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Wednesday at 4:18 PM



by Pantera at 4:18 PM (552 Views / 7 Likes)

Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to the second release of Empyrion Galactic Survival v1.10.5 Experimental
Please see the changelog for new additions to this release. We have also made
the dedicated server files available for MP on the Experimental branch as of
this release.
As always, we extend our gratitude for your unwavering support and valuable
feedback throughout this experimental phase.

As always - please report each bug over here for this experimental release

Changelog v1.10.5 B4251 2023-11-29

- Added a video option for AMD FSR2 + implementation & default settings:
We have added support for AMD’s FSR2 to our game which can be found at the
bottom of the video options in the options menu.
FSR2 works by intelligently upscaling lower resolution frames to higher
resolution ones, while preserving and enhancing the details and sharpness of the
original image.

We recommend using FSR2 only with 4K and 2K resolutions, as these are the
optimal settings for this technology. Using FSR2 with lower resolutions may
result in blurry or pixelated images, as the upscaling process may not have
enough information to work with. If you are using a lower resolution monitor or
device, you may want to keep FSR2 disabled & use the native resolution of your
Each mode has a different performance boost and a different image quality. FSR2
can help you increase your FPS and reduce your GPU usage, depending on your
hardware, resolution, and scene complexity. However, FSR2 only works on
GPU-bound scenarios, and it has some limitations and trade-offs.

- Added/updated POI (Kriel, RAV, Colonists, Talon'Ar; Thx to Don2k7,
Stellar_Titan, Escarli, Matcz)
- Added new 'City Ruins' POI (by sulusdacor)

Playfield changes:
- Ground texture and deco tweaks for the following playfield types:
(Desert, MoonIce2, MoonNascent, Scorched, Snow, Arid, Barren, BarrenMetal, Lava,
LavaNascent, Moon, MoonDesert, MoonIce, MoonLava, MoonLava2, Temperate,
TemperatePlateau, TemperateSwamp, DesertBurn)
- Removed some texture artifacts
- Added all basic RockResources to each world.
- Scorched: Adjusted daylight intensity
- Changed some biomes in spawn order
- Fixes for some creatures not appearing
- Removed Plantation biome, renamed Sand biome into LavaPlains, SandDrift biome
into LavaField, added LavaFolds biome...

Continue reading...
Monday at 1:07 PM



by Taelyn at 1:07 PM (644 Views / 5 Likes)

Dear Community,

It is with heavy hearts and profound sadness that we share the news of the
passing of our esteemed colleague and friend, Jascha. It is an incredibly
challenging moment for all of us as we come together to remember and honor the
life of someone who was not only a valuable member of our team but also a
cherished individual.

He made the Empyrion Admin Helper (EAH) , worked with us on the API and the
multiplayer side of the game.
Without his contributions Empyrion as you know it, would not exist.

Let us extend our deepest condolences to Jascha's family and friends.
Our thoughts are with them during this challenging time.

May we find strength in our shared memories of Jascha and in the support we
provide to one another as a united family.


Eleon Game Studios

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Nov 22, 2023



by Pantera at 3:26 PM (1,153 Views / 11 Likes)

Hello Galactic Survivalists!

The year is about to come to its end - but not yet! In order to improve multiple
areas of the game, we will release version 1.10.5 around mid-December.

Today, we will start the Experimental phase for you to have a look and review
the changes and fixes.

On the content side, we would like you to enjoy the all-new models for
constructors, deconstructors, and other crafting devices, the new deco indoor
trees, a slew of new and updated POIs (some with the new Brotherhood of Farr NPC
model added), a few new building shapes, improvements to the blueprint
collection toolset, and more.

Of course, 1.10.5 also contains a list of bug fixes.
Please find all the details in the changelog below.

As always - please report each bug over here for this experimental release

We wish you a lot of fun!

Changelog v1.10.5 B4247 2023-11-22

- For now only the client is available on the Experimental branch & we have an
Experimental server which will be online today shortly after this release for
anyone to make use of. The Dedi server files for v1.10.5 will be available from
next week on the experimental branch.
- With the public release, we will wipe our Official Servers.

- Updated Unity version to 2022.3.8f1
- MP: We have implemented some Playfield server optimizations which you should
see result in less overall RAM being used (around 1GB less per playfield server)
- Added: New models for constructors, deconstructor, portables (constructor,
water/o2 condenser, heater/cooler, Autominers) these new models have multiple
parts that can be colored independently (constructor & deconstructor) & come
with some new animations when they are running a task.

