passed in selector for template div", tempSel)
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("f-121: selector template div to use", tempUse);
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                          if (DEBUG) console.log("f-t15: template element", tempEl);
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                          // Feature Blog Layout
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                              4: ["dgov-col-12:feature", "dgov-col-12:feature", "dgov-col-6", "dgov-col-6"],
                              3: ["dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12"],
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                              full: ["dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12"],
                              4: ["dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12"],
                              3: ["dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12"],
                              2: ["dgov-col-12", "dgov-col-12"],
                              1: ["dgov-col-12"],
                          // Story Layout
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                          const grid1col = ["dgov-col-12"];
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                            2: grid2col,
                            1: ["dgov-col-12"],
                          const layout2xn = {
                            full: grid2col,
                            1: ["dgov-col-12"],
                          const layout1xn = {
                            full: grid1col,
                          const story_layouts = {
                            desktop: layout3xn,
                            lg: layout2xn,
                            md: layout2xn,
                            xs: layout1xn
                          Vue.component('feature-template', {
                            name: 'feature-template',
                            data: function() {
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                                templateSelector: "",
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                                pageAmount: 6,
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                              "template-mode": String,
                              "more-text": String,
                              "show-all": {
                                type: Boolean,
                                default: false,
                              "remove-grid": {
                                type: Boolean,
                                default: false,
                            template: tempEl, // matches ID in template above
                            mounted: function() {
                              window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize)
                            methods: {
                              resize: function() {
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("resizing");
                              getLayout: function(layoutName) {
                                // get particular layout based on layoutName argument
                                // internally: also uses number of children and media size
                                const numItems = this.$children.length;
                                const mediaSize = this.getMediaType();
                                let layouts = this.getLayouts(this.templateMode);
                                /* if there is a set for the mediasize and number, pick it,
                                 * otherwise layout remains the starting one above
                                 * Note: Every case should have a layout but just in case
                                 * this fails more gracefully, probably.
                                const layoutsForMediaSize = layouts[mediaSize] ? layouts[mediaSize] : layouts.desktop;
                                const lfms = layoutsForMediaSize;
                                if (lfms) {
                                  if (lfms[numItems]) {
                                    layout = lfms[numItems];
                                  } else if (lfms.full) {
                                    layout = lfms.full;
                                } else {
                                  // using dgov-grid these are classes for up to five children
                                  const default_layout = ["dgov-col-6:feature", "dgov-col-6:feature", "dgov-col-4", "dgov-col-4", "dgov-col-4"];
                                  layout = default_layout;
                                return layout;
                              getLayouts: function(layoutName) {
                                let layouts;
                                switch (layoutName) {
                                  case "override":
                                    layouts = window._dgov_feature_layout_override;
                                  case "story":
                                    layouts = story_layouts;
                                  case "blog":
                                    layouts = blog_layouts;
                                return layouts;
                              getMediaType: function() {
                                const isXS = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches;
                                const isMD = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)").matches;
                                const isLG = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)").matches;
                                const isGiant = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 1200px)").matches;
                                if (isXS) {
                                  return "xs";
                                } else if (isMD) {
                                  return "md";
                                } else if (isLG) {
                                  return "lg";
                                } else /* if (isGiant) */ {
                                  return "desktop"
                              markChildren: function() {
                                const numItems = this.$children.length;
                                const mediaSize = this.getMediaType();
                                let layout = this.getLayout(this.templateMode);
                                const layoutLen = layout.length;
                                for (let i = 0; i < this.$children.length; i++) {
                                  const item = this.$children[i]
                                  if (DEBUG) console.log('layout', layout.length, layout);
                                  if (i >= layout.length) {
                                    // hide
                                    const pieces = layout[layout.length - 1].split(":");
                                    const reflexClass = pieces[0];
                                    const cardType = pieces[1];
                                    if (item.setCardType) item.setCardType(cardType); // undefined means default
                                    if (item.resetClass) item.resetClass();
                                    if (item.addClass) item.addClass(reflexClass);
                                  } else {
                                    const pieces = layout[i].split(":");
                                    const reflexClass = pieces[0];
                                    const cardType = pieces[1]; // might be undefined
                                    if (DEBUG) console.log("f-t85:", pieces, reflexClass, cardType);
                                    if (item.setCardType) item.setCardType(cardType); // undefined means default
                                    if (item.resetClass) item.resetClass();
                                    if (item.addClass) item.addClass(reflexClass);
                                  if (!this.showAll && (i >= this.numToShow)) {
                                    if (item.addClass) item.addClass("hidden-item");
                              thereAreMoreToView: function() {
                                if (!this.showAll && (this.numToShow < this.$children.length)) {
                                  return true;
                                } else {
                                  return false;
                              viewMore: function() {
                                // view more!
