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Submitted URL: http://timesprofessionallearning.com/
Effective URL: https://timesprofessionallearning.com/
Submission: On May 31 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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   * Overview
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   * Executive Education
   * Customized Solutions
   * Signature Programs
   * E-Learning
   * Technology Training
 * Industry Solutions
 * CSR Solutions
 * About Us
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   * Times Group
   * Our Media Presence
   * Infrastructure
   * Work With Us


Times Professional Learning offers learning solutions for individuals as well as
corporate businesses across all industry domains.

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Vocational learning initiative to address Early Employability challenges

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Executive Education courses from World-class Institutions

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Customized learning solutions across all functions and domains

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CSR implementation solutions to create measurable and impactful outcomes

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Times Professional Learning is an education initiative by The Times of India
Group with an aim to revolutionize professional education in India.

We have partnered with some of the biggest names in education in India and in
the world, including IIMs, IITs, XLRI, Wharton, MIT, Michigan State University
and University of Massachusetts, Amherst to fulfil the aspirations of learners
looking for world-class education. We have built robust infrastructure to make
education accessible to learners in the mode they want – classroom or online /
live interactive. TPL brings quality and purposeful learning to the doorstep of
the learners. We have a strong academic team, an expert learning and development
pool and a nation-wide network of well-appointed, technology-enabled learning


Our team of L&D specialists with their experience and expertise believe in
collaborating and innovating great products for our consumers across the globe.
TPL takes pride in its ensemble of experienced learning professionals, robust
processes and technologically advanced systems that enable customized learning
and employee development related solutions that every corporate seeks at
pertinent points of an employee’s lifecycle.

Learn More



IIM Kozhikode

IIM Lucknow

Michigan State University

Stanford University

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

IIT Ropar

IIM Indore

IIM Tiruchirappalli

IIM Calcutta

IIM Kozhikode

IIM Lucknow

Michigan State University

Stanford University

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

IIT Ropar

IIM Indore

IIM Tiruchirappalli

IIM Calcutta

IIM Kozhikode

IIM Lucknow

Michigan State University

 * Times Pro
 * Times TSW
 * Enterprise Learning
   * Overview
   * Why us?
   * Executive Education
   * Customized Solutions
   * Signature Programs
   * E-Learning
   * Technology Training
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 * CSR Solutions
 * Quick Links
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You agree to our terms and conditions and our privacy policy. Disclaimer by
submitting my contact details here, I override by NDNC registration and
authorise Times Professional Learning and its authorised representatives can
contact me.


“Thank you for your interest in exploring our portfolio of solutions. Our Key
Account Manager will reach out to you shortly. You can also reach us by writing
an email to enterprise@timestsw.com ”


End to End Managed Service for India’s one of the leading banking services

Business need

Limited engagement between the offer release and the joining time, resulting in
higher dropouts

Insufficient time to complete mandatory certifications on the job

Non-uniform knowledge of candidates as they join from different background

Scope of Work – Content

Enable the sales new hires to complete the NISM VA certification exam.

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created video-based faculty-driven courses based on NISM VA – Mutual Funds
Distribution certification program, supported by rich graphics and animations
along with the narratives. The same was content is also made available in the
form of audio lectures and document handout. At the end of each topic video,
there were quiz questions to check the learners understanding of the concepts
covered. The learning also includes six mock tests for the certification.

Scope of Work – Technology (LMS / Technology Platform) & Outreach, Enablement &
User Support

A custom instance of LMS with client branding was created. This instance also
has an online virtually proctored examination set-up that mimics test experience
taken in a physical classroom. A unique Learning Pathways Test has been set-up
to help learner identify their optimal learning path.

No of users / learners supported

400-500 users per month


Multiple applications built using WordPress and PHP and integrated to provide
target functionality

Features supported

Course Player, virtual classroom, schedule, assessments, e-commerce, competency,
dashboard, etc.

Services supported

Tech Admin, L&D Admin, Outreach, Engagement, Coaching, Assignment, MIS, etc,

TPL’s Training Intervention Outcome

TPL’s complete engagement program for the new sales hires enabled them to
complete their NISM VA certification before getting onboard. This reduced the
gestation period to productivity with uniformity in knowledge of all the


eLearning Content Design & Development for one the leading Insurance company

Business need

Train the sales executives on all the policy needs, USPs, key features, benefits
and eligibility criteria of individual insurance policy

Scope of Work – Content

The objective of this program was to train their sales employees on the USPs and
key features of insurance policies. A video-based approach was requested in
which the content was explained in infographic-based manner

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created eLearning level 1 courses with static text and graphic. Each USP and
key feature was explained using relevant infographics, illustrations, iconic
representation etc.