- Added: DecoIndoorTrees block group with new selection of 20 trees (also added
to stock scenarios IvD & DF MP)
- Changed: Multitool T1 now using EnergyCellSmall for ammo
- Added: EnergyCellSmall (Craftable in all constructors; 5 Steel Plates, 2
Electronics; 15 fuel value)
- Updated FARR POIs: Replacement of Soldiers and Guards with Farr NPCs
Please visit and check for issues.
- Updated Talon Main Settlement (Omicron) (only works with new savegames / pf
not visited)
- Updated CIV/DESC POIs (Orbital Defence,...

Continue reading...
Nov 21, 2023



by Taelyn at 4:12 PM (653 Views / 13 Likes)

Hi Galactic Survivalists,

This year we are planning to release a lighter update in December compared to
previous years that will be tag v1.10.5 with some changes, additions and bug
We are working on something bigger for early next year.

Experimental will start on 22 November 2023 and we aim a Public release on 12
December 2023

Community Manager
Eleon Game Studios

Continue reading...
Aug 30, 2023



by Pantera at 11:07 AM (2,994 Views / 9 Likes)

Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We have just released a new build with some changes & fixes that we have ready.
Please update your dedicated server & client asap.
More to come soon!

For bug reports and errors, please post in this forum:
- https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/
For feedback on specific points, please share your thoughts in the pinned or new
threads here:
- https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

Changelog v1.10.4 B4243 2023-08-30

- Blueprint Parts Collection Tool:

 1. Adjusted info panel layout, decreased thickness of green boxes slightly
 2. Added more BP information into the info tab
 3. Added tabs for BP Info/BP Parts/Snap Points
 4. You can now enter various filter criterias into the full text search to
    filter for BPs. Possible are: ":class>X" ":class<X" ":class=X" ":error"
    ":block=id" ":blockname=XXX" ":group=XXX"
 5. Added missing icons from the BP Parts tool GUI

- Console cmd replaceblocks can now be used to also replace child blocks, f.e.
replaceblocks 1006 HullLargeBlocks HullArmoredLargeBlocks. Also the check for
block size and structure type was removed, only a warning is issued now.
- Buildsettings menu: when pressing Shift key while pasting, air blocks do not
get pasted from the selection

- Fixed issue with Elite Soldiers being hidden on distance while still shooting
at player (also applied fix to other weapon-bearing NPCs for Talon, Zirax and
Humanoids); Please retest!
- Fixed problem that GlobalConfig.ecf content was not applied to clients in MP
- 01029: HV Bike camera jitter - Now all variants have the fix applied
- Fixed: Zirax Trade Station did not have an Admincore (Change only applies if
playfield not yet visited / for new games)
- Fixed: Collection Point (Skillon) had 2 spawners releasing enemies directly
behind player when triggered. (Change only applies if playfield not yet visited
/ for new games)

Continue reading...
Aug 16, 2023

V1.10.3 PATCH


by Pantera at 11:10 AM (2,154 Views / 8 Likes)

Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We have just released a new build with some changes & fixes that we have ready.
Please update your dedicated server & client asap.
More to come soon!

For bug reports and errors, please post in this forum:
- https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

For feedback on specific points, please share your thoughts in the pinned or new
threads here:
- https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

Changelog v1.10.3 B4241 2023-08-16

- Improved Blueprint Collection Tool:

 1. Added icons for BP type
 2. Added a new button in N building tools menu to open BPP editor. This new
    button is only active in creative mode (The building tools menu will still
    work as it always has)
 3. Combined blueprints + collection list. Removed favorites list.
 4. Added button to instant spawn BP.
 5. Slightly adjusted wireframe thickness of green/red boxes of blueprint parts
 6. Opening the window via N menu only in creative allowed & added filter button
    for "internal blueprints", slightly more space for BP list, sorting BPs in
    list alphabetically now, selected BP filter buttons get now brighter

- Add requested blank playfield template to the Example Planet
- Explosions: added a check to avoid an explosion if the structure was deleted
- Hoverbike:

 1. Allowed to go over water with speed reduction
 2. Improved vertical stability on rough terrain.
 3. Added Auto rotate Key O

- Updated: Main Loca updated (manual changes + autotranslated for
DE,FR,IT,SE,PT(br),RU,CHS; plz report issues to loca@empyriongame.com); thx to
all contributors and helpers