                                this.numToShow += this.pageAmount;
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("viewMore event, numToShow", this.numToShow);
                                setTimeout(function() {
                                  const targel = $('.bottom-target')[0];
                                  if (targel.scrollIntoView) {
                                }, 100);
                        .feature-template .dgov-grid.feature-template-container .hidden-item {
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                        /* Note: this relates to lack of encapsulation where
    Dashboard applies .list class to parent container.  Would be better
    to have an event so that the card code 'knows' the card is in 'list'
    mode.  This rule isn't needed however, but is documentation since this
    may be an issue if the structure changes to include future features.
    Special rule is in story-card, may be moved or similar for other types
    of cards.    */
                        .alist.stories.list .feature-template .feature-template-container {
                          display: block;

                        .more-row {
                          display: flex;
                          align-items: center;
                          flex-direction: column;
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                                    <a class="content-type-text live" href="">
                                        <span>Live Event</span>
                                <template v-else>
                                    <a :class="'content-type-text ' + dashboardCatData[0] + ' content-type-' + contentTypeVal" :href="dashboardCatData[1]"><span>{{ dashboardCatData[2] }}</span></a>
                            <template v-else>
                                <template v-if="contentTypeName==='From the Services'">
                                    <span :class="'service-source service-'+categoryName">{{category}}</span>
                                <template v-else>
                                    <a class="content-type-text" :href="categoryLineOverride ? termUrl: prettyContentTypeUrl">
                                        <span>{{categoryLineOverride ? categoryLineOverride : prettyContentTypeName}}</span>
                            <template v-if="shouldShowDate">
                                <span class="separator">|</span>
                                <time :data-dateago="publishDateJss" :data-dateap="publishDateAp">
                        <h3 class="title">
                                {{ contentTypeName !== 'Contracts' ? articleTitle : ('Contracts For ' + publishDateAp) }}&nbsp;<i v-if="isExternal()" class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>
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                        <p class="summary hidden-xs hidden-xxs" v-html="articleSummary"></p>
                <a class="link-overlay" :href="articleUrlOrLink">
                    <span class="sr-only">{{ contentTypeName !== 'Contracts' ? articleTitle : ('Contracts For ' + publishDateAp) }}</span>
        <div style="clear:both"></div>
                      <!--  here is a card-edit-span element... need to share this, but the vue component token is not a good way
    because it would be multiply imported every time it's used by a card.  It should be linked with "registerscript"
                      <script type="text/x-template" id="vue-card-edit-span-template"> <a title="Edit" v-if="isEditMode" class="card-edit-span" :href="editUrl" alt="edit link">
        <img title="Edit" :src="imageUrl" alt="edit pencil" />
                      <script type="text/javascript">
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                          const DEBUG = false;
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("this is the listing-dashboard-with-preview (default card) component");
                          const tempSel = "";
                          const tempUse = tempSel ? tempSel : "#vue-listing-dashboard-with-preview-template";
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("sc85:", tempSel, tempUse);
                          const tempEl = $(tempUse)[0];
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("sc87:", tempEl);
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                              url: "",
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                              name: "Spotlight",
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                            '610': {
                              url: "",
                              name: "Inside DOD",
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                              url: "",
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                              url: "",
                              name: "Release"
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                              url: "",
                              name: "Advisory"
                            '13': {
                              url: "",
                              name: "Transcript"
                            '5': {