Scope of Work – Technology (LMS / Technology Platform) & Outreach, Enablement &
User Support

TPL’s product training videos enabled the sales executives to propose the most
accurate policy as per the customers’ needs.

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created eLearning level 1 courses with static text and graphic. Each USP and
key feature was explained using relevant infographics, illustrations, iconic
representation etc

TPL’s Training Intervention Outcome

TPL’s product training videos enabled the sales executives to propose the most
accurate policy as per the customers’ needs


eLearning Content Design & Development for one of the biggest finance companies

Business need

To create and maintain a repository of all the fraudulent KYC documents.

To enable their employees (Risk Containment Unit) to identify the fraudulent
documents when on the job.

Scope of Work – Content

Define different KYC documents that are accepted as identity or address proofs.

Highlight how to check the authenticity of the documents.

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created a digital repository of fraudulent KYC documents. To make the module
engaging, TPL used eLearning level 2 approach.

TPL’s Training Intervention Outcome

Through this module, a digital repository of all the KYC documents is made
easily available to the Risk Containment Unit of the bank. An interactive
approach enables the employees to identify the fraudulent documents from the set
of KYC documents submitted for a loan


eLearning Content Design & Development for one of the leading general Insurance

Business need

Train the sales executives on the policy needs, USPs, key features, benefits and
add-ons of the Tata AIG Motor Insurance policy.

Scope of Work – Content

The company introduced a motor insurance policy for which a product training
video was required. One more video was required to explain the add-ons of the
policy. The target group for this requirement was their sales team and external
selling partners

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created highly engaging animated videos in which two cars were used as
mascots. One of these is insured under the company and it explains the features
and benefits of the motor insurance policy to the other car. This video includes
an animation of level 3 complexity.

TPL’s Training Intervention Outcome

The concept of explaining the policy features and add-ons using dialogues
between two cars benefited the learners in easier consumption of complex notion.


eLearning Content Design & Development for a global company delivering
innovation-led strategy, technology, and business consulting services

Business need

To provide an overview of various departments to the new sales hires

Scope of Work – Content

The company is a multinational organization with multiple business units under
it. The requirement was to provide overview of different business units to their
new (senior) sales employees

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created video-based faculty-driven courses. These videos also include
software simulations. Each course is divided into multiple topics. Each topic
has a video and an LMS-based assessment. At the end of the program, the learner
needs to create and submit different projects basis their learnings from this

Considering the target group, TPL created bite-sized (not more than 5 minutes)
overview videos for each business unit. The overview was individual business
units was provided using high-end animation of level 3/level 4 complexity.

TPL’s Training Intervention Outcome

The bite-sized modules introduced individual department of the company to the
new sales hires across the globe.


End to End Managed Service delivered for for American publicly traded Internet
domain registrar and web hosting company

Business need

To enable the everyday entrepreneurs around the world by providing the necessary
support to succeed online.

Scope of Work – Content

Create a training academy for SMBs, that includes various IT-based courses on
programming languages, online marketing etc.

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created video-based faculty-driven courses. These videos also include
software simulations. Each course is divided into multiple topics. Each topic
has a video and an LMS-based assessment. At the end of the program, the learner
needs to create and submit different projects basis their learnings from this

Scope of Work – Technology (LMS / Technology Platform)

Design, Development & Management

A customised LMS platform was created using multiple independent applications.

SNo of users / learners supported

800 – 1000 concurrent users accessing e-learning content for 200 hrs of duration


Modular, customisable architecture and easily scalable.

Open APIs and is readily integrated with existing applications such as a HRIS
and ERP system.

Platform has ecommerce integration sand payment collections are seamless with
automated reporting

Features supported

Course Player, virtual classroom, schedule, assessments, e-commerce, competency,
dashboard, etc.

Services supported

Tech Admin, L&D Admin, Outreach, Engagement, Coaching, Assignment, MIS, etc,

TPL’s Training Intervention Outcome

TPL’s solution involves career-oriented programs that enable individuals to
become web professionals and allow entrepreneurs to add to their skills.


eLearning Content Design & Development for a leading IT Service provider

Business need

To provide an overview of various departments to the new sales hires

Scope of Work – Content

The company is a multinational organization with multiple business units under
it. The requirement was to provide overview of different business units to their
new (senior) sales employees

Detailed Specs of Learning Offered

TPL created video-based faculty-driven courses. These videos also include
software simulations. Each course is divided into multiple topics. Each topic
has a video and an LMS-based assessment. At the end of the program, the learner
needs to create and submit different projects basis their learnings from this

Considering the target group, TPL created bite-sized (not more than 5 minutes)
overview videos for each business unit. The overview was individual business
units was provided using high-end animation of level 3/level 4 complexity.

TPL’s Training Intervention Outcome

The bite-sized modules introduced individual departments to the new sales hires
across the globe..
