Guided tutorial:
Several fixes for stability, clarity, flow:
Space start:
- Better armor locker interaction
Salvage beach: Possible fixes for Player getting redirected back to beach:
- Added task to access the Portable Constructor for the first time
- Fix for task stopping when drilling Carbon early & when crafting Hoverbike
very early in several combinations
Weather station:
- Added reminder message and marker to open cargo palette
Copper mine:
- Added task to discover tower; prevent possible edgecase softlock if
discovering Copper deposit early; message tweaks, better marker position
Salt marshes:
- Easier travel with Hoverbike at half-submerged beach section (Stamp:

Continue reading...
Aug 2, 2023

V1.10.2 PATCH


by Pantera at 11:17 AM (2,834 Views / 12 Likes)

Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We have just released a new build with some changes & fixes that we have ready.
Please update your dedicated server & client asap.
More to come soon!

- For bug reports and errors, please post in this forum:

For feedback on specific points, please share your thoughts in the pinned or new
threads here:
- https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

- Increased Light blocks maximum ranges. Now 5m, 10m, 20m, 40m ranges are
- Increased distance light from spotlight blocks are visible from (doubled the
- Added: Audio Options effects volume slider and "Reset to Defaults" button
- Added sensor option: "Detect non-piloted vehicles", useful for motion sensor
controlled doors
- DroneBay: Speed up launch / landing process added in file BlocksConfig with
the parameter "ADBDockingSpeedFac" + increased detection range to 1000m
- Added stationary hoverbike variants as pickup/for transportation use on some
starter playfields mission hubs (Ningues, Masperon, Skillon and Ashon Moon;
Note: applies to not-yet-visited playfields & new savegames only); Also
available at some traders (Bertrams, Interweap, Servant Corp & Aunt Marys )
- Changed: due to popular demand, removed all Omicron locks and limitations
(Only applies to new savegames).
- Changed: removed Abyssal drones from Masperon to avoid ruining REP and reduce
confusion. ( note: the free roaming drones are kept, but they are in the ALIEN
faction anyways) (Only applies to new savegames)
- Changed: Rebalanced FarrBlaster (now equal to ZiraxLaser)
- Changed: Added dedicated, rebalanced weapons for UCH, Prenn, Arkenian and
Legacy(infected) Shotgun and Assault soldiers (equals Zirax Shotgun & Minigun).
- Changed: Treaders UI lables "Buy > Sells" and "Sell > Buys" to better indicate
what the TRADER sells and buys (currently it is from the view of the player,
which seems to be confusing)
- Changed: ZiraxCommander and ZiraxGuard can now be "picked up" via SHIFT-F from
OWN structures for easier relocating them (without having to shoot at them with
a multitool/disassemble); Both NPCs are also now individual 'blocks' and not
grouped anymore. (Immersion test)
- Bad Wolf (Masperon): added Marker for where to find Commander Ezzren after
talking to Ikkenz (Only applies to new savegames)
- Deserted Powers (Skillon): adde guidance after having spoken to the...

Continue reading...
Jun 29, 2023

V1.10.1 HOTFIX


by Pantera at 1:22 PM (2,074 Views / 3 Likes)

Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We have just released a new build with some fixes that we have ready. Please
update your dedicated server & client asap.
More to come soon!

 * For bug reports and errors, please post in this forum:
 * For feedback on specific points, please share your thoughts in the pinned or
   new threads here:

Changelog v1.10.1 B4233 2023-06-29

- 00992: Scoped weapon crosshair position when zoomed in is different to the non
zoomed in crosshair position
- 00897: Retractable multitool turret can go invisible when turned off
- Removed console command parameter "di wdw". The suggested use is the separate
console command "bpcoll"
- Fixed: Xeno Steel Blocks thin shapes had wrong mass/hitpoints values
- 00989: Light come through blocks in opposite direction of light source with
dynamic shadows
- 00990: Dynamic Shadows only work with 'Ultra' setting for shadows (they only
work with Ultra & High settings)
- 00992: Crosshair position when zoomed in is different to the non zoomed in
crosshair position
- Added HoverBike thruster particle effect
- Hoverbike can fly
- Fixed an exploit with the HV bike
- Xeno Steel Blocks thin shapes had wrong mass/hitpoints values (fixed in stock
scenarios Default, Invader vs Defender, Default Multiplayer)
- XP Exploit with Water/Lava Blocks (fixed in stock scenarios Default, Invader
vs Defender, Default Multiplayer)
- Fixed Default _POIGroupsConfig.yaml interfering with Custom Scenarios