                              url: "",
                              name: "Publication"
                            '400': {
                              url: "",
                              name: "Contracts"
                            '11': {
                              url: '',
                              name: 'Speech'
                            '884': {
                              url: '',
                              name: 'Speech'
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                            '800': ['feature', '', 'Feature'],
                            '504': ['faq', null, 'FAQ'],
                            '514': ['spotlight', '', 'Spotlight'],
                            '515': ['inside-dod', '', 'Blog'],
                            '809': ['video', '', 'Video'],
                            '616': ['video2', '', 'Video'],
                            '987': ['live', '', 'Live Event'],
                            '700': ['experience', '', 'Experience'],
                            '801': ['quiz', '', 'Quiz'],
                            '610': ['blog', '', 'Inside DoD'],
                            '936': ['from-the-services', '', 'From The Services'],
                            '2': ['advisory', '', 'Advisory'],
                            '889': ['advisory', '', 'Advisory'],
                            '5': ['publication', '', 'Publication'],
                            '886': ['publication', '', 'Publication'],
                            '9': ['release', '', 'Release'],
                            '885': ['release', '', 'Release'],
                            '11': ['speech', '', 'Speech'],
                            '884': ['speech', '', 'Speech'],
                            '13': ['transcript', '', 'Transcript'],
                            '883': ['transcript', '', 'Transcript'],
                            '400': ['contracts', '', 'Contracts'],
                            '887': ['fact-sheet', null, 'Fact Sheet'],
                            '541': ['from-the-podium', '', 'From The Podium'],
                            '888': ['related-link', null, 'Related Link'],
                          Vue.component('listing-dashboard-with-preview', {
                            name: 'listing-dashboard-with-preview',
                            data: function() {
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                                classes: [],
                                // readonly props
                                contentTypeLib: _contentTypeLib,
                                hover: false,
                                prettyContentTypeName: null,
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                              "term-name", "article-summary"
                            template: tempEl, // el that matches ID in template OR override passed in
                            beforeMount: function() {
                              if (this.$parent.$children.length === 1) {
                                this.isFirst = true;
                            mounted: function() {
                              if (false) console.log("props", this.showImage, JSON.stringify(this.$props, null, 4));
                              this.prettyContentTypeName = this.constructPrettyContentTypeName();
                              this.prettyContentTypeUrl = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].url : this.termUrl;
                              if (DEBUG) console.log("sc155: mounted: content type:", this.prettyContentTypeVal, this.prettyContentTypeName, this.prettyContentTypeUrl)
                            computed: {
                              categoryName: function() {
                                // Should be safe for CSS class name
                                return encodeURIComponent(this.category).toLowerCase().replace(/\.|%[0-9a-z]{2}/gi, '');
                              isInDashboard: function() {
                                return typeof this.indashboard === "undefined" ? false : !!this.indashboard;
                              shouldShowDate: function() {
                                return ![514, 700, 801].includes(parseInt(this.contentTypeVal, 10));
                              dashboardCatData: function() {
                                // Example: '1': ['news', '', 'News'],
                                if (!_dashboardCatData.hasOwnProperty(this.contentTypeVal)) return [this.contentTypeName.toLowerCase(), '', this.contentTypeVal];
                                return _dashboardCatData[this.contentTypeVal];
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                                return this.isInDashboard ? 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-3 dgov-col-sm-4 dgov-col-md-3 dgov-col-lg-4 image-container' : 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-3 dgov-col-sm-4 dgov-col-md-6 dgov-col-lg-6 image-container';
                              contentContainerClasses: function() {
                                return this.isInDashboard ? 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-9 dgov-col-sm-8 dgov-col-md-9 dgov-col-lg-8' : (this.isFirst && this.pageNumber === 1) ?
