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Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander > Guides > Guides von Walt Destler
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Nicht genug Bewertungen
Technical Support FAQ
Von Walt Destler

Answers to common technical issues you may encounter while playing Cosmoteer.

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Erstellt von
Walt Destler

Languages: Englisch

21. Okt. 2022 um 14:08
16. Nov. 2022 um 13:48

3,670 Einzelaufrufe 7 Aktuelle Favoriten



Common Technical Issues 

Common Technical Issues
Here is a list of common technical issues that you may encounter while playing

My anti-virus thinks Cosmoteer has a virus/malware in it!
Some overly-aggressive anti-virus software may incorrectly suspect Cosmoteer of
being a virus, simply because it doesn't recognize it. I promise there are no
viruses in Cosmoteer! 🙂

I'm using Windows 7 and Cosmoteer won't start!
You're probably missing a Windows update required to play Cosmoteer. Download
and install one of the following Windows updates, depending on whether your
Windows 7 is 32-bit or 64-bit:

KB3063858 for Windows 7 32-Bit[]
KB3063858 for Windows 7 64-Bit[]

Cosmoteer is freezing randomly during gameplay.
Try running Cosmoteer with the --cores 1 launch argument. More specifically,
follow these steps:

 1. Right click on Cosmoteer in your games list on Steam. (Or click on the gear
    icon on Cosmoteer's library page.)
 2. Select "Properties"
 3. The "GENERAL" tab should already be selected, but select it if it isn't.
 4. Scroll down until you see "LAUNCH OPTIONS".
 5. Copy and paste this exact text into the box:
    --cores 1
 6. Try playing Cosmoteer again. This should generally fix most random freezes
    while playing.

I downgraded Cosmoteer to an earlier version and now it won't start!
Delete, move, or rename your settings.rules file, which is typically located in
the following location:

C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Cosmoteer\[Steam ID]\
Versions of this file created by newer versions of Cosmoteer can be incompatible
with older versions of Cosmoteer. It does not matter where you move it to or
what you rename it as; so long as Cosmoteer can't find the file, it will
generate a new one and the game should run.

I installed or updated a mod and now the game won't load!
Buggy mods can cause the game to crash when starting or when loading a saved
game or ship. If you can't even start the game to turn off the buggy mod, then
start the game using the Temporarily Disable Mods option when running Cosmoteer
from Steam. This will launch the game as if there were no mods turned on,
allowing you to turn off the buggy mod.

I get a crash containing "DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED"!
 1. Make sure your graphics drivers are up-to-date.
 2. Try turning on VSync in Cosmoteer's display settings. Some players have
    reported that this helps.
 3. Sometimes overclocked video cards can cause this issue.

I get a "Access to the path ... is denied." error when saving a ship design or
This is most commonly caused by overly-protective anti-virus/malware/ransomware
software. Try temporarily disabling the software or adding Cosmoteer to its
ignore list or whitelist.

My settings and/or mod changes aren't being saved after restarting Cosmoteer.
Same as the above, this is most commonly caused by overly-protective
anti-virus/malware/ransomware software. Try temporarily disabling software or
adding Cosmoteer to its ignore list or whitelist.

I have a different problem...
Please start a new discussion in the tech support forum. If you're getting a
crash, please post your log file.

Where can I find my Cosmoteer log files?
Every time your run Cosmoteer, the game creates a log file with a .txt extension
that records some useful diagnostic information that will help me solve your
problem if Cosmoteer crashes while playing. These log files can be found at:

C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Cosmoteer\[Steam ID]\Logs\
Cosmoteer keeps only the 10 most-recent log files. If you're reporting a crash
to me, please include the contents of the log file for the play session when it
crashed. (You will usually see an error near the bottom of the log file.)

You may also see files with a .rec extension. These are generated when you play
multiplayer games. You do not need to send me these files unless specifically

I have no log file, or I do but it doesn't seem to have any errors in it.
Some crashes and errors that don't appear in the log file may still appear in
the Windows Event Viewer[]. Check that for any clues about why
Cosmoteer might be crashing or not running.

2 Kommentare

< 11 >
Anrita 12. Dez. 2023 um 17:35 

Log location on Steam deck is
Games/Cosmoteer/[steam ID]/Logs/

I recommend turning on Proton Experimental compatibility before trying to send
feedback or report bugs.
point5lightspeed3 14. Nov. 2023 um 12:39 

Ok so I have been having multiplayer time out errors, and I've bought multiple
copies of the game to play with my friends.
< 11 >

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