Continue reading...
Jun 27, 2023



by Pantera at 11:02 AM (7,602 Views / 13 Likes)

Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to the 1.10 update of Empyrion Galactic Survival. The summer update has
some cool features in store for you. Besides visual improvements of the game
world you can expect among other things:

- Drones from your very own Drone Bay will now defend your bases and vessels.
- The hoverbike replaces the motorbike!
- 23 new block shapes were added together with water & lava blocks and a full
blown blueprint parts collection toolset.
- Over 300 new and revamped bases and vessels to fight and explore on and around
the newly added. faction homeworlds, while the new combat soundtrack supports
you in the battle.
- 25 new missions on starter planets to sink your time into!

There are two things to note about some important gameplay settings:
- Mass/volume & CPU & block limits are now active by default when you start a
new game.
- Blueprint factory requires all devices in a blueprint to be unlocked in the

Note: You can change the above settings in the Difficulty menu when starting a
new game.

Check out our release video for a quick overview:

Thanks a lot to all testers that went through the Experimental stages,
submitting feedback and bug reports each day and week.

For the now publicly available version 1.10, please report bugs over here:

For all the features that were added for the game in the summer update, please
head over to the feedback forum and check the pinned threads - or start your

We are looking forward to your feedback!

Have fun with the Summer Update 1.10!

PS: Don’t forget to join our discord for live discussions about the update and
its changes: https://discord.gg/empyrion

For Server owners: For any server using a custom scenario please make sure after
updating & before you start your server you update the custom config files in
the Scenarios Configuration folder.

Changelog v1.10 B4232 2023-06-27

- Added the ‘Drone Bay’: You can now craft and place the Drone Bay and equip it
with Defense Drones. A Drone Bay Spawner is required for starting the drones.

 1. Pay attention to the direction you set the drone spawner block & also place
    it on the outside of the vessel so the drones...

Continue reading...
Jun 21, 2023



by Pantera at 5:38 PM (2,544 Views / 5 Likes)

Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to the second release candidate of Empyrion Galactic Survival v1.10.
This update is mainly to resolve some issues we had fixes ready to release.
As always, we extend our gratitude for your unwavering support and valuable
feedback throughout this experimental phase.


Changelog v1.10 B4232 2023-06-26

- Changed: Players starts at 6300 instead of 11800 with the Kriel (deeper into
Unfriendly; closer to hostile)
- Changed: Skillon: Mission info now points to the guard at the La Grande Maira
to start mission (to get into the vessel)
- Loca Main (EN) updates
- Blueprint Collection Parts: added two "S" buttons to be able to selected snap
points according to CopyAir and Overlap, selected snap point is drawn now with
"x-ray shader"
- Updated icons
- Hoverbike :

 1. Added max slope allowed of 45deg
 2. Reduction of turn speed with the mouse & smoothed the rotation.
 3. Improve rotation input sharpness + tweaked the animation when taking off

- Fixed an issue where explosives weren't damaging/destroying devices
- Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed problem that rotated blueprints did break
the "reload snap points" regarding the snap points when using the snap point
tool (only works for y rotations!)
- Fixed Default Multiplayer: Duplcated Key CoQ
- Fixed Invader vs Defender: Duplcated Key CoQ
- Fixed 00991: Sensor-related exception when changing playfields
- Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed a selection of bugs
- Blueprint Collection Parts: fixed snap point groups not showing correctly when
pasting a part into the world
- Fixed issue with Clear Skies (pt3) breaking when not killing NPCs in the
correct order on Artifact Site
- 00947: Player avatar can be seen standing/running on top of the bike after a
option in a GUI window...

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 1. A.F.T,
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 1. Can not harvest rocks or trees on snow planets
    Myrmidon @ Today at 4:57 AM
 2. Fuel calculation badly bugged [00938]
    Pantera @ Yesterday at 6:16 PM



 * CaptainLoster THIS GAME IS THE BEST (Oct 10, 2023)
 * lolodu099 Testing is the future, and the future starts with you. (Sep 8,
 * deadkor Keep Calm x) (Aug 3, 2023)
 * ShelLuser Guess here I am ;) (Apr 30, 2023)
 * Olonaoss Veritas et Utilitas (Apr 8, 2023)


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