                                  'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-9 dgov-col-sm-8 dgov-col-md-6 dgov-col-lg-6' : 'dgov-col-12 dgov-col-xs-12 dgov-col-sm-12 dgov-col-md-12 dgov-col-lg-12';
                              imageSrc: function() {
                                return this.isInDashboard ? this.imageUrl : this.articleImageUrl;
                              pageNumber: function() {
                                let pageNumber = 1;
                                const activePage = $(".apager .active a span")[0];
                                if (activePage) {
                                  pageNumber = +$(activePage).text();
                                return pageNumber;
                            methods: {
                              addClass: function(newClass) {
                              constructPrettyContentTypeName: function() {
                                // NOTE: this is duplicated in listing-with-preview and you may have a
                                // change that applies there. Should be moved to shared space using vue:registerjs token
                                // TODO: moved to shared location (via vue:registerjs)
                                let prettyName = null;
                                const isVideo = this.isVideo;
                                // first check for specific entry in _contentTypeLib dictionary
                                if (isVideo) {
                                  prettyName = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].videoName : null;
                                  if (!prettyName) {
                                    // use name if videoName not set
                                    prettyName = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].name : null;
                                } else {
                                  prettyName = this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal] ? this.contentTypeLib[this.contentTypeVal].name : null;
                                // if still null, and type > 800 check in "custom" entry of contentTypeLib
                                const contentTypeNumber = parseInt(this.contentTypeVal);
                                if (prettyName == null && contentTypeNumber >= 800) {
                                  if (isVideo) {
                                    prettyName = this.contentTypeLib.custom ? this.contentTypeLib.custom.videoName : null;
                                  } else {
                                    prettyName = this.contentTypeLib.custom ? : null;
                                if (prettyName == null) prettyName = this.contentTypeName;
                                return prettyName;
                              isExternal: function() {
                                return ['14', '883', '884', '885', '886', '887', '888', '889', '936'].indexOf(this.contentTypeVal) > -1;
                              hasTermName: function() {
                                if (this.termName && this.termName.length > 0) {
                                  return true;
                                return false;
                              hoverOn: function() {
                                //if (DEBUG) console.log("i-c106: hover on");
                                // css :hover solution is not currently used... maybe tricky
                                // this approach is borrowed from the current non-vue way this is done
                                this.hover = true;
                              hoverOff: function() {
                                //if (DEBUG) console.log("ic-110: hover off");
                                this.hover = false;
                              resetClass: function() {
                                this.classes = [];
                              setCardType: function(cardType) {
                                // we only do one card type so ignore.  This is an event from the layout
                                // for the adaptive-card.
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("s-c178: ignoring card type:", cardType);
                              targetVal: function() {
                                // openInNew being passed as string b/c reason
                                // reason: tag comes from server side rendering and might
                                // not be good Vue value, must allow this sort of prop to be a string
                                return this.openInNew == "true" ? "_blank" : "_self";
                          Vue.component('card-edit-span', {
                            name: 'card-edit-span',
                            template: "#vue-card-edit-span-template",
                            props: ["editUrl", "imageUrl", "isEditMode"],

                        function normalizeStoryCard() {
                          const cardEls = $('.card-wrapper')
                          const cards = cardEls.toArray();
                          const maxh = cards.reduce(function(acc, item) {
                            const height = $(item).height();
                            if (height > acc) {
                              return height;
                            } else {
                              return acc;
                          }, 0);
                          console.log("height max", maxh);
                        .no-pointer-events {
                          pointer-events: none;
    This fragment compiles a Vue template located in a div with
    an id of "storyListing-3203".
                      <script type="text/javascript">
                        (function() {
                          const DEBUG = false;
                          if (DEBUG) console.log("m-i2: vue:initialize:storyListing");
                          document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
                            if (DEBUG) console.log("initializing vue on storyListing in module 3203")
                            const elTarg = "#storyListing-3203";
                            // supports sending in "data" and "methods" by naming convention
                            let modData = {};
                            let modMethods = {};
                            const typeofModData = typeof(storyListing3203_data);
                            const typeofModMethods = typeof(storyListing3203_methods);
                            if (typeofModData != "undefined") {
                              modData = storyListing3203_data;
                            if (typeofModMethods != "undefined") {
                              modMethods = storyListing3203_methods;
                            const el = $(elTarg)[0];
                            const moduleVue = new Vue({
                              el: el,
                              mounted: function() {
                                // call the callback if exists.
                                // naming vueToken_mounted_3203
                                if (DEBUG) console.log("cb?", typeof(vueToken_mounted_3203));
                                if (typeof(vueToken_mounted_3203) === "function") {
                                  const mountedCB = vueToken_mounted_3203;
                                  if (mountedCB) {
                                    // currently no arguments, just a time event, e.g. when slick
                                    // could be initialized.
                              data: modData,
                              methods: modMethods,
                  </div><!-- End_Module_3203 -->
              </div><!--end of empty container -->
          <div id="dnn_ContentPagePageX4" class="paneMarkerAlt col-lg-4">
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                      <div id="homePress" class="explore-list homePress alist">
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                                      <a class="content-type-text" href="/xojwfb-zmbkhx-60531.html"><span>Transcript</span></a>
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                                      <time data-dateago="20240105" data-dateap="20240105">20240105</time></span>
                                    <h3 class="title"><span>mais de 3.5 gols o que significa</span></h3>
                                    <a class="link-overlay" href="/xojwfb-zmbkhx-60531.html"><span class="sr-only">mais de 3.5 gols o que significa: Mais Vendidos em Anilhas para Exercícios e Academia. #1. Kit Com 02 Anilhas Emborrachadas De 10kg. 7. 1 oferta a R$ 324,90. #2. Anilha Emborrachada 5 Kg - Azul. 13. 1 oferta a R$ 73,99.</span></a>
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                                      <a class="content-type-text" href="/xojwfb-axdtvw-87330.html"><span>Transcript</span></a>
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                                      <time data-dateago="20240105" data-dateap="20240105">20240105</time></span>
                                    <h3 class="title"><span>ninjago chen</span></h3>
                                    <a class="link-overlay" href="/xojwfb-axdtvw-87330.html"><span class="sr-only">ninjago chen: INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On medium-high heat in a skillet heated, with the green peppers, onions, and garlic, brown the ground beef. Drain the excess oil once the beef is no longer pink using a strainer and return the beef mixture back to the pan. Stir in the taco seasoning.</span></a>
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                                      <a class="content-type-text" href="/xojwfb-zmbkhx-60531.html"><span>Transcript</span></a>
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                                      <time data-dateago="20240105" data-dateap="20240105">20240105</time></span>
                                    <h3 class="title"><span></span></h3>
                                    <a class="link-overlay" href="/xojwfb-exagke-2516.html"><span class="sr-only"> 17 de dez. de 2023&nbsp;· Read Superhuman Era Manhwa. If someone said ‘Super Man’ really exists in this world, would you believe it? Every time a monster appears, a student– or at least looks like a student, who has superpowers, kills the monster. But. who exactly is this student? And where did these monsters appear from?</span></a>
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                                      <time data-dateago="20240105" data-dateap="20240105">20240105</time></span>
                                    <h3 class="title"><span>sirta.caixa</span></h3>
                                    <a class="link-overlay" href="/xojwfb-slmwqv-24326.html"><span class="sr-only">sirta.caixa: 24 de dez. de 2023&nbsp;· Resultado do Tri Legal Tchê de 24/12/2023. Segue abaixo o resultado do Tri Legal Tchê deste domingo que é válido somente para o interior do Rio Grande do Sul. 1° Sorteio. 21; 12; 07; 13; 57; 01; 51; 37; 42; 23; 31; 58; 14; 10; 54; 34; 06; 32; 18; 30; 50; 08; 38; 52; 04; 15; 60; 49; 48; 28; 02; 11; 56; 24; 17; 2° Sorteio. 54; 33; 58; .</span></a>
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                                          <span class="source Army">Army</span>
                                          <h3 class="title"><span>click resultado do jogo de bicho</span></h3>
                                      <a class="link-overlay" href="/xojwfb-wvtjrb-80014.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="sr-only">click resultado do jogo de bicho</span></a>
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                                          <span class="source Army">Army</span>
                                          <h3 class="title"><span>buceta apertadinha</span></h3>
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                                          <span class="source Army">Army</span>
                                          <h3 class="title"><span>tabela da lotofácil</span></h3>
                                      <a class="link-overlay" href="/xojwfb-fwaymg-83004.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="sr-only">tabela da lotofácil</span></a>
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                                          <span class="source Army">Army</span>
                                          <h3 class="title"><span>qnetfacil internet</span></h3>
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                                          <span class="source Army">Army</span>
                                          <h3 class="title"><span>euro kit evolution bookie</span></h3>
                                      <a class="link-overlay" href="/xojwfb-kdzcpq-39710.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="sr-only">euro kit evolution bookie</span></a>
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                                            <p class="summary">1 dia atrás&nbsp;· PEDRO IFF/METRÓPOLES. A Mega da Virada 2023, que conta com o maior prêmio da história: R$ 570 milhões, vai aceitar apostas até as 17h do próximo domingo (31/12). O sorteio será realizado às 20h (horário de Brasília) do mesmo dia. As apostas podem ser feitas on-line no site da Caixa e nas lotéricas até o horário limite.</p>
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                                            <p class="summary">As slots e os jogos da PG Soft se tornaram um grande sucesso em todo o Brasil com sua alta qualidade, provas de que pagam mesmo e, claro, as famigeradas estratégias de minutos pagantes. Trouxemos isso e muito mais neste artigo!</p>
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                                            <p class="summary">29 de set. de 2023&nbsp;· Explore the world of PAW Patrol like never before, in a 3D action adventure where anything is PAWsible. Play as your favorite pups, drive their vehicles and save the day by taking on fun rescues and missions. It’s the ultimate PAW Patrol playtime!</p>
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                        <h3>tmohentqi : ff advance ff garena</h3>
                        <p>INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On medium-high heat in a skillet heated, with the green peppers, onions, and garlic, brown the ground beef. Drain the excess oil once the beef is no longer pink using a strainer and
                          return the beef mixture back to the pan. Stir in the taco seasoning..</p>
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            desentupidora mercosul
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            loteria federal 15/04/2023
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
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                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
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                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
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                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                            description: "25 de nov. de 2023 · Europa é o seu time do coração? Sim Não Obrigado pela participação. Nós usaremos esta informação para trazer mais novidades para você. Com três .",
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
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                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
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                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
                          //  building in C# as nested structure, convert to json.
                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
                          //  building in C# as nested structure, convert to json.
                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
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                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
                          //  building in C# as nested structure, convert to json.
                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          //  It would be nice to get some tokens that help inject the needed data such as
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                          // style two for marshalling the data
                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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                          // one advantage, a little clearer, and handles multiple settings lines in conditional
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tmohentqi : NEGRINHA - AO VIVO NO TEATRO - YouTube. Esta apresentação teatral é
uma adaptação não oficial do livro "Negrinha" de Monteiro Lobato. Uma versão
especial que escrevi e roterizei onde conta .

 tmohentqi My fake wife (camren) 86.1K 4.9K 7 - Feliz dois anos de casamento. -
Ela deu um beijo na minha bochecha e eu um em sua testa, pra depois lhe entregar
seus dois buques. Pessoas de fora considerariam isso estranho, afinal, que casal
não se cumprimenta com um beijo, ainda mais num dia especial. A resposta é
simples, Camila e eu.

tmohentqi : R$ 590,00 em até 9x sem juros de R$ 65,56 ou R$ 560,50 no pix ou
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Características Putumuju é uma árvore natural da Mata Atlântica.

A lock ( lock ) or tmohentqi 2 de set. de 2017 · O corpo de Negrinha era tatuado
de sinais, cicatrizes, vergões. O conto Pai Contra Mãe ambienta-se no Rio de
Janeiro do século XIX, antes da abolição da escravatura. Narrado em 3ª pessoa, é
um dos contos em que o autor apresenta a escravidão da maneira mais
impressionante e brutal.

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21 de jul. de 2023 · O que é Negrinha? Negrinha é uma palavra que pode ter
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INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On medium-high heat in a skillet
heated, with the green peppers, onions, and garlic, brown the ground beef. Drain
the excess oil once the beef is no longer pink using a strainer and return the
beef mixture back to the pan. Stir in the taco seasoning..